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How to use diptera in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word diptera? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Small flowers and red petals suggest pollination by small diptera or lepidoptera, but the flowers do not appear to produce nectar.
Despite their ubiquity in nature, few studies have been conducted worldwide to determine the ecological importance of mycetophagous diptera.
Identification of blood meals in hematophagous diptera by polymerase chain reaction amplification and heteroduplex analysis.
The most speciose insect orders like the Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera tend to have small genome sizes with very few or no exceptions.
At least seventy-one families of Diptera contain anthophilous species, and flies are pollinators of more than eleven hundred species.
In 1999 we prepared blood smears from all adults to check for the presence of hematozoa, bloodborne parasites transmitted by biting Diptera.
They frequently feed on Hymenoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera.
The Diptera include files, mosquitoes, gnats, midges, and no-see-ums.
The thrips are the first or most primitive order to harbor allantonematid nematodes, which are more common in the higher Coleoptera and Diptera.
Indian chalcid wasps of the genus Dirhinus parasitic on synanthropic and other Diptera.
Such swarms are seen in infraorders of nematocerous Diptera.
Orders Diptera, Acari, and Araneida were abundant on Sapium, while orders such as Thysanoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera were present in much lower relative abundances.
Examples from Classical Literature
The house-fly and the bluebottle fly also belong to the order of the Diptera.
Small capitate processes or organs, observable under the wings of Diptera, attended by a spiracle.
A curious segmental displacement of the imaginal discs with regard to the larva is noticeable in some Diptera.
In this subsection the Diptera, Libellulina and Mantid will find their place.
The dead insects found in the nectar of balsa wood belonged to the orders Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera, with great predominance of Hymenopterous species.
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