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How to use cumulative in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word cumulative? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The cumulative effect of their choices is to bring a gentleness, or a gentility, to the story.
We hope to detect any cumulative effects of the cover crop's continued use.
Demidenko fusses around with agogics and tempo fluctuation to the point where the music's unity and cumulative power fall by the wayside.
The leader in the general classification is based on a running count of each rider's cumulative time over the race's 21 individual legs.
Then the percentages were multiplied by the factors indicated on the x-axis to determine the cumulative effect on reproduction.
The cumulative effect of all these landlord combinations sustained Irish landlordism into the early twentieth century.
The heuristic concept of learning curves describes cost reductions as a function of cumulative production.
Once started, this violence becomes cumulative, especially in a society where the dead must be revenged, and in the light of a failing State.
Bickford speculates it's the antioxidants that help inhibit free radicals and so reduce the cumulative effects of life on the aging rat brain.
Unfortunately, the album's cumulative effect is a feeling of sameness in its raw compositional matter.
The cumulative deprivation that would be offset by reparations is the maldistribution of wealth between blacks and whites.
The BA source said the cumulative delays could play havoc with the airline's schedules.
For any given level of deforestation the marginal benefits to the farmer of clearing decreases with the cumulative area logged.
Combining two or more of these therapies has a cumulative effect on pain reduction.
The cumulative throw across the South Alkyonides Fault decreases towards its western and eastern ends.
However, this campaign need not be sequential to be effective, the cumulative effect across all regions will help achieve the results we seek.
At the end of the set of nine games, the player who has the lowest cumulative score is the winner.
Collectively, these ocean microseisms have an annual cumulative seismic energy comparable to that generated from earthquakes, said Kedar.
First, the cumulative adoption of an innovation over time follows an S-shaped or sigmoid curve.
The cumulative measures smooth graphs and provide an overall indication of directional changes in forecast accuracy.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It is to be noticed here that the sins charged are cumulative, not distributive.
Courtesy with him, as with any one else who makes it a habit, has a cumulative effect.
Phoebe's indignation was cumulative always, and was now bubbling into wrath.
Usually the stock certificate and the articles of incorporation specify whether stock is cumulative or non-cumulative.
The cumulative effect of a re-reading of Mr. Bottomley's work is to convince one that he is a real poet who can write real drama.
The audience ended by fairly roaring under the cumulative effect of absurdity.
The cumulative effect was enormous, and could have but one possible result.
His eyes had searched for the date line to use as cumulative evidence, but they had remained fastened to one story.
The interest is cumulative, and the denouement of the story in no wise disappointing.
Elfride's emotion was cumulative, and after a while would assert itself on a sudden.
What miracles can be wrought by an open mind and a keen sense of the cumulative power of the unwasted minute!
The most powerful is digitoxin C34H54O11, an extremely poisonous and cumulative drug, insoluble in water.
The picture is a tragic one, cumulative in its horrific details.
Osteoarthritis is cumulative trauma that eventually wears away at cartilaginous surfaces, exposing the underlying bone to additional wear.
Suffice it to say that the cumulative effect is at once mind-bending, heartrending, and profound.
Repeated exposure to the sun and cumulative sunburns not only contributes to premature skin aging, it can also lead to skin cancer.
Net position represents cumulative results from operations plus unexpended appropriations.
Their cumulative effect is certainly considerable, and yet each of them is quite possible in itself.
The cumulative effect of all the dreadful sights which we had seen upon our journey was heavy upon my soul.
The first three had totaled over 40 percent, well outdistancing the cumulative 27 percent inflation rate.
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