The country's main exports are crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. |
In Nigeria, federal authorities are clamping down on a rash of crude oil thefts. |
A pullback in crude oil prices could spur further gains in shares, he added. |
Not that I'll be wiping pretend crude oil off pretend sea gulls, you understand. |
Petrol prices could go up by another 5p per gallon, or 1p per litre, in the coming weeks after an increase in the cost of crude oil. |
The report notes the shock in store for families this winter when price increases for crude oil show up in large increases in home heating bills. |
For the last year at least, virtually every nation that can produce crude oil has been producing flat out. |
Backward vertical integration minimizes the risks of interruption in the constant flow of crude oil to its refineries. |
Unless there is a recovery in crude oil prices, real tax reform, and a further depreciation of currency, the company will struggle to survive. |
Their production of crude oil and natural gas began in 1969, greatly reducing Australia's dependence on imported oil. |
The bulk of exports are crude oil, refined products, and natural gas liquids. |
The sooner we develop them the less reliant we will be on imports of crude oil and refined petroleum products. |
Oil refining refers to the processes involved in converting crude oil into useful petroleum products. |
The refinery, which processes crude oil, has an annual capacity of around 10 million tonnes. |
The crude oil is heated in a furnace and pumped into the fractionating column, near its base. |
However, in broad terms, petroleum can be divided into six fractions obtained from fractional distillation of the crude oil. |
Both are produced by refining crude oil, but the kerosene fraction of the oil is a little heavier. |
The majority of the manufacturing is from the catalytic cracking of ethane, petroleum fractions, and crude oil. |
Also unheard-of was a cartel cornering a commodity such as crude oil, as long as the medium of exchange was gold. |
Today's crude oil prices reflect nothing more than a market bubble fed by speculation and unwarranted fear. |
Ethene is a colorless gas that can be collected from natural gas and crude oil. |
A key chokehold for the oil monopolies is the refining of crude oil in the United States. |
On March 24, 1989, a 900-foot long supertanker ran aground in well-marked waters and spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil. |
The presence of sulfurated compounds in crude oil and heavy fractions is also undesirable. |
The union wants Government to do away with middlemen in the procurement of crude oil to avoid unnecessary fuel price increases. |
The major indexes slid to seven-week lows in the week to Friday with crude oil futures holding near record levels. |
Well, crude oil prices are spiking as the hurricane batters oil production facilities in and around the Gulf of Mexico. |
Renewable energy is also the answer to imminent crude oil and natural gas shortages affecting fuel and heating needs. |
Worldwide production of crude oil, unrefined oil stripped of any natural gas liquids, is slightly less than 66 million barrels a day. |
They were covered head to toe in crude oil from a massive slick that had formed over the site of the sinking. |
The higher trade deficit, which may emerge from rising crude oil prices, is also manageable. |
The crude oil, known as concrete, is semi-solid at ordinary temperature because of a large amount of higher fatty acids, chiefly palmitic acid. |
The Australian sharemarket took a battering today, falling almost one per cent, as the price of crude oil surged to a new record high. |
Consequently, he is advising investors to buy a basket of commodities such as copper, sugar, cotton, corn and crude oil. |
The EU is considering making all-risks, third-party insurance compulsory for ships carrying crude oil. |
Meanwhile, the soaring crude oil price and burgeoning demand in the Far East should provide some soothing balm to the share price. |
It was the Exxon Valdez which ran aground on the Alaskan coast in 1989 spilling 40 million litres of crude oil. |
Two products which come directly from the crude oil and do not require further processing are asphalt and waxes. |
Tyres are no longer manufactured from rubber plants but from synthetic materials produced from crude oil. |
But motorists may wonder why the price of petrol leaps up so quickly when the crude oil it comes from was sold when the price was much lower. |
The relaxation of rules and the news that crude oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve will be made available helped calm the energy markets. |
China links domestic prices for crude oil and refined products to international prices, adjusted after a one-month lag. |
Yes, there may be underutilized workforces globally, but there is notably less available supply of copper, platinum, and crude oil. |
Experts have been saying that we have another 40 or so years of cheap recoverable crude oil left. |
Apparently international crude oil prices continue to soar and are expected to hover around the eighty dollars a barrel mark. |
For example, the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act bars most exports of U.S. crude oil. |
Revenue is generated from the sale of crude oil, according to Luay al-Khatteeb, an energy expert at the Brookings Doha Center. |
The raw materials for these products derived from coal or crude oil. |
Not only did it look like and have the texture of crude oil, it tasted like it had been recently drilled. |
Many of the U.S. reserves of crude oil are found in the Midwest and along the plains region. |
Similarly, the Economic Minister of Lithuania has been negotiating with a Russian oil company to exchange Lithuanian oil profits for Russian crude oil. |
Total oil production figures include crude oil, natural gas liquids, and other liquid energy products. |
However, the sluggish progress of the monsoon and the rising inflation rate as a result of higher crude oil prices has stemmed the possibility of a runaway rally. |
The blasts sent 1,500 tons of crude oil into the Yellow Sea and sparked 100-foot-high flames that burned for 15 hours. |
Cooking gas, gasoline and diesel are by-products of crude oil. |
Beijing strictly controls the prices companies can charge for their products, always keeping them low enough to maintain growth regardless of international crude oil prices. |
The features of the distribution and composition of heteroatomic crude oil components remaining in rocks of the reservoir developed by water flooding have been revealed. |
Most graphite is obtained from petroleum coke, i.e., the black tar that remains after all of the useful fuels and lubricants have been removed from crude oil. |
In past times, crude oil usually was considered to be a nuisance, a condition that changed only when people found ways to create products from it that people wished to buy. |
Economic sanctions against Iran, such as the embargo against Iranian crude oil, have affected the economy. |
An important part of Iranian crude oil exports consists of pre-paid liftings by Japanese and European term clients. |
An oil well produces predominantly crude oil, with some natural gas dissolved in it. |
The report provides a detailed analysis of pipeline transportation of natural gas, crude oil, and petroleum products in the world. |
Global key statistics on crude oil, natural gas and petroleum product pipelines is covered in the report. |
The increase in expected earnings is the result of higher-than-anticipated crude oil and natural gas prices and lower dry hole expenses. |
Oil reserves denote the amount of crude oil that can be technically recovered at a cost that is financially feasible at the present price of oil. |
The pipeline will be enwombed with the proposed Iran-Pak oil refinery, which has a capacity of refining 6 million tonnes of crude oil. |
Merchant oil tankers carry a wide range of hydrocarbon liquids ranging from crude oil to refined petroleum products. |
Propane's journey to end users begins during the processing and refining of crude oil and natural gas, from which propane emerges as a byproduct. |
For example, moving crude oil from oil wells in Nigeria to the refineries on the coast of the United States. |
A comparison of the effects of kelp and crude oil in sediments on the colonization and growth of benthic infauna. |
The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. |
As a result of the rise in crude oil prices, the cost per food mile worldwide has soared. |
Crude tankers move large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its point of extraction to refineries. |
At the opposite extreme from methane lie the heavy tars that remain as the lowest fraction in a crude oil refining retort. |
The price of crude oil is determined in continuous trading between professional players in World's many commodities exchanges. |
Greenpeace had claimed that the tanker contained 5,500 tonnes of crude oil, while Shell estimated it only contained 50 tonnes. |
Indonesia has extensive natural resources, including crude oil, natural gas, coal, tin, copper, and gold. |
In a twist on the miracle of the saint crying milk, her neogoth eye makeup had made her look as though she were crying black crude oil. |
The study found that even very low concentrations of crude oil can slow the pace of fish heartbeats. |
Major imports include crude oil, machinery, gems, fertiliser, and chemicals. |
Each crude oil has unique molecular characteristics which are revealed by the use of Crude oil assay analysis in petroleum laboratories. |
Current technology includes heating crude oil and injecting drag reducing agent chemicals to reduce oil viscosity. |
He said crude oil would be imported from Russia, Kirgizstan, and Turkmenistan to Afghanistan. |
The kerogen in the rock can be converted into crude oil using heat and pressure to simulate natural processes. |
Although Bonny declined as aport in the first half of the century, the discovery of crude oil in commercial quantifies led to Bonny's revival. |
Another crisis in the Middle East, another jump in crude oil prices. |
There are 860 wells in various municipalities extracting crude oil and natural gas. |
Revenue rose 10 per cent to 57 billion ringgit on higher crude oil prices, Petronas said. |
Ghana produces and exports an abundance of hydrocarbons such as sweet crude oil and natural gas. |
At its peak in 1988, it was the largest producer and second largest exporter of crude oil, surpassed only by Saudi Arabia. |
Although overall yields are comparatively low, Lower Saxony is also an important supplier of crude oil in the European Union. |
The move is being driven by rapidly increasing up-stream raw material prices based on crude oil including meta-tolouic acid and metaxylene. |
The deal is expected to include the capture of natural gas released as a by-product of crude oil extraction, an Oil Ministry official said. |
In its strictest sense, petroleum includes only crude oil, but in common usage it includes all liquid, gaseous and solid hydrocarbons. |
The surrounding Maracaibo Basin contains large reserves of crude oil, making the lake a major profit center for Venezuela. |
The region is abundant in fossil fuels including natural gas, crude oil and lignite coal. |
Estonian Oil Service tranships Russian and Belorussian heavy fuel oils and crude oil servicing the global export markets. |
The agency said that, unlike heavier crude oil, the marine engine oil should evaporate or disperse naturally. |
Much US and Canadian crude oil from the interior is now shipped to the coast by railroad, which is much more expensive than pipeline. |
Joint stockpiling gives South Korea first rights to purchase the crude oil in case of an emergency, such as a crude oil shortage. |
It is used to price two thirds of the world's internationally traded crude oil supplies. |
The production of crude oil is driving the consumption of oilfields stimulation chemicals market, globally. |
The low crude oil prices have created a demand for optimizing production from existing oilfields and to operate at an economical rate. |
From the standpoint of GeoDynamics, the overall jobs act generally contains language that would support small crude oil producers. |
Nile Blend Crude Oil is a paraffinic crude oil with a high wax content, high pour point and high wax appearance temperature. |
The desulphurized crude oil was subjected to ultra violet visible spectrophotometric analysis. |
The Pavlodar refinery was shut down in the period from September 1996 to April 1997, because there were no crude oil supplies from Russia. |
Brent Crude is a major trading classification of sweet light crude oil that serves as a major benchmark price for purchases of oil worldwide. |
You buy our crude oil and sell it back to us, refined as petrochemicals, at a hundred times the price you've paid us. |
Oil and gas exploration off Ghana's eastern coast on the Gulf of Guinea is ongoing, and the amount of both crude oil and natural gas continues to increase. |
Wells are drilled into oil reservoirs to extract the crude oil. |
It is uncertain when the first crude oil pipeline was built. |
Speculative behavior, increasing global demand and peak oil have all been listed as antagonists in the upward trend and spike in crude oil prices. |
A new multi-products berth at Messai'eed has four crude oil tanks, with 60-metre diametre each, and one water tank for fire-fighting with a diametre of 33 metres. |
Four different types of hydrocarbon molecules appear in crude oil. |
It produced crude oil and natural gas from 24 wells for delivery to the Flotta oil terminal on Orkney and to other installations by three separate pipelines. |
On the other hand, oil shales are source rocks that have not been exposed to heat or pressure long enough to convert their trapped hydrocarbons into crude oil. |
The primary petrochemicals produced by the cracking of crude oil and natural gas are ethylene, propylene, methanol and aromatics such as benzene, toluene and xylene. |
One of the main Uzbek crude oil consumers is the Ferghana refinery. |
This became increasingly apparent in 1967, when the tanker Torrey Canyon spilled 120,000 tons of crude oil when it ran aground entering the English Channel. |
To supply the equivalent amount of power by burning fossil fuels would require some 58,800 kiloliters of crude oil per year, approximately equal to 300,000 oil drums. |
By the end of the 1920s, Shell was the world's leading oil company, producing 11 percent of the world's crude oil supply and owning 10 percent of its tanker tonnage. |
According to preliminary estimates netback of crude oil supplied to the Russia is lower than netbacks of crude oil exported via UAS and CPC routes. |
Acid rain may be of extra concern to vehicle owners in Gulf coast states as the burning of crude oil releases toxic fumes which lead to acid rain. |
Therefore, for effective cultivation of crops like cassava in this ecozone where crude oil pollution is inevitable, some remedial measures need to be applied. |
Westward Ho will also have access to the oil hub at Clovelly, Louisiana, the delivery point of Mars Sour crude oil, another popular grade with US Gulf Coast refiners. |
The decrease was the result of strong demand for crude oil in the United States and uncharacteristically low futures prices, which reduced quantities stored at the terminal. |
The heteroatom compounds such as asphaltenes exist as colloidal dispersions in crude oil and were peptized by other components present in the oil. |
A supertanker berths at Saudi Aramco's Ras Tanura Sea Island Terminal, part of the Port of Ras Tanura, the world's largest crude oil export terminal complex. |
The agreement will see the United States unfreeze billions in Iranian assets while the EU notably suspends a 2012 ban on insuring and transporting Iranian crude oil. |
Phillips Petroleum rapidly became a fully integrated oil company that included oil and gas production, crude oil pipelines and refineries, and marketing of petroleum products. |
As seen in Table FE3, the production, imports, and refinery inputs of crude oil have a small mean absolute percent error elative to crude oil stock change. |
He said India has been procuring crude oil from 25 countries and it was not correct to say that the country was overdependent on the West Asia for crude supplies. |
In 1848 Young set up a small business refining the crude oil. |
It purchases crude oil for the company's refineries in the United States and has oil sands holdings in Alberta and four offshore blocks in Nova Scotia. |
In 2006, the cultivation of newly discovered crude oil in the town of Spanish Lookout has presented new prospects and problems for this developing nation. |
It is the world's largest producer of natural gas and crude oil. |