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How to use disposed of in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "disposed of"? Here are some examples.

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They're treated like pets, to be stared at, and then disposed of like a slave after massa needs to settle a gambling debt.
The Resolution Trust Corp., which disposed of the failed thrifts, had a simpler task because the banks were already in receivership.
Medicines should never be disposed of with other household waste, for safety reasons, or flushed down the toilet, for environmental reasons.
Relief workers say there is a high danger of epidemics because many bodies and rotting animal carcasses have not yet been disposed of.
A large skip was filled with waste and the excrement was separately treated and disposed of.
Used motor oil should be placed in sealed containers, and used vehicle batteries carefully disposed of.
They all know that their own regimes are little better than that being disposed of in Iraq.
In 1999, over two million tonnes of sheep dip were disposed of in the soil.
He also claims that the single use disposable equipment is being re-used, rather than disposed of immediately.
Either way they will all most probably be disposed of before the end of the year.
Under Stalin and the Bolsheviks, any such opposition was impossible and Bishop von Galen would have been quickly disposed of.
This included the torture of more than 100 women who fled El Salvador and were disposed of by being thrown from helicopters.
We got an inn to spend the night in, but when the owner's wife came into our room with a plate of food, we disposed of her quickly.
A group of about 25 infantry rebels formed a line to stop their attack but the mounted units quickly disposed of them losing only 2 of their men.
All pigs on those farms are to be destroyed over the next 10 days, and their bodies disposed of as waste material.
Pressure-treated lumber is not classified as a hazardous waste material, so the scraps can be disposed of at any landfill.
In addition, income tax will be due irrespective of whether the shares are disposed of or retained.
The rubbish was to be sorted and sold on or disposed of but eventually the waste was merely being dumped and not removed.
Tax is deferred until your spouse ultimately sells the assets or is deemed to have disposed of the assets.
Most of these flow from the streets and gutters, where they have been inappropriately disposed of, and into our waterways.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Poor Uriah has been disposed of, and now the lady sends you to look for his bones.
Incidentally he disposed of the suggestion that there had been anything in the way of fraternization.
It is clear that ranter and his colts, as well as the cattle, had not been disposed of at the former sale.
The undistributed outside lands to be disposed of comprised eighty-four hundred acres.
His nephew was securely disposed of for the night, being fastened in his chamber.
If the ward was a female, the grantee disposed of her hand in marriage as well.
What will she say when she knows how a handmaiden of hers hath been disposed of?
Several of these groups were encountered, and in various skirmishes seven Boers were disposed of and a Maxim gun captured.
It is not often that the heiress of a million or thereabouts is quite so readily disposed of.
Punches and juleps were hastily disposed of, and the imbibers quickly sought their places.
It as accurately describes the mode in which articles of trade in the procuress line are disposed of now as then.
All the treasury stock would have to be quickly disposed of, or a reorganization would have to be effected.
I see that you think you have effectually disposed of all complaint by challenging the complainer to suggest a remedy.
My jolly boat was on deck, and I was informed, all my rigging was disposed of.
The result is that surpluses of Army harness can not be disposed of to advantage.
For by them, we can at least get hold of him, and all points in his prior antics can be thereunder disposed of.
The fruiting canes are taken off and are disposed of as in the Four-cane Kniffin.
As to dead meat, the first sale was held on the 5th of June, when 100 carcases of beef and 72 of mutton were disposed of.
But, alas, at last there came to him a note from his friend Sir Nicholas, informing him that the deanship was disposed of.
Scarcely was the Pelagian controversy disposed of when a new heresy appeared.
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