I do all the time, but of course I don't limit or otherwise curtail this self-indulgence. |
We can make substantial contributions, if only we curtail unnecessary expenditure. |
I think it is a pity that they did not get an opportunity to curtail the hours and restrict the use of the main auditorium. |
The food industry is under intense pressure to curtail its marketing in the face of rising levels of childhood obesity. |
One of the reasons for the restructuring is to curtail tax evasion by high earners. |
The sooner they are rooted out and dealt with the sooner we may be able to curtail what is now a worrying trend. |
In a society with no laws, then a mafia that extorts me restricts my freedom and any systematic attempt to curtail them becomes a de facto law. |
One is that the restrictions of movement in rural areas could curtail normal campaigning. |
The Magna Carta does not, as I understand it, curtail the sovereignty of the proper lawmaker to make what laws seem fit to him. |
Send yearlings to the feedlot early and curtail replacement heifer production for a year. |
They are pushing for a draft amendment to the code of criminal procedure that would curtail prosecutorial powers. |
The US central bank is trying to curtail inflationary pressures without obstructing economic growth. |
I added that I could also envision a scenario in which the government might ask us to curtail our movements for a given period of time. |
He is prepared to agree only if a constitutional amendment to curtail the powers of the future president is agreed to at the same time. |
I did say it would curtail my daytime internet surfing, adopting the air of a martyr to the communal good. |
The only viable option was to curtail current spending to meet the new economic conditions and to adjust to the overshoot of the last two years. |
The administration is counting on the media to exercise self-censorship and curtail reports of US atrocities that are seen as inevitable. |
Our current impression is that haematin does curtail the clinical attack, and we frequently employ it. |
He said the cuts were needed to curtail the previous Government's economic mismanagement and keep the State's triple-A credit rating intact. |
We need a government who can control the law and order and curtail violation of human rights. |
They aimed to curtail the aggressive territorial expansion and monopolization of the trade routes of the Adriatic Sea. |
This in turn raises the risk of bank bankruptcies and therefore causes banks to curtail the expansion of credit. |
The increased scrutiny is likely to slow airport travel, possibly requiring airlines to curtail flights as the system is already taxed. |
By now Laois were playing the better football and the Dublin management were forced into swapping Cleere and Downes in an effort to curtail Brennan, but it had little effect. |
The promises of benefit are false, and government action to curtail this kind of fraud is long overdue. |
The corsairs refused to curtail their activities after each war's conclusion, and the states realized that they had created an uncontrollable force. |
While always treating James with deference, Cecil urged him to curtail his extravagance and also to restrain his partiality for Scots advisers and companions. |
Bill de Blasio successfully campaigned for mayor on the promise to curtail it. |
The Central Bureau of Narcotics of India continues to tighten controls to curtail the diversion of licitly produced opium. |
Now the Ohio Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of the judge's decision to curtail the right of procreation for parolees and probationers. |
Public perception, warranted or not, can severely curtail the money that companies will put on the line for endorsements. |
Whenever President Trump tries to curtail the rights of the marginalized, all our personal brands are put in danger. |
Mounties already have to curtail their undercover operations which target organized crime, along with a reduction in training. |
The Afghans, too, have stepped up efforts to curtail what has been an embarrassing problem for their government. |
We must not curtail this cooperation when this is unselfishly provided by people who know the risks to which they are exposed. |
Again, there are good reasons why one might want to eliminate or curtail the earmark funding system. |
The airport authority then configured the taxiway with dual lens blue and red lights in an attempt to curtail such occurrences. |
The aim of this programme is to curtail the rise in dental caries and parondontopathies in schools. |
This travesty of justice is a clear attempt to stifle political opposition in Cambodia and to curtail freedom of expression and association. |
Moreover, since the powers that be use these groups for their own purposes, they are unable to curtail the growth of organized crime. |
I wonder about these few questions: is the law about solicitation ever used to curtail or limit activities in any other line of work? |
The industry has been making manful efforts to curtail production so that prices will not go through the floor every time that there is a pick-up in demand. |
This application will curtail the normal spring flush of growth and eliminate to the need to mow for several weeks. |
In the agricultural sector, we have introduced new techniques that curtail soil erosion. |
Delegates also agreed on an action plan to curtail unregulated domestic ivory markets. |
Others are saying that to help replenish what's out there in the offshore, one of the things you could do is cut or curtail the capelin fishery. |
Significantly increased law enforcement may be the most effective way to curtail bushmeat hunting, which should be halted within protected areas. |
Our country, in that sense, is aiming to identify cooperation spheres or channels to curtail drug supplies, and to counteract demand. |
There is no doubt that progress has been made to curtail the expansion of the epidemic. |
Pursuant to sections 38 and 40, three statutory requirements curtail the discretion given to the Superintendent with respect to these penalties. |
Such restrictions would seriously curtail governments' right to regulate and weaken governments' ability to protect the public. |
That volume should make it possible to curtail the reduction in prices and restore a reasonable situation on the market for table wine. |
The aim is to curtail dissemination of terrorist propaganda and practical support for terrorist operations. |
Many court watchers were expecting the justices to outlaw or seriously curtail all uses of race by government actors. |
In short, Mosley wants to curtail the scope and cost of development. |
Legislation to curtail the development of these technologies and their use and abuse by intelligence gatherers would only succeed in pushing the activity further out of view. |
That's the problem with these arrangements, and why Congress wanted to curtail them. |
You see, when states have the ability to curtail the applications of a Constitutional right, you get into choppy waters. |
With the World Cup fast approaching, Brazil is attempting to curtail its controversial soccer fan clubs. |
It has forced us to lower our sights, and curtail our expectations. |
Before the war, international rules were established to try and curtail the opium trade in the east. |
This should not be read as an invitation to work unmethodically, or in a disorderly fashion, or not to let an a priori method curtail the inquiring spirit. |
The aim is to increase the share of cash privatization, curtail the privileges of management-employee buyouts and sell-offs for compensatory vouchers. |
Illness was also to curtail the careers of both Churchill's successors. |
Aerial surveys are also followed by spotter and safety craft to curtail operations should marine life or nontarget hazards enter the ranges during the exercises. |
Paul's two-year campaign to curtail US surveillance powers – in a partnership with leftwing Democrats – has been a case in point, although his efforts over the last 24 hours have been more as a one-man show. |
People are sometimes concerned that designation will curtail landowner rights and freedoms, or restrict development, or cost taxpayers money, or attract too many people and with them problems like trespassing and vandalism. |
The mere existence of a submarine may curtail surface warships' freedom to operate. |
Enlightenment scholars sought to curtail the political power of organized religion and thereby prevent another age of intolerant religious war. |
It is argued by some hunt supporters that no law should curtail the right of a person to do as they wish, so long as it does not harm others. |
In the 1970s the federal government came under intense pressures to curtail labour cost and inflation. |
It fell to Stephen's successor Henry II to again curtail the power of earls. |
The law was intended to reduce overgrazing by cattle, but its impact would be to further curtail land for Africans. |
Across the South, white legislatures enacted harsh new laws to curtail the already limited rights of African Americans. |
Key to the success is listening to the voices of those children and youth in order to develop strategies that will address and curtail this problem. |
What is new since 2001, however, is that governments worldwide have been seizing on the fight against terrorism to curtail civil rights and freedoms. |
This phenomenon has demonstrated the imperative of greater international cooperation to curtail the proliferation of illicit arms as the threat of linkage between piracy and terrorism becomes real. |
If we continue to borrow to pay for them, the resultant high real interest rates will curtail the growth in living standards. |
Efforts to curtail the mobility of the peasants by tying them to their land brought Russia closer to legal serfdom. |
Despite a committee established to investigate grievances and excesses, Parliament made several efforts to further curtail the monarch's power. |
The incident was severe enough to curtail his touring schedule for a few years, but he has since recovered. |
Many women in public life have been forced to curtail their activities or abandon their jobs, lacking confidence that the authorities are able or willing to provide them with protection. |
Rail at the bigots in Washington on TV seeking to curtail equality? |
However, there are many prevention and remediation practices that can curtail or limit erosion of vulnerable soils. |
But it is also time to curtail the demand for ivory in Asia. |
Finally, wheat traders continue to track news of a drought in China that could curtail winter wheat production in the world's largest wheat producing nation. |
Such gross deficiencies in democracy, along with attempts to curtail freedom of the press, are cancerous inflictions in the body of any society and drastic action must be taken urgently in order to remedy the situation. |
Management strategies to stem and curtail the infestation include aerial and ground detection, pheromone baiting to attract the beetles, felling and burning of infested trees, and a variety of harvesting techniques. |
Efforts have been made to curtail the use of caning in schools. |
Strong measures such as these not only will protect Canada 's children from the harmful effects of smoking, but will also serve to curtail industry tactics aimed at marketing their products to the youth of this country. |
Anyone seeking to curtail it must be able to present very good arguments. |
You have to curtail the benefits of some to redistribute widely. |
He indicated that since the government would never agree to curtail its legislative prerogative, he would not be recommending anything that had no chance of being supported by government. |
For example, in one type of habitat the toll taken by predators may be low, whereas in another habitat predators may severely curtail the population. |
Construction of the barrier around the Gush Etzion settlement bloc will sever the territorial contiguity of Bethlehem and curtail its potential for natural growth. |
The Hutchinson report also contains a number of unnecessary and interfering bureaucratic provisions that curtail the freedom of establishment and cause the internal market to lose its momentum. |
It is expected to curtail consumer demand for higher-priced meat products. |
Concerns have been expressed that some proposals for multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle might undermine or curtail developing countries' right to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. |
Such a cooperation configuration wouls enable AVTOVAZ to optimize the acquiring procedures and curtail production expenditures. |
Use the information about the children's predicament and behaviour early on with the parents and curtail their need to detail their allegations and bad-mouth the other parent. |
But trying to curtail corporate greed in pup tents out in the cold while the stock market is thriving on Wall Street makes no sense. |
After his official accession to the throne in 1481, John II took a series of measures to curtail the power of the Portuguese aristocracy and concentrate power in himself. |
Guided by self-interests, an email address authorization scheme is claimed to be an essential element needed to curtail abuse and thus protect recipients. |
The rejection of the Finance Bill in 1909 by the Lords prompted the then British government to initiate steps to curtail the powers of the House of Lords in this regard. |
In this regard, McGrayne profiles Clair Patterson, who discovered that leaded gasoline was polluting the planet and spearheaded efforts to curtail the use of tetraethyl lead. |