Other quick-change options include crocheted doilies, printed tea towels, monogrammed napkins, or hemmed fabric remnants. |
Her mother was curled up in bed, sweating in her pink flannel pajamas, covered with a crocheted afghan even in the summer heat. |
He had seated himself at our dark wood table where, earlier, she had set out a crocheted place mat with fork and knife and napkin. |
This form of tivaevae is made from embroidered squares that are crocheted together to create the finished blanket. |
Some of the great sparkling looks came in tiny swimsuits or two-piece bikinis studded with silver nail heads including crocheted white suits. |
The cuffs of her black jumper were pulled over her fists, and she hugged herself as if she were wearing a crocheted strait-jacket. |
Queen Mary's Irish lace wedding dress was reputedly crocheted by three ladies from Foxpoint. |
Irish crocheted lace, Clare embroidery, and Ayrshire whitework were invented to support starving women in nineteenth-century Great Britain. |
We were supposed to put all the clothes from the cleaners or the laundry onto crocheted hangers that my grandmother had made for us. |
Smiling, she pulled away from Ben and laid a crocheted afghan over the slumbering boy. |
I sat on the green plastic chair covered with five afghans crocheted for him each year for Christmas by my mother. |
Empire line dresses in cheesecloth and cotton appeared alongside crocheted tops and pastel jumpers with feather collars and cuffs. |
This lovely, quirky toilet roll cosy has been hand crocheted using high quality pure wools. |
It's a nicely worded piece, but I've pushed the bit about Mrs Burgess's collection of crocheted tea cosies up to the top. |
The textile workshop spins local wool and uses natural dyes to produce an array of knitted, crocheted, and woven items. |
Chan has got her own store where you can purchase crocheted corn-dog pen cozies and even crocheted bread-and-butter scarves! |
Feeling somewhat suspicious of a crocheted edging, I nonetheless followed the pattern and slip-stitched all the live stitches. |
Here are instructions for doing a crocheted slip stitch, along with a list of some ways that slip stitches are used in crochet patterns. |
A lounge inside is decorated with old household items, like a piano, sewing machines and white crocheted table cloths. |
They dressed me in a turquoise crocheted pullover, brown corduroy flares and open-toed sandals, while letting my hair grow very long. |
Along with the lace this season, you will see crochet accessories with crocheted or fuzzy pom-poms. |
They would traipse from festival to festival with me in my pram buried under a pile of tie-dye T-shirts and crocheted ponchos. |
Like fish and chips and your gran's crocheted tea cosies, Victoria Wood is the very essence of Northern England in all its dark, satanic glory. |
The Aran Tam perfectly combines style and practicality and is totally unique as each hat is hand knit or crocheted. |
I decided to try to make something from them and I shredded some and knitted and crocheted them. |
Her deft hands fashioned countless beautiful things, from colourful quilts to crocheted tablecloths. |
In total the club, which includes about six other members, have crocheted about 56 blankets ranging from knee rugs to baby blankets. |
The men crocheted caps that were delivered before Christmas last year. |
I laid the blanket I had crocheted before I came to New France on my bed and put my knitting needles and crochet hooks in my workbag and then put it in the trunk. |
Home made tree baubles and festive Christmas angels, crocheted with Nora for your special Christmas. |
The numerous exemptions which include the makers of pianos and crocheted items which allow companies to ignore it should be removed. |
In the past he has used sugar for graffiti tagging and panty nylon for his larger crocheted and knitted webs. |
The collection hinted at a trademark opulence: crystals sewn on to crocheted dresses and cropped jackets and skirts. |
So far they have handed over 800 jumpers, some with bonnets and booties and ten knitted or crocheted blankets. |
While serving overseas, Master Corporal Isfeld was known for giving local children handmade dolls crocheted by his mother. |
In Thinking, a crocheted openwork of rusted wire bursts from a metal drum. |
Capes, ponchos and crocheted wraps were teamed with pants and even skirts. |
Alaska's department of environmental conservation promotes the recycling of plastic bags by turning them into crocheted crafts, backpacks, handbags, bath mats and baskets. |
They wore close-fitting crocheted skullcaps that were noticed by others. |
Ann Whiting, of Castle Rising, Norfolk presented the couple with a crocheted shawl which she had spent six months making. |
She pulled out a heavy crocheted blanket and a pair of slip-on shoes. |
There were lots of chiffon, ruffles, crocheted shawls and white Peter Pan collars. |
Create decorative designs with Nora yarn and create your own crocheted festive stars, angels or romantic tea light holder covers, all from one pack. |
Private Richard Thompson, was a soldier from the Royal Canadian Regiment who received a scarf crocheted by Queen Victoria for valour in the Boer War. |
The hemline is trimmed with crocheted loops in white cotton. |
Yet in Britain, our polarised attitude to handmade remains shaped by Savile Row suits at one end and crocheted tea cosies at village bring-and-buy sales at the other. |
There are too many loopholes with national regulations crocheted in elsewhere, making individual interpretations possible and the whole thing impenetrable. |
Fitz lamp, £12, habitat.co.uk These crocheted French Mustard bottles by Kate Jenkins are in the best Pop Art tradition of co-opting consumer symbols and you can pick them up, along with other designs at the exhibition shop. |
People from the age of two to 99 created elements of the garden, complete with crocheted flora and fauna, garden gnomes and small creatures. |
Ancient rag, or stuffed, dolls have been found, as well as dolls crocheted of bright wool and others with woolen heads, clothed in coloured wool frocks. |
They should be home recycling crocheted trivets. |
On the red tablecloth rests a white crocheted doily. |
The Coop has children's and adults' fleece gloves and hats, casserole and shoe bags, crocheted table bags and many more practical and whimsical items. |
Silver Metal Clay as well as advanced courses. KENJI also offers a class in the Initiation to Copper Metal Clay and other jewelery making classes, such as a crocheted bracelet, chain maille and other beading classes. |
I crocheted chenille socks and put little grippies on the bottom. |
I once had a pair of crocheted houseshoes that drove me nuts. |