In Sri Lanka, although the government had not disaggregated the data along gender lines, Oxfam found the same pattern repeated itself. |
Or that broad term is disaggregated into some of its complex components, such as language or religion. |
Should they be allowed to cancel each other or should the first asset be disaggregated from the group with a recognized impairment? |
Conglomerate tests are applied to mechanically disaggregated clasts of a formation whose palaeomagnetism is under investigation. |
This entity should be considered as a whole and the disaggregated valuation of assets should not take account of the evolution of market prices. |
Information and disaggregated data provided by States parties should cover the reporting period since the consideration of their last report. |
The police had undertaken to computerize their database, which should make it easier to access disaggregated data. |
The CFTC says it will soon release disaggregated data going back three years. |
The obligation to fulfil can be disaggregated into the obligations to facilitate, promote and provide. |
The market survey also indicated a stronger demand for more integration between systems than for a disaggregated approach to technology. |
If the data are to be disaggregated by venue type, separate sampling must be performed for each type. |
This calculation is made using the most highly disaggregated national accounts data available. |
In many countries, public statistics are not available, are not precise or are not disaggregated. |
If an entity has exposure to only one type of market risk in only one economic environment, it would not show disaggregated information. |
Skeletal plates in early echinoderms were not rigidly connected, and they readily disaggregated after the death of an animal. |
Individual or highly disaggregated price series are, on average, much less persistent than aggregate series. |
But these were not available for every country or region, disaggregated by priority and on an annual basis. |
Each of these categories is disaggregated into several vehicle types. |
Specifically, they disaggregated gross domestic product growth by states and economic regions as well as by 63 industries and 13 industry groups. |
Likewise, HHS has implemented a policy where they disaggregated the data for Latinos and for r Asians and Pacific Islanders. |
Please provide details on the proportion of public expenditure spent on primary and secondary education, disaggregated on an annual basis according to public and private schools. |
It will aim to provide data and information on trends in financing, disaggregated at the level of each entity, and to amalgamate them for a consolidated statement of United Nations financing. |
All data should be disaggregated by sex and age, wherever possible. |
This Report should also include a short explanatory note for each indicator, stating how the numerator and denominator were calculated and assessing the accuracy of the composite and disaggregated data. |
For the results to be validly disaggregated for each subgroup of facilities as well as aggregated at the national level, sampling must be done for each subgroup. |
Research on acculturation has not really disaggregated whether perceptions of one form of discrimination is more closely associated with the patterns described above. |
Attention to collecting disaggregated data at lower levels of the system, both to identify areas of greatest inequity and to provide data for local-level planning, management and evaluation, is essential. |
In response to the need for disaggregated data, WHO is in the process of identifying appropriate methodologies for data analysis to discern health disparities across ethnic groups and indigenous affiliations. |
The presentation of a disaggregated analysis of the JMP data allowed participants to reconstruct estimates using JMP data but following national definitions. |
In that case, it is important to be able to have disaggregated statistics available for two or three regions that represent the other regions fairly well. |
According to the level of deconcentration and decentralisation, they can be available, in disaggregated form by region, by education level and type and by categories of expenditures. |
The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be disaggregated and consumed as services. |
Investment bankers are concerned that re-regulation will not stop until all the businesses that have been steadily integrated over the past two decades with the encouragement of regulators—have been disaggregated again. |
Companies are getting smaller and businesses are being disaggregated. |
Such data should be disaggregated on the basis of ethnicity and gender. |
Where necessary, offices are to assist countries to improve national data collection systems so that disaggregated data are captured and analysed. |
Hornblende is found in some of the summit samples, as are small gabbroic, plagioclase-magnetite, and ultramafic xenoliths that may represent disaggregated cumulates. |
Our results show that a disaggregated cyclical component corrected by deflators indicates a higher cyclically adjusted deficit in 2003 than the aggregated method does. |
The first element is important because the directors have the capability to act as effective and active bargaining agents, which disaggregated stockholders do not. |