I feel this need to show people we can do it on our own but I recognize how silly and destructive and completely juvenile this attitude is. |
Some of these destructive species include beavers, muskrats, elk, deer, voles, marmots, prairie dogs and geese. |
We've written here how short-sighted and destructive Wall Street logic is, and to many it indeed looks relentless. |
Now there's movement to reduce the risk of destructive wildfire by increasing conditions for wildfires of renewal. |
Conflict is often necessary and useful to an organization, although destructive conflict can breed mistrust and stagnation. |
There is a kind of aimless destructive energy in the villains who speak of their purpose. |
We are still trapped in a destructive mindset, never mind the even-worse Americans. |
However, very few residents can deny the destructive knock-on effects that the spiralling prices may be having on the community. |
Valen's counterfeit mutated into a destructive alter ego that was usually kept safely secluded in the subconscious. |
Ignored is the internal transfiguration of African-American life that often plays itself out within the community in powerfully destructive ways. |
It represents a process that is actively destructive of people's views of themselves, and their relationships with each other. |
Is the train of tragic events that follows a manifestation of its destructive nature? |
Coles further suggests that migrancy and poverty, in addition to the physical squalor they often generate, are destructive to the personality. |
This vacation package is all-inclusive, complete with neuroses, vices, and other fine destructive habits. |
We reject your attempt to portray our community as a howling wilderness of thieves as a baseless and destructive smear. |
Crows, Cuckoos and Parakeets are very destructive, parakeets not only destroy fruit tree buds but also raid nests and kill nestlings. |
Oxidative stress is the term given to the destructive process caused by free radical molecules. |
Witness the devastation from one of the most destructive events in human history. |
But the dissolution of the chantries, which included almost all non-educational collegiate churches, was even more destructive in this respect. |
The emphasis in Tai Chi is to channelize the potentially destructive energy in such a manner so that it will dissipate the energy harmlessly. |
But then came a destructive burst that stripped the home team of the points. |
Rabbits and opossums, which were okayed by the Government of the time, have had an enormous and destructive impact on our environment. |
Deep in her eyes, she had heartache, pain, and anger swirling together in a destructive mass. |
House wants to stick us with the tab for prolonging our destructive dependence on fossil fuels, foreign oil and dangerous nuclear technology. |
I'm just committed to extirpating self-destructive and destructive passions. |
I think some knowledge can be highly destructive, and all too often in this game, it is. |
Bob was enabled and allowed to pursue this kind of destructive behaviour because he was a minor TV star. |
Gerald suffers in his relationship with Gudrun, his mixture of violence and weakness arousing a destructive demon in her. |
Do I have the capacity to stand back from the deep emotions and not get mired or lost in destructive thoughts and feelings? |
The factors initiating the destructive process are largely unknown, but genetic and non-genetic factors are involved. |
The most violent volcanoes occur at destructive plate margins, where one plate is consuming another. |
What would make them turn to such violent and destructive actions to destroy their own country. |
It hurts when you know that someone has set out to be vindictively destructive and to target your church. |
These words express fear of the possibility of a destructive risk that lurks in poetry. |
To continue this unnatural, unauthentic, and destructive behavior, men and women must lie to themselves. |
Among the variations of scleritis, necrotizing scleritis with inflammation is the most destructive. |
Two of them are non-destructive methods, while the third one is a destructive method. |
As far as community activism is concerned, do not victimise people with unfounded and destructive remarks or allegations. |
Clearly this is counterintuitive to the more common assumption that large gangs of malevolent youths are vicious, destructive, soulless morons. |
Twisted metal and buckled bulkheads bore witness to destructive forces of the British torpedoes that had struck on the freezing April night. |
Our western and south-western gusts of wind are very destructive to the vine when it is in the full vigour of growth. |
Many were from broken homes, single-parent families or blended families, where drugs and alcohol played a destructive role. |
This is coercion, an usurpation of personal autonomy, and deeply destructive of human freedom. |
A biological weapon can be as destructive as a nuclear weapon and more destructive than either a chemical weapon or nerve gas. |
It's just that, as a vegan, I'm sick of reading misinformation paid for and peddled by hugely rich, destructive corporations. |
Of course, the longer that lack of heart and soul and courage and energy remained, the more it became a way of being, a destructive habit. |
Some of the most destructive garden pests are the worms that destroy the brassicas. |
The frame is braced with a steel support to preserve its integrity, and then the destructive fun begins. |
Many of our Evangelical traditions are unscriptural and destructive of our growth in Christ, as we have pointed out. |
That could lead to development destructive to wilderness areas and even national parks. |
And it will zap aphids, borers and other destructive insects that eat flowers and leaves. |
Since it was built over a deep gorge, it was well protected against destructive forces. |
The side effects of sedatives and calming drugs like Prozac used for destructive, anxious and fearful pets make animals sleepy or lethargic. |
The U.S. muffed that opportunity to nip this kind of behavior, so destructive of the global marketplace, in the bud. |
The shallowness of the water limited the tsunami's destructive power, but flooding was extensive. |
After several of the local townsfolk turn up dead, all eyes fall upon this disturbed and destructive kid. |
Subcutaneous injections of benzol in rabbits produce marked destructive changes in the hematopoietic organs, especially in the myeloid tissue. |
It is a sophisticated political response to a techno-scientific culture he viewed as primitive, destructive, benighted. |
Thunderstorms containing mesocyclones are known as supercells, and sometimes produce destructive tornadoes. |
Nature is a destructive force whose influence provides the frame for human action and its causal consequences. |
Ending a corporation's right to exist if it is destructive to human beings sounds like self-preservation to me. |
It looks to me like this silliness is rather quickly morphing into being both destructive and self-defeating. |
The Mediterranean fruit fly, commonly called the medfly, is one of the world's most destructive agricultural pests. |
The product of a broken home, Tim seethes with a silent rage that manifests itself in exceedingly destructive ways. |
Last week again Afghanistan was subjected to the awesome destructive power of the zilzila. |
It's terrible that a sword meant to save mankind from tyranny is corrupted to sanguine and destructive ends. |
Even scarier and more destructive than volcanic mudflows are pyroclastic flows or glowing avalanches. |
It's 60 years ago tomorrow since the world became aware of the awesome destructive power of the atom. |
Once inside the target, burning uranium is another part of the bomb's destructive power. |
Stress-induced destructive behavior may also result from a phobia to thunderstorms or other loud noises. |
For their disregard of the ruinous and destructive consequences of a hyperindustrialism without end, is itself a form of aggravated nostalgia. |
Then she switches into attack mode, and plays destructive head games until the relationship lies in ruins. |
Weber saw routinization and mechanization as ultimately destructive, that is, as eroding the spirit and capacity for spontaneous action. |
His benign nihilism seems only logical within a society consumed by conflicting and destructive beliefs. |
Supermarket food is also packed with sugar, which is not only fattening, it is also arrantly destructive to the body. |
His stupidity is of a far more complex and destructive type than pure simplemindedness. |
Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades are also prohibited at the memorial because of the destructive nature of the contraptions. |
What is destructive is getting married when limerence is the only thing that's drawing you together. |
Nine on the Richter scale indicates an earthquake of absolutely awesome destructive power. |
The destructive blast impacted with the road to the left of the middle Jeep. |
They also warned that H-bombs could be built that were a thousand times more destructive than the A-bomb. |
The biggest danger of QE one that no economist would deny is the destructive inflation that it unleashes. |
That would be destructive to the process, because that would start walling things in and out. |
It should be remembered that the army had a first strike doctrine, which dragged Europe into an unnecessary and highly destructive maelstrom. |
In 568 the Lombards invaded, a people even more wantonly destructive than the Vandals. |
He had to fly in that cruel place, where the air is as destructive as a nuclear blast, for 4,000 miles. |
This game of electoral leapfrog might be in the best interest of individual states, but it's destructive to the national interest. |
At the same time, the destructive capacity of modern warfare heightens the need to limit the use of force. |
The origin of this destructive phenomenon is a quantum-mechanical interaction between the spins of the electrons and the atomic magnetic moments. |
In 1978, a tropical cyclone, with destructive winds and huge waves, washed away large sections of the jetty near the shore. |
From her wasted and emaciated appearance, we may fairly infer, she also fell a martyr to this destructive and poisonous liquid. |
But both extremes, rugged individualism and ruthless collectivism, are unbalanced and destructive. |
Sadly this will set a very destructive precedent, which could place the future of our liberty in grave jeopardy. |
It's the familiar story of the destructive monomania of the professional activist. |
How sick is the society which produces such levels of anger, frustration and destructive energy? |
Are his destructive escapades nothing more than random luck and blind chance? |
Yet the historian does not feel provoked enough to indict him for failing to understand what forces the destructive potential of mobs and crowds. |
Because radiocarbon dating is destructive, the plant remains to be dated were first submitted to David Asch for taxonomic identification. |
Anyway, we don't need a strong army, we just need a few destructive strikes before the Jovians are prepared. |
Are we simply caught in a spiral here that will be destructive of our interests while, obviously, significantly advantaging theirs? |
Like lions on the savannah and tigers in the jungle, compared to them, humans are huge, brutish, stupid things, blundering about life in the most destructive way possible. |
Multiple samples of components may be needed to perform destructive tests. |
It has a presence, it remains potentially destructive, but all we can do is attempt to marshal it. |
South African cricket has had a certain destructive and counterproductive whackiness about it for a couple of years now, and it is clearly getting out of hand. |
While these microearthquakes usually aren't felt at the surface, they can offer important clues about the origin of bigger, more destructive quakes. |
Many books, published just before the quincentenary of Columbus's arrival in this continent in 1492, ignore the destructive influence of Columbus's arrival. |
The world can no longer afford the blind suspicion, destructive rivalries and indifference to the legitimate fears of others that have brought it to this state. |
The colds get colder, the hots get hotter, and the hurricanes get more destructive. |
More and more western communities surrounded by forests are responding to the threat of destructive wildfire with a wide range of economic and policy changes. |
For the girl ranting about keying SUVs. I'm so glad you've decided to fight against people's destructive actions with such a constructive solution. |
Environmentalists fumed about the World Bank's funding of destructive infrastructure projects and the IMF's reborn version of structural adjustment. |
It is difficult to overstate how destructive the practice of dismembering ancient and medieval books is. |
Heavy rain led to destructive flash floods throughout the Phoenix, Arizona area Monday morning. |
This structure is particularly destructive for children in low-income families. |
This pup has been rehomed once but was returned for being destructive. |
They have portrayed the company as a sort of alpha polluter, providing funds to environmentally destructive logging and mining projects all over the globe. |
According to the report, trout populations could plummet, while the range of destructive alien species, such as carp and zebra mussels, would likely expand. |
The power animating the universe, while destructive at times in the cyclical ebb and flow of time and space, is fundamentally grounded in balance. |
In consequence of these destructive acts, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is left to wander half-crazed, searching in vain to resurrect his beloved friend. |
Against Sartre's blind consistency, Foucault's postmodern leftism substituted haphazard shifts, though keeping intact destructive political conclusions. |
And it's sometimes destructive, since it requires workers with either chain saws or wheeled, pincer-armed loaders that move through the woods snipping trees as they go. |
And far from therapy providing the solution to atomisation, it only fuels this destructive trend, pushing people further away from their nearest and dearest. |
We have tended to attribute negative characteristics to the body without realizing that this results in the destructive functioning of the spirit. |
Then, because it was useless, redundant, only destructive, or so it seemed, she shrank back again, defeated. |
These very intense fields in very low-pressure conditions generate an avalanche of electrons on to metals that can become destructive and cause losses in heavy investment. |
It took that hideous affliction to remove the even more hideous affliction of destructive and ingrown stories. |
And that is where jeanne Duval joined him in a passionate, tormented and destructive liaison that was to last for 20 years. |
The effect of non-secular, religious and segregated education is very destructive on the society as a whole, and on our children's happy, normal life, and upbringing. |
If one therefore bore ill will towards someone then it follows that we would wish to injure them, and our intention towards them would be destructive or evil. |
An evil act, a destructive act, is a choice made by a human being. |
Presently, three biotic agents have become destructive pests on multiflora rose and show potential to provide eventual significant biological control. |
As Carroll used it, there was something sinister, hidden and destructive in the nonsense word from the beginning. |
Anger can be channeled as a spur to action rather than being destructive. But Mars at its best is purposeful, an achiever and self-starter, and a force to be reckoned with. |
Given how destructive cocaine, crack, heroin, and other narcotics are, wariness of legalization is understandable. |
There's no force more destructive than a pack of unoccupied children. |
The tribes formerly inhabiting this coast have long since been annihilated by continual wars, whose destructive effects have unpeopled this part of the country. |
Unresearched interventions on this subject are actually very destructive and unhelpful for those of us who live in the area and wish to see a happy future for all concerned. |
The sheer destructive force of nature demonstrated here is numbing. |
Meditation simply means cultivating a wholesome and sane habit, which becomes an antidote for the unwholesome, confused, destructive habits that we have developed. |
Indeed, he associates the preservation of Irish and Irish language purism with destructive and self-destructive behaviors that jeopardize Irish survival on all levels. |
Having a neat hole in your front door isn't entirely wise in the days of wandering street urchins with fireworks in their pockets just ripe for destructive mischief. |
Its studies have validated the ecological value of traditional farming and been instrumental in fighting destructive development projects in India. |
Windshields and bumpers are no substitute for massive collisions or destructive impacts, although you'll swear these cars were only lightly dinged. |
She throws gigantic, destructive parties, and purposely lights his ottomans on fire. |
So maybe, in time, destructive hailstorms could be a thing of the past. |
The bead size and arrangement ensures that every peak in the scattered waves is met by an identical trough that cancels it out, a process known as destructive interference. |
You may not use any of the services or systems to knowingly or recklessly transmit computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, cancelbots, or other destructive programming code. |
The global threat to our nations by multi-national banks and companies working in harness with the ruling class is having a destructive effect on our peoples. |
This week marked the sixtieth anniversary of some of the most destructive episodes in the World War 2 carpet-bombing of Sofia and other Axis-allied capitals. |
These are not the victims of natural cataclysms, these are the victims of human greed for power, violence, stupidity, and of man's destructive impulses. |
The caterpillars of the gypsy moth are destructive defoliators that feed primarily on oak trees causing growth loss, crown dieback, and tree mortality. |
If this process is repeated, a self-sustaining chain reaction will occur, and it is this chain reaction that causes the atomic bomb to have its destructive power. |
The architects of neoliberalism, the high priests of free market fundamentalism, continue to force through destructive policies with all the fervour of religious zealots. |
He also believes that antioxidants taken supplementally will combat the negative effects of exercise by protecting cells and tissues against destructive free radicals. |
Care would have to be taken to deflect the body intact rather than break it into pieces because a swarm of fragments might be more destructive than a single object. |
Rather, it is a kind of mythical or ur-nature, one associated with a primordial existence, chthonic gods and the enigmatic and destructive figure of the sphinx. |
Does exposing the destructive impact of cults challenge the principle of religious freedom of citizens to mindfully join nontraditional religious groups? |
In most cases, the crests and troughs of the light waves do not align with each other, and destructive interference causes these waves to cancel each other out. |
At a time when the church took a rigid and protective stance against what it believed were destructive forces of modernism, Petre's voice honored both reason and faith. |
And unfortunately, the result of this patronizing and destructive attitude will be the death of the two-state solution. |
It is an extreme assessment of the mood within the corridors of power in the days leading up to what could be a monumentally destructive national dispute. |
They play a very important role in controlling the populations of destructive rodents such as mice and rats, their preferred and primary food items. |
Forced to witness the collapse of everything they had once dreamed of and worked to achieve, they have emerged unchastened and unchanged in their destructive illusions. |
The latter meant the next war's destructive consequences would not take place on French soil. |
Eating less meat and supporting pastoralist communizes at every level is essential to combat the destructive trend of factory farms. |
Out of the insurgency came a highly destructive group calling itself ISIL, which took large parts of the north and west. |
Moon's behaviour was becoming increasingly destructive and problematic through excessive drinking and drugs use, and a desire to party and tour. |
Ice storms can be among the most destructive events affecting a utility's electrical distribution system. |
Once weaned, they may become destructive to leather objects, furniture and electric cables. |
Eugenius made some modest attempts to win pagan support, and with Arbogast led a large army to fight another destructive civil war. |
There existed destructive female demons called parik, whose husbands were known as kaj. |
It was originally opened in 1873 but was rebuilt in 1875 following a destructive fire. |
You are hooked on something life-giving instead of destructive. |
Most Heathens reject the concept of sin and believe that guilt is a destructive rather than useful concept. |
Together with the resulting fire, it was the most destructive event in the entire history of Brussels. |
The people who were in the Red Guards and committed many destructive acts did so because they had faith. |
These occasionally bring destructive winds and higher total rainfall to these areas, as well as sometimes snow and hail. |
Town gas is a flammable gaseous fuel made by the destructive distillation of coal. |
His refusal to submit has been described as egomaniacal and destructive. |
There is no doubt that meth is destructive, and a clampdown is justified. |
Hurricane Katrina left little unscathed in her destructive path, including the majestic live oaks for which the Gulf Coast is renowned. |
For nearly thirty years, Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF have ruled Zimbabwe with ruthless, destructive focus. |
They are painfully debeaked and detoed without anesthetic to offset the destructive effects of overcrowding, boredom and frustration. |
When will we stop the political mud wrestling and begin to wrestle with the most potentially destructive force ever to challenge this Nation? |
Two can play at destructive industrialism, and now we out-gun you. We are piling up munitions now faster than you. |
It was one of the most destructive storms in modern history. |
An equally destructive immune response, known as delayed xenograft rejection, can occur in the days after a transplant. |
What commonly activates our creative or destructive potential arises from outside ourselves. |
Perhaps you have heard of the cotton boll weevil, pea, bean, pepper or the highly destructive strawberry weevil. |
The destructive culture of bribery is one of the key elements for all corruption and fraudulences. |
The Romans recoiled at first but then Germanicus initiated destructive campaigns against those Germans whom the Romans blamed for their defeat. |
Sometimes these contradictions are destructive, but they can also be creative and positive. |
The accumulation of A-2-m deposits has been shown to cause arthralgias, destructive osteoarthropaties and carpal tunnel syndrome. |
The king has struck a deal with evil god Ahriman, who doesn't take long to unleash his dark and destructive power over the once peaceful land. |
While fire was often described as being destructive, light was given a positive spiritual meaning. |
The majority of taxaholics are particularly addicted to the most destructive taxes, being the taxes on capital. |
If the regime fails the poor, their angry reaction may be far more destructive than anything the hardline clerics face from the liberals. |
And the common diabetes drug glyburide blocks the destructive SUR1 protein made by the gene. |
Taking sections is necessarily destructive of part of the artefact, and thus discouraged by many museums. |
As the epithelium continues to desquamate, an expanding, destructive cyst forms. |
John Deane ceased working on the wreck in 1836, but returned in 1840 with new, more destructive methods. |
The tsunami triggered by the 1755 Lisbon earthquake reached Holland, although the waves had lost their destructive power. |
The free market, for all its virtues, does fuel a consumerist mind-set that's personally and socially destructive. |
Aniline was first isolated in 1826 by Otto Unverdorben by destructive distillation of indigo. |
These lepidopteran defoliators are among the most destructive insect pests of important crops like corn and cabbage and other vegetables. |
Methane can be produced by the destructive distillation of acetic acid in the presence of soda lime or similar. |
There is a longstanding debate amongst analysts and scholars about the destructive impacts of the slave trades. |
Other destructive Eastern Pacific hurricanes include Pauline and Kenna, both causing severe damage after striking Mexico as major hurricanes. |
Even the most perfect of Golem, risen to life to protect us, can easily change into a destructive force. |
God's word suffers nothing from such captious queryings and cavillings as deface the pages of the modern destructive school. |
The sinking of Francisco de Bobadilla's Spanish fleet in 1502 was the first recorded instance of a destructive hurricane. |
Historically, in North America, one of the most economically destructive pests in cotton production has been the boll weevil. |
This established the preconditions for a series of destructive and intermittent conflicts, known as the Wars of Religion. |
A standardized destructive test according to the Inch Fastener Standards is widely accepted. |
Some buses meet a destructive end by being entered in banger races or at demolition derbys. |
Because, inarguably, its actions are violent and destructive. |
Seasonal cyclones are destructive to its flora and fauna, although they recover quickly. |
He asks how pagan gods who exhibit the same destructive passions and obscene desires as wicked humans can be worthy of worship. |
Microorganisms can cause tissue damage by releasing a variety of toxins or destructive enzymes. |
Navy sought a replacement with either a larger yield or equivalent destructive power. |
The riots were the most destructive in London's history, damaging the prestige of the government. |
The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was one of the deadliest and most destructive volcanic events in recorded history. |
To do so would likely increase the powdery mildew or introduce a more destructive fungus. |
The destructive lionly skepticism burns all bridges to prior beliefs and presuppositions. |
Since the late 1970s, the use of CFCs has been heavily regulated because of their destructive effects on the ozone layer. |
Colorado potato beetles are the crop's most destructive enemy, costing growers millions of dollars in chemical control and crop losses. |
Lucia's flood affected the Netherlands and Germany, killing more than 50,000 people in one of the most destructive floods in recorded history. |
This study involves the determination of harmful heavy metals using electrical resistivity of soil which is a non destructive and comparatively less time consuming method. |
Also, as a destructive process, it carries ethical concerns. |
The Vandals were probably not any more destructive than other invaders of ancient times, but writers who idealized Rome often blamed them for its destruction. |
This, whether inadvertent or intentional, augments the book and contributes to Sotos's successful rendering of destructive compulsiveness as subject in Comfort and Critique. |
It is easy to see this pattern when the waves are destructive and wash away finer grained material at the top, revealing coarser sands and cobbles as the base. |
Indonesia's coral reefs are located in the heart of the Coral Triangle and have been victim to destructive fishing, unregulated tourism, and bleaching due to climatic changes. |
Thus, Parfit uses destructive criticisms of the notion of personal identity to undermine egoism and support his own consequentialist views about ethics. |
For maximum destructive effect, the user crashed his falx down on to the target doublehanded, then drew the blade back toward himself in a sawing motion. |
If the word becomes a tool for settling scores, muttering, and leveling accusations randomly, then it becomes a destructive tool that benefits the gloaters only. |
In the primary chamber, there is conversion of solid fraction to gases, through volatilization, destructive distillation and partial combustion reactions. |
The Yorta Yorta disputed this, but at the same time, acknowledged the destructive effects of missionaries and governments in attempting to detribalise and Christianise them. |
Every year hurricanes represent a potential threat to the islands of the Caribbean, due to the extremely destructive nature of these powerful weather systems. |
Like many areas of London and other British cities, the City fell victim to large scale and highly destructive aerial bombing during World War II, especially in the Blitz. |
Secondly, emigration from rural areas reduces destructive subsistence farming techniques, such as improperly implemented slash and burn agriculture. |
The CT showed a left humeral lytic expansile and destructive bone lesion with an associated soft-tissue component extending from the axilla to the left supraclavicular region. |
Whenever any from of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government. |
National and international authorities have given special treatment to aboriginal hunters since their methods of hunting are seen as less destructive and wasteful. |
A new pinto bean germplasm line, USPT-ANT-1, which harbors what's called the Co-42 gene, is resistant to the most destructive races of anthracnose. |
The consumer group UFC Que Choisir said in a statement that the deal was very tough, potentially destructive of freedom, antieconomic and against digital history. |
Some examples of destructive meteotsunami include 31 March 1979 at Nagasaki and 15 June 2006 at Menorca, the latter causing damage in the tens of millions of euros. |
Sustainable seafood is a movement that has gained momentum as more people become aware of overfishing and environmentally destructive fishing methods. |
Labs, has conducted advanced research to provide cutting-edge protection against recent, destructive cyber-attacks including Heartbleed and CryptoLocker. |
Cardiac surgery with CPB causes bleeding complications because of heparinization, destructive effects of CPB on platelets, activation of tissue factor, and fibrinolysis. |
The conditions favorable to health and life of the indigines of the poles or the north temperate zones are destructive to the indigines of the tropical, and vice versa. |
National and international authorities have given special treatment to aboriginal hunters since their methods of killing are seen as less destructive and wasteful. |
Drenching sand dunes with oil stops their migration, but this approach is quite destructive to the dunes' animal habitats and uses a valuable resource. |
Also referred to as a domino effect, this series of chain reactions is by far the most destructive process that can occur in any ecological community. |
Was it Albert Tenhoven, a militant environmentalist who considered windmills destructive to his beloved Eifel landscape and who had earlier vandalized a windmill? |
So we get semi-plot ballets without a storyline in sight, offering nothing but aimless, meaningless, and therefore artistically destructive, cheap emoting. |
These are autonomous systems that rely on the technical development of weapons whose destructive capacity is not merely massive, but potentially unlimited and unlimitable. |
The myth also holds that, as something artificial and secondary to human nature, society exerts an unmitigatedly destructive pressure on individuality. |
The GM variety is designed to produce its own insecticide against the European corn borer, a destructive moth whose caterpillars feast on corn ears and stalks. |
Unimaginable amounts of suffering have been caused by tyrants who callously presided over the immiseration of their peoples or launched destructive wars of conquest. |
The prolific and destructive richness of tropical nature and the dreariness of human life within it accorded well with the pessimistic mood of his early works. |
The Labour Education Minister has himself recognised that league tables are destructive, yet he continues to press ahead to implement them under another name. |
Their relationship was defined by alcoholism and was mutually destructive. |
Bayer CropScience plans to further invest in innovative nematode control tools to help farmers combat these destructive plant parasites and secure the food supply. |
Powerful interests in the US are seeking massive subsidies for even more destructive false solutions, including the expansion of nuclear power and the liquification of coal. |
His language is beautiful, intense, but also destructive, annihilatory. |
Internally, the destructive potential is activated by the stress reaction. |
Feather destructive behavior is an ever-increasing problem in captive birds of prey and any associated self-mutilation can be challenging to manage. |
Tayras can be tamed and make interesting but fairly destructive pets. |
Some think to tax wealth is destructive of a private sector. |
Who would have guessed that after his explosion of insight, his surehanded and destructive manipulation of the woman, he would have begun with her a covert relationship? |
Lava flows are enormously destructive to property in their path. |
A series of destructive cellular events transpire that either activates cascades that increase interneuronal calcium or becomes activated by excess calcium. |
Some studies say economic inequality is a social problem, for example too much inequality can be destructive, because it might hinder long term growth. |
Swing the rick burner was not only more destructive, but much harder to apprehend than the rioters in this heightened atmosphere of tension and hostility. |
Indeed, pet behavioural problems are numerous, and can include destructive behaviour in cats, barking, chewing, car sickness and separation anxiety. |
Tornadoes are destructive events but a tornado isn't even in the same realm as an atomic bomb, which in turn is dwarfed by the destruction inherent in a thermonuclear weapon. |
Initially, Stalin maneuvered to kill the Plan, or at least hamper it by means of destructive participation in the Paris talks regarding conditions. |
For not only was Yauk a sun-god of the Sabaeans, but Set, under the title of Tebha, graecicized Typhon, was a personification of the destructive energy of the great orb. |
The patent details Smith Audio's development of the cabinet's low frequency enclosure, and the method used for overcoming the destructive standing wave phenomena. |
Not all notable geographic features are so violent or destructive. |
Patent Office that covers the development of a speaker enclosure that solves the issue of redirecting destructive standing waves, and provides true to source listening. |
I vowed to end this destructive patronage in the police department and to civilianize all jobs in the precinct houses that could reasonably be performed by a civilian. |