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How to use deviation in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word deviation? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The average numbers and average deviation of five measurements are reported.
One indexing line on the disk equals one centimeter deviation at 100 meters.
Standard deviation is a statistical concept that denotes the amount of variation or deviation that might be expected.
He is not a big spinner of the ball anyway and this means he is totally reliant on the rough for any deviation.
Various measures of central tendency and dispersion were calculated, including the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and skew.
The minimisation of bias, the systematic deviation of results or inferences from truth, is a fundamental principle of medical research.
Examine his nose for any obstruction, such as polyps or septal deviation, and whether unilateral or bilateral.
One such indicator is the degree of deviation from bilateral symmetry of faces and bodies.
In these graphs, vertical error bars represent 1 standard deviation, calculated from binomial statistics on the number of visits.
The areas of troilism and coprophilia are covered in some detail to establish to what degree they belong to the deviation of voyeurism.
The sequences were analyzed for randomness in dinucleotide frequencies and no statistically significant deviation was found.
And there was no statistically significant deviation in incidence rates of other cancers attributable to radiation exposure from the accident.
By defining criminal activity as deviation, his solutions demarcate knowledge as separate from violent power.
He was as interested in the sacred as in the profane, in devotion and deviation alike.
Things that would otherwise be impossible to say are precisely suggested by just the degree of deviation from the expected or the customary.
This index represents cumulated deviation between the variance-adjusted culture score of partner countries.
In forex, as in the stock market, any deviation from the norm can cause large price and volume movements.
The deviation resulted because the counterparts held by me did not include Computer's signatures.
Market risk is the standard deviation of the firm's daily returns over the fiscal year.
The average experimental residue pKs are slightly stabilized relative to what is found in small peptides with a modest standard deviation.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But some little deviation from the precise line of rectitude, might have been winked at in so tortuous and stigmatic a frame.
In admiralty law, not to be presumed, even under concealment of letters, or deviation from truth in formal papers.
He has since started a salaam tic, and finally a torticollis with deviation of the eyes.
And against the first target the accuracy observed was about .7 mils, in standard deviation.
It is very rare to find a deviation of the nasal septum without some accompanying spur or ledge.
We cannot help remarking the danger of the least deviation from the path of rectitude.
In all your dealings with her, can you tax yourself with no deviation from wisdom?
A curious deviation is apparent in the following instance, taken from the cartulary of Malmesbury.
So in fuchsias, a very common deviation consists in a trimerous and rarely a dimerous symmetry of the flower.
Thus, the spectrum formed by flint glass is longer than that formed by crown glass, for the same deviation.
We should propose, then, to introduce a distinction between the hereditability of deviation and that of character.
In optics, the deviation of the rays of light from the true focus, when inflected by a lens or speculum.
For each measurement, the coefficient of variation, standard deviation and probable error were computed.
And against the first target the accuracy observed was about.7 mils, in standard deviation.
The compass corrected for Variation and deviation will show your course.
The view from the summit, made up for the deviation from my route.
Confound it, I can make allowance, sir, if you'll tell me your deviation!
Elegy, as we have seen, was the first slight deviation from epos.
Such deviation is technically known as magnetic declination.
Do not blame him, however, for departing from his character, where the deviation is necessary.
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