The pressures of the classroom moment do not lend themselves to a dialogue about these underlying and indeed incommensurable differences. |
The excitement shone in his eyes, with an interior dialogue clearer than branch water poured over distilled ice. |
Both proved themselves adept farceurs, savouring every idiotic situation and line of dialogue with gusto and panache. |
The fast-paced action and rapid-fire dialogue keep things moving at a brisk pace. |
There was at times a giddy lightness to the film's direction that gave its dialogue an unexpected truth. |
It upcases my dialogue in the template but a quick change of template and everything is back to lowercase. |
This has led to productive dialogue between medical sociology, bioethics, and the medical humanities. |
We instantly raised the volume of our improvised dialogue in order to muffle the splattering noises from the wings. |
Tones are tinny and muddled, dialogue often sounds muddled, and environmental noises fail to place in the sonic space. |
Next, in the standard Chinese version, the dialogue is less stiff than in English but it is flat and unexciting. |
He has waffled on doing away with the Patriot Act, courted the gun lobby and promised vigorous dialogue with the right. |
I would add that the conference's refined dialogue and inquiry did not blunt the prickly sense of more image-trouble lying ahead. |
The script is sharp, without an ounce of fat but with great moments of dialogue that retain a sly, wry wit. |
Well-crafted dialogue will indicate if a character is smart or dumb, honest or dishonest, amusing or an old sobersides. |
I myself had a dialogue with the wagon manufacturers and impressed upon them the necessity to expedite supplies. |
A lot of times in the captioning the dialogue gets misrecognized and mangled into some pretty interesting language. |
In this way, clients gain an awareness of their cognitions and dialogue that affect their behaviour. |
But once a dialogue has been delivered on stage, the actor has no chance of improving upon it. |
The surprising thing here is not the over-the-top mayhem, but the inanity of the infrequent dialogue scenes. |
So it is time to have a dialogue and sort out the problems in civilized ways. |
The skills of working practitioners are found in constant dialogue with the theoretical wisdom of the clerisy. |
The script is a real clunker, featuring dialogue so inept one is tempted to suspect the screenwriter died early in the process. |
There are moments when the dialogue has the delightful inconsequentiality of the Theatre of the Absurd. |
The device of dialogue allows abbreviation of statements without loss of clarity. |
There are no words, no internal dialogue that can quell my feeling of betrayal. |
In fact, the dialogue moves so fast that at one point the film's subtitles actually begin to flash too quickly to read. |
I miss a little of their dialogue as a rowdy French accordion medley assaults my ears. |
The crew recites the dialogue by heart and mimics the actors without an ounce of embarrassment. |
The dialogue is a little quippy and smart-arsed right now, but I'm sure it will settle down as we get to know the various characters. |
It is difficult to see why dialogue negates or denies the existence of authority. |
The performances also seem improvised because the dialogue is fragmentary, tangential and chatty rather than goal-oriented. |
And the woman draws herself up and delivers a stirring dialogue on her right to stay there and earn an honest living. |
Honest and loving dialogue between churches is a biblical and evangelical imperative. |
Suspicion and misconceptions about Zimbabwe can only be cleared when there is dialogue and openness. |
We won't agree with it, and it is not a question of ignoring it, and a dialogue should be carried on. |
Having numerous perspectives from informed members of the community will allow for an educated dialogue and, ultimately, a judicious decision. |
Better a halting dialogue between the right and left hand, full of gaping pauses and impasses, I suggested, rather than a glib ambidextrousness. |
Instead of dialogue and conciliation between independent states, under the Roman imperium there was only the alternative of obedience or revolt. |
Instead, you should see the opening-up of a dialogue with your boss as the chance to keep on negotiating. |
A clear and simplified mechanism will facilitate a closer dialogue between all parties involved in the running of the sport. |
On the other hand, I would welcome any dialogue between Muslims, including the ulama, and sections of American civil society. |
Singapore director Cheek's dialogue presents an interesting mixture of Chinese dialect, English, Singlish and a dose of Shakespeare. |
The audio is quite good for a mono track, with dialogue clear and easy to understand. |
Directional effects are utilized in multiple scenes while the dialogue is all clear of any excessive hiss or distortion. |
These days, I have less and less patience for the corny dialogue and cliche-ridden plots of most games. |
Some of the dialogue is stiff and overstated, like something from a poorly written pulp, clumsily updated by a hack. |
The respectful listening necessarily implied a readiness to change in the light of what the dialogue might reveal. |
It seems he had tried to dialogue with his would-be kidnappers who shot him as he resisted their abduction attempt. |
The talks with Naga elders may be fraught with tension but attempts are being made by both sides to keep the dialogue going. |
Learn how to use verbal irony by crafting dialogue that could have multiple meanings. |
Foreign secretary level talks between India and Pakistan to resume the composite dialogue were concluded today. |
The soundtrack sounds reasonably clean, and the dialogue and laugh tracks are acceptably distinct. |
I mean, we set in place two levels of security dialogue between the two sides. |
The snappy dialogue is there, but the story is full of huge gaps and campy scenes that come out of left field to up the comedic ante. |
Too often companies neglect to inform and dialogue with their own people, especially in times of crisis. |
Fernandez, like many artists before her, engages in a dialogue between artifice and nature. |
We continue to dialogue with local government, and we will continue to do so. |
The turns and twists of the dialogue keep us on the tenterhooks of suspense. |
We want nationbuilders to dialogue fast and rely on force only as a last resort. |
There were long periods with little to no dialogue, and what dialogue there was felt stilted and unnatural. |
Its flowery and elevated diction, however, deny the characters speech that approximates dialogue between real people. |
But the fact that the necessity for dialogue has to be stressed in the more than 50-year-old alliance shows how tense relations are in reality. |
Sound effects and the musical score exhibit excellent fidelity, but the dialogue is harsh with too much noise. |
The only other complaint I have about the video presentation is that subtitles of Chinese dialogue are burned into the image. |
Civil society means we have to be willing to dialogue with others with whom we disagree. |
Craig Storper's adaptation of Lauran Paine's novel is riddled with cornball dialogue that unfolds in grindingly earnest platitudes. |
And we know he goes to Mass, frequently and hopelessly, lingering afterwards for an angry, ongoing dialogue with his patient priest. |
The sets are expensive, the lifestyle lavish, the charm oozy and the dialogue throwaway. |
Whilst the play is performed entirely in Spanish, the well-presented surtitles make following the dialogue an easy task. |
These consist of scenes that have small edits in them, either a few words of dialogue or a joke that was eventually cut from the final film. |
We should keep that question in mind, and keep an eye open for anything later in the dialogue that might shed light on it. |
The action is fast-paced and brutal, and the dubbed dialogue has been peppered with four letter words. |
Excellent dialogue and wryly amusing situations were wrung hard and without subtlety by the two main actors. |
It's all pretentious codswallop and any film that uses such dialogue is begging for critical praise. |
The actors bounce around the stage, infusing the occasionally stilted dialogue with raw physicality. |
Drawings and dialogue combine to create distinctive personalities for these birds. |
I heard no drowning of dialogue under the effects of music, and overall there was no hiss or distortion. |
The audio is clear, with no noticeable hiss or other distortion, and dialogue is easily understood. |
On the negative side, the author's voice is too chatty and the dialogue is overly melodramatic. |
He has said most fighters can be persuaded to change sides by dialogue or better employment prospects. |
I look forward to forging an on-going dialogue with artist, labels, and others concerning this and all related issues. |
Wellman's actors rattled their dialogue off like machine gun fire while Del Ruth's players took their time to enunciate clearly. |
Winterbottom emphasises that although the dialogue in the film is improvised, every scenario was organised. |
Let's have a real, sincere dialogue on that issue and then try to move forward together. |
Sixth, the sound editing pumps up the volume for the bad music, but leaves crucial dialogue barely audible. |
What is delicious about this film is the witty clever dialogue that is distinctly Wilde. |
The suggestions included promoting domestic political harmony and resuming constructive dialogue with China. |
While the score and effects such as gunshots were all done well, dialogue remained muffled on every single disc. |
You said that one of the great reliefs of doing Ibsen is that you have some really great dialogue to work with for a change. |
He makes a game attempt to liven up the dreary proceedings with some clever dialogue and ad-libs. |
In this situation, never has a dialogue among civilizations been more urgent. |
Their potentialities call forth our own, and in the dialogue of which I have spoken, we discover our own inner vision by bodying them forth. |
The government, while it had opened a dialogue with his captors, could never be seen to negotiate with terrorists. |
We have to address our differences not through violent means but with dialogue and peaceful debate. |
This is not to mention the scenes in which the dialogue has been dubbed, laughably. |
So many of the characters and dialogue in this movie are just one cliche after another. |
Obviously, there is a bit of liberty between the subtitles and the dialogue in the dubbed track, but the dub is quite good. |
But it's difficult to dialogue with someone whose ideology dismisses your equality. |
There are no signposts and definitely no laughter tracks, but the dialogue is bone dry and the script hilarious. |
This quartet featured a stunning, slashing, angry modern-dance dialogue between two dancers, then a requiem for fallen comrades. |
One sleepless night Bill was channel-surfing and stumbled upon me in dialogue with one right-winger or another. |
Now how would we know that unless we actually had that dialogue which you commend? |
The dialogue is often difficult to hear and the music sounds tinny and flat. |
In fact, the very existence of the disputes calls for closer policy dialogue between Japan and China. |
I never had a dialogue with them throughout this process, though our manager did. |
Without direct dialogue with students on this question, it is difficult to say. |
Unless it's an outright silent film, you are never going to see a film in which the lead characters have less dialogue than this one. |
We often have verbal conversations, although his dialogue consists mainly of miaows. |
There are some wonderful turns of phrase in this fast-moving novel, powered by sassy dialogue and the jaunty mindset of its heroine. |
For the first time in its history, the forum was to feature LGBTI activists in dialogue with policy makers. |
Laughably awful dialogue is liberally slathered onto the stock adventure setup and the characters' true natures are obvious from the start. |
Their participation will add a whole new dimension to our blog, the ability to dialogue on issues. |
On a more personal note, Dan and I had an ongoing dialogue about our mutual interest in archaeomagnetism. |
Li smiled, acknowledging that his roundabout dialogue had been recognised, unwound and interpreted. |
It was here that the dialogue reached hilarious, and this troupe had a knack for that level of funny. |
Now the six-party dialogue is beginning to inject a new dose of realism into Pyongyang's policy. |
Some of the dialogue falls flat with some forced jokes, but overall the writing is clever enough to propel the movie. |
Since the emphasis is on action, watching with the Japanese dialogue and subtitles works out well here. |
Who are the various constituent groups that we need to dialogue with about this? |
The nations who are anti-war need to make every effort to have dialogue with the men of violence. |
He believed in dialogue among different faiths for the preservation of peace on earth. |
The sound is clear, dialogue clearly understood, and the score is also clear and unmuffled in all its 1980s synthpop glory. |
The absence of meaningful dialogue at the national level about the role of race in teacher quality is perplexing. |
The EU is engaged in a quiet dialogue with the Indian Government in bettering the HR condition here. |
The challenge for the actors was to ensure that the tightly-scripted dialogue flows as if it were completely casual and unrehearsed. |
What's more, the narrative has pace and is injected with witty dialogue and humour. |
Much of the pleasure derives from Mamet's whip-smart dialogue and the enjoyment the actors take in playing it out. |
The mono tracks are somewhat harsh and strident, though the dialogue is always clearly understood. |
Elsewhere the dialogue recovers and proves capable of poking a little borax at the rigid principles and habits of Scotch piety. |
The numbers above the heads of the passengers are keyed to lines of dialogue recorded below. |
Further, dialogue isn't at the fore of the sound mix, as it should be, especially for a dramatic film. |
I will continue to dialogue with local government and encourage it to seek local solutions to local problems. |
Any users who get the unexpected prompt may dismiss the dialogue box and continue working. |
The meat and potatoes of adventure games are puzzles and dialogue between characters. |
It may seem a rather dull conversation, but it is one of the few conversations where Schultze's dialogue is not translated in the subtitles. |
The mono soundtrack likewise shows its age, with a thin, tinny aural palette and a woefully underequalized dialogue track. |
Some maulvis attached to madrasas have attempted to start dialogue efforts. |
It's pretty fun viewing, with an additional layer of wonkiness enhancing the film due to the fact that all the dialogue is looped. |
In both the English dub and subtitles, the dialogue is a bit wordy and stilted, but it's rarely distracting. |
Still, these dialogue issues might be surmountable if the story didn't focus so heavily on unspoken questions and half-articulated criticisms. |
The workshop also highlighted the importance of dialogue delivery and the manner in which it should be done. |
The technical awards are for the best cinematography, editing, choreography, stunts, art, costumes, screenplay, story and dialogue writing. |
Their dialogue is intercut with shots of their initial meeting when Jeffrey knocks Susan off her bicycle while crossing the street. |
Amid the rambling dialogue and semi-lucid metaphors we become privy to a sense of the director's desperation to conjure up some kind of meaning. |
Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors. |
The script is peppered with dialogue that will make you howl for days, most of it being spoken by the Inspector. |
It's an idea relegated to some throwaway dialogue and one disarming scene in which a girl is confronted by a nutcase. |
It may seem that way, but their dialogue is not written for a particular cadence. |
The dialogue between the characters, while littered with profanities and raw language, is verbose and prosaic. |
But the most important thing really is to quiet your internal dialogue and experience the stillness that's in you. |
The show offers some whip-smart dialogue and a central father-daughter relationship with seemingly boundless opportunities for conflict. |
The sparse dialogue is as mind-numbingly declamatory and unsubtle as political oratory or operatic aria. |
Of course, the dialogue is still atrocious, and the actors' delivery of it is poor. |
Let's continue the dialogue about population health and dietetics in Practice. |
Silence is more expressive than dialogue and poetic lyricism dominates spectacle. |
I was brought in to, essentially, write some voice-over dialogue and narrative for it, to buttress the story. |
These struggles were only the beginning, as similar feelings about dialogue and narrative nagged the back of my mind. |
There is no hiss or distortion to interfere with the dialogue and corny special effects. |
Their intense dialogue was somehow interrupted by the deep male voices approaching. |
The dialogue participates in this uneasy sense of dislocation, being composed of vocabularies that effect various degrees of depersonalisation. |
The entire dialogue is subtitled, with Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew spoken throughout the movie by the cast. |
This dialogue grows out of an article in the April 6 issue of The New Yorker deploring the state of movies today. |
Listening to the dialogue between the wind and the windmill produced a feeling of old fashioned romance. |
Just as ridiculous as the teary dialogue he shares with his poorly scripted wife. |
Still, these are threads rather than a dialogue until the piano plays an infectious melody around which the music weaves a joyous romp. |
Compared to Europe labour unions and social dialogue in Latin America are still playing a minor role. |
Mercer's dialogue required highly accomplished actors with years of theatrical experience. |
The sound mix is quite strong in terms of dialogue and sound effects, but I felt like the music was dialed down a little too low in many scenes. |
The soundtracks of all the films in the trilogy are a mix of theme music as well as on-screen sound, but, importantly, no dialogue or voiceover. |
If nothing else, he calls on the church to theologize in its contemporary global context in dialogue with the theologies of the Old Testament. |
She uses non-realistic devices from fairy tale and a playful allusiveness to other texts in both dialogue and third-person narration. |
The dialogue alternatingly sparkles or darkens as various nooses, comic or otherwise, steadily tighten. |
The following passage is not a lame excuse but an attempt to explain the situation and engage in a dialogue with you. |
Pulling out all stops, the actors beat the rain, remained focused, and the dialogue flew thick and fast. |
Here again the literary dimensions of the dialogue are presented as bearing on its philosophical content. |
If that relationship is to be rescued now, the government needs to set its dialogue with business on much more honest foundations. |
The dialogue runs true and overall you'll experienced a roller coaster of an adventure among hustlers, high rollers, sharpies. |
He encouraged legal reform, promoted dialogue with secessionist leaders, and attempted to end discrimination against the ethnic minority. |
Unable to turn speech into audition, excretion into alimentation, he cannot sustain the illusion of dialogue and interaction. |
Most of the passengers cannot speak each other's native tongues and so virtually all of the dialogue is in English. |
After the meeting, the delegates voiced satisfaction over the reinvigoration of political dialogue between the two countries. |
Chopin's Preludes return independence to the hands in order to display a new kind of allusive dialogue between them. |
The agreement placed a greater emphasis on dialogue between the EU and recipient states. |
The teacher created an ongoing dialogue about universal issues such as friendship, empathy, kindness, and helpfulness. |
While one can gauge a tiny bit of tinniness in the scoring, the dialogue is always understandable and easy to hear. |
The overall effect of the changes described above has been to allow firms to re-enter a direct dialogue with each of their customers. |
The key takeaway is to initiate, or re-initiate, this dialogue within your organization. |
The dialogue is often poignant and moving, but the play is never allowed to slip into sentimentalism. |
I am not a supporter of the censorship of any voice, but I do believe the dialogue must be framed respectfully. |
We're not just wanting a dialogue with the government-we need the government to move towards us. |
With crisp dialogue and nice separation among the available channels, many scenes begged for the richness of a true surround mix. |
Our commitment to peace, dialogue and amity between the two countries remains. |
There were strong dialogue scenes with the caretaker and emotional scenes at the crater itself, but no real logical way to sequence them. |
But in the end the film is sunk by toe-curling dialogue and transparently awkward emoting. |
Music playing underneath dialogue is occasionally used to advantage when the actors' voices are effectively jamming with the instruments. |
It would read even faster had he paragraphed the dialogue out, but then again, that would have doubled the length of an already weighty book. |
Secondly, members will examine how to continue the dialogue begun in Barbados. |
The viewer is left to create a large amount of continuity out of the dialogue and scenes that wander aimlessly. |
He plays multiple characters, simultaneously, in bizarre sketches without using dialogue and relies only on body language and voice intonation. |
Somewhere even the dictators and autocrats who send ambassadors to dialogue with ambassadors from free states know that to be true. |
Next to this biography, Phillips describes his own therapeutic dialogue with an anonymous patient. |
All the talent in them went into the songs and the dialogue was left to stretch unnaturally between show-stoppers. |
Spontaneous dialogue delivery interspersed with humour and the individualistic use of dance and music make this art form impressive. |
The dialogue seems spontaneous, though Hawke, Delpy and Linklater spent months refining and reworking it. |
A successful dialogue can be conducted only if we listen to each other with rapt attention so that we can understand each other. |
The girls on the team have shrill voices and the boys sound like they are 35, made worse by dialogue mixed too loud. |
Without dialogue and a lively sense of interdependence, both traditions will eventually die and become sterile. |
The audio is clear of noise and both dialogue and music are rendered faithfully. |
I'm keen to know if there are concrete, significant scale examples of interfaith dialogue work having any impact. |
Ten policemen, waving truncheons a little too enthusiastically, have closed the road so that the dialogue can be recorded. |
Of course, many would argue right now the huge issue is in fact interfaith dialogue and interfaith harmony. |
Fans of great dialogue and spirited acting are recommended to check this film out. |
Some of the scenes are alternate takes of scenes involving subplots that were abandoned but containing important dialogue that had to be reshot. |
In fact, all of the most controversial scenes and lines of dialogue stem directly from the Gospels, chapter and verse. |
We may not be able to institute change, but apathy is the death of all dialogue and debate. |
A poor script with bad dialogue and a cheesy, contrived family crisis doesn't help her much. |
He was not able to establish a lasting dialogue with the United States at that point, however. |
He also points out a bit of censorship when one line proved too hot for the dialogue track, though it's there for lip-readers. |
A governing body kept tabs on what the public was watching, and there was constant dialogue with the producers of the shows. |
Jakarta now needs to take the lead and continue the dialogue begun in Geneva to ensure a lasting peace. |
But the action moves at jet-propelled speed in Braham Murray's production and the dialogue is bright, sharp and funny. |
What do you do to try and keep the storylines and dialogue feeling authentic? |
A master of image and mood, he seems deeply uncomfortable with dialogue and structure. |
The sound is stereo, and is a bit bass-heavy and muddy, but dialogue is easily heard. |
Because of the taboo associated with this topic no real dialogue can take place. |
I am not so interested in endless dialogue with the already converted, but I am fascinated by the thoughts and feelings of the unconverted. |
Muffled sound renders some of the dialogue inaudible, particularly a joke in the opening scene. |
Sure, the acting is laughably awful and the dialogue is unintentionally hilarious. |
It is only in recent years that the dialogue between the two Churches to heal the schism has been effectively re-opened. |
It's an audacious bit of dialogue for a cheapo skin flick starring some of the most naturally chesty gals you'll ever see in your life. |
The film's long interior dialogue scenes, shot on traditional sets, are less convincing. |
Politically loathsome as the character may be, the actress found herself inventing dialogue to humanise the gorgon. |
He encouraged dialogue between the wealthy industrial nations and the underdeveloped countries. |
The score and dialogue suffer from the usual hatchet job on the highs and lows, leaving the music sounding a bit on the harsh side. |
Some of the dialogue is delivered in a stilted manner, and some of the plot devices a bit forced. |
The scriptwriter's Danish, right, and because they haven't corrected his dialogue a lot of it sounds really stilted and forced and unnatural. |
It has just the right amount of preposterous dialogue and clunky transitions to draw potential hate-watchers too. |
There is a dialogue between Yama and the boy about the primordial Fire and sacrificial rituals to attain to heavenly life. |
Both of the schoolgirl characters are portrayed convincingly, the dialogue being sharp, punchy and humorous. |
The religious dialogue and structure of the narrative eventually sags under its own weight. |
The dialogue is even more aimless, the image quality is bad, and the acting is not up to par. |
The accents are at times difficult to understand but add to the appeal of the production and transform Synge's dialogue into lyrical poetry. |
Education brings about dialogue and hence the society could be changed for the better. |
Armed with this information, patients may find it easier to dialogue with their doctors. |
The script provides them with funny, witty dialogue throughout, not to mention the occasional sight gag. |
A master both of English prose and of the dialogue form, he is remarkable for his lucidity, grace, and dignity of expression. |
Yes, some of the dialogue is cliche and a few of the characters are fairly stock types that we've seen over and over again before. |
It is mainly dialogue driven with musical interludes, and the music is virtually the only time the rear channels are utilized. |
She lays on the hayseed vernacular awfully thick, both in her dialogue and her narration. |
Brooks' dialogue is punchy and fast, each sentence giving new insight into the characters' often-strange behavior. |
I remember nervously calling the meeting to order, wondering what our full day of dialogue would bring. |
The dialogue may be risible and the characters two-dimensional and shallow but, for a while at least, it doesn't matter. |
Until that point, you must simply bear the horrible dialogue and two-dimensional characters. |
This leads to comedy gold as cartoon characters take standard courtroom drama dialogue and turn it on its ear. |
Genetic art can help provoke public dialogue about bioengineering and its effect on society. |
They'd have bleeped chunks of the dialogue out if this had been live on E4 though. |
To engage any detainer in such useless, if not dangerous, dialogue only enables a captor to spend more time with the detainee. |
The music is a mixture of gospel, blues and jazz and the dialogue is quick and witty. |
He was witty, teasing and flamboyant and his dialogue delivery racy and sardonic. |
These were carried out for the annotation of anaphor types and their antecedents, and for the segmentation of the dialogues into dialogue acts. |
It is hoped that a dialogue with the Trust can be maintained and that the situation will be resolved fairly. |
The jazz-flavored score sounds terrific and most of the dialogue can be heard. |
It's great to hear Rich and Stew's classic dialogue again, all best washed down with a flask of weak lemon drink. |
On our part, we are fed zoological lies and stop-action sea life, affected dialogue and miniaturized characterizations. |
His writing is compact, there is description and dialogue here, but nothing extraneous to the plot, or plots, of which there are many. |
Besides, many action actors get paid by the line, so never use dialogue when a slow-motion close-up and a violin score will do the job. |
Also, Morag kindly squizzed over my script with me last night and I feel so much happier with the dialogue write-up, now. |
With its nondescript, brainiac anti-heroes and dialogue crammed with technospeak, it is the ultimate geek movie. |
Tradition for me comes from establishing a dialogue with something rather than blindly following an age old or ossified system. |
With richly textured dialogue set in the midlands, the play tells the story of Hester Swane as she battles to come to terms with rejection. |
What difference does it make that he's reading his words on pages of color and ink, the dialogue in word balloons? |
This juxtaposition is exemplary of the divide and attempted dialogue between contemporary art and popular culture. |
The sound of what is being said is just as important as the words themselves in what is, in a sense, a dialogue between reason and emotions. |
There was for a period a constant dialogue between journals, groups, and individual creators. |
Rather, the writing spoofs the witty, slangy, often over-written dialogue of movies and radio broadcasts of the time. |
The manic dialogue is crisp and clear so you'll catch every bold-faced joke and subtle innuendo. |
The game lacks any kind of flow due to the often mind-bending puzzles and silly dialogue sequences. |
Its main purpose is narration, and the dialogue comes through clean and undistorted, so it achieves its aims quite amicably. |
Rear speakers are constantly engaged with dialogue sounding undistorted and clear. |
Granted, a film doesn't always need to make a person think or cause deep contemplation, but is good dialogue too much to ask? |
The director has over-dubbed the entire soundtrack and the dialogue is a studio-based whispery murmuring. |
Yes, this is all just history, and therefore of no interest to the chauvinistic babblers who dominate the national dialogue on US airwaves. |
I'm making a very stylized film, and yet the dialogue and characters should be pretty real. |
One of the amazing aspects of this stylistic tour de force is that every line of dialogue is sung. |
The audio is full, with intelligible dialogue and good use of bass in the music. |
The movie moves slowly, cuts out Balzacian dialogue and adds new dialogue of its own. |
In it, he established a flair for dialogue and character already familiar to the theatre-going public. |
The dialogue and the acting are strained and unconvincing, and far too complacent considering the events under consideration. |
Their enduring commitment to civil society, interfaith dialogue and secular education has helped halt the slide to conservatism. |
Similarly, you can't make unfunny dialogue funny by repeating it over and over at increasing volume. |
The film was written by Laurence Coriat, who has an ear for the sort of unadorned, matter-of-fact dialogue that says a lot by what it leaves out. |
The film is filled with humorous dialogue that is often sweet without being saccharine. |
Over the next five years, Sturges produced a series of comedy masterworks, combining zipping dialogue with lark-about action. |
The few spurts of humorous dialogue are like, well, an oasis in the desert. |
There is very little dialogue in the film, furthering the, at times, oppressive silence weighing upon the viewer. |
A dialogue between various strata, castes and tribes within the Dalit community has been initiated. |
Musically, Brahms spends little time depicting the dialogue of the fourth, fifth and sixth stanzas of the poem. |
Far from the old-style duet where the secondo is merely playing backup for the primo, this duet features a wonderful dialogue between the parts. |
He says the proof of advergaming's success over other forms of online advertising is in its ability to start a dialogue with consumers. |
Sound quality is solid if unspectacular across the board, though the dialogue is a mite whispery in places. |