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How to use dinghy in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word dinghy? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The aircraft had to ditch in the North Sea and all six crew members were able to scramble out and into a dinghy.
Sir, get your dinghy launched and prepare to abandon ship if your boat is sinking.
We go ashore by dinghy at a pretty stone jetty surrounded by dense trees and rhododendron bushes.
The body of a young woman is found floating attached to a deflated dinghy in the Adriatic.
Between the keelboat and dinghy fleets at Dundee's Royal Tay Yacht Club yesterday more than 40 entries took to the water.
One side of the island has a terrific beach and a large lagoon, with windsurfing, water bikes, dinghy sailing, and safe bathing.
At the Grenada Yacht Club on the eastern side of town, yachtsmen were gathered for a morning of dinghy sailing.
You can tie up your own tender at the dinghy docks or go ashore in one of the harbor launches.
But since this is a real dinghy when assembled, there is no reason any dinghy style leeboard would not work.
In her frantic efforts to climb back onto the dinghy, her claws ripped a hole in the gunwale.
With a practised flip, he righted the dinghy and held it steady while we clambered aboard.
In the meantime, some visiting boats anchor out in the roadstead and their crews dinghy in to the adjacent, landlocked municipal marina.
On his retirement in 1992, CDRE McKay was rowed across the lake in a Navy dinghy.
Standing a moment longer on the shore he watches the dinghy, until it tacks out of sight on the far side of the broad bay, heading for harbour.
She had wide interests, was a keen dinghy sailor and took an active part in youth welfare.
We did dinghy drill in the harbour and this usually finished with us swimming around in the beautifully clear waters of this sheltered haven.
Three years ago, after a serious heart attack while manning a dinghy in a frostbite race, Shields was beached from competition by his doctors.
Being no flimsy dinghy, this sailboat required a lot of muscle to set so much sail.
During the hustle of everyone getting underway someone tripped the anchor that we used to stabilize our dinghy.
They managed to get the 120 lb harbour porpoise into a water-filled rubber dinghy, after it twice gave them the slip.
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A man in the stern of the dinghy groaned, and slumped down into the bottom.
Then somebody who had a dinghy that he did not want asked her if she would like to have a boat.
Then, with a start, he remembered his own dinghy, and how it would betray him.
In the state of the sea, to get on board the drogher from the dinghy, was an operation too dangerous to be attempted.
Greer moved instantly to the rope ladder where the dinghy was tied.
We in the dinghy, as well as those on board, were listening anxiously.
We gave way with a vigour that seemed to lift the dinghy out of the water.
The footage shows migrants jumping off their deflating dinghy to catch life preservers tossed into the water by Zeran crew members.
We arrived on that side and slept the night, we had to inflate the dinghy and we were on the sea for over an hour.
I believe he had seen us out of the window coming off to dine in the dinghy of a fourteen-ton yawl belonging to Marlow my host and skipper.
But the two clambered into the half-seen dinghy and pushed off.
Wagner previously said she may have fallen into the water while trying to retie a dinghy that had slipped free of the boat.
Madden followed, trusting not to hit the dinghy and kill himself.
Firefighters used a boat hook and an inflatable dinghy to bring the bird to safety before handing it over to welfare officers.
The motor boat owner just watched in dismay as half of his dinghy floated by, the bow section still made fast to the stern.
Granet scrambled down into a small dinghy which was tied to the side of the stone wall.
The disturbing image was taken after the dinghy they were in with 70 other migrants deflated 100 metres from shore, having travelled from Turkey.
One woman was sucked underneath the ferry as her dinghy sank, before two other dinghies behind her were also tipped over.
The crew had thought she would founder and had made for the Norwegian coast in the dinghy.
One woman had slipped into the depths and a man had jumped in to help her but the resourceful bobby used a dinghy to rescue the drowning pair.
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