Basal areas of several woody species differed between the log and forest floor microsites. |
In addition, natural densities of hoppers and levels of parasitism differed among sites. |
The polonaise was usually cut like a princess dress, without a waist seam, and often differed from it only in that it was not full length. |
When reviewers' conclusions differed, the study was reviewed jointly by three reviewers. |
The names of the patients had the same initial letter while the hospital numbers differed by just one digit. |
Useful science differed from practical knowledge by systematically organizing it for the first time. |
Results from studies in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific have differed on the importance of mangrove-derived biomass in the economy of reefs. |
By dating backward, chronologers could use both computations, showing how they differed. |
The glandular trichomes were peltate glands, consisting of medullar and cortical cells, which differed structurally. |
All males had a similar-sized nest, but egg clutch size in the nests differed. |
His appearance differed from the passable but indifferent style I'd been used to in him, often typical of computer programmers. |
Compensation was reduced to recover benefits already paid, but the amount deducted differed from benefit to benefit. |
On this, it seems clear that the classical economists differed from their critics. |
Then, too, he makes allowances for customs that differed from one manor to the next. |
The parameter was identical within each tree, but it differed from one tree to another. |
I still remember the taste of those eggs, which differed from normal ones I had every morning. |
Though eating patterns have differed widely by region and culture, some broad historical patterns can be outlined. |
Comparisons are difficult, since circumstances differed from place to place and from one decade to another. |
And yet there are plenty of examples of ways this war differed from any other previously fought. |
The ability to degrade azo dyes varied between lignin peroxidase isoenzymes and optimum pH for decolorization differed between dyes. |
The predator community found in our study differed from that found in North Dakota. |
While the criticisms differed in detail depending on the type of proceedings which were being considered, the general thrust was the same. |
Mr Walker, who was described as having a grandstand view of events, differed in several areas to Mr Kenyon's recollection. |
Zhang noted that both sinistral and dextral Pa and Pb elements differed entirely. |
The position of women in pre-colonial Nigeria obviously differed in the vast number of ethnic groups in Nigeria. |
Many times this Court's views have differed from those of the House of Lords. |
The four species in the present study had wings that differed widely in shape. |
Moreover, the power factor was actually the only parameter the two models differed much in by the results of my tests. |
Forms of social community and their changes over time differed widely in China and the West. |
Their tactics were not standard, but differed from valley to valley and tribe to tribe. |
Of course, his method of limiting the depredations of crime upon society differed dramatically from ours. |
I was really affected and touched by the sound of her voice, which differed from any conventional idea of a beautiful voice. |
There was no evidence that the magnitude of the effect on allergen skin test reactivity differed between the three parasites. |
In particular, we examined whether pulmonary function and nonspecific airway reactivity differed depending on atopic status. |
Precise laws governed their administration, yet they differed widely in character. |
The new state brought together groups that differed from each other in many respects. |
These immigrants, the Yayoi, were agriculturalists whose physical traits differed markedly from the Jomon. |
He said however that he differed on the subject of war and would set out his point of view accordingly. |
His doctrine differed substantially from the formalism of Hilbert and the logicism of Russell. |
It differed from other provincial novels of the 1950s in that its hero is a working man, not a rising member of the lower middle class. |
In this study, the meanings women attached to food differed depending on where they were on the recovery continuum. |
The sexual subgroups also differed on a measure of gender atypicality in adulthood. |
Marian's background as a tailoress differed from that of the middle-class, educated women who were prominent in socialist politics. |
To the extent that this interpretation differed from that of the Inspector, the point needed no further explanation. |
The researchers constructed hypothetical conversations that differed in terms of their interlocutors, place, and topic. |
This strategy could be implemented in two ways, close and distant, which differed only in the amount of sea room they allowed the weaker side. |
He noted that most police statements were recorded in broken English and differed materially from evidence by witnesses. |
From Late Triassic to Bathonian time, evolution of the southern tract appears to have differed from that of its northern counterpart. |
His reflexes seemed a shade slower than his days in Toronto, and his mellow personality differed from Hasek's intense persona. |
Furthermore, the effects of thermal regime and tomatine on food consumption and biomass gained differed for females and males. |
Wildebeest, topi, warthog, and Grant's gazelle births differed from all predicted distributions. |
All graphemically similar probe words and targets differed by only one letter. |
This issue was most apparent for B. alleghaniensis, for which establishment microsites differed among the three stand types. |
Many sisters were also unable to articulate how being a sister-teacher or a sister-nurse differed from being a laywoman in a similar occupation. |
Its characteristics differed to all of the other financial assets in the portfolio. |
In other ways they differed from the Minoans in being more warlike, having defended settlements, and a strong emphasis on weapons as grave goods. |
Where they differed was in their association of bilingualism to specific languages. |
In each case he shows how they were similar to or differed from their non-Jewish peers. |
They had to put forward a moderate policy platform that nevertheless differed them from the Liberals. |
Though the founders differed on many things, they shared these values of what was then modernity. |
The two brands of monasticism differed in their attitude toward the state, and toward the question of monachal property. |
Athough skimmingtons and charivaris differed from place to place, they all contained similar elements. |
At the time, Micheal and I differed on certain fundamentals behind our work, especially in the area of religious and mystical experiences. |
However, given that all three slopes differed significantly, it seemed arbitrary as to which slope to select. |
Although the two teams differed in their perception of what made India great, they unitedly opposed the diatribes of the third team. |
Chi-square tests were also used to determine if the frequency of issuing an income statement differed between listed and unlisted companies. |
How many were killed and wounded is unknown, for unofficial and official counts differed widely. |
These New Age messages differed little from what some mainstream churches had to offer. |
This position differed from that of the executive assistant since it was full time and filled via an outside search. |
Nocturnal eaters were significantly more likely to report binge eating and differed significantly from non-nocturnal eaters. |
Opinions have differed, however, about non-relative affirmative terms like good and wise. |
Sheldrake suggests that the two starers may have differed in their beliefs concerning the ability to detect unseen staring. |
Nacy rejects the characterization of army officers' wives as either camp followers or women who differed little from other frontier women. |
She differed from all the other models I had met in that she didn't take drugs and possessed a talent for shrewd observation. |
All of these Cambrian forms differed from living onychophorans in being marine. |
Even as the cordon of anti-noise ordinances tightened around peddlers, evidence also suggested that opinions differed on the subject of reasonable enforcement. |
The reported rates of association have differed widely, probably because of varying study design, oral versus cutaneous lichen planus and geography. |
The three groups differed both culturally and linguistically. |
The process of service delivery of employees who were or who had been users of mental health services differed from that of employees who had not. |
These engines differed from the usual rotary engines in that the engine rotated clockwise as seen from the front and the propeller rotated counter-clockwise. |
And yet, despite the fact that Californian winters differed dramatically from those snowy months in Winnipeg, he still felt cold, unfeeling, uncaring. |
There were 26 cheques made out to a range of payees, none of whom received that money and the record on the stubs differed to the payee on the cheque. |
This furnace differed from the previous one in that it did not rely upon the air surrounding the furnace for the air required by its combustion chamber. |
The ASPCA, the NYPD, and the Department of Buildings all differed in comment on the matter. |
The public personas of Shawn and Cole differed markedly, however. |
The celebration was a multilayered borderland where performance, art, and architecture expressed messages whose meanings differed depending upon the observer's position. |
We used virtual stickleback males that differed either in red throat coloration, courtship intensity, body size, or in combinations of these traits. |
Instead, the list of names with front vowels surely differed from the list of names with back vowels in many other ways, phonetically and otherwise. |
The evidence of the appellant and the other driver differed as to their conversation at the appellant's home, the appellant's version being not inculpatory. |
Although light conditions expressed as Secchi depth differed during the later part of the summer, differences over the whole season were not significant. |
In the next set of analyses, we explored whether teachers who differed in the amount of knowledge they actually possessed also differed in their self-assessments. |
These mutations generated variant repeats that differed at one or several positions from the canonical sequences defined earlier for each repeat of the A 2 allele. |
This exercise led him to conclude that, with few exceptions, the six presidents differed little in their publicly stated motives for vetoing legislation. |
If he differed at all from the hundreds of petty thieves and gun-toting sadists who populated the Wild West, it was in the sense that he was an accomplished spin doctor. |
Master cabinetmakers fashioned a low chest of drawers, which differed from the bureau commode, or large table with drawers, that was crafted in the baroque period. |
The 17 studies of sodium cromoglycate tended to involve small numbers of patients, differed in outcome measures, and showed evidence of publication bias. |
The angle between the costal fibers of the left diaphragm and the rib cage increased significantly in both groups and differed significantly between themselves. |
From August 2002 through January 2003, the relative abundances of hydrogen, helium, carbon, and oxygen ions recorded by Voyager 1 differed from all previous measurements. |
However, in style and technique the artists of the Ashcan School are now seen to have differed less from contemporary academic painting than they themselves believed. |
The Hadar hominid would have differed from most primates, in which both these vertebrae are involved in formation of the first costal capitular joint. |
Most breeds were clustered perfectly, and although clustering solutions differed across runs, the same individuals tended to be misclassified across runs. |
Though Fallon and Kimmel have similar roots, both born in Brooklyn, they differed in their aspirations. |
The FDA website contained information that differed from both versions of the PDF guide. |
Earlier they had promenaded around the museum, talking to people and explaining how life in the 18th century differed so much from that in the 21st century. |
As Ruby and Brown point out in, military records often differed from Spokane versions, which generally assumed an oral, rather than written, form. |
The researchers found that the relationship between the height of the wad and the applied mass was indeed a power law, although the exponent differed from their prediction. |
Mitchell Stephens, a New York University journalism professor and author of A History of News, differed slightly. |
The fact that England's revolution was bloodless implicitly grounds his claim that Enlightenment in Britain differed in significant ways from Enlightenment in France. |
That practice differed from the official Portuguese and Spanish cartographers, who omitted from their maps all unexplored coastlines. |
The two Bordeauxs used differed only in the percentage of lime which they contained. |
They differed in the length of the leg but were generally similar in the cut at the top.... By 1770, they bought new hosen. |
The collection of mtDNA haplogroups sampled there differed significantly compared to their modern frequencies. |
Depending on the species or race of mammoth, the diet differed somewhat depending on location, although all mammoths ate similar things. |
Tacitus' Agricola noted that the language of Britain differed little from that of Gaul. |
The woman's stola differed in looks from a toga, and was usually brightly coloured. |
The circuses were similar to the ancient Greek hippodromes, although circuses served varying purposes and differed in design and construction. |
Also, the charters and documents produced for the government in Normandy differed in formulas from those produced in England. |
Aquitaine differed in the level of administration in its different constituent regions. |
Both in foreign and domestic policy he differed from the king, who in November 1411 discharged the prince from the council. |
The paintings of the Italian Renaissance differed from those of the Northern Renaissance. |
The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national, for it aimed at benefiting all humanity. |
It differed from Fox's failed India Bill 1783 and specified that the Board would be appointed by the King. |
Increasingly the Byzantine Church differed in language, practices, and liturgy from the western Church. |
Scottish county councils also differed from those in England and Wales as they were required to divide their county into districts. |
The Irish county councils differed in constitution from those in Great Britain. |
In 1847 he discovered that the optical properties of gold colloids differed from those of the corresponding bulk metal. |
The numbers of helpers required and the form of their oath differed from place to place and upon the nature of the dispute. |
The tonsure differed from that elsewhere and also became a point of contention. |
Congregationalists also differed with the Reformed churches using episcopalian church governance, which is usually led by a bishop. |
They differed in counting the children of believers in some sense members of the church. |
Castles differed from earlier fortifications in that they were generally private fortified residences. |
In this respect he differed from his English counterpart Ruskin, as he often replaced the work of mediaeval stonemasons. |
In this period a particular court culture was allowed to emerge, one that differed sharply from that of earlier times. |
However, in his writing, Chesterton expressed himself very plainly on where they differed and why. |
Even when storyboards were made, scenes that were shot differed from them significantly. |
This differed from earlier writers, notably from Leopold von Ranke, who clearly had a different idea of the world situation. |
Between the 15th century and the 20th century, the area differed from most of the Lowlands in terms of language. |
Mental state reports also differed for thought content, thought self-assessment, mood level, mood-thought congruency, and mood stability. |
Public finance in centrally planned economies has differed in fundamental ways from that in market economies. |
The rare economiser type differed in that it extracted residual heat from the exhaust gases. |
Since Wittgenstein's death, scholarly interpretations of his philosophy have differed. |
The study differed from prior research that there is more balance in familiarity of the dominant language. |
They soon developed oral traditions of their own, which differed from the rabbinic traditions, and eventually formed the Karaite sect. |
This period also differed from others because artistic manifestations occurred in every culture of all the continents. |
Such grounds, and even the definition of pornography, have differed in various historical, cultural, and national contexts. |
The kind of family neediness experienced by homemakers differed between classes. |
The Russian recension emerged after the 10th century on the basis of the earlier Bulgarian recension, from which it differed slightly. |
This partly explains why the experience and length of the depression differed between national economies. |
The Welsh Methodist revival differed from the Methodist revival in England in that its theology was Calvinist rather than Arminian. |
The results of the studies at Berkeley and Chicago showed that plutonium's physiological behavior differed significantly from that of radium. |
Furthermore, the rate of plutonium elimination in the excreta differed between species of animals by as much as a factor of five. |
British and German propellant charges differed in packaging, handling, and chemistry. |
Further, we did not observe necrotic granuloma or vasculitis, thereby, differed from Wegener's granuloma and periarteritis nodosa. |
However, the dialects in Ukraine eventually differed substantially from the dialects in Russia. |
Two estimates of Indigenous life expectancy in 2008 differed by as much as five years. |
The neuter nouns of all classes differed from the masculines and feminines in their nominative and accusative endings, which were alike. |
Many details of the exact phonetics are uncertain, and seemed to have differed by dialect. |
The language differed by area, with different areas having a different pronunciation and often using different vocabulary. |
His successors Nerva and Trajan were less restrictive, but in reality their policies differed little from his. |
French domination lasted less than 20 years, and it differed from previous foreign control of the Italian peninsula. |
A serious problem when creating these writing systems was that the languages differed dialectally greatly from each other. |
These codes differed from the normal ones that covered cases between Germanic peoples, or between Germanic people and Romans. |
Priscus noted that the Hunnic language differed from other languages spoken at Attila's court. |
Doctrines, equipment, and tactics differed from those found in the rest of Europe. |
What differed about insurance going into the 16th and 17th centuries was that these informal mechanisms became formalized. |
Although these dialects of Quechua had a similar linguistic structure, they differed according to the region in which they were spoken. |
The authoritative version was in Latin, with translations into Russian and Manchu, but these versions differed considerably. |
They also differed in that their market greatly preferred the purchase of female slaves over male ones. |
Secular luxury manuscripts were commissioned by the very wealthy and differed in the same ways from cheaper books. |
Calvin differed with Zwingli on the eucharist and criticised him for regarding it as simply a metaphorical event. |
These differed especially on the question of lay patronage, which the Evangelicals rejected. |
If Malthus and Ricardo differed, it was a difference of men who accepted the same first principles. |
Correspondingly, their repellencies against the ACP differed to a certain degree. |
The Roman idea of self-denial differed very strikingly from our own. |
A secondary goal was to determine whether bacterial abundance differed between scute centers and sulci. |
She found that the amount of catechins measured both in freshly brewed and bottled teas differed. |
There were 15 variable sites across the five loci, 12 of which differed substitutionally between the two sequences of 'I'iwi and 'Apapane. |
This allowed us to identify genes from two conditions that differed by less than onefold in expression. |
Total number of oocytes differed significantly between sites, possibly attributable to differing body sizes. |
Caspase-3 activity differed between 7 and 21 days post SCH, falling to prelesion values at the last time point. |
Red knots, sanderlings, and laughing gulls were rarely infected, but dynamic changes in antibody prevalence differed among species. |
Nosher explained how Scrappy Races differed from previous shows. |
The employer, Policy Management Systems, denied Aiken's claim, because the terms of the plan document differed from the SPD and did not provide for such a distribution. |
He did not mention that a series of scholars, notably Isaiah Tishby and Moshe Idel, differed from Scholem and spoke of externalistic messianic dimensions within Hasidism. |
They had differed on when to hold the election, and whether the tax relief should be instituted for both years of the biennium or just the second year. |
Often, the concerns expressed by tenants in one apartment complex differed considerably from those expressed by tenants in the complex across the street. |
When admitted to perfect vision, we shall find, that our clearest apprehensions and brightest uptakings of him below, differed but a degree from ignorance. |
Until 1945, the position of head of the Council of Ministers officially switched between the ministers, although practices differed throughout history. |
The Latin brought by Roman soldiers to Gaul, Iberia, or Dacia was not identical to the Latin of Cicero, and differed from it in vocabulary, syntax, and grammar. |
Arab slave traders differed from European ones in that they would often conduct raiding expeditions themselves, sometimes penetrating deep into the continent. |
But though e both entertained these ideas, we differed in their application. I reprobated Raymond's conduct in severe terms. Adrian was more benign, more considerate. |
He also differed from Gluckman and Turner's emphasis on ritual action as a means of resolving social passion, arguing instead that it simply displayed them. |
The consonants of Middle Dutch differed little from those of Old Dutch. |
Their boundaries differed from existing counties as they were formed from the combined areas of smaller registration districts, which crossed historic county boundaries. |
These ships were likely skeids that differed only in the carvings of menacing beasts, such as dragons and snakes, carried on the prow of the ship. |
However, they differed from those court in their procedures. |
Civil law differed from most other codes of law in the rule that on a landowner's death his land was to be shared equally between his sons, legitimate and illegitimate. |
Bronze Age cultures differed in their development of the first writing. |
They presented socialism as an alternative to liberal individualism based on the shared ownership of resources, although their proposals for socialism differed significantly. |
Arthurian literature differed from conventional version of the legend by treating Arthur as a villain and Mordred, the son of the king of the Picts, as a hero. |
The use of a saltire in association with St Patrick was controversial because it differed from the usual crosses by custom worn on St Patrick's Day. |
A 2008 poll by The Economist showed that Britons' views differed considerably from Americans' views when asked about the topics of religion, values, and national interest. |
These laws differed from most of contemporary Europe and from Church law. |
There is evidence that in the imperial period all the short vowels except a differed by quality as well as by length from their long counterparts. |
Rules that differed only slightly from the FA rules were used. |
The film differed from Chaplin's earlier productions in several aspects. |
However, the worldwide experience differed from that of the early scene in London in that it was based mainly on the pop culture aspect, influenced by British rock musicians. |
The 1914 collection by Frank Thomas Bullen, Songs of Sea Labour, differed from the work of writers such as Masefield in having a more practical, rather than romantic, tone. |
Sir Christopher Wren presided over the genesis of the English Baroque manner, which differed from the continental models by clarity of design and subtle taste for classicism. |
Follies were similar, although they differed from artificial ruins in that they were not part of a planned landscape, but rather seemed to have no reason for being built. |
The system in Northern Ireland differed from that in England. |
In the American South the interpretation of the American Civil War, abolition of slavery and postwar period has differed sharply by race since those years. |
Punctuation was relatively heavy, and differed from current practice. |
The fore-feet of the Yahoo differed from my hands in nothing else but the length of the nails, the coarseness and brownness of the palms, and the hairiness on the backs. |
Moreover, Southern Italy, which was under Spanish rule in this period, differed significantly from the northern half of the Italian peninsula and has been studied even less. |
Although the size classes differed slightly, this previous study reported Summer Flounder and Bluefish in a piscivore guild distinct from small Bluefish and Weakfish. |