The aircraft had to ditch in the North Sea and all six crew members were able to scramble out and into a dinghy. |
Sir, get your dinghy launched and prepare to abandon ship if your boat is sinking. |
We go ashore by dinghy at a pretty stone jetty surrounded by dense trees and rhododendron bushes. |
The body of a young woman is found floating attached to a deflated dinghy in the Adriatic. |
Between the keelboat and dinghy fleets at Dundee's Royal Tay Yacht Club yesterday more than 40 entries took to the water. |
One side of the island has a terrific beach and a large lagoon, with windsurfing, water bikes, dinghy sailing, and safe bathing. |
At the Grenada Yacht Club on the eastern side of town, yachtsmen were gathered for a morning of dinghy sailing. |
You can tie up your own tender at the dinghy docks or go ashore in one of the harbor launches. |
But since this is a real dinghy when assembled, there is no reason any dinghy style leeboard would not work. |
In her frantic efforts to climb back onto the dinghy, her claws ripped a hole in the gunwale. |
With a practised flip, he righted the dinghy and held it steady while we clambered aboard. |
In the meantime, some visiting boats anchor out in the roadstead and their crews dinghy in to the adjacent, landlocked municipal marina. |
On his retirement in 1992, CDRE McKay was rowed across the lake in a Navy dinghy. |
Standing a moment longer on the shore he watches the dinghy, until it tacks out of sight on the far side of the broad bay, heading for harbour. |
She had wide interests, was a keen dinghy sailor and took an active part in youth welfare. |
We did dinghy drill in the harbour and this usually finished with us swimming around in the beautifully clear waters of this sheltered haven. |
Three years ago, after a serious heart attack while manning a dinghy in a frostbite race, Shields was beached from competition by his doctors. |
Being no flimsy dinghy, this sailboat required a lot of muscle to set so much sail. |
During the hustle of everyone getting underway someone tripped the anchor that we used to stabilize our dinghy. |
They managed to get the 120 lb harbour porpoise into a water-filled rubber dinghy, after it twice gave them the slip. |
Whether bobbing about on a dinghy or crossing the oceans on a Tall Ship, one can learn the mechanics of piloting and navigating. |
Toby brought the dinghy under the cruiser's stern, spilling the wind as he did so. |
All was going well until we spotted a dinghy rowing towards us on the open waves. |
But he managed to right the dinghy and get ashore to rescue the canoeists and bring them back on board the lifeboat. |
Horrified onlookers could only watch, as an offshore wind blew their flimsy dinghy vessel, into deeper water. |
After setting anchor, the holiday makers board their dinghy and make their way over to the harbour-side restaurant of Augusta Insula. |
Fortunately for us, an offshore sailing dinghy race hove into view, half a dozen racing dinghies screaming downwind. |
On the water ducks and coots patrolled the margins and further out was a dinghy. |
I've crossed that distance by dinghy, kayak, tiny sailboat and a little rowboat with an outboard. |
Two men cheated death when they were rescued from freezing floodwaters after their dinghy capsized near Selby. |
There is a large lake in the landscaped gardens, with two islands, a dinghy and lakeside summerhouse with its own jetty alongside. |
These are three towering water chutes, in varying levels of steepness, down which you plunge in a rubber dinghy. |
He took the fateful decision to jump from the dinghy and swim for the shore but did not make it, despite being a strong swimmer and fit. |
At the same time another aircraft with floats fitted landed near the dinghy and picked up the crew and flew off. |
Every form of sailing imaginable is on offer here, from beginners' dinghy lessons on the lake-like waters of North Sound to fully crewed yachts. |
Once when they tried to frighten it off, it seized the drogue rope and gave the dinghy a spin. |
Standard equipment includes a 500-lb, capacity davit for raising and lowering a dinghy to the flybridge. |
The most unusual form of transport was a dinghy pressed into service by Bedford Rotary Club, who traveled some 40Km to Brampton. |
One of the airmen landed in the river still in his ejector seat but was able to deploy his dinghy, while the other drifted off downriver. |
We haul our camera and camping gear, all 600 pounds of it, onto a tiny rubber dinghy and putter out to his boat. |
Fitz smiled at this, remembering his own boyhood dreams as he'd sailed a small dinghy and thought of bigger boats. |
Some other members were on hand to demonstrate how to rig the sails on a sailing dinghy and show the layout of a boat to the trainees. |
So why would any person in their right mind nail their colours to the mast of a leaky dinghy rather than a majestic tall ship? |
The access dinghy he uses to sail is controlled by a hand operated joystick, allowing him a freedom of movement he lacks on land. |
The La Malouine was nearest and proceeded to attempt to pick up the crew that by this time were in their rubber dinghy. |
We anchor alone in the lee of the cay, pile into the inflatable dinghy, don our masks and fins, and spend the next hour swimming with dolphins. |
Meanwhile, two young boys, aged 8 and 13, had a lucky escape yesterday afternoon when they were carried out to sea on an inflatable dinghy. |
A sailor was left fuming after thieves stole the inflatable dinghy he had used to get from his boat to shore. |
The dinghy has three sails and a trapeze, which allows Katherine to lean out of the boat on a wire to counteract the force of the sails and keep the boat upright. |
The first outboard motor boats on the reef were made, according to local legend, by returned World War I servicemen, by lashing a Ford engine to the back of a dinghy. |
But not everyone who visits this exclusive little port considers it prudent to spend the equivalent of the cost of a clinker-built dinghy on a single night's accommodation. |
As I looked at these tremendous pedal extremities, I mused that I sail a dinghy, not much bigger than his boots, on the open waters of the Gulf of Thailand. |
With bigger vessels unfortunately absent, the society turned to plan B, launching five smaller boats into the quay, including a 1943 vintage dinghy used by the Royal Navy. |
As the dinghy approaches the shores of North Avon Island, flocks of sooty and noddy terns swirl up and wheel above the dinghy, squawking loudly at our intrusion. |
I'd say the boat is virtually viceless and a treat to sail, handling like a big dinghy but stable like a larger boat, with a huge cockpit to match. |
His group set off aboard a rubber dinghy, but was never heard from again. |
This is a crane that's been designed by Chris Mitchell, what he calls an access dinghy system, and this is the crane that he uses off the pontoons, yes. |
Officials said they believed Wood slipped off the yacht when she went on deck to reattach a dinghy that came loose. |
On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta. |
After dark, we could hear the sound of oars of an approaching dinghy. |
The men used an inflatable dinghy to row alongside the SeaFrance vessel as she prepared to leave Calais and then climbed on to a metal fender 6ft above the water level. |
As he finished fastening the dinghy in its davits Rose came alongside. |
Coral heads, reef sharks and parrot fish shimmer beneath a plane of water so translucent, that a dinghy moored there not so much floats as levitates. |
A friend invited me to go sailing in a dinghy, again on a stormy day. |
He's really in a dinghy, its mast little taller than its sole occupant! |
Lifesavers have issued a stark safety warning after a family's frolics ended in the desperate rescue of a small child whose rubber dinghy was swept out to sea. |
Laundry was strung on a line across the bow, and on the tarred roll roofing an old dinghy was lashed down, painted with the same lavish decor as her mother ship. |
The other way to utilize your light tackle is fishing from your dinghy. |
You could almost be looking up from a dinghy at the prow of a great ship. |
Even if you don't fancy the idea of living in a rock house without windows just a few feet from the ocean, Moonhole is well worth a visit either by dinghy or taxi. |
Moroccan authorities said last week that the suspects planned to sail a dinghy loaded with explosives from Morocco into the strait to attack the vessels. |
Ian was obviously free to intubate every young lady he saw, and Cait would never harbor the flimsiest dinghy of a grievance. |
The lifeboat located four kayakers, who had landed at a cove east of Spain tower, and the lifeboat launched an inflatable dinghy to rescue the stranded kayakers. |
As the two crewmen parachuted into the sea, the back part of their ejection seats fell away and the bottom part turned into an inflatable dinghy as they hit the water. |
Yet Emma has just returned to her roots, sailing a dinghy in the Clyde with a 15-year-old girl from Helensburgh Sailing Club, and professes to have enjoyed every minute of it. |
First, as companies go, Carnival is more like an aircraft carrier than a dinghy. |
His family endured a terrifying crossing from Turkey in a dinghy before heading for Mytilini last week. |
Recent rescues include saving two men from a sinking dinghy and helping a water scooter rider who had run out of fuel. |
And Tynemouth RNLI was called to a capsized sailing dinghy with two people on board. |
This wacky flying machine is a combination of a hang-glider, an air-craft propeller all built on a light-weight inflatable dinghy. |
Activities include pedalo, kayak, rowing boat and sailing dinghy hire as well as raft building and sailing on the River Clwyd. |
Participants can learn some basic skills before taking the helm of a sailing dinghy alongside a fully-qualified instructor. |
People can take a trip in a sailing dinghy with an instructor for PS1 per person from 10am to 4pm. |
Sailors have choices ranging from an 8-foot lapstrake dinghy to a traditional 17-foot dory. |
Ryan was found floating facedown in the sea 500 yards from shore by the couple in the racing dinghy who tried unsuccessfully to revive him. |
This can only be done if the vessel is designed for this, as in dinghy sailing. |
He is coached by David Howlett, who raced a Finn dinghy at the 1976 Summer Olympics. |
It was founded in 1949 and helped develop the popularity of the GP14 dinghy class. |
It tells the story of the Walker children, who sail a dinghy named Swallow, and the Blackett children, who sail a dinghy named Amazon. |
The lake is home to the West Lancashire Yacht Club and Southport Sailing Club, both of which organise dinghy racing. |
Raising the dinghy centreboard can reduce heeling by allowing more leeway. |
One of the most common dinghy hulls in the world is the Laser hull. |
Tell me more A land yacht looks like a sailing dinghy on wheels. |
A week later I was at a boatshow admiring a pretty little fibreglass dinghy, complete with faux lapstrake 'planks' and a wineglass transom, but without fittings for oars. |
The Royal Lymington Yacht Club, founded in the 1920s as the Lymington River Sailing Club, now has over 3000 members and runs major keelboat and dinghy events. |
Their small sailing dinghy capsized, spilling them into the sea. |
The Callums later acquire a dinghy of their own, the Scarab. |
The Salcombe Yawl is a classic sailing dinghy from the Salcombe estuary. |
The purchase includes over 100 titles that cover a range of nautical pastimes, including cruising, racing, motorboating, yacht and dinghy racing and surfing. |