Individual experts and individual medical bodies around the world criticised it. |
Still, many Japanese have criticised the mission, saying it unnecessarily endangers lives and violates the country's pacifist constitution. |
I've been criticised in the past for waxing lyrical and going all gushy about booze. |
Her anti-immigration policies and mistrust of multiculturalism led to her being disendorsed by the party and widely criticised by the left. |
Apparently he had no qualms about heaping fresh discredit upon the heavily criticised parliament, which it was his responsibility to sustain. |
This initiative has been sharply criticised as grossly inefficient and counterproductive. |
The final winner was a Frenchman, whose egg-shaped design was promptly criticised on all sides. |
Earlier this year, Asda was criticised for selling black and pink lingerie, including a push-up bra, for girls as young as nine. |
The State Government devolving its powers on local self-governments is not to be criticised. |
To her devastation her father even criticised her approach to acting during the filming. |
The reports also criticised the fact that too much public focus goes on asylum seekers to the detriment of migrants. |
Residents have criticised a decision to keep two deselected members in the cabinet. |
He further criticised the government for not telling the public the real cost of providing public housing. |
The derelict condition of the Market House has been criticised by the town council. |
Each of the nine deputations the committee heard criticised the council for springing the cuts on the groups by letter 17 days ago. |
Many of the papers in these volumes show a revival of interest in the much criticised techniques of glottochronology and lexicostatistics. |
There concerns centre on ATM-style voting machines that computer scientists have criticised for software glitches, hacking and malfunctioning. |
Other hackers, most notably the Chaos Computer Club, have criticised The Dispatchers, a loose-knit collective of more than 60 defacers. |
A children's mental health charity has criticised a headmaster's decision to place a problem child in classes with pupils half his age. |
He also criticised the late payment of sponsorship contract money and tournament prize money to players. |
Mr Mirfin, who earlier this week criticised the council over the matter, said the safety of clubbers visiting the Casbah was of prime importance. |
The NHS was criticised for not making the treatment and prevention of obesity a top priority. |
Lyne has been criticised in the past for prettification, but seldom, if ever, for not knowing how to say goodbye. |
A school for children with learning difficulties has been severely criticised and branded ineffective by inspectors in a damning report. |
She thinks he is just the frontman for the competition which has been criticised for ruining the music industry. |
The board, often criticised in the past for taking too long to settle claims, deserves credit for its swift response in this case. |
They fear the truth will be covered up and have criticised the Ministry for its handling of the investigation. |
He criticised Descartes' ideas of mechanics and examined what are effectively kinetic energy, potential energy and momentum. |
He and other postmasters today criticised the Post Office, saying they did not feel the organisation was protecting them properly. |
Those who cited the body as a temple, were criticised for allowing sport to become a counter-attraction to the churches. |
At the inquest into the deaths the coroner had criticised fire safety standards in British furniture. |
There were times in the 1980s when both princesses were cordially disliked, their every act criticised in the press. |
Kent ambulance service has denied it is running a fleet of dirty vehicles after a report criticised cleaning procedures. |
Peer review has long been criticised for failing to identify flaws in research. |
First, he criticised judges for not convicting criminals often enough when prosecutors bring cases before them. |
He criticised this analysis as being based on a tortuous construction which is unnecessary and inappropriate. |
Plans for a tidy tip next to a busy park have been criticised by Conservative councillors. |
They were criticised by analysts and fund managers for not making a stronger pitch for the US company. |
The Montrose club's traditional ways have already been criticised by the pipe major of a local pipe band. |
Keats was criticised as uncouth and inharmonious but is now venerated as one of our greatest Romantic poets. |
He also criticised the standard of the council's road inspection regime in general. |
He criticised modern methods of cultivation and pointed out that the use of chemical fertilisers had affected soil fertility. |
The South Auckland council is being criticised for allowing poor quality, infill housing developments in Howick. |
Political infighting between councillors both across and within parties is mentioned and criticised adversely. |
Well, the other side of the coin, of course, is that if you do not pursue them, sometimes you can be criticised for not doing your job properly. |
The intelligence services have already been heavily criticised for failing to act on a series of clues that might have led them to the hijackers. |
Recently the city has been widely criticised for the paucity of its 60th anniversary plans. |
Another profession, the medical, has just been criticised for arrogance, paternalism and complacency. |
The firm has been criticised for being slow to offer camera phones and clamshell designs. |
Napoleon, Chris says, has been criticised for sleepwalking his way through the horrors of the retreat, unaware of the sufferings of his soldiers. |
Plans for an American-style beauty pageant featuring children in Manchester have been scrapped after organisers were criticised by councillors. |
Labour decided that, because I criticised spin doctors and argued for home rule, I must be a Scottish Nationalist. |
Instead she has been criticised for spending too little time in her homeland and for speaking her native language with an American accent. |
Another member of the Lions has criticised tour management for overtraining the squad following the second Test defeat by Australia. |
Governmental oversight of the private operation has been regularly criticised as inadequate. |
In Britain, the police have been criticised for overplaying the risk of such an event taking place here. |
Company pension schemes were today criticised for the threatening way they tried to recover money they had mistakenly overpaid to members. |
It implies that if you've ever criticised the president's war conduct, you cannot succeed him in office. |
Advertisers and food producers have both been lambasted, but only occasionally have ministers criticised the overeaters. |
His management style has been widely criticised and has led to the outflux of a large number of the court's most experienced staff. |
His defending ability has been criticised but he is a solid centre back and is excellent on the ball. |
They have been criticised recently for strong-arm tactics, rolling around in tanks, but not doing enough intelligence. |
The commission criticised poor financial management, breaches in employment ceilings and unauthorised expenditure in the health system. |
Pub landlord Paul Morris criticised police for being heavy-handed and has disputed that any drugs were found. |
The popular bush journalist criticised those who described much of inland Australia as the dead heart. |
But it has been criticised for handing out large amounts of taxpayers' cash to wealthy private individuals. |
In spite of my efforts to work harmoniously in the hospital, I am being seriously misrepresented and criticised in the record of that incident. |
The watchdog criticised low standards, poor quality teaching and ineffective management. |
He was notified of Fraser's verdict, along with all others who are to be criticised, by letter last week. |
Although it has sometimes been criticised as being non-political, nothing could be further from the truth. |
Rochdale's police chief has criticised a decision to cut jobs within the division. |
Francois-Rene, vicomte de Chateaubriand, French ambassador in London from 1822, criticised Wellington's choice of setting for the statue. |
An aircraft captain has been criticised after failing to properly report an incident which affected a Stansted-bound flight last year. |
The council has also been criticised by many for repeatedly chorusing its catchphrase of making Hull a Top Ten city. |
Baxter was variously criticised for not having coached an international side before, or for not being a local. |
He has been criticised for being wilfully vague about those policy plans during the campaign. |
A few days later, a pompous brigadier turned up and criticised Churchill for leaving a gap in his defences. |
The drugs industry is being criticised for usurious prices of drugs, medicines and services. |
Lawyers are criticised for insisting on forms and solemnities and actually taking out summonses, taking out orders, recording things properly. |
Both councils and the Government are criticised for not having enough up-to-date information on the state of school budgets. |
Women now also recognise the need to stick to their guns when they are criticised by men. |
It also criticised it for not reacting to signals from the market place and for having a structure that's too unwieldy and fragmented. |
The trial can easily be criticised, not least for having an unvalidated outcome measure. |
Caribbean pitches have been criticised recently for having a soft surface and spotty grass cover, creating an uneven bounce of the ball. |
Pro-life groups are opposed to any change in the law and have criticised the survey for being unrepresentative. |
She criticised the narrowness of the parking spaces at this key central location. |
So why then, if he is doing all of this, is he criticised almost universally for being a stick-in-the-mud? |
Now one thing that our cricketers have been criticised for in recent times is their reputation as big-time sledgers. |
Angry shoppers have criticised the store as being persistently understocked, with basic items missing from the shelves. |
For a man who has been criticised vociferously over the past few months, he looks supremely unbowed. |
She criticised the fact that both external and internal auditors, as well as senior management, had proved unaccountable. |
Traffic police have criticised motorists who risk lives by driving with poor eyesight. |
A mother who gave birth outside a locked maternity unit has criticised health bosses for not keeping it open around the clock. |
Town Hall bosses have criticised residents who blockaded a road after a three-old-boy was involved in an accident with a car. |
Clarke has also been criticised for sanctioning England's participation in last year's winner-takes-all Stanford Twenty20 tournament in Antigua. |
Was it because she couldn't stomach being criticised for speaking out of turn on a delicate subject? |
Officers were also criticised for not fully recording details of the weight or quantity of drug hauls or why they thought suspects possessed it. |
Meanwhile, legislators also criticised the Administration Wing for mishandling the situation. |
Anyone who scientifically proves any parapsychological phenomenon gets their method criticised and their reputation trashed. |
But after they criticised Natalie's performance her sister decided to give them a piece of her mind. |
This made for a curious arrangement over which the Celtic boss was criticised. |
In the past, businesses criticised holding the show midweek because it caused major traffic congestion. |
Plans to close community beat offices in the townships have been heavily criticised by Pennine councillors. |
The implementation stage of the fair value scheme has been severely criticised. |
He criticised France's reliance on the Maginot Line for defence against Germany and called for the formation of mechanised armoured columns. |
The headmaster of Settle High School criticised parents who kept their distance from the school. |
Compared to the other semi-finalists here, the Italians were criticised for representing a throwback to a bygone, defensive mentality. |
But some of those who were near the top of the class refused to bask in the glory and criticised the way the information was presented. |
The maulana criticised the new Haj guideline and called it contrary to the interests of prospective Hajis. |
He criticised the minister's proposal to allow only Garda inspectors obtain a search warrant from a district judge. |
In particular he strongly criticised Cantor's and Dedekind's theories of irrational numbers. |
He criticised martial law but warned of bloodshed and civil war, counselling patience rather than defiance. |
A fellow driver chose to have words with him and criticised him for weaving about on the track in order to balk those who try to overtake. |
The organiser of tonight's Scottish Bafta awards has criticised corporate Scotland for failing to support young acting talent. |
Some middle-class British student movements have been criticised for misrepresenting the views of the poor. |
They also criticised the community safety vehicles because they do not carry the same firefighting equipment as a traditional tender. |
It also criticised the windows' poor design as a bad example to other developers. |
The old building was criticised for poor condition, bad layout and having too few interview rooms. |
The investigation, which was mothballed after only 12 weeks, was also severely criticised for manifold failures and fatal delays. |
Despite this, managed care has recently been criticised by the public, healthcare professionals, and politicians. |
Government and Opposition politicians last night criticised them for branding campaigners as whingers and scaremongers. |
The High Court judge recently criticised the tardy process and said taxpayers were footing the bill, including legal costs in successful claims. |
While they have not criticised the actions of the woman in fending off the attacker, police advise the public to always think about safety first. |
It is said that she criticised Pindar for introducing Atticisms into his poems. |
Failure to recruit enough doctors and nurses has been criticised in a report attacking west Wiltshire health bosses. |
In a Scotland context, he has been criticised for not attaching sufficient importance to goalkicking. |
The actor has been roundly criticised for his work for years, but here he's on top form. |
She has criticised the whole modern theory of human rights as being conceived the wrong way round. |
A dense, linguistically playful writer, his books are often criticised for being unfocused. |
When Warne first bowled at the legs of right-handers by coming at them from round the wicket, he was criticised for being negative. |
A huge bestseller in Spain, the novel has been criticised by some on the left for serving up a light version of the civil war. |
The cost of the council event and the decision to provide lunch has been criticised by a Lib Dem councillor. |
The media are rightly criticised for 'body fascism', and placing too much attention on size 10 supermodels. |
However, some criticised the document for not being more imaginative and said it was restating problems that are common knowledge. |
He criticised Eisenstein's film October as a distortion of history, because it restaged the events of the 1917 Russian Revolution using actors. |
The kingdom has been criticised by the United States for laxness on fighting terrorism. |
For years his proudest boast has been that while others have criticised his growth forecasts, he has ended up having the last laugh. |
The ombudsman criticised the school for breaking strict admissions rules set out in the code of practice on comprehensive admissions. |
The current system is criticised for its reliance on overly broad classifications. |
The next item that is criticised is the instructions of counsel in relation to that. |
The fountain in the Corn Exchange has been criticised for being stuffed with food paper wrappings most of the time. |
The intelligence service was criticised for not re-evaluating its assessments in the light of Mr Blix's reports. |
The report criticised poor record-keeping and a lack of monitoring of contracts which had hindered investigations into fraud. |
Earlier in her prepared testimony, Ms Rice neither criticised Mr Clarke nor offered a point-by-point rebuttal of what he had said. |
He also criticised the failure of the Government to give full effect to the Children's Act 2001 which deals with willful neglect by parents. |
Giles was widely criticised for this new tactic but, encouraged by Fletcher, he continued to bowl over the wicket. |
Human rights abuses should be criticised wherever they occur, and without regard to who the victims are. |
Haig has been criticised by some for his belief in the simple advance of infantry troops on enemy lines. |
Now a television pundit, the player was admonished by his team manager, after he had criticised his team-mates. |
In common with many other German newspapers, the weekly journal originally had criticised and rejected the American war plans. |
A majority of the mahants criticised the Sangh Parivar for the deterioration of the temple town. |
In addition, Scotland has been criticised for its treatment of ethnic and racial minorities. |
Earlier this month, the glamour model was criticised for plugging her hair extension products in a webchat with fans. |
Gordon Brown's Treasury must explain why eight UK government departments have recently been criticised by auditors for weak financial control. |
I'd recently been criticised this blog simply hadn't been unlucky enough of late. |
Posters for a brand of alcohol were criticised by the advertising watchdog today for containing sexual innuendo. |
Molesey's want-away players have been criticised by new manager Ian Hazel, who says they harbour inflated opinions of themselves. |
Ms Campbell was a key campaigner against top-up fees, but was heavily criticised by students after abstaining in the final vote in the Commons. |
He gives a remarkable performance, which has been criticised for being too actorish, and yet manages to make a dull man interesting, without falling back on self pity. |
She has consistently criticised the health authority for using contract cleaning companies to clean the hospital rather than employing its own cleaners directly. |
He also implicitly criticised the president for packing the courts and legislature with his supporters and for bringing the army deeply into political life. |
Controversial plans to split Telstra into separate retail and wholesale divisions have been criticised by one of the world's top ratings agencies. |
Before the magazine even hit the news-stands the images were being criticised for their associations of mad-dog English fans and post-match aggro. |
Zhang Ming, a professor of politics at Renmin University, said he had heard that Mr. Xi was criticised by the party elders. |
As a result, MONUC was criticised by numerous prestigious human rights organizations. |
Although criticised by many at that time for being too soft, it was in essence a policy based on realism and aimed at liberating India to play a larger role in the world. |
The more they criticised me, the more resistant and rebellious I became. |
However, Amnesty criticised the department for not looking at the bigger picture and investigating whether the goods were re-exported after being sent to Scotland. |
Murphy criticised the judge's handling of an application to renew the licence in June 1997, when an experienced law clerk had expressed reservations about the procedure. |
In the inquiry report the Captain was criticised for failing to set up a proper lookout and for failing to deploy his vessel's lifebuoys and life raft. |
His tactical acumen has been rightly criticised, but in the end it seems even his motivational powers were dimmed when he lost his spark for the job. |
Until recently, the angriest reaction I ever got to one of my reviews was when I criticised an author for attributing thoughts to Teddy Roosevelt's dog. |
Education chiefs have pledged that lessons will go on at a tertiary college despite a damning report which criticised most teaching as unsatisfactory and management as weak. |
For example, in 1386, when criticised in parliament for his choice of advisers, he said that he would not dismiss one scullion from his kitchen at their request. |
In the past, health correspondents have been criticised for simply parroting Department of Health press releases and recycling articles from the medical journals. |
Kate's parents also criticised Swindon Council for allocating their daughter temporary accommodation in a bed and breakfast used to house other, older drug addicts. |
Chisholm's departure would come after a torrid summer in which he has been harshly criticised for allowing a series of swingeing cuts in hospital services throughout Scotland. |
In often trenchant language, he criticised the proposed development for being overly-commercial and entirely unacceptable for such a sensitive area. |
The get tough stance comes just a few weeks after parking attendants in the town were criticised for slapping fines on coaches picking up children from a Christmas pantomime. |
Harshly criticised at first by the moral majority, most protests were eventually forgotten as its genius came to be recognised as a vital part of US popular culture. |
Following her death, the trust was also criticised for the difficulty the family had in seeing her body in the mortuary, which was said to be off-limits at the weekend. |
But arriving back home yesterday, after an eight-hour coach journey, the Celtic fans criticised the airline and claimed yesterday's events had been blown out of proportion. |
Royal sources suggested the choice was a discreet snub to the BBC, which has been criticised for the alleged lack of respect shown in its coverage. |
Indeed, his work has actually been criticised for placing too great an emphasis on bravura technical skills at the expense of these other properties. |
The police were criticised for not breaking it up and dozens of complaints were made by residents whose sleep was shattered by the music from the rave. |
The Honda has been praised for being nippy and fun, while the Mazda Tribute has been criticised for being noisy and exhibiting a slight tendency to wallow. |
Additionally, Greek attempts at restoration during the twentieth century have been equally criticised for their insensitivity and heavy-handedness. |
Charney has been criticised for paradoxically censuring the exploitation of the worker, while pushing the instrumental use of sexuality and women. |
Mr Midgley criticised our website and the style of language used. |
Most of his cabinet colleagues spoke to him before he left to offer sympathy, including many whom he criticised in remarks made public in the ill-starred biography. |
In fact, over the years, trade unionists of different persuasions have criticised the Labour Court for reaching verdicts they believed too favourable to employers. |
The country has had a coalition government of right and left parties for some time, which has increasingly been criticised for being too colourless and weak. |
If he criticised the Kremlin at all, it was on the grounds of what he considered its inconsistent efforts in carrying out policies that favoured the new private owners. |
Mr. O'Connor also criticised them for not publishing the results of Commonage Framework Plans which will determine sustainable stocking levels on commonage. |
Lewis also criticised the referee who took charge of his fight with Tyson. |
The star awards give hospitals extra cash but they have been criticised by doctors and hospital management as pitching different trusts against each other. |
The guidelines, for which he was widely criticised last month, were intended to provide greater protection for the public than is provided at present, he said. |
Scarborough Council has been in the firing line over the issue since Government inspectors criticised its record on recouping overpayments and investigating fraud. |
With its rhetorical poses and elaborate decoration, it was often criticised by later generations, who not only considered it bad, but also morally corrupt. |
First, McConnell openly criticised the Chancellor's decision to force whisky producers to introduce security seals as protection against counterfeits and smuggling. |
That was the cue for Paul, who has been criticised at times this season, to take centre stage, and he answered those critics in no uncertain terms. |
Most patients in the Danish study were treated with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil chemotherapy, the dose and schedule of which have been criticised. |
The gadfly soon became an annoyance to both the MTA and the union, creating a newsletter which aired workers' grievances but criticised alleged union inaction. |
She has criticised educational progressivism and defended the monarchy. |
Sixteen police officers were reprimanded for dereliction of duty and the Interior Ministry criticised the police for failing to catch the suspects after the first crime. |
The newspaper in its editorials also criticised the Japanese invaders. |
In addition, Owen, a deist, criticised organised religion, including the Church of England, and developed a belief system of his own. |
The 1930s aside, Hobsbawm was criticised for never relinquishing his Communist Party membership. |
Both were demolished to make way for the road, a move still criticised today. |
The proposal was criticised by the UK parliament opposition parties for not proposing to implement any changes before the next general election. |
The GMC was most heavily criticised by Dame Janet Smith as part of her inquiry into the issues arising from the case of Dr Harold Shipman. |
The GMC had previously been criticised for combining these two roles in a single organization. |
The court criticised nonsubmission of reply by the government during the hearing today. |
In response to the draft budget, Mr Wigley also criticised the Assembly's underspend figures. |
The legislation has been strongly criticised by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe as discriminatory. |
The closures were heavily criticised at the time, and continue to be controversial. |
A city conservation society has criticised the decision to allow the uPVC alternative to be installed in the model village. |
Although this kind of insight has earned him praise, he has also been criticised for ignoring the larger context. |
The journal has long criticised the misuse of the impact factor to award grants and recruit researchers by academic institutions. |
The war had been costly in human rights and was widely criticised by Liberals in Britain and worldwide. |
The Lady Gaga-Madonna feud dates back to the time when Gaga started her career and was criticised by media for copying Madonna's rebelious style. |
However, he has been criticised over his perceived inaction on enacting policies set forth by the OECD to combat tax avoidance. |
The CAP has furthermore been criticised due to its effect on farmland bird populations. |
The CAP has been roundly criticised by many diverse interests since its inception. |
It has been criticised on the grounds of its cost, and its environmental and humanitarian impacts. |
In particular, Amnesty criticised the continuation of gas flaring and Shell's slow response to oil spills. |
Andrews, was heavily criticised for appointing octogenarian veterans of Craigavon's administration to his cabinet. |
In 2014, May delivered a speech to the Police Federation, in which she criticised aspects of the culture of the police force. |
In 2011 she said that the Act was overused, and criticised the decision of European human rights judges to give prisoners the vote. |
In early 2005 Thatcher criticised the way the decision to invade Iraq had been made two years previously. |
In a roundtable discussion on the future of broadcasting in 1998 he criticised the effect of overlapping different regulators on the industry. |
While Leader of the Opposition, Churchill criticised the government in February 1951 for not having completed an atomic weapon. |
Conversely, he has been criticised by figures on both the left and right, and has been accused of political opportunism and elitism. |
She believes there are double standards because she is criticised for her onstage behaviour while Presley was not. |
The OECD has been criticised by several civil society groups and developing countries. |
The referendum was criticised for not granting people younger than 18 years of age a vote. |
During a CBI Scotland event attended by Cameron, businessman Mike Rake criticised him for creating uncertainty about EU membership. |
Police were criticised for the heavy-handedness of their response to the initial protests. |
Many commentators have also criticised the Labour Party's allegedly partisan attempt to alter the electoral system. |
Later the council was heavily criticised for the overspend in a report by Project Management International. |
Before his departure he criticised the British player for not being fit enough. |
The IOC has often been criticised for being an intractable organisation, with several members on the committee for life. |
The Age of Melbourne criticised the team for opening their big mouths once too often, hitting at Australia's earlier whitewash boast. |
And after the old soldiers had to resort to using a field tent for the cooking, Clarissa criticised their efforts in her newspaper column. |
Cardinal Desmond Connell was way out of step with ecumenical thought when he criticised the concept of intercommunion. |
However, the proposed changes were criticised by some for not going far enough, particularly to improve minority representation. |
Michael Owen, who previously criticised the pitch for causing him injury, said that it was much improved. |
The 2001 UK census was criticised in Wales for not offering 'Welsh' as an option to describe respondents' national identity. |
Later economists, as well as people at the time, also criticised Churchill's budget measures. |
His trips were highly criticised, with some people saying his fraternisation with the North Korean dictator meant he was condoning him. |
The essay criticised the trivial and ridiculous plots of contemporary fiction by women. |
Russell also criticised the American press for failing to heed any voices critical of the official version. |
They have also been criticised, for instance by comparison with the work of Christopher Dawson during the same period. |
This led to the publication of his earliest surviving tract, which criticised the English church's suppression of the Puritan clergy. |
His later paintings, like those of Millais, have been criticised for descending into popular sentimentality. |
This concession was criticised by heart specialists who pointed to the high levels of sugar and salt in the product. |
The list has also been criticised for a lack of female representation and for being overly Eurocentric. |
Eden was heavily criticised for his involvement with Teach and was accused of being his accomplice. |
The Chartist movement was criticised by Thomas Carlyle in his 1840 book Chartism. |
Several of the officers involved criticised Nelson, but Hood does not appear to have reprimanded him. |
The conduct of those who interrupted the speech was highly criticised at the time. |
Labour's education spokesperson Rhona Brankin criticised the Scottish system for failing to address student poverty. |
However, subsequent historians such as John Morrill have criticised both Abbott's interpretation of Cromwell and his editorial approach. |
The Ofsted complaints procedure has also been heavily criticised for opacity and a strong bias in favour of the inspectors. |
Ofsted has been criticised as 'not fit for purpose' by the House of Commons Education Select Committee. |
Independent schools are often criticised for being elitist and such schools are often seen as outside the spirit of the state system. |
The expansion of the airport was criticised in 2007 by a number of environmental groups. |
The licence fee funding of Radio 2, alongside Radio 1, is often criticised by the commercial sector. |
This was an improvement as the last album reviewed by the magazine, Absolutely, was heavily criticised. |
West Yorkshire Police were criticised for the time taken in apprehending Sutcliffe despite interviewing him nine times during the murder hunt. |
West Yorkshire Police were criticised for being inadequately prepared for an investigation on this scale. |
The practice of catch and release is criticised by some who consider it unethical to inflict pain upon a fish for purposes of sport. |
Archaeologists and biological anthropologists criticised media coverage as sensationalist. |
The latter's reconstruction was criticised by some art and architecture historians as a revivalist fantasy. |
However, Grimm's mythological methods have also been criticised extensively. |
The latter especially was criticised, with claims that uncompetitive Thai industries could be wiped out. |
In 2011, Bahrain was criticised for its crackdown on the Arab spring uprising. |
Arnold Wood and Ernest Scott publicly criticised much of what he had written. |
Trade and investment with Fiji have been criticised due to the country's military dictatorship. |
Foreign newspapers were criticised for placing heavier attention on the damage suffered by the old town than on human casualties. |
From the time of Elizabeth I onwards the Court was severely criticised for its slow pace, large backlogs, and high costs. |
By the time of the English Civil War, the Court of Chancery was being criticised extensively for its procedure and practice. |
The Survey of English Dialects has also been criticised by more traditional dialectologists. |
Calvin differed with Zwingli on the eucharist and criticised him for regarding it as simply a metaphorical event. |
Bishops in his province criticised the Windsor Report for failing to call liberal churches to repentance. |
Coke used his role in Parliament as a leading opposition MP to attack patents, a system he had already criticised as a judge. |
Rookes v Barnard has been much criticised and has not been followed in Canada or Australia or by the Privy Council. |
This periodisation has been influential, but has also been criticised for the misconceptions it gave rise to. |
However, this school of historiography is criticised for western bias or Eurocentrism. |
Local farmers have also been criticised by environmentalists for burning off vegetation to heat their tobacco barns. |
It criticised Mercantilism, and argued that economic specialisation could benefit nations just as much as firms. |
Some MEPs and industry spokesmen have criticised the ruling against the use of gender as factor in determining premiums for insurance products. |
But it was violently criticised at the time for showing a reckless generosity. |
Macmillan was openly criticised by his predecessor Lord Avon, an almost unprecedented act. |
In 2016, the Iraq Inquiry criticised his actions and described the invasion of Iraq as unjustified and unnecessary. |
Blair criticised other governments for not doing enough to solve global climate change. |
In 2006 Blair was criticised for his failure to immediately call for a ceasefire in the 2006 Lebanon War. |
Blair's apparent refusal to set a date for his departure was criticised by the British press and Members of Parliament. |
Blair was criticised when it was discovered that one child had received private tuition from staff at Westminster School. |
Capitalist governments have also been criticised as oligarchic in nature due to the inevitable inequality characteristic of economic progress. |