They are not impartial and they fall disgracefully short of what is required following the worst debacle in agricultural history in this country. |
Most mornings, particularly around the weekend, this area is disgracefully littered with fast food bags, boxes, cartons and drinks containers. |
The report before us on the Community programme Fiscalis, a legislative programme, has been disgracefully censored. |
It was set hard by the harbor wall, with Mweelrea Mountain across the water, and disgracefully gray skies above. |
It is difficult to comprehend why Adriana has been treated so disgracefully. |
They are disgracefully overpaid, an issue that is brought forth every five seconds or so, especially when it comes to the price the public must pay to watch these individuals. |
The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead. |
Of course, we couldn't afford it, as we imprison such a disgracefully huge portion of our population, and in often sub-human conditions. |
It is altogether alarming to witness these European' elected representatives compromise themselves by telling lies, acting disgracefully and giving in. |
Just a total waste of taxpayers' money and a disgracefully cruel episode in the history of Eire. |
Could the government House leader explain his earnest championing of the rights of the individual voter when the individual voters of Vancouver Kingsway have been so disgracefully rejected? |
Robert McCartney was in the wrong place at the wrong time but this was no minor bar room brawl, as some have disgracefully attempted to portray it. |
The courtesy, consideration, forbearance, tolerance and respect for human rights which go to make up civilization are disgracefully lacking in the traffic stream. |
A tiny minority of Members of this House were unhappy with the resolution passed by the majority in this Parliament and, disgracefully and improperly, they wanted to focus condemnation on the Sri Lankan Government. |
To those responsible for this morning's commotion in a chamber dedicated to democracy and freedom, I would simply say that they behaved disgracefully. |
Finally, if our national leaders want to set an example of justice and good governance let them disown their own foreign ministers who disgracefully want to put the Agency for Reconstruction of Kosovo in Thessaloniki. |
Now Tony Blair, far from leading a national debate on the benefits of Europe, is conniving disgracefully in a dangerous and populist attack by Conservatives and the media on the European Convention on Human Rights. |