Telephone lines were jammed and communication with the rest of the country was effectively cut off for several hours. |
On Monday, two local fishermen were found waist-high in water after being cut off by the tide on rocks off the coast at Heysham. |
You cut off one slimy social, economic or political head and two grow back in its place. |
One night when I slept over she told me she was going to cut off all my hair when I fell asleep. |
I was too cut off from the world to know that the news of my arrest had broken and that the government was slandering me in the press. |
Young and old chewed thin slices of raw whale blubber as quickly as it was being cut off the carcass. |
Ben the motormouth is cut off by an elbow in the side from the woman in question. |
You'll need short handled pruners to cut off spent flower blooms, trim vines that have grown into walkways and shape shrubs. |
Suppose the debt repudiated, the sinecurists cut off, the army disbanded, the officers and men of the navy discharged and the ships sold. |
Throughout 1940 and 1941 the USA tightened an economic blockade of Japan which threatened to cut off most Japanese oil supplies. |
If I could let go of all this, if I could cut off the black dog that's got its teeth in my arm, maybe I could fly. |
The top inside corner of the handle on some try squares is cut off at a 45-degree angle, for marking miter cuts. |
Once he is convinced he's caught the blabbermouth, they're cut off without a word. |
We must cut off the zips, buttons and collars to leave the material smooth enough to be used as a rag to polish cars. |
In a record time of 43 seconds, they cut off a piece of the log, not minding that the sawing trestle almost capsized. |
Only when ports cannot be cut off does attacking shipping at sea become necessary. |
They are ineptly led and cut off from important sections of big business by their line over Europe. |
A mountaineer had to cut off his right arm to free himself after being trapped under a falling boulder. |
They say they had no choice but to pack up by torchlight yesterday after the electricity to Woolston House, a former textile mill, was cut off. |
Astronauts will try to pull out or cut off two fabric strips that are sticking out from the belly of the shuttle. |
To frill the ends, cut off the roots and all but about three inches of the green tops. |
She cut off a piece off a large sesame seed loaf and toasted it whilst looking at the spreads. |
One week after germination, plants were transferred into hydroponic conditions with Hoagland solution, and the seminal shoots were cut off. |
However, the pain was little more than a tickle compared to his wing being cut off but it hurt none the less. |
The gates would also make it possible to restore freshwater flows to bayous that have been cut off from the main river. |
In a TIA, blood flow is cut off to part of the brain for a period of time, up to a day and sometimes for an hour or two. |
Put the bat, bat side up on a banding wheel and cut off excessive foam with the electric knife. |
I found a church with a basement thrift store that offers cheap Internet access, so I am not completely cut off from the world. |
If your ivy blooms, cut off flowers and seed heads, and consider replacing the ivy with a noninvasive ground cover like Epimedium. |
Finally, dead stems and seed heads left over winter on perennials can be cut off and tidied up this month. |
Behind him came a low laugh, then a few bars of tinkling music that cut off with a tinny snap. |
Any view of the ocean itself is cut off by two massifs of 300-million-year-old limestone jutting nearly a thousand feet out of the sea. |
Company A beat off several banzai attacks but was bypassed and in danger of being cut off and surrounded. |
The picture garden tends to cut off the world, to make rooms to be enclosed by screens of trees. |
Readers may not even notice some of the more radical elements like word balloons that get cut off by the panel borders. |
Chechnya also suffers by being cut off from the market economy that is taking root in the rest of Russia. |
At that point the fuel to the rocket was cut off and the missile coasted along its ballistic trajectory to the target. |
One can now get up, speak in Maori, get double the time, and thus cut off the ACT party. |
He knew how to cut off water to besieged fortifications, and how to construct bridges, mantlets, scaling ladders, and other instruments. |
This first pic shows a technical based on a Toyota Land Cruiser High Top wagon with the roof cut off. |
You go through the same tedious procedure and a voice in a tearing hurry might, with luck, give you a new number before you are cut off again. |
Parliament decided to use its army to cut off Rupert's lines of support and so moved off the moor and made for Tadcaster. |
I am very concerned about the likely world-wide depression that would ensue if the world were to be cut off from Saudi crude. |
Although it is close to the mainland, it used to be cut off for weeks at a time during stormy weather. |
That's because it's easy to point to the organization if a project tanks or gets cut off because of a perceived security hole. |
But others note that if she takes against somebody, their access will be ruthlessly cut off. |
The film presents a beautifully delineated portrait of a generation of Taiwanese cut off from their society's traditional values. |
To gut the fish, make a slit up the length of the belly under running water and cut off the fins with scissors. |
After tooling, cut off mortar tailings with trowel and brush excess mortar burrs and dust from face of brick. |
Today she was sorting the spices cabinet in alphabetical order, having run out of labels and tags to cut off things. |
Tiger's branch was then cut off, while the SPCA waited below with a safety net to catch her. |
Whatever he might have added was cut off as they had reached the small patio where they'd lunched the previous day. |
The characters are atomized, alienated, hollow, cut off emotionally from each other and from themselves. |
The tape cut off as the limo sped up and accelerated below a triple underpass. |
The tea garden is very isolated, cut off from the main roads by rutted dust tracks. |
Since many local shopkeepers think they will scare away customers if hired, they are cut off even from low-level jobs. |
Telephones used by foreign residents have been cut off and the secret police have assumed control of the country's mobile phone service. |
Few of us would know what to do if our water or electricity supplies were cut off, or the supermarkets ran out of food. |
The longings and legitimate desires for approval, acceptance and understanding are cut off. |
The drilling cut off the water supply from three artesian wells on their private land. |
Te Namu sat on a triangular arch of sand, bounded on one side by a steep cliff and cut off on another by a stream. |
They become a matter of subjective and arbitrary whim if they are cut off from collective deliberations. |
A powerful snowstorm cut off power for thousands of people and triggered rockslides across the state. |
If an actor forgot his lines, a special button was pressed to cut off the sound to the viewer. |
The very top roof of the main structure rose in a steep slope to be cut off into a flat, even, rectangular-shaped roof. |
Downtown today is a strange and atmospheric four mile area cut off like a citadel from the rest of the region by a moat-like ring of freeways. |
The police have rigged up lights to keep watch, ordered taxi drivers not to pick him up, seized his home computer and cut off his telephone. |
If infantry attacks on foot, defending troops cut off infantry from tanks and destroy it with machine-gun and automatic rifle fire. |
This, let's not forget, is the man who only this week pretended to cut off part of his ear in a press conference. |
Brett leaned over to place a quick kiss on her lips as he cut off another driver to the right of his original lane. |
McClellan's left wing would then march south and strike Buckeystown and cut off the Confederate line of retreat. |
This process dragged on for over a year, while at the same time in the city, the gas and heating were cut off. |
We are cut off from these illuminated texts by our lack of Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon and Norman French. |
Water supplies from the reservoir were cut off, pending tests for contamination. |
For propagation, cut off the lateral rosettes with roots during March to April or September to October and plant in ordinary soil. |
He then proceeded to cut off all my dreads until I was left with messy short blondish hair with brown roots. |
When she turned pro, she renounced alcohol and cut off friends and every other distraction. |
Besides, Guy's army could not begin to cut off supplies from the landward side. |
This is a landlocked salt-water lake that was cut off when the surrounding reef rose up in prehistoric times. |
Enroute, Gen. Sherman's troops were cut off from other Union forces and lived off the land. |
Her uncle cut off all relations with her parents, who supported her decision to enter the academy. |
Just as the film began to get interesting, they heard an almighty crash of thunder and the next thing they knew the electricity cut off. |
About 40 days afterward a thin slice is cut off transversely from its top, and a milky juice of a fetid, alliaceous odor gradually exudes. |
The tails of infant laboratory rats were cut off, generation after generation. |
One of the worst hit villages, Naburn, was temporarily cut off by the rising waters. |
The old man advised him to have his hair cut off, which would change his appearance beyond recognition. |
I did not get the comfort of a supportive family and I was cut off from my own kind. |
A pervasive myth is that the extended family does not exist and that society is composed of nuclear families cut off from extended kin. |
On Thursday, three fishermen had to be rescued by an air-sea rescue helicopter as a rising tide left them cut off from the mainland. |
Mitch looked pretty good with his hair gelled up, and a black button up shirt, and a pair of cut off khaki shorts. |
The underfunded UN Relief and Works Agency is being forced to cut off food aid because of security restrictions. |
Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people. |
His years away at school and college meant he had been cut off to some extent from those of his age group. |
Some families fled their homes fearing aftershocks, and roads and phone lines were cut off. |
These are made of white toast with their crusts cut off, and are filled with smoked salmon and prawn mayonnaise. |
You really must have your own work area which can be cut off from the rest of the house. |
From each of the thinned strands take sufficient outside yarns to worm the rope and cut off the rest. |
With a fine-toothed hacksaw, cut off as many tines as needed for the rake to fit between your plants. |
Gradually the blood vessels to the hip cut off nourishment to the head of the femur where it fits into the acetabulum. |
We are a harbour city, yet we are cut off from the waterfront by a six-lane road. |
In basilicata and Calabria, hundreds of families are living in houses where electricity has been cut off. |
Her voice is cut off and I put a hand tremblingly to my mouth. |
When her bra was cut from her body, the assassin or assassins also cut off the tab on which the tiny metal clasp was affixed. |
Anyone who thought Jacqueline Kennedy was cut off from the day-to-day trials of the New Frontier has now been briskly disabused. |
A woman in labour was air-lifted from Ruatahuna to Rotorua Hospital, while about 30 people are cut off from civilisation in Ruatoki after access roads were washed out. |
When the customer is operating in enemy territory or the enemy has cut off all ground lines of communication to the customer, watercraft and trucks cannot make the deliveries. |
I felt a painful ache in my chest and my air was getting cut off. |
It would seek to cut off the main Allied lines of supply and communication. |
But the consul denied there had been any kind of direct Sandinista pressure to cut off funding for the group. |
There are some people out there, none of them Imprint readers I'm sure, who actually believe that widescreen movies have the top and bottom cut off. |
One elderly woman was winched from Hawnby, which was cut off, after suffering a suspected heart attack and was flown to the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton. |
In dozens of villages, many cut off from rescuers by quake-induced landslides, relatives desperate to find their loved ones dug through rubble with their bare hands. |
Indeed he argues that the Republic is a gocmen regime in which the elite are cut off from their own roots and tradition, and have become more Turkish than the Anatolians. |
Some of Stone's neighbors, who live between Dotts and 4th Streets in Pennsburg, said their electricity and water had been cut off. |
The department added that there are safety mechanisms in place whereby if a sample tested exceeds the safety standard, the water supply from the reservoir can be cut off. |
Another penguin species, the Adelies, were cut off from their breeding grounds by unusually large icebergs, calved from the continental ice shelf. |
There have been reports of a city, often suggested to be in Brazil, having its electricity cut off by extortionist hackers. |
The site for the Loft, a 77 unit condominium development, is a right-angled triangle with both acute angles cut off so it is more a misshapen pentagon. |
Those were the melons she served on the fancy white plates with the silver rims, a generous quarter pre-sliced along the rind so we had only to cut off chunks with our spoons. |
Max opened his mouth to try to smooth it over, but was cut off by the sudden appearance of five burly men blowing through the door to his right, obviously on their way out. |
Spring flowering trees such as flowering cherries, plums and apricots should not be pruned during winter, otherwise you will cut off many of the flowers. |
We'd slam each other in turn, sometimes dragging the other down to the mat to grapple in laughter, cut off suddenly by a choke or a tap-out from a lock. |
She sat down on the rock and unbuckled her shoe which was black with a round toe and a chunky heel, rather like a boot that'd had the top cut off it. |
When you decide that certain feelings are too threatening to experience, you cut off your life energy in some way, just like a logjam will dam a river's flow. |
After Star Wars, Hollywood's machers more or less cut off the capital spigot to truly visionary filmmakers, opting instead to turn out schlockbuster after schlockbuster. |
She's had her home phone cut off, she has lost her car because she can't afford to tax and insure it and she struggles to put food on the table for her kids. |
I was put in a solitary confinement completely cut off from the outside world without even enjoying basic prisoner rights. |
A large and deadly mamba snake has been discovered in Sissoko's room and his brother, who has been driving us, has killed it and cut off its head. |
He said the index finger was also cut off at the top, and the middle finger had a deep laceration from tip to base. |
In other words, Eric, supposedly a financial master of the universe, is cut off from reality in his inner sanctum on wheels. |
This he affected by circumscribing a semicircle about an isosceles right-angled triangle and a segment of a circle similar to those cut off by the sides. |
They should be tied firmly but not be so tight as to cut off circulation. |
The beard and branches are cut off to leave only the best part of the ginseng, however the head is left on for consumers to better assess the quality of the herb. |
In Mosul, foreign fighters have left, the city is flooded with refugees and supply routes are cut off. |
At this moment, Sakineh sits in her cell in Tabriz, cut off from the outside world after a horrific four-year ordeal. |
Many supporters from leading Frankish families followed him to Italy and were for a long time cut off from their properties and benefices in the countries of origin. |
She cut off each word with a threatening click of her teeth. |
A dot written under a vowel means that the word should be pronounced with a voice that starts low, drops a little bit lower, and is then cut off abruptly. |
Moscow is also threatening to cut off the flow of natural gas to Moldova, a country nearly wholly dependent on Russia for energy. |
She reacted badly to the medication, feeling sick and exhausted all the time, all her hair fell out and, worst of all, she was cut off from her family and friends. |
According to Sky News, during the confrontation, lt Col Parkinson's hand was cut off and he was fatally wounded. |
Hannah was wearing what looked like an 80s prom dress with a chiffon train, cut off to turn it into a minidress, with blue fishnets and white 80s high heeled sandals. |
Also, Seoul will move to cut off its recent shipments of rice and manure to the North. |
The treeline of the valley dipped down to almost the back door of the sanctuary and cut off what little grey light had guided her and Beckett there. |
The officer cut off contact with Headley when mir, the lead plotter, backed away from the operation in March 2009, documents say. |
Another area offers a variety of noodles too numerous to name and another offers dim sum, several bite-sized desserts and fruit, including mangosteens with the tops cut off. |
The priest dribbled wine on the lamb's head, and meal and salt, then cut off some of the wool from between the horns and cast that on the altar fire. |
If you plan to use silica gel or other desiccant to dry flowers, you may wish to cut off all of the stems, leaving only a small portion attached to each blossom. |
A white fence cut off its backyard, which contained a neat garden, several trees, blossoming with pink flowers in the spring, and an old wooden swing set. |
All were dressed alike in soft flowing blousons and trousers cut off at the shin, so their movements were unrestricted and fluid, like folk in a dream, or the near dead. |
Most of the mold is cut off and the plants are shipped by boat to Hong Kong where a chemical stimulant is added to enhance the effect of the herbs. |
It specialises in fresh meat, which is supplied by a live stock market in Halesham, and the meat is cut off the bone and hung between 14 and 21 days. |
Even though he uses a VPN connection, his Internet is cut off whenever he makes the relevant web queries. |
Their heads were cut off, placed on poles, and carried to Rome by cavalrymen. |
But Saif dispelled the myth that his fingers had been cut off in revenge. |
The growth of the Ottoman Empire, culminating in the fall of Constantinople in 1453, cut off trading possibilities with the east. |
Ireland was cut off early in the Boreal, suffering an impoverishment of species. |
Maher not only cut off his hands, but battered Johnstone's face hoping to prevent dental identification. |
About 257 seconds into the flight, the second stage cut off, and the rocket entered a coast phase to apogee. |
The expansion of the Ottoman Empire cut off trading possibilities with the east. |
Da Gama called him a spy, ordered the priests' lips and ears to be cut off and after sewing a pair of dog's ears to his head, sent him away. |
He also captured several rice vessels and cut off the crew's hands, ears and noses, dispatching them with an insulting note to the Zamorin. |
Chantelle Bill had 13 inches of her locks cut off at Beepers Hair Studio, in Radford Road, which is being donated to the Little Princess Trust. |
For anyone watching at home on a DVR, her farewell was cut off. |
In this version the innermost points of the lower left and upper right diagonals of the St Patrick's cross are cut off or truncated. |
Rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off would serve no purpose. |
It is relatively geographically isolated, being cut off from other places by a ring of hills. |
A DEPRESSED mother committed suicide by trying to cut off her head with a powerful circular saw. |
A Midland blacksmith yesterday admitted contravening health and safety laws after a teenage employee's hand was almost cut off by a circular saw. |
At the same time, American submarines cut off Japanese imports, drastically reducing Japan's ability to supply its overseas forces. |
With their retreat route cut off, the FAC kadogo began defecting in droves, many fleeing across the border into Zambia. |
In response, Napoleon came up with a plan to cut off the Austrians in the celebrated Landshut Maneuver. |
He is drawn into the chaos as the residents, cut off from society by their self-containment, turn against each other in tribal class warfare. |
He would even amputate limbs or trepan the head, and if he was worth his salt he could cut off an arm in less than a minute. |
As the knowledge of Greek declined, the Latin West found itself cut off from some of its Greek philosophical and scientific roots. |
Taking Montreal would have cut off the British forces in Upper Canada and thus potentially changed the war. |
The naval blockade of the United States began informally in 1812 and expanded to cut off more ports as the war progressed. |
The top of the fell resembles a truncated cone, cut off at an angle and sloping away to the south. |
It is cut off from the reservoir by the lower parallel ridge of Raven Crag and High Rigg and instead makes a beeline for the River Greta. |
The president doesn't know what to do. He's running around like a chicken with its head cut off. |
The Ulm Maneuver completely surprised General Mack, who belatedly understood that his army had been cut off. |
God I pray him That none of you may live your natural age, But by some unlooked accident cut off. |
Garden shops now carry hoes with this depth of blade, so that all that has to be done is to cut off the handle to a wieldable length. |
The asparagus ferns turn yellow as they die down and need to be cut off at ground level to make space for next year's crop. |
The North Western and Western Fells are cut off by the long gash of Borrowdale. |
A blockade would have rapidly cut off Pakistan from oil supplies. |
Knowledge of a person's deportee status can cut off job opportunities and close doors to housing. |
After Blackbeard was killed in battle, his head was cut off and tied as a trophy to the yardarm of HMS Pearl. |
It would also cut off food supplies for Britain's West Indian colonies, and temporarily prevent the British from continuing to arm the Indians. |
He said the floods also washed away a road in the district leaving several villages in Qadis district cut off from the district headquarters. |
Sometimes the river will cut off a loop, shortening the channel and forming an oxbow lake or billabong. |
The executioner was proud that he kept his axe razor-sharp, so no prisoner would feel any pain when his head was cut off. |
The Soviets for their part did not seek to cut off allied access to West Berlin through East German territory. |
It once connected with the River Mersey at Runcorn but has since been cut off by a slip road to the Silver Jubilee Bridge. |
Once the riverfront was on fire and the escape route cut off by boat, the only exits were the eight gates in the wall. |
Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. |
An ism does not have to possess the fearful implements of state power to cut off a a deviant or heretical member. |
Farnese cut off all access to the sea by constructing a bridge of boats across the Scheldt. |
The British made the situation much worse by imposing a tight blockade on every American port, which cut off almost all imports and exports. |
The World War cut off contact with Germany, but the missions continued at a reduced pace. |
Eventually the giant was killed by a young hero named Silvius Brabo, who cut off the giant's own hand and flung it into the river. |
Lower Normandy was quickly conquered, and Rouen was cut off from Paris and besieged. |
When the supplies in the Spanish sphere of influence were cut off, the Dutch economy was therefore dealt a heavy blow. |
The Aztecs were cut off from the mainland because of the occupied causeways. |
When you're getting cut off in traffic or stuck behind a dawdler, you may be convinced you're surrounded with the country's worst drivers. |
Foust said there will have to be a lot of rejiggering of the manifest if Russia were to cut off sales and the stockpile ran out. |
Alakeshvara cut off Admiral Zheng He and his 2000 accompanying troops from the treasure fleet, anchored at Colombo. |
As she thus spoke, the entrance of the servants with dinner cut off all conversation but that of a general nature. |
Power lines may cut off access to reindeer calving grounds and sacred sites. |
Outfielders line up in center field and left field and the outfield coach hits line drives in the gaps, which the fielders attempt to cut off. |
Tamez argued that the border wall would cut off farmers of the local Lipan Apache community from a vital water source needed for land irrigation. |
Meanwhile, Australian Medical Association President Brian Owler welcomed the Government's decision to put the rebate cut off the table. |
And Narayana instantly cut off with his discus the well-adorned head of the Danava who was drinking the Amrita without permission. |
However, some Inuit believed that the lights were more sinister and if you whistled at them, they would come down and cut off your head. |
In certain cases, a sea with a bed significantly below sea level is cut off from the larger ocean to which it is usually connected. |
Large numbers of Gmail web addresses were cut off in China on Friday, said GreatFire. |
A blockade is an effort to cut off supplies, war material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally. |
The Americans, assigned to land at Utah and Omaha, were to cut off the Cotentin Peninsula and capture the port facilities at Cherbourg. |
A Blackcurrants flower on two-year-old wood so if you prune them now you will cut off all the flowers and berries. |
By dawn on 8 June, the panzers were close to Rouen and IX Corps on the Bresle was on the brink of being cut off. |
The IX Corps position on the Bresle was vulnerable to being cut off in the Havre peninsula. |
On 20 May, the Germans had captured Abbeville at the mouth of the Somme and cut off the main Allied armies in the north. |
Beds and blankets were air lifted by chopper to Gaisbala and Bonair valleys which were cut off during the flash flood. |
This threatened to cut off German troops in western and central France, and most began to retire toward Germany. |
However, on the same day, Guderian's XIX Korps reached the Swiss border and the Maginot defences were cut off from the rest of France. |
The phones have a precisely timed one-touch key that doesn't cut off callers, as the 1A2 switch hook sometimes did. |
In 409 Olympius fell to further intrigue, having his ears cut off before he was beaten to death. |
Finding himself cut off in enemy territory, he began a land retreat during which he was mortally wounded. |
On 12 September, Joffre ordered an outflanking move to the west and an attack northwards by the Third Army, to cut off the German retreat. |
The packet that was coming to us overland, and that left England in July, was cut off by the wild Arabs between Aleppo and Bussora. |
However, with sheet piling, the flow of groundwater was cut off and pore water pressure built up. |
Sweden was under German influence for much of the war, as ties to the rest of the world were cut off through blockades. |
They blocked shipping lanes and their action cut off the French port, affecting thousands of passengers. |
In particular, Southern Italy was impoverished and cut off from the mainstream of events in Europe. |
Emperor Michael II caught wind of the matter and ordered general Constantine to end the marriage and cut off Euphemius' head. |
The Mariscos were fined, and the island was cut off from necessary supplies. |
The survivors are told by a mortally wounded Bran to cut off his head and to return it to Britain. |
The survivors are told by the mortally wounded Bran to cut off his head and to return it to Britain. |
A butterfly valve consists of a disc that rotates inside a pipeline, allowing for the flow of water to be cut off. |
Sedimentary dikes or clastic dikes are vertical bodies of sedimentary rock that cut off other rock layers. |
On the night of 5 February 2004, at least 21 Chinese immigrant cockle pickers drowned after being cut off by the tides. |
These estuaries are formed by subsidence or land cut off from the ocean by land movement associated with faulting, volcanoes, and landslides. |
Relictualism occurs when a widespread habitat or range changes and a small area becomes cut off from the whole. |
Ellie, who is a keen synchronised swimmer and ballet dancer, has been growing her hair for over a year for the purpose of having it cut off. |
Valois took the Agenais and then advanced further and cut off the main city of Bordeaux. |
His hands and feet were also cut off and sent to diverse places to enemies of his as a great mark of dishonour to the deceased. |
The mills were in use in 537 AD when the Goths besieging the city cut off their water supply. |
Although Lombe's factory was technically successful, the supply of raw silk from Italy was cut off to eliminate competition. |
Men would shave their hair, while women cut off a symbolic lock for deconsecration. |
They cut off the heads of enemies slain in battle and attach them to the necks of their horses. |
Chainsaw the utility poles, cut off the electricity, and crash the cell phone towers with thermite. |
At the same time, Meccan trade routes were cut off as Muhammad brought surrounding desert tribes under his control. |
Instead of returning to the Tyne, both Stockwell and Beaufre spent the day in Port Said, and were thus cut off from the news. |
With their forces cut off from almost all sources of supply, the Allied commanders finally decided to evacuate their forces from Burma. |
The first was the use of unrestricted submarine warfare to cut off Allied supplies arriving from overseas. |
It also meant, however, that any retreat by Kray into Austria via Switzerland and the Vorarlberg was cut off. |
To be disowned publicly is to be cut off from this, to be placed in a limbo of homelessness, clanlessness, to become nothing. |
Check the tide table before you go out, and keep an eye on the rising water, so that you don't get cut off. |
We cut off his T-shirt and then the centre manger and charge hand arrived with the defibrillator. |
In dry summers, the water supply had to be cut off at night to conserve stocks. |
The Hessian force, led by Prince Frederick of Hesse, took up position to the south to cut off any path of retreat for the Jacobites. |
In the first method the whole 'head' of the kelp sporophyte is cut off between the bulb at the top of the stipe and the primary blade. |
Bondy was running around like a chook with his head cut off, trying to figure out whether he should sack anyone or whatever. |
He then feigned death using a squash ball under his arm to cut off his pulse. |
According to the report, Columbus once punished a man found guilty of stealing corn by having his ears and nose cut off and then selling him into slavery. |
It was also difficult for Great Britain to transport troops across the Atlantic and they depended on local supplies that the Patriots tried to cut off. |
On October 12 the British made an attempt to encircle the Americans, which failed because of Howe's decision to land on an island that was easily cut off from the mainland. |
Although eggcrate louvers can effectively cut off the view of bright lamps, the grid itself can become rather bright, especially when it is white. |
A fatty, pimplelike lesion in a coronary artery burst, and a blood clot formed that closed the vessel and cut off circulation to part of the heart muscle. |
The summer of 1887 was the driest for years, with stocks falling to 14 days' supply in early August, and the water supply consequently being cut off from 6 pm to 6 am. |
When the researchers cut off the end of a toe, signals from the regrowing nail stimulated the tissue underneath to form new bone, the authors report June 12 in Nature. |
The dogs are by now starving, snowfall having removed the sheep from the fells and cut off their main food source, and they devour Westcott's body. |
The simplicity of these vessels and their shallow draft made them indispensable to pioneer communities that were otherwise virtually cut off from the outside world. |
The battle was a part of the effort of the Confederate States of America to break the Union Naval blockade, which had cut off Virginia from all international trade. |
A few blocks from the capitol we stripped him, cut off everything hanging between his legs, then fixed him with a riata and dragged him up and down Congress. |
The governor was improved over time and coupled with variable steam cut off, good speed control in response to changes in load was attainable near the end of the 19th century. |
Luhansk has been largely cut off for weeks and is without water and regular supplies of electricity which have hit mobile and landline phone connections. |
It was not until the Moorish conquest of Spain in 711 cut off communications between the major Romance regions that the languages began to diverge seriously. |
It destroyed bridges, buildings and highways and cut off telephone and utility services in major areas in Santiago de Chile, the capital and Concepcion city. |
To rejuvenate a conifer which has gone brown in the centre, remove the dead branches, cut off a few lower larger branches and underplant the conifer with ground-cover plants. |
The ends are cut off and a cut is made down the side of the cylinder. |
As Brittany and Cotentin are peninsulas, the Germans could have cut off the Allied advance at a relatively narrow isthmus, so these sites were rejected. |
But it is also a collection of villages, a ruralized metropolis where people live by their wits and devices, cut off from the authorities, the law and often each other. |
My phone call was cut off before I could get the information. |
Discard the old corm beneath each new one, let them dry thoroughly in a shed or under glass, then cut off the foliage and store in a cool, airy, frost-free place. |
Completely cut off from Germany, von Lettow conducted an effective guerrilla warfare campaign, living off the land, capturing British supplies, and remaining undefeated. |
Shaped as if they had been unskilfully cut off the chump-end of something. |
Eventually, their gambling debts grow so big that they are cut off from making any more bets, eliminating the chance that they can make enough money to satisfy their shylocks. |
The Germans would thus cut off the Allied armies in Belgium. |
Edward managed to make a surprise attack at Kenilworth Castle, where the younger Montfort was quartered, before moving on to cut off the earl of Leicester. |
Also other TB carriers who refuse to wear a mask in public have been indefinitely involuntarily committed to regular jails, and cut off from contacting the world. |
Beauforce was sent to Boulogne on 20 May by road but the Germans had already cut off the port and it returned to the 12th Division near Abbeville. |
Those who were chained to the spot by the weakness of their sex, or the infirmity of age, or the attractions of the place, were cut off by the enemy. |
Up to the point where the Green Knight is kneeling in front of Gawain awaiting the axe blow that will cut off his head, the action has proceeded mainly in chronological order. |
Some 40 per cent of the nearby Bulgarian port city of Nikopol was under water, threatening to flood the pumping station and cut off fresh-water supplies. |
Eventually, this city along with the port were cut off from Mexico City. |
As all medical supplies are cut off in Idlib, QRC secured 51 nebulisers and a lot of medicines, medical consumables and anaesthesia for five hospitals and two health centres. |
This would cut off blood flow from the arteries and the veins. |
Intermarriage is seen as a deliberate rejection of Judaism, and an intermarried person is effectively cut off from most of the Orthodox community. |
Now she's produced a list of other money-saving ideas, including saving the crusts you cut off your Melba toast and serving them as soldiers with your boiled eggs. |