Except for one mentally disabled girl, these girls did not differ from other runaways in family background or other factors. |
How does it differ from heated, passionate expression on religious matters? |
Our results differ from those found in chondrocytes exposed to mechanical stretch. |
These uncertainties may cause actual results to differ from information contained herein. |
We do not yet know if this is the case or if fast cells differ from slow ones in some other way. |
Road courses are the only tracks on which NASCAR would use rain tires, but even the tires used on dry days differ from those used on ovals. |
It has allowed states to grant local governments measures of home rule, though this will differ from state to state. |
The models differ from previous approaches in that they are parameterized directly in terms of selection coefficients. |
Vapor phase coatings differ from platings in that it is neigh well impossible to plate aluminum or aluminum alloys from an aqueous bath. |
Vapor phase coatings differ from platings in that it is well nigh impossible to plate aluminum or aluminum alloys from an aqueous bath. |
Their prescriptions, in consequence, dramatically differ from those of the deep ecologists. |
They differ from earlier work, in a slight crabbedness of hand, a somewhat less generous use of space. |
The exhibition this year will differ from previous years in that all the exhibitors are local artists. |
For a reader inexpert in the language, how does Spanish represent or foreground social relations in ways that differ from English? |
In what way does it differ from the sale of indulgences in the 16th century which brought great discredit to the church? |
The orientation of research and development staff is likely to differ from that of accountants. |
These younger descendants differ from Goniatites in their evolute inner whorls, their wider external lobe, and their higher median saddle. |
And how did Huguenot outlook differ from that of their cross-channel puritan brethren? |
It sounds kind of reductionist to sum people up by their musical tastes and how they differ from yours. |
Do generalists differ from specialists in the prescription of cognitive enhancers? |
Larvae of alderflies differ from hellgrammites in that they lack the two hooks at the end of the abdomen. |
In what respects does the way God regenerates us resemble and differ from the way we regenerate ourselves? |
How did the German experience of World War One trench warfare differ from that of the Allies? |
The cognitive changes in this dementia differ from those in Alzheimer's disease. |
Mammals are also amniotes, but they differ from reptiles in the structure of their skulls. |
I respectfully differ from him in his assessment of the effect which this submission had on the commissioners' ultimate conclusion. |
The style of production of independents who work on their own comics tends to differ from that of their contract work. |
The official returns differ from the Register in several places because of typographical or transcription errors in the Register. |
This would suggest the Frisians, English and Scots are similar, but that they differ from the Welsh and Irish. |
Gametophytic apomicts differ from sexually reproducing plants in that they produce unreduced embryo sacs. |
It was also difficult to see how the group's strategies differ from those of more rigorous appropriationists. |
Rather, we differ from other nations only in our high propensity to imprison nonviolent offenders and to incarcerate them for long periods. |
The laws of a game like rugby football differ from norms of conduct enforced by the courts. |
It will differ from normal halls of residence in that each bedroom will have its own front door. |
Morphologically, babblers differ from thrushes and flycatchers by the lack of distinct juvenal plumage. |
If not to defeat him, to question his judicial beliefs as a way of demarking how they differ from liberal conceptions of jurisprudence. |
Values of 2 standard errors of kurtosis or more probably differ from mesokurtic to a significant degree. |
All individuals have different traits and characteristics and differ from one another in mannerisms and mental abilities. |
Thus primates differ from cattle in which the freemartin animal is frequently infertile and virilized. |
They differ from land forests because of the soil types and the fact that the plant life and trees thrive in salt water. |
These varieties differ from typical bean plants by growing over six feet tall and being late in maturity. |
This function of informal language will generate terms and labels that differ from official usage in several ways. |
I don't agree with every jot and tittle of his response, but I don't differ from it enough to write a separate post. |
I will present how Jamaican mesolects differ from other sociolects and finally compare them with General American English. |
Furthermore, the intellectual processes of pathologists during microscopic analysis sessions can differ from one another noticeably. |
How do plants produced by genetic engineering differ from those produced by traditional breeding? |
How do sense-data differ from other data, e.g. from those of memory or introspection? |
Wind patterns along forest walls and shelter belts probably differ from patterns within closed stands. |
The perceptions of college presidents in the 1970's, consequently, would differ from their perceptions today. |
Pilots are also trained to understand and avoid visual illusions, perceptions that differ from the way things really are. |
Chemical toxins differ from biological weapons in that they are nonliving pathogens and require direct infection and contact with the victim. |
Besides their unusually long and dangerous tails, scorpions also differ from other arachnids in having large pedipalps. |
The samples are taken at a rate that may differ from the channel bit rate of the RF signal. |
Heidegger doesn't even differ from the empiricists and positivists in thinking that it was the wrong idea. |
There is evidence that tocopherol isomers differ from each other in their functional properties. |
It's very clear that those six stories differ from stories where a person speaks through a mouthpiece, like a lawyer or a family member. |
Then there are bacteria and blue-green algae, which differ structurally from higher organisms far more than plants differ from animals. |
In general, curve ADC would not be symmetrical because the slope for the reactants would differ from the slope for the products. |
The hyperactive groups, however, did not differ from each other in the number of time estimation errors. |
The furcated branches are commonly bifurcated or, less commonly, trifurcated one or two times, but this character may differ from ray to ray. |
We human beings differ from most animals in that we act upon nature to produce the things we want and need. |
Spatially structured populations differ from unstructured populations in the probability of fixation and the time that this fixation takes. |
The cities of the country differ from one another only in degrees of sootiness, smelliness, noisiness and crowdedness. |
Likewise, the subtree of broomrapes alone does not differ from that of photosynthetic plants in degree of constraint. |
In no cases did callers and participants disagree, nor did their reports differ from those recorded on the videotape, which was examined later. |
Does misogyny differ from misandry? Do good women counterbalance or reinforce the misogyny of negative examples? |
In frozen peas the vitamin C content did not differ from the time they were frozen to up until three months later. |
Non-temporal extrinsic data differ from stratigraphic data in that the linearity and irreversibility of the time element are absent. |
One effect of these changes was to develop a more nuanced understanding of how the past might differ from the present. |
The vocabulary and pronunciation of Canadian French differ from those of the French spoken in France. |
You are a bit intolerant of and vicious toward people whose views differ from yours. |
But it would be interesting to see how the different artistic occupations differ from each other. |
These genera have well-ornamented carapaces that exhibit carapace width and length ratios that differ from the other genera within the family. |
How does such a philosophy of life differ from the theory of multiple realities and infinitely forking paths? |
Closed-end funds differ from mutual funds in that they have a fixed number of outstanding shares, which trade on the stock exchanges. |
How does Lutheran theology differ from Reformed-Calvinistic theology? |
Most English people differ from Hungarians in one crucial respect. |
Particular attention was given to the family of chlorins that differ from porphyrins only by saturation of a peripheral double bond of the macrocycle. |
If so, how does pluralism differ from radical relativism and subjectivism? |
Symptoms of influenza differ from the common cold and can consist of fever with chills, fatigue, generalized muscle and body aches, headache, cough and sore throat. |
Many Devonian species differ from Early Carboniferous species in having quadrate rather than cuneate brachials and in having straight-sided rather than zigzag arms. |
Some researchers argue that non-type specific immunity deserves consideration today because the epidemiological circumstances may differ from those in the past. |
These are delicate, feathery to fuzzy-looking fingers and differ from the more stalactitic and concentrically banded forms that probably result from a different process. |
Further enhancements will guide the user through the development of brachistochrones for force fields which differ from gravitational force fields. |
Conversely, Russian has a complex plural system in which the morphological markers for sets of two, three, and four differ from those for five through ten. |
The intuitionists seldom differ from the rest of us in the number of facts referred to in describing how we come to understand logical statements and their relations. |
Of course, philosophically speaking, where humans differ from other species is that they are self-conscious, in a way that albatrosses and flatworms just don't seem to be. |
Neuroscientists have used MRIs to study how the brain activities of artists differ from those of non-artists in performing tasks like drawing abstract designs. |
Truth does not differ from one age to another, from one people to another, from one geographical location to another. |
How do our research methods differ from those of the social sciences, operations research, linguistics and others from which we have obviously borrowed? |
Scyphozoan medusae differ from those of hydrozoans in lacking a velum. |
This might reflect the fact that the pathogenesis of chronic allergic rhinosinusitis might differ from that of nonallergic chronic rhinosinusitis. |
How does non-biological evolution differ from biological evolution? |
They differ from other artiodactyl horns in that they do not project from the frontal bones, but lie over the sutures between the frontal and parietal bones. |
However, most of the previous sociolinguistic studies compare how basilects or vernaculars differ from acrolects, disregarding variation in mesolects. |
Those that serve the special senses of smell and vision are purely sensory, and differ from the rest in being essentially extensions of the brain itself. |
By placing these fiends under the command of a Satanic spirit, the story encourages us to literally demonize enemies whose cultures and colours differ from the Western norm. |
They also differ from other Iraqis in that their ancestral language is not Arabic but a dialect of Aramaic, also referred to as Chaldean, Assyrian, or Syriac. |
Raised on MTV, video games, e-mail, the Internet and instant messaging, digital natives have developed cognitive thinking patterns that differ from all previous generations. |
Psychotics and schizophrenics differ from normals on a few variables. |
It should be remembered that the buildings of Regency Newcastle differ from Nash's London by being of finely cut ashlar, as opposed to the capital's stucco. |
Caucasians, Africans, Asians, or Inuits are types for a typologist that conspicuously differ from other human ethnic groups and are sharply separated from them. |
Dasein is what makes man's being differ from that of a thing. |
Their flower clusters differ from lacecaps in that some varieties produce sterile flowers with petallike sepals, while others bear smaller fertile flowers with starry petals. |
These differ from the chorioallantoic placentae of placentals, however, in that they have no villi, which effectively reduces the intimacy of contact between fetus and mother. |
Those of us who appeal to biblical or churchly authority would do well to admit the ways in which our formulations of these appeals differ from our premodern forebears. |
Groups of humans that remained in Africa might be expected to differ from those that migrated to the Russian steppes, the Asian archipelagos, or the Australian outback. |
But what exactly is a reboot, and how does it differ from a remake, a revamp or a re-imagining? |
Perigean spring tides are outstanding, while apogean spring tides hardly differ from average tides. |
The diphthongs of some German dialects differ from standard German diphthongs. |
Certain levels of cricket, however, are subject to playing conditions which can differ from the Laws. |
Centipedes differ from millipedes by having a single pair of legs on each body segment. |
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. |
Therefore, in what ways might the processing and regulation of exitron splicing differ from that of conventional introns? |
Human reason doth not only gradually, but specifically, differ from the fantastic reason of brutes. |
The motifs of the rock carvings differ from those typical of the Stone Age. |
Altogether, the standardization of spelling and punctuation caused Blayney's 1769 text to differ from the 1611 text in around 24,000 places. |
The direction of PN will also differ from the direction of a vertical plumb line. |
Hence a PPP calculated using the US consumption as a base will differ from that calculated using China as a base. |
Their style of life, language, culture, and origin can differ from the majority. |
What though thy habit differ from thy kinde, Thou maiest retain thy wonted loving minde. |
This name has since come into usage for almost all versions of the original manuscript even though they differ from each other. |
Barbecuing and smoking differ from roasting because of the lower temperature and controlled smoke application. |
The microclimate on the south side of a building may differ from the one on the north, so that different plants may thrive. |
The wards differ from other cities in having a unique administrative relationship with the prefectural government. |
They differ from science centres in that they are a place where research is commercialized. |
The Irish of Achill and Erris tends to differ from that of South Connacht in many aspects of vocabulary and, in some instances, of pronunciation. |
Hume's main argument concerning miracles is that miracles by definition are singular events that differ from the established laws of nature. |
Such states differ from fully sovereign states, in that they have transferred a portion of their sovereign powers to a federal government. |
The setts painted all differ from one another and very few of those painted show any resemblance to today's clan tartans. |
They also differ from national parks in their more limited opportunities for extensive outdoor recreation. |
The relative percentages of the elements have also been shown to differ from one geographic location to another. |
It does not essentially differ from the word variety, which is given to less distinct and more fluctuating forms. |
The organogenesis and the final structure of the cephalopod eye fundamentally differ from those of vertebrates such as humans. |
Breakfast foods eaten by Fiji Indians often include a vegetable curry with roti and sometimes differ from the above. |
The premedication of otorhinolaryngological patients does not differ from that in other surgical disciplines. |
Apart from the long history, cod differ from most fish because the fishing grounds are far from population centers. |
The North Frisian dialects differ from modern Standard German by a more diverse system of vowels and consonants. |
The Negen Straatjes differ from other shopping districts with the presence of a large diversity of privately owned shops. |
Individual terranes typically contain suites of structures, the histories and form of which differ from those of neighbouring terranes. |
Shadow ministers portfolios can differ from government departments therefore overlap. |
They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two. |
In this they differ from permanently horned antelope, which are in the same order, Artiodactyla. |
These polities differ from states because of their lack of a fixed, defined territory. |
The physical properties of sea water differ from fresh water in some important respects. |
They also differ from rifted passive margins in structural style and thermal evolution during continental breakup. |
On the one hand they did not differ from the current inhabitants of Denmark in skeleton. |
Future climate change and associated impacts will differ from region to region around the globe. |
Apart from bipedalism, humans differ from chimpanzees mostly in smelling, hearing, digesting proteins, brain size, and the ability of language. |
While the details of the story differ from one author to another, the overall plot structure remains much the same. |
Several aspects of ornithology differ from related disciplines, due partly to the high visibility and the aesthetic appeal of birds. |
What is included in income for individuals may differ from what is included for entities. |
Furthermore, Western archaeologists' views of the past often differ from those of tribal peoples. |
The names for the nation of Greece and the Greek people differ from the names used in other languages, locations and cultures. |
Later tribal names differ from the classical sources, but are probably still related to the modern Amazigh. |
These depictions differ from the small inset map in the top border of the wall map, which shows the two American continents joined by an isthmus. |
In English, light verbs differ from auxiliary verbs in that they cannot undergo inversion and they cannot take not as a postdependent. |
The plosives b, d, and g are voiceless and differ from p, t and k only by their lack of aspiration. |
Proper nouns, and all proper names, differ from common nouns grammatically. |
Domesticated plants may differ from their wild relatives in many ways, including. |
They differ from army reserves who are activated only during such times as war or natural disasters. |
They differ from the other species in the subgenus by the small, oval, suborally placed avicularia. |
They differ from the other kits in that they use transposomes to fragment the genomic DNA, whereas the other platforms use ultrasonication. |
Its species differ from others in the genus by having a distinctive type of hair within the grooves of the rachises and costae adaxially. |
Latter-day Saint temples differ from chapels where members meet for Sunday worship services. |
Texas madrones grow in Texas and New Mexico and differ from Pacific madrones in that their leaves are smaller. |
Teratogens differ from mutagens in that they generally do not damage genes or chromosomes. |
Symptoms of laryngeal FBs differ from other tracheobronchial FB aspirations, and they are often more difficult to diagnose. |
Contrarian investors do not merely follow beliefs that differ from the majority. |
Sites with clusters of deep pits are also fairly common in this region, but they differ from those to the east, such as at Coolibah. |
Farmhouse or artisan products, such as Crowdie from Connage Highland Dairy, differ from more mass-produced products. |
How does literature in your native language differ from English? |
Superbimatrices differ from simple garden-variety bimatrices, they explain, by having more than one type of product defined on them. |
Box 1 will differ from your final 2014 paystub year-to-date gross pay if you participated in a 401 or other employer-sponsored savings plan. |
I differ from Bill in that style and phrasemaking occupy me much more than does literary architecture, by which Bill means diagramming sentences. |
The company explains that tocotrienols differ from tocopherols in that they contain three double bonds in the side-chain. |
These electroencephalogram patterns differ from those of controls, in particular over lateral frontoparietal electrodes. |
Postoperative FSH and LH levels did not significantly differ from preoperative ones. |
Haecceities therefore differ from universal properties, since the latter are exemplifiable by a multiplicity of entities. |
The incubation periods of patients with mild cases did not differ from those of patients with moderate and severe cases. |
Plesiobionts differ from each other both in morphology and in behaviour, and at least one of the plesiobiotic pair is a submissive species. |
Most articles have dealt with the new challenges and impacts of digitalized services, focusing on how they differ from more traditional product-related services. |
The genital opercula of the two species of Chinchippus are very similar and differ from other members of the subfamily Saronominae or Ammotrechinae. |
This article discusses key characteristics of NZE buildings, how they differ from conventional buildings, and what that means for the appraiser and the appraisal process. |
The availability of restitution is explored casuistically, via the examination of a range of contextual factors that differ from situation to situation. |
Merchant banks differ from traditional banks by assisting the SME with purchasing its pre-sold goods, as well as assisting in the management of company growth. |
Errant physicians who are sanctioned by liberal boards may receive dispositions that differ from wrongdoers who face more conservative board members. |
We believe this is an indication that hotels sale prices, like occupancy and average rate trends, differ from market to market and property type to property type. |
All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. |
Uilleann bagpipes in Ireland differ from Scottish pipes in that the uilleann piper uses bellows under the arm to keep the bag full rather than blowing into the bag. |
Because of their composition and the coexistence in them of meanders and tectiforms they differ from chimpanzee drawings, which are in many other ways a comparable phenomenon. |
Circuits then are always made within the line of the troops, and it is in this particular, that circuits differ from discoveries and reconnoitrings. |
Specific elements and definitions differ from state to state. |
The reasons for these objections differ from denomination to denomination. |
In this they differ from a motion in a civil process in which the burden of proof is on the movant, and in which there can be a question of standing. |
Domestic sheep differ from their wild relatives and ancestors in several respects, having become uniquely neotenic as a result of selective breeding by humans. |
The Lesser Sunda Islands differ from the large islands of Java or Sumatra in consisting of many small islands, sometimes divided by deep oceanic trenches. |
The customs and traditions differ from one region to another. |
Politically, there are six geographical regions which differ from the others in population, basic resources, natural features, and level of social and economic development. |
After about three convolutions the test assumes the normal patelline mode of growth, and, except for size and distinctness of markings does not differ from Williamson's Type. |
Empires also differ from states in that their territories are not statically defined or permanently fixed, and consequently that their body politic was also dynamic and fluid. |
These two categories both differ from standard Dutch, and show similarities with English, and as such, it is difficult to differentiate between the two categories. |
The mainland and insular dialects clearly differ from each other because they were shaped by Frisian immigrants during several different centuries. |
The East did already differ from the West in not considering every question of canon yet settled, and it subsequently adopted a few more books into its Old Testament. |
These vernaculars both differ from their standard registers significantly. |
These differ from the rest of Pentecostalism in several significant ways. |
Both are based on classical form but differ from it to the extent that. |
They differ from dark milds and old ales in the use of roast grains, which adds to the bitterness, and lends flavours of toast, biscuit or coffee. |
It may differ from other types of loans in that the interest rate may be substantially lower and the repayment schedule may be deferred while the student is still in school. |
Nowadays a parliamentary democracy that is a constitutional monarchy is considered to differ from one that is a republic only in detail rather than in substance. |
Turbofans differ from turbojets in that they have an additional fan at the front of the engine, which accelerates air in a duct bypassing the core gas turbine engine. |
Auxiliary verbs differ from other verbs in that they can be followed by the negation, and in that they can occur as the first constituent in a question sentence. |
These factors differ from mushroom to mushroom. Most of the changes that stimulate fruiting have a negative effect on the vegetative growth of the mycelium. |
Demonstratives differ from definite articles in two major aspects. |
The Prezista group and the Kaletra group did not differ from each other in previous protease inhibitor use, starting CD4 count, or starting viral load. |
Using traditional measures of DMILS study outcomes but based on the tonic and phasic components summed together, the outcomes did not differ from chance expectations. |