The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze. |
The 0 section of the ankh is actually a crescent moon, facing up, and the top is an open eye. |
Selena blushed as she opened the present, and found it was a necklace with a crescent moon charm. |
A crescent moon had just risen though it was not yet dark, and the cicadas were singing. |
On March 8th, the razor thin crescent moon lies only 6 degrees to the left of Mars. |
The area around your pinky is where you'll start hunting for the razor thin crescent moon. |
Graven in its surface is a lightening bolt, a cloud shedding rain, the crescent moon, the all seeing eye. |
A blanket of stars was sparkling above them and a crescent moon sat far in the distance. |
Set on the center was a beautiful purple gem, the shape of a crescent moon. |
She fingered the charm on her necklace, a golden sunburst with the shape of a silver crescent moon in the center. |
Overhead, the Milky Way washed across a star-studded sky, while out to sea a perfect crescent moon rose in honour of the Turkish flag. |
It had become a small floating island shaped like a crescent moon, surrounded by a light blue, metallic ocean. |
The shape of a crescent moon was visible against the gray-blue painting overhead. |
The beach was set out in a crescent moon shape with the ocean lapping up onto the white sand. |
A tiny silver crescent moon hung from the chain, glinting in the torchlight streaming in from the open door. |
A thin crescent moon hung in starlit skies, giving off just enough light for him to see by. |
Above me, a silver crescent moon hung, now and then, clouds of dark shadow misting across it. |
The stars popped out on the black canvas of the sky, and the crescent moon silvered the edges of the clouds, turning each one into a masterpiece. |
Carved from Lapis Lazuli a duck Egyptians saw a mysterious connection between the sicklebills of the ibises and the crescent moon. |
Leaving the OR that night, I looked up the clear sky, at the flocks of white seagulls and a sliver of crescent moon. |
A crescent moon arched overhead, its halo adorning the dark canvas. |
She had a golden cloak that had a clasp in the shape of a crescent moon. |
Around her neck she wore a pendant shaped like a crescent moon. |
The Siva crescent moon waxes overhead, the shadows lengthen, the cold creeps in. |
Drawing 4: A bearded man wearing a turban, standing with a halo shaped like a crescent moon over his head. |
Tipitina's in the warm blue fog, squatting beneath a crescent moon so sharp and clean you could shave a wild hog with it. |
On right side of action: trade mark with star in middle ahead of cylinder: AG over crescent moon. |
If you imagine the crescent moon shaped like a bowl, you want the full part of the moon on the bottom to show that it can hold the harvest. |
That is how you have symbols in India, where the World Mother carries the crescent moon as an adornment. |
The Moslems use a crescent moon, pray on their knees and bow down expressing their reverence to Allah. |
The bowed bottom of the anchor recalls the horns of the crescent moon, an attribute of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the queen of heaven and the virgin mother of Horus. |
The horns of the crescent moon were pointed almost straight up. |
A waxing crescent moon rose in the eastern sky over the sleeping village. |
As I was laying there on the cool grass, looking up at the starlit and crescent moon sky and dark silhouettes of roses, I felt more at peace than I had in awhile. |
These strange ears establish the main characteristic of the breed. spread well on each side from the skull, raised, they wind back to front towards the summit of the head, drawing a kind of crescent moon. |
The other night I noticed the crescent moon. |
Sometimes a crescent moon or trident denotes a Shaiva. |
That is how Siva carries the lady as the crescent moon on his head. |
Under a crescent moon, high above the earth, two pairs of legs — the bodies were missing — were engaged in what appeared to be an act of celestial coition. |
The latter two feature an especially expressive crescent moon. |
The Disney Pixar enthusiasts make their own version of everything in the boy's room from his wagon toy box and crescent moon bedstead to the posters on the sky blue walls and dartboard on the back of the door. |
Astarte's heavenly emblem was the planet Venus, Tanit's the crescent moon. |
Grigg and his colleagues found that the parasite, a microscopic creature shaped like a crescent moon, also infects about 80 percent of ringed seals but doesn't make them sick. |
The Moon's orb of around 12 degrees is also that which separates the luminaries when the new crescent Moon reappears after conjunction. |
In daylight on the 25th, the planet is occulted by a slender crescent Moon. |
On the morning of the 27th a waning crescent Moon appears on the southeastern horizon, well below and to the right of Venus. |
At its heart, however, is Crescent Moon, a spooky song with gloriously grumbly guitar. |