The cumulative effect of their choices is to bring a gentleness, or a gentility, to the story. |
We hope to detect any cumulative effects of the cover crop's continued use. |
Demidenko fusses around with agogics and tempo fluctuation to the point where the music's unity and cumulative power fall by the wayside. |
The leader in the general classification is based on a running count of each rider's cumulative time over the race's 21 individual legs. |
Then the percentages were multiplied by the factors indicated on the x-axis to determine the cumulative effect on reproduction. |
The cumulative effect of all these landlord combinations sustained Irish landlordism into the early twentieth century. |
The heuristic concept of learning curves describes cost reductions as a function of cumulative production. |
Once started, this violence becomes cumulative, especially in a society where the dead must be revenged, and in the light of a failing State. |
Bickford speculates it's the antioxidants that help inhibit free radicals and so reduce the cumulative effects of life on the aging rat brain. |
Unfortunately, the album's cumulative effect is a feeling of sameness in its raw compositional matter. |
The cumulative deprivation that would be offset by reparations is the maldistribution of wealth between blacks and whites. |
The BA source said the cumulative delays could play havoc with the airline's schedules. |
For any given level of deforestation the marginal benefits to the farmer of clearing decreases with the cumulative area logged. |
Combining two or more of these therapies has a cumulative effect on pain reduction. |
The cumulative throw across the South Alkyonides Fault decreases towards its western and eastern ends. |
However, this campaign need not be sequential to be effective, the cumulative effect across all regions will help achieve the results we seek. |
At the end of the set of nine games, the player who has the lowest cumulative score is the winner. |
Collectively, these ocean microseisms have an annual cumulative seismic energy comparable to that generated from earthquakes, said Kedar. |
First, the cumulative adoption of an innovation over time follows an S-shaped or sigmoid curve. |
The cumulative measures smooth graphs and provide an overall indication of directional changes in forecast accuracy. |
Worst of all may be the cumulative or snowball effects on future generations. |
The solid line represents cumulative fruit size and the dotted line the pressure applied to the roots. |
The cumulative effect is not a developing argument but a gut sense of Sebald's inconsolable vexation. |
The cumulative damage in non-extreme scenarios mounts up in more subtle ways. |
The total value of all the cards in the hands of the other players is added to the winner's cumulative score. |
How long would it be before both offers amounted to the same cumulative total? |
The results showed that cumulative OP exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child's acceptable Reference Dose. |
Perhaps ULTRA's greatest contribution to victory in the west was its cumulative accretion of details about the German order of battle. |
Time in minutes is plotted along the abscissa and the cumulative number of responses is plotted on the ordinate. |
This risk is in part compounded when a person has a tendency to sunburn rather than tan and also has a history of cumulative sun exposure. |
The total effect is cumulative, incremental, until all the elements coalesce in a unique kind of theatrical gravity. |
Bars above histograms indicate the 1st, 5th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of the cumulative frequency distribution. |
We do not compile a cumulative box score for each firm because of the comparative nature of consultant-client relationships. |
The cumulative effect, over billions of years, is to change the elemental composition of the universe. |
It was cumulative and continuous, suggesting an open-ended adventure in social learning where no type was infrangible. |
The bill also brings cumulative sentences, instead of concurrent sentences. |
The cumulative effect of these sites would be to reduce the flexibility and severely constrain the safe and efficient operation of the airspace. |
Initially sympathetic commentators lose patience with him when they view his work in its cumulative invariability. |
The cumulative effect of these descent scenes is to establish Spenser as the poet of initiations. |
The force of character is cumulative. All the foregone days of virtue work their health into this. |
A cascade is a complicated series of processes that ultimately achieves a final, cumulative effect. |
What has not been reported is that the amount is cumulative over a number of years. |
As you can see, it shows the cumulative post totals of the three of us for the year thus far. |
People of these races raised themselves under a system of cumulative incentives to responsibility. |
These effects can usually be avoided by estimating and controlling the cumulative oxygen dose. |
Although the journey times for most people are going to be short, this is a cumulative damage. |
I wish they'd just give a little bit more so that you got the sense of a cumulative awareness. |
Data points are cumulative and useful when you have a frame of reference to plug them into. |
The winners were judged on the basis of the corporate goal of cumulative profit after tax. |
Inclusion of later years into the cumulative lifespan measure diluted the effect. |
Like in real life, the effects are cumulative and so combinations might result in different effects. |
Quarter point increases sound harmless, but it is their cumulative effect that causes the pain. |
The game ends when either team's cumulative score reaches 500 points or more. |
The cumulative rewards can be lucrative, and the experience can change lives. |
That said, there are problems that I believe stem from a cumulative lack of confidence. |
The effects are cumulative so the more often you fight the more chance you have of being injured. |
Fig 2 shows the empirical cumulative distribution functions together with their chi-square counterparts. |
Figure 1 shows the cumulative distribution function of the total time spent on all tasks. |
Parametric modeling of the sample's cumulative distribution function is also possible given different structuring of the data. |
The cumulative distribution function is the relevant quantitative measure for such unusualness. |
And then, when we saw the recent controversy, it wasn't jury nullification or even cumulative voting that got him in trouble. |
Illinois at the time operated under a unique system of electing its representatives, called cumulative voting. |
The fuel rod becomes very hot because of the cumulative energy of many fissioning nuclei. |
Established custom, normative precedent, conduct, and cumulative tradition, is typically based on Muhammad's example. |
It also had issued a lot of preferred stock, which led to a cumulative dividend issue. |
She despairs in a delirium-driven monologue that reaches the cumulative intensity of a raga, peaking to the primal scream of Greek tragedy. |
For example, cumulative per cent germination is probit transformed and then paired with the temperature-time at which the probit was observed. |
Neither the teacher nor course rating was associated with the college cumulative grade point average of the student. |
The Fed ease that triggers the refinancing surge sets into motion the cumulative dynamics of an economic expansion. |
Fig.8 shows the squared overlap and the cumulative squared overlap of the modes with the difference vector. |
The cell's overall resting potential will reflect the cumulative effects of each ion's Nernst potential contribution. |
He lent me a digital power meter that measures both demand in watts and cumulative energy consumption in watt-hours. |
Since arsenic is a cumulative poison, a sub-lethal dose of ratsbane could have been dumped in the communal well or mixed with barrels of flour. |
We first cumulated these returns to obtain the cumulative sum unadjusted and market-adjusted returns for the selected aftermarket time horizons. |
The weighted scores for each ulcer were then tallied to obtain a cumulative score. |
This measures the difference between the areas under the curve of a graph of actual distribution of cumulative income and one indicating equality of income distribution. |
Of course the participants of the sport are at higher risk for the cumulative effects of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. |
This study indicates that use of the proper body mechanics that we were all taught does very little to prevent cumulative or direct back injuries. |
Using the negative exponential model of pollen dispersal, one can enumerate the cumulative reproductive success expected at increasing intermate distances. |
Yet the cumulative efforts of this massive force had virtually no impact on the course of the war. |
The cumulative effect, he argues, is to make the counterculture seem shallower than it actually was. |
He writes in serviceable, unshowy prose, whose effect is cumulative. |
There's cumulative voting, in which you cast multiple votes, choosing either to divide them among different candidates or pile them all on one name. |
First, the companies have been at loss for the past three consecutive years, or post a cumulative loss amounting to 50 percent of paid-up capital. |
I ascribe to Rabbi Luria's ideas about the pleroma, the tikkum and our cumulative, individual roles in bringing redemption through the simple magic of human acts. |
The cumulative effects of concentrated human activities can create large-scale or long-term environmental consequences beyond the assimilative capacity of the environment. |
In that research, biologically meaningful T base estimates were obtained by excluding both lower and upper tails of cumulative germination curves, as was done here. |
A distinctive attribute of human cultural traditions is that they are cumulative over time in a way that the incipient traditions found associated with infrahuman species are not. |
Compassion fatigue involves and arises as a function of exposure to both primary and secondary traumatic stress as well as the cumulative effects of stress and burnout. |
To conclude, we will be keeping a running total of our cumulative scores in the Contact column, and may even keep the natty little bar chart thing I've put there. |
I have considered the potential prejudice and possible means to eliminate or minimize it with respect to each area of inadmissible evidence and also their cumulative effect. |
The cumulative effects of so much stress can take a toll on our bodies. |
In the past, the term minimum erythemal dose was often used as a measure of the cumulative UVR exposure required to induce erythema or sunburn in people. |
It is morally devastating and corrupts men by cumulative temptation. |
Faulty breathing, stage fright, cumulative trauma disorders, tendonitis, carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, trigger finger and tennis elbow also are reviewed. |
The black swan concept focuses on an individual event instead of the cumulative probability of the numerous events that will lead to the same outcome. |
The most common approach to measuring cumulative effects across domains or over time is to use past events and outcomes as determinants of current outcomes. |
Set to grouting, Logac will record pressure, flow, and cumulative volume for each grouted hole by hole number. |
The rhyming, cumulative rebus format of this tale invites the reader to participate in the dressing, undressing and redressing of the party-goer. |
Elidel did not induce contact sensitization, phototoxicity or photoallergy, nor did it show any cumulative irritation. |
The rankings are based on a cumulative points system similar to ATP Rankings in tennis they are done on a rolling one year basis. |
In turn, in theory, the code will thenceforth reflect the current cumulative state of the statutory law in that jurisdiction. |
In 2016, the cumulative worldwide TV audience for WRC TV's programmes was more than 700 million. |
SolarSuperState Prize in the category Solar because the state had the world biggest cumulative installed photovoltaic power per population. |
Board Members were elected by the ratepayers under a system of cumulative voting. |
Glucosamine and muramic acid concentrations can be used to establish cumulative fungal and bacterial cell wall product concentrations in soil. |
The cumulative effect is of a young female being cast in an unflexible role by her male paymasters. |
In all cases, the cumulative distance in centiMorgans from the topmost maker is given to the left of each linkage group. |
By some accounts, these examples are taken to indicate that the best characterization of mass nouns is that they are cumulative nouns. |
Many English nouns can be used in either mass or count syntax, and in these cases, they take on cumulative reference when used as mass nouns. |
These pretest scores were included along with student cumulative GPAs in a model which predicts their success in the course. |
The meaning of the second expression is disputed, but it is generally taken as purely cumulative. |
What we are observing in this sedan square-off is the cumulative effect of modern design technology on the family sedan. |
There's evidence now that cannabis has both a cumulative and a schizophrenogenic effect. |
Because the measured variable was cumulative proportion, the asymptote for each model was always close to one. |
For compilers which produce two-byte unsigneds, the maximum cumulative frequency is 16,383 if we wish to avoid the use of long arithmetic. |
With successive equilibrations, the cumulative Cr release increased in the alkaline surface soil. |
Cume persons represent a radio station's cumulative audience, or the estimated number of individuals reached by a radio station. |
The results of their study also present the cumulative distribution function versus ESD measured voltages in various intervals. |
Plus, those measures all improved by the week, indicating that music can have a cumulative, ever snoozier effect. |
In Cell Biology, the post-test was given during their cumulative final exam but attached as a nongraded supplement. |
The mean amounts of Cd leached from the control and sludged lysimeters are shown in Table 3 and the mean cumulative BTCs in Fig. |
The deeper the downturn, the more powerful the snapback, and the greater the cumulative forces of self-sustaining revival. |
As for knowledge which man receiveth by teaching, it is cumulative, not original. |
Uranium decays to radium through a long series of steps with a cumulative half-life of 4.4 billion years. |
The main edition is published every six years by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives, and cumulative supplements are published annually. |
This is because childhood cancer cumulative incidence increases with follow-up time, which is positively correlated with cumulative radiation dose from birth. |
Cumulative grade point Twenty-two students secured the highest cumulative grade point average of 10 by securing the highest grade in five subjects. |
Agilent high-speed digitizers are the result of more than 300 years of cumulative research and development experience in analog-to-digital conversion technology. |
The cumulative increase in the producer price index for construction inputs since December 2003 remains more than double the 13 percent increase in the consumer price index. |
The derivative of a cumulative distribution function should be continuous so that the model can be fitted either to differential or cumulative data. |
Now, those who book and host a qualified event at Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel with 75 cumulative rooms over select value dates through Dec. |
General semanticists favor the extensional orientation with its cumulative and progressive scientific ways and its practical way of resolving disputes through testing. |
Taken together, these factors lead to cumulative alterations of appearance, function and skin structure such as modifications in the architecture of the extracellular matrix. |
After injections are performed, subjects will return to the clinic for assessment of total, terminal and vellus hair density and cumulative hair thickness, as well safety. |
One afternoon, on a gradual uphill stretch near by Lake Mamie, I skied alongside a woman who was clearly struggling with the cumulative exertions of the day. |
Even if no weakening effects were noticed after one or two overheatings, the cumulative heat effects would cause embrittlement and failure after subsequent overheatings. |
Midbie status was shaped not just by the absolute amount of time since the creation of an account, but by the cumulative amount of time spent inworld. |
What one sees here is the cumulative effect of repeated koineizations. |
Since absorption is cumulative, the color effect intensifies with increasing thickness or if internal reflections cause the light to take a longer path through the ice. |
The pressure has already had negative impacts and is caused by cumulative environmental effects, of which direct human activities are only one piece of the puzzle. |
Some of these human universal patterns are cumulative cultural adaptation, social norms, language, and extensive help and cooperation beyond close kin. |
Moreover, there is a cumulative impact of such signages and it may be difficult to quantify the impact of such an effect, which happens over a period of time. |
The pamphlet also makes no mention of the C.T.E. cases, whose increasing number is convincing many experts that subconcussive brain trauma can have cumulative effects. |