Looking for sentences and phrases with the word cupressus? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Among its attractions are its trees of cupressus and wellingtonia along with a large collection of wisteria, unusually grown inside the orangery.
Another type of apomictic development has been reported to occur in the gymnosperm Cupressus dupreziana, where embryos develop from unreduced pollen grains.
Examples from Classical Literature
Some of the green or glaucous varieties of both Cupressus and thuya will come fairly true from seed, from 40 per cent.
All the species and beautiful varieties of Cupressus, thuya, and Juniperus are very valuable in a young state.
Urtica urens, and urentior occur about the houses, Cupressus pendula and a magnoliaceous tree, with exquisitely fragrant blossoms.