The echoes that the harsh dissonance produced were cut short with the ongoing volume. |
His strawberry blonde hair was cut short, highlighting his strong jaw and contrasting with his leaf green eyes. |
Another charge was cut short illegally by a tug from Barker five yards to the left of the penalty area. |
The guard's interrogatory was cut short as a beagle began tearing at his trouser leg. |
Her rather revealing history lesson was cut short at the sharp protestations of the door as it was pushed open. |
Bresson gives us the beginnings and ends of conversations, cut short by dissolves or fades to black. |
Gracie sits next to a rosebud and tree trunk, a poignant reminder of a life cut short. |
His face was roundish, his eyes some unidentifiable dark color while his hair was golden brown, cut short with highlights of red here and there. |
His brown hair was cut short and messy, and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses balanced on his nose. |
His blond hair, several shades darker than ash-blond, was once cut short so that no lock of hair was longer than his thumb. |
Unfortunately I had to cut short my low-fuel runs because I had some longer stints to do for tyre evaluation. |
She recently had her dark hair cut short and now wears it gamine and honey-coloured, which suits her clean bone structure and a light summer tan. |
His hair was cut short in back, but long silver strands fell softly into his eyes. |
Groans from a baggy eyed courtroom were cut short when the judge collapsed laughing and muttering incoherently. |
Talon's next words were similarly cut short when a wickedly barbed, green-feathered arrow hissed in through the doorway. |
Luckily, this was on CNN, where someone to the left of Augusto Pinochet can still speak without being barracked or cut short. |
At a verge on the North Street elevation, the battening to support the tiles had been cut short. |
March cut short his remarks, and the workers got the message that the two men wanted to be alone. |
All was quiet until the bird's flight path was suddenly cut short by a gigantic explosion that shook the very earth. |
He was the icon in an era of icons, but like Shakespeare's tragic heroes his fatal flaws cut short a certain glittering career. |
Irish nightclubs are big business but public order concerns are threatening to cut short the party. |
He spends most of the novel being interrupted by everyone and having his conversations sidetracked and cut short. |
The dance was silly, unplanned, and cut short when both simultaneously slipped on patches of wet grass. |
What was shaping up to be a fantastic match, though, was cut short when Rooney slipped and fell in the third game. |
But although this untimely death cut short a brilliant career, he still left his mark, both as a soldier and musician. |
But, of course, this will go no way to replacing the two lives cut short in the space of just a few tragic seconds. |
Not many girls, actually nobody, had their hair cut short in those days in that culture. |
He worked as a speech-writer for Robert Kennedy, a career cut short by JFK's assassination. |
Meanwhile in Perth, Bridgette's long anticipated holiday with her husband was cut short as those political imperatives and the personal collided. |
While my career was cut short, I was getting somewhere in a qualification-driven industry, by having experience instead of qualifications. |
They played every game they were asked, and their contracts were cut short. |
The boys were out in force, of course, though unfortunately our afternoon was cut short by some uncharacteristically unfavorable weather. |
Therefore his political education was cut short at precisely the point where it should have taken an important new turn. |
Her attempts to manage her own dark straight hair consisted of keeping it cut short and stabbing at it with a curling iron every once in a while. |
Ashley's response was cut short by a loud, obtrusive cough from where Jimmy sat to my left. |
Nigeria's harsh climate and even harsher diseases cut short their initial missionary work. |
Garnish with a fresh mint sprig and a straw cut short enough so that you almost bury your nose in the mint as you sip. |
But his mind's eye isn't fraught with mournful replays of a life cut short by a heinous crime. |
We all laughed at this one but our laughter was cut short as Margaret made her entrance. |
She had just put in ten hours at the office, her work day cut short by this coffee klatch with a journalist. |
Her hair was a beautiful platinum blonde, cut short in an almost boyish way and her sparkling navy blue eyes reminded me of the ocean. |
His hair cut short in a crew cut and dressed with a bow tie and suspenders, he looked more like an accountant or professor. |
Gabriel had black hair cut short at the sides and back, while the top and front was long enough to show the curl in his thick hair. |
Hurried, resounding strains of a Rachmaninoff prelude are abruptly cut short. |
His legal career was cut short, however, when a white secretary refused to take dictation from a man of his colour. |
Ethan's train of thought was cut short by a man dressed in monochromatic gray. |
Katherine took a deep breath, but it was cut short by the muffling that a gruff hand over her mouth had caused. |
Pekerman was a journeyman professional whose playing career during the 1970s was cut short by a knee injury. |
But her young life was cut short after she became caught in a spiral of drug addiction. |
Conlon's rocket sent his side's supporters into raptures but O'Donohoe held his nerve to cut short the Sligo side's premature celebrations. |
Her yelp was cut short when she landed hard on the ground, grass molding about her form, with the air knocked out of her. |
He stared wide eyed at the creatures before him, his last yowl of pain being cut short. |
The Republican vice presidential nominee cut short an interview with ABC12 in Flint, Mich., after being asked about gun laws. |
So Langley decided to cut short the tour of the then-CIA station chief in Bangkok and bring him in to head up the show. |
Last year he cut short a vacation to Italy because of an upper respiratory infection and a blood clot in his lungs. |
His words were cut short by a powerful blow in his stomach, followed by a series of lightning-fast jabs to his rugged face, and finished up with a jaw-shattering uppercut. |
The horrendous accident cruelly cut short the career of an incomparable artist, who was already famous as one of the greatest horn players of all time. |
Benedict may well want to cut short the time available for the cardinals to politick, posture, and pontificate, as it were. |
And having rediscovered his best form when Paston was sidelined, a few seconds of red mist at the Priestfield cut short his involvement once more. |
A further experiment to plant elm trees beyond center field was mercifully cut short. |
The A.L. marks for teenage prowess in those categories belong to the unfortunate Tony Conigliaro, whose career was cut short by the effects of a beanball incident. |
A riskier-than-usual spacewalk outside the international space station was cut short because of a malfunction that left one of the two crewmen with a warm, damp suit. |
His tragic and untimely death cut short a remarkable record of achievement in geology, in public service, and in visionary leadership of Canadian and international geoscience. |
His hair was platinum blonde, almost silver, and cut short and neat. |
He opened his mouth to answer but was cut short by a loud booming noise. |
There is no question that things would be neater for the GOP if the contest were cut short. |
His silvery hair was cut short and it framed his face in loose wisps. |
Off the coast of Vietnam, a shipboard catastrophe cut short your chances to soar in combat. |
My education was cut short by an unexpected interruption of life. |
Behind these statistics are the stories of promising lives cut short and of the motherless children left behind. |
His dirty blond hair, having been cut short three months previous, had grown out some, and the man had spiked it using the girls' hair gel in liberal amounts. |
The conference was cut short, however, when news reached Licinius that his rival Maximin had crossed the Bosporus and invaded European territory. |
All my dreams for him have been cut short in the twinkling of an eye. Why was my son murdered? |
Testing was cut short on 23 May, when, during a rejected takeoff test, the left side main wheels broke through the runway surface. |
The visit was cut short when Swift received word that Esther Johnson was dying, and rushed back home to be with her. |
On 11 February 2011, Winehouse cut short a performance in Dubai following booing from the audience. |
The young princess cut short her trip and returned home immediately to take her throne. |
She also kept her hair cut short through her military campaigns and while in prison. |
There is consensus that the Federal Reserve System should have cut short the process of monetary deflation and banking collapse. |
Bullet for My Valentine cut short the Canada portion of the tour and flew back home to support the daughter of James who was in hospital. |
There is an annual cricket match on Bramble Bank during the lowest tide of the year, but games are often cut short by rising tide. |
A jock, a neck injury cut short a possible career in wrestling. |
A sharp, hostile feeling, the result of a brusque maneuver on the part of his pedicurist, had cut short his flight of fancy. |
They were the same winged messengers that out-run cashless debtors, and cut short lovers' dreams. |
But the life of Gerard Shiel was tragically cut short when he was hit by a car and killed. |
Faced with the prospect of having his life cut short by the unforgiving Pando, Jimmy sets about trying to make amends. |
He was gentle, caring and a good sportsman with a fantastic life ahead of him which has been devastatingly cut short. |
This was exacerbated by a rare bone disorder, osteochondritis dissecans, which threatened to cut short Henman's tennis career almost before it had started. |
The campaign was cut short by his first expedition to Italy. |
The reformation however was cut short by the death of the king. |
It was cut short when Bassus died slowly of a lingering disease, with such spirit and objectivity that Seneca remarked that Bassus seemed to treat it as someone else's dying. |
He obeyed this prohibition to the letter, with one notable early exception, over which Father Morgan threatened to cut short his university career if he did not stop. |
Blake's death in 1827 cut short the enterprise, and only a handful of watercolours were completed, with only seven of the engravings arriving at proof form. |
The inopportune arrival of the bus cut short the interesting conversation. |
A THORNABY family claim they were told to cut short Diwali celebrations. |
In Austria, a German back-country skier was burried by an avalanche after he tried to cut short his trek near the Hoher Riffler peak in Tyrol because of bad weather. |
The Aztecs intended to cut short the Spanish retreat from Tenochtitlan. |
It was probably this epidemic that prompted Cadamosto to cut short his stay and leave the Gambia river, back to the ocean, where the fevers seemed to have subsided. |