The first step is to discern which pieces should be dry-cleaned by reading the labels on your clothing. |
As far as audio goes, the Dolby Digital 2.0 mono track is pleasingly energetic, distinct, and easy to discern. |
However some have managed to discern a modus operandi, which could be considered clever if it were not so over-used. |
It's also a pity that some voters don't discern the Texas-size gap between these two Yalies. |
Those familiar with Offen's previous work may discern a slight shift in her perspective in terms of theoretical framework. |
It slows so that you're able to discern the edges with startling sharpness. |
Their sharp-eyed fellow lawyers are able to use this to discern something of their current mental state. |
No candidate on the campaign trail is better at saying two opposing things at once, and no candidate's true intentions are harder to discern. |
Fredrickson plays his instrument as a cello, with the ability to give shape to music in which shape isn't always easy to discern. |
Without the clue provided by the title, its real source might be impossible to discern. |
It's basically an attempt to discern whether a sender is trying to sell you something. |
The thanes made haste, marched along together until they could discern the glorious, timbered hall, adorned with gold. |
Monitors and televisions rely on our inability to discern detail at the pixel level. |
Unfortunately, it leaves the public in the position of trying to discern legitimate science from nonsensical technobabble. |
Besides identifying malefactors, grand jurors were to discern problems of public order. |
These magnifications were chosen to discern clearly the structure of the chloroplasts, which were the main target organelles in this study. |
At the very far end of the rostrum one could just discern a tribunal of sapient figures seated around a table. |
Her Augustinian estimate of human nature enables her to discern that our worst temptations arise not from raw hatred but from disordered love. |
Quite honestly, it was not possible to discern the difference between infantrymen, tankers, artillerymen or MPs simply by looking at them. |
Since both saffron and turmeric have quite strong, distinctive aromas, it should be easy to discern one from the other. |
Confusing cinematic spectacle with the horrors and necessities of armed conflict signals an end to our ability to discern truth. |
People seem to regard Fire Island as a utopia, and it's not hard to discern why. |
We will be discerning, and when failing to discern, genuinely contrite, but we will give no quarter to our enemy. |
In it, the authors attempt to discern broad patterns in the health measures, both across groups and over long stretches of time. |
I cannot discern anything tricksy in his demeanour, I really do believe that he is sincere. |
We can discern in his letters an intelligent, well-read man who had strong, almost violent opinions. |
Certainly, it is hard to discern the leap in activity that could justify this level of response. |
Gone is Scud's uncompromising chunky beats and I-Sound's earlier nods toward rave's easy to discern breakbeats. |
The text should be as readable as plain text but you should also be able to easily discern linked words. |
Distinctions between what is recreated, retouched and invented digitally are difficult to discern. |
As soon as her telepathic abilities discern that we have reattained REM sleep, she cries again. |
Like the most diaphanous works by Turner or Rothko, it suggests representational elements, yet one is hard-pressed to discern any in the image. |
The room's wobbliness ceased slightly and she was able to discern that she was in a large bed surrounded in something. |
As we walked by I saw Yrling's and Toki's war-kits, for they were easy to discern by the fineness of the helmets and the gilt upon the bosses of their shields. |
Meaning, one was left to discern, that religion is self-evidently a coercive force for ill. |
Lately though it seems the line between spin and reality is harder to discern. |
Rational people, they contend, would take the time to discern whether the person behind the weapon was an actual threat. |
Only in retrospect can one discern some of the logic at work. |
What the baron recoils from in horror, others discern with a gimlet eye to the main social chance. |
One can discern in the mirror other objects in the room such an end table, a sculpted bust, an oil lamp, an oval portrait and a grandfather clock. |
In this discussion, attempt is devoted to discern the political symbolism he should now titivate himself with in the light of fulfilling the presidential rite of passage. |
If one inspected an unretouched profile photo of Lincoln, pre-beard, in 1860, one can discern the changes made. |
They humiliate themselves in front of millions of people, and everybody with their TV dinner just laughs it up, not being able to critically discern it from a good movie. |
But having skited, it could hardly expect the hoi polloi to discern between true cash and pre-spent cash, or between capital and other spending commitments. |
I fear it may have taken the microorganisms from all these Dumpsters, though in this polar clime who can discern the unliving from the merely dead? |
However, one may discern the Franciscan view within through its intense dramatic realism, vernacularization, and didacticism. |
Looking inside the digital transmedium, we can discern distinct developments. |
Simply treating the state as a superstructural entity precludes any conceptual capacity to discern the movement of value in welfare policy. |
Dreams may be absurd in nature but the senses are not able to discern whether they are real or not. |
He posited a geocentric cosmology that we may discern in selections of the Metaphysics, which was widely accepted up until the 16th century. |
For example, the role of cities as pathetic fallacy for the artist is easy to discern. |
In the new ecumenical reflections on catholicity I discern a Barthian input even though this is unacknowledged and indirect. |
However, the difference in pore size between Recipes 4 and 5 is difficult to discern and their reflectances are similar. |
But, as far as I can discern, they do focused, pragmatic work. |
After all, graphologists discern character from the way a person signs a check. |
The vascular traces are difficult to discern, but at least one appears to show abaxial indentation, a diagnostic feature of Artisophyton. |
Can one discern a hard and fast line between the thoughtography of Ted Serios and old-fashioned spirit photography? |
I take exception to the assumption that simply because I am young I am not able to discern fact from fiction. |
He cannot sincerely consider the strength, poise the weight, and discern the evidence. |
In order to discern these effects, it is necessary to take a look at a few examples from each of these categories. |
Toads seem to use visual cues for feeding and can see their prey at very low light intensities where humans are unable to discern anything. |
The sodomitic rape scene has troubled readers who fail to discern that it is one of O'Connor's deliberately grotesque revelations. |
Cell-phone conversations sapped the attention required to discern important driving cues, Strayer holds. |
Without any visual aid, while standing in the gallery, one can discern foliage blocking our view of her head. |
The lower the power of the desired signal, the more difficult it is to discern it from the noise. |
The Navy has never trained attack dolphins, as they would not be able to discern allied soldiers from enemy soldiers. |
The reasons behind this sudden change are difficult to discern. |
They can discern the size, shape, surface characteristics, distance and movement of an object. |
The ophidian beast began to glow eerily, and Aaron could discern a fine webwork of veins and capillaries running throughout the creature's body. |
Pentecostals teach that believers must discern whether the utterance has edifying value for themselves and the local church. |
Lovley has been systematically deleting genes for outer membrane cytochromes in order to discern which cytochrome was essential for electricity production. |
The rods are more sensitive than the cones, but do not discern color. |
Marx believed that he could study history and society scientifically and discern tendencies of history and the resulting outcome of social conflicts. |
Rosel's attempt to discern strategies of interpretation in the Septuagint is impeded by the different canons of the Septuagint in various manuscripts. |
The Leges Salica, Ribuaria, and Chamavorum were Carolingian creations, their basis in earlier Frankish reality being difficult for scholars to discern at the present distance. |
The Large Electron-Positron Collider operational in 1989 at CERN laboratories near Geneva, Switzerland, can discern particles as small as 10 quintillionths of a meter. |
Echolocation clicks also contain characteristic details unique to each animal, which may suggest that toothed whales can discern between their own click and that of others. |
Like modern-day Kremlinologists, we all try to discern what each question the Justice asks at oral argument signals about how the Court will rule and on what grounds. |
If a man should cast up his accounts once a week, or once a month, he may not be able to discern that he doth grow rich, and yet he may grow rich. |