He carried the ball at pace from halfway towards the box before cracking a right-foot shot from 20 yards out. |
The Scottish Executive is cracking up under the strain of misruling the country. |
A terrible shrieking of a car rang out, or perhaps it was the lighting cracking in the distance. |
An example would be dry, warm, or windy conditions that cause excessive shrinkage and cracking in overlays. |
Without regularly spaced contraction joints, this shrinkage will result in random cracking. |
The organisation has asked for our help in cracking down on abusive corporations, abusive trusts and tax shelters. |
Sure, he's got a dagger to fight 1-on-1, but he's better off just cracking the back of someone's head with a blackjack. |
The monomer, ethene or ethylene, is obtained in large quantities from the cracking of petroleum. |
Noah's piece tends to show that neoconservatism is not the sinister conspiracy he thinks it is, not that neoconservatism is cracking up. |
Cuba is cracking down on unauthorized use of the Internet by prohibiting access via the government phone service. |
When it was my turn to speak I found it quite difficult to talk without my voice cracking and although I didn't blub I wasn't far off. |
He topped the contest on Horseshoe Lake with a cracking net of bream and skimmers scaling an impressive 77 lb 14 oz. |
I can't stop myself, and I hear my voice straining, on the verge of cracking, but I can't stop that either. |
Dracainya was hit by an invisible force that slammed her into the wall behind her, cracking the stone. |
Those blocks with a slight flow due to chipping or cracking are cut to obtain bondstones, curbs or paving stones. |
Then again, if you think you can get away with simply cracking wise and changing the channel, God knows how to deal with smart alecks like you. |
There was a snap like the cracking of a whip, amplified several times, accompanied by a brilliant flash of deep-blue light. |
She started snickering at their dazed faces, before cracking up and laughing loudly. |
Another cause of cracking is overworking of the lead, usually around the corners and upstands. |
Seemingly insignificant scratches in glass may cause cracking and breakage while processing jars in a canner. |
They grow to an impressive size and pass the time cracking open hard-shelled creatures like crabs and urchins between their fearsome teeth. |
Hard as I try, I can't picture myself in a traditional bridal gown without cracking up. |
The sound of his voice was eerie, with the words cracking, brittle with the dryness that shrunk his throat. |
Attention to sore nipples should be provided early before severe pain with cracking and abrasions occur. |
It seems that they are cracking down on just about any kind of protest lately, trying to browbeat anyone that doesn't agree with them. |
People sitting in the big top were in trances, distracted by the cracking of peanut hulls and dazzled by spangled spandex wardrobes. |
Vermeer's dreamy interior light and Manet's poised brushstrokes are beautifully rendered, and Bierk even duplicates the cracking of paint. |
Unable to speak without her voice cracking, Maple waved him away, feeling the darkness gather. |
Instead of cracking it literally buckled under the pressure, and molded itself back into place as it had once been. |
The soil around here is of a type called grey cracking clay vertisols, it's also called self-mulching black soil. |
Knowing that the Church is cracking down on its perceived enemies, the vicereine offers Sister Juana her protection. |
After harvest the main street was filled with teams and their whip cracking bullockies. |
The door fell forward, cracking and splintering violently before being tossed gruesomely to the side. |
Thermal shock is a problem indicated by cracking or splintering, which is caused by rapid heating and cooling cycles. |
As JB watched, the corpse seemed to swell, the skin cracking as if waiting to burst from some internal pressure. |
Once you have paid the entrance fee, you feel you deserve a cracking day out, it is not cheap but it is worth it. |
She found herself falling hard, the floor cracking against her ribs and back. |
A related concept is hacktivism, which can be defined as political motivated hacking or cracking. |
Hook-billed birds love to explore items with their beak and tongue, and they are naturals at holding and cracking seeds and nuts. |
Fifteen behaviors involved foraging using tools, such as probing for ants with sticks and cracking nuts with stones. |
Everything since then is a joke, with the Yankees' ham-fistedness towards allowing certain items in the park while cracking down on others. |
He laughed and I pretended to be offended, but ended up cracking a smile anyway. |
The machine's arms lifted up, grasping it's head, rock and stone cracking and falling off in large boulders. |
The child whose egg stays intact while cracking everyone else's eggs wins the game. |
Decentralised modes of industrial relations are cracking under the strain of deregulation and globalisation. |
Certainly the most disturbing development as the crime insurgency continues is the appearance of the police cracking under strain. |
He heard the ice cracking, the sound traveling up through the soles of his feet. |
There was some short guy standing on the right end of the line, cracking his knuckles trying hard to look intimidating. |
She stretches, her stiff joints snapping and cracking loudly, sounding just like a firecracker when lit. |
Her legs gave way and she fell, knocking the wind out of her lungs and cracking her head against the hard, tiled floor. |
The crew might find cracking old cases harder than counting snowflakes in a blizzard. |
Will blinked the sweat out of his eyes as he worked furiously on cracking the safe. |
As she finished cracking the safe, she glanced around the office, still fighting back the feeling of unease. |
On these trips Fred learned many skills such as picking locks and cracking safes. |
If winning a league demands a knack for cracking safe combinations then winning a cup is all about picking pockets. |
Danny strolls around town, going places he shouldn't by lock-picking doors and cracking safes. |
Methanol and ethanol are most commonly derived from cracking petroleum into smaller hydrocarbons. |
During the 1930s, catalysts were introduced to promote chemical reactions during cracking. |
I highly recommend reading the manual, but it's easy enough to get started without cracking a book. |
Try cracking a book occasionally or move to a country where they make special accommodation for ignorant protesters such as yourself. |
If you plan on studying only one topic, getting into IT, and then never cracking a book again, you're entering the wrong field. |
I am not cracking hardy, but I chose the option of having the tube simply drawn out without artificial aids or analgesic. |
It was not going to be a merry Christmas for the Australian troops, and no amount of cracking hardy would make it so. |
The majority of serious industrial injuries are sustained by men, a fact often attributed to men cracking hardy and taking risks. |
The international news is so unrelentingly grim I don't feel like cracking wise about the situation. |
The perfect Buffy, she manages to be the strong hero always cracking wise but never forgetting that she is a 16-year-old girl. |
This building used to be a power station and was where Hitchcock got cracking on his early stuff. |
Getting home first last night I got cracking with tea, beef burgers with pasta bolognese, delicious, honestly! |
I got bored very quickly and slipped off to the study to get cracking on the current chapter of the book. |
Already a passable cellist, she went out, bought a Steinway, hired a teacher and got cracking on the eighty-eights. |
If you can, then I expect you to get cracking on an Internet decision soon so you can reap the rewards! |
Let's hope she takes her sewing kit with her and gets cracking on those curtains. |
Its still illegal, but what this does mean is that the police are cracking down on the harder drugs, like cocaine and heroin. |
Effective prevention of petty crimes such as theft will enable the police to focus their efforts on cracking down on hard crime. |
The relationship between citizens and police has changed since the police started cracking down on organized crime. |
Police are cracking down on crime in Bradford and have secured reductions in the rates of burglary, robbery and car crime. |
I was short-tempered and I was cracking up a bit under the pressure of it all. |
He left the club having exhibited signs that he was cracking up under the strain months before. |
Jules mouth was hanging open while Brad looked like he would burst out cracking up any moment. |
Then without warning, instead of blowing up, she started cracking up in hysterical laughter. |
Melissa narrowed her eyes and glared at the two guys, who were cracking up with laughter. |
We were laughing so hard that we just fell over cracking up, unable to control ourselves any longer. |
Luckily, it's hard to get too stressed when you're trying to stop yourself cracking up with laughter. |
Ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals long before humans began cracking up. |
There was a horrible crunching noise which turned out to be The Chief's dentures cracking in two. |
The good news is that Nicaragua is now cracking down on this animal harvest. |
The fibers from used carpeting can be added to concrete slabs to help prevent them from cracking. |
Though her every possession down to her last stitch of clothing has been in and out of hock she remains loyal to her wise cracking beau. |
The entire body weight is thus carried by the thumbs and the big toe, even as the bones of the rest of the body are cracking with pain. |
Urban-living carrion crows have learned to use road traffic for cracking tough nuts. |
He, who became John XXIII, was from earthy peasant stock, constantly cracking jokes at his own expense. |
He is the most onomatopoeic of the leading poets, able to imitate the sounds of everything from bird calls to the eerie noise of cracking ice. |
Clay pots that you'd like to save from cracking and chipping should also be stored where they can remain dry. |
Ed Waterhouse bagged a hat-trick on Saturday, including a cracking opener after some incisive passing. |
Nine staff members celebrated the opening by cutting a ribbon and cracking open a bottle of champagne. |
He started cracking jokes, contrasting the flippancy of opposition politics with the weight of responsibility he had to bear. |
My memories of him will be as the little chatterbox, cracking the one liners, hee-hawing uncontrollably. |
To be identified as the new hegemons was gratifying evidence that the opposition's nerve was cracking. |
Thanks to Rich and Dave for a cracking re-introduction in to the world of caving. |
The European Commission is cracking down on national mobile operators who overcharge fixed line operators for connecting to their network. |
Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that the cheeky chappie knows to write a cracking pop song. |
We set out at a cracking pace and met only charabancs overloaded with defiant voters. |
He tried hard and eventually succeeded in cracking the UK market and has since gone on to play further overseas, in Europe, the US and Canada. |
The stone cracked under the pressure and sent chunks falling to the stone floor, cracking it as well. |
Yet 2005 is shaping up as a return to those horror conditions, with dams bone-dry and sun-baked farmlands cracking. |
Lea chews her bottom lip pensively, she looks close to cracking, but what could her secret be? |
Except for a few meandering authorial digressions, the novel maintains a cracking pace from start to finish. |
Add in the demographics, and cracking the home market looks even more daunting. |
My voice is loud, but also rather high-pitched, and on the verge of cracking with all of the emotion surging within me. |
Besides, what chowderhead keeps cracking his bubble gum near the microphone all the time, anyway? |
The sound of twigs cracking echoed around her and the next thing she knew, she was flat on her back with the young hottie on top of her. |
Cousin Liam and Nate were just a pair of casual guys who sat around smoking cigarettes and cracking jokes. |
Jim is an expert at classical cryptography and has written a program that is quite good at cracking Enigma cipher. |
We believed it has been hulled, it has a hole the size of a fist and some cracking in the hull of the ship. |
He goes into a long Bush-bashing tirade, and we see the audience cracking up and clapping. |
Her opponent slipped on a patch of ice, and fell, cracking his head on a tent peg. |
I've been slightly immersed in European and Asian cinema recently, and there are some cracking tales out there. |
Instead of cracking down hard, the municipality took a soft approach, a combination of gentle persuasion and public shaming. |
So he spent the next seven years inventing a system of chemically impregnated paper strips that when rubbed together made a cracking noise. |
Feeling left out, two of my otherwise quiet Facebook friends inboxed me, asking why everybody was cracking up. |
In a feast of runs, the home side powered their way to 248, with Yasir Ali cracking 111 in an innings which included 21 fours. |
Stress corrosion cracking begins when short, shallow cracks develop on the outer surface of an underground pipeline. |
Better heat conduction allows cooler internal operating temperature and hence less cracking and longer life. |
He scratched at his armrest with his fingernails like they were claws, cracking his knuckles. |
All three hit cracking drives, and all three were reduced to hacking their second shots back into play. |
His fist winds tightly around my fingers until I feel the cracking of my bones. |
The camera is too close to her face, her make up is flaked and cracking in places, tiny stray hairs, missed by plucking, appear on her eyebrows. |
Traffic officials would conduct random roadblocks, cracking down on offences such as vehicle overloading, drunken driving and invalid licences. |
Measured anger and ironic humour is perfectly set against cracking beats by the master rap music producer. |
The cracking noise got worse, and suddenly a large piece of plaster fell from the ceiling near the corner of the room. |
The floors were emitting ominous cracking noises and loud pops were coming from the walls. |
This will ward off corrosion and prevent the cap cracking under normal dive depth pressures. |
It revolved clockwise in some unseen orbit, then counterclockwise, immediately before a loud cracking, like summer thunder, filled the air. |
Children who should have no thoughts in their heads but how to skip, kick a football and splash poster paint around are cracking up. |
There is no suggestion that that sample panels exhibited crazing or cracking. |
The processes result in improvements in yield strength, toughness and resistance to stress corrosion cracking, fatigue and creep. |
In a zero-tolerance initiative, Manchester city council is cracking down on dog owners who allow their pets to foul public spaces. |
The majority of the manufacturing is from the catalytic cracking of ethane, petroleum fractions, and crude oil. |
Everybody gets on because we can all defuse our cross-cultural tensions by cracking jokes about our belief systems and ourselves. |
It hadn't been opened in years, and she had to use all of her strength pry it free with a loud cracking sound. |
It has also been known to shut down cybercafes for being too near to schools, and is cracking down on foreign investment in its online economy. |
It's just like having a plasma widescreen except there's someone standing in front of it cracking rather amusing gags. |
Every year, some 3,000 of these exorbitant powder-blue stacks come cracking and groaning down the Labrador Sea. |
The cracking of an old bough, or the hooting of the owl, was enough to fill me with alarm, and try my strength in a precipitate flight. |
And I went to work cracking eggs, grating the nutmeg, prepping two frying pans, slicing bread. |
An improved horse since being gelded in mid-season, it has run two cracking races since. |
The ghoul's upper body split into two pieces with a cracking and splintering of bone. |
Tristan looks at me with a smile and the laugh becomes a giggle, and soon we are just cracking up in the front seat. |
The patient may experience glossitis, or cracking at the edges of the mouth, and he or she may lose hair or the luster of the hair may change. |
Deciphering writing systems, whether the Etruscan alphabet or Zapotec glyphs, is comparable in complexity to cracking the genetic code. |
Pam Henderson, at four, was in cracking form and demolished her opponent, losing only a handful of points in three sets. |
They all had a very relaxed enjoyment about them, cracking jokes, goofing through a Rolling Stones tune. |
Well, he's a goofball with a penchant for cracking idiotic quips during combat. |
I was working with cracking people, was happily married, life seemed pretty gorgeous. |
He knelt, his knees cracking so loudly that a quiet echo bounced about the arena. |
The happy surprise is only properly matched by the danger and excitement of cracking open a bottle of the king of effervescence. |
The story was a bit different from the traditional tale but it was still cracking! |
After investigation, it transpired that the concrete raft had subsided differentially, causing the cracking. |
While peering at the ground glass focusing screen I suddenly heard this loud cracking noise. |
Other important prevention strategies include proper hygiene and liberal use of emollients to reduce drying and cracking of the skin. |
Ultimately, though, Lessing provides a cracking good story that diverts, entertains and stimulates. |
He has just released his second solo album, the follow-up to his eponymous solo debut of two years ago, and a cracking record it is too. |
Time to pull myself together, swig a good deep draught of Andrew's Liver Salts, and get cracking. |
He co-hosts a drive-time show in Burlington on WCVP-FM, a classic rock station, making funny noises and cracking wise about that night's game. |
The thunder cracking, the wind howling like a weeping woman, before the rhythmic splish-splash announced the rain beyond our windowpanes. |
In the past farmers scared off elephants by beating drums or cracking whips. |
We were in pursuit of a cracking story and we couldn't stop talking about it. |
He is a class act and someone who will undoubtedly be there when the whips are cracking. |
In the meantime, Spencer's workmen have been cracking on with their other task of refurbishing the riverside walks. |
Solving an author's puzzles can be one of the most rewarding things about cracking open a book. |
Placed neatly between Tobermory and Dervaig, right on Loch Frisa, Achnadrish House boasts absolutely cracking views. |
It looks like wood but is actually a fiber cement material that can withstand the summer heat without cracking, warping, or peeling. |
Combinations of elements can be chosen so that the volume change is reduced and also the risk of quench cracking. |
When using terracotta pots in a water feature, you can take steps to prevent frost from cracking them. |
Three out of four New Zealanders want judges given the power to start cracking down on the parents of wayward children. |
This action-packed cop thriller rattles along at a cracking pace, with strong performances from all the leading players. |
It takes a certain skill to do this well, juggling topics, joshing with callers and cracking jokes. |
On an unseasonally nippy May Tuesday, two women, a man and a young girl wheeling a baby's buggy, set about cracking open the votes in Kinsealy. |
They both have their finger on the pulse of events, and will be there when the whips are cracking. |
He's very ambitious and some people think he's arrogant, but he will always be there when the whips are cracking. |
People take a long time to die, accompanied by the cracking of bone, the resistance of gristle, dire last-gasp gurgles and rattles. |
Worm tipped off with razorfish splints down each side and bound with elastic thread is a cracking bait. |
Then she heard a cracking noise and shortly afterwards the smoke detector sounded. |
On 11 minutes, the visitors thought that they had taken the lead but a cracking effort went inches wide of the target. |
Just getting cracking and making a go of bringing up kids on your own isn't news! |
Grange regrouped once more and pulled four points ahead however Palatine pulled back this lead once more thanks mainly to a cracking Moran goal. |
Grabbing a wine glass, he slammed it on the table, the glass cracking under the force. |
Compaq's history goes back to cracking the IBM PC and creating a new market for open clones. |
Just for good measure, there are a couple of cracking follow-up letters in today's Daily Express. |
Bill Nicholson was a brilliant manager and a cracking bloke and he was a North Yorkshireman. |
This is a cracking good story, funny, sad, thrilling, and thought provoking. |
That cracking result completed a hat-trick of class two wins for Craig and he will be aiming to make it five next weekend. |
The nine-year-old has been in cracking form lately, winning at Musselburgh and Catterick. |
For anyone willing to invest the time and the emotion, this is a cracking album, worthy of critical acclaim. |
Cononley move into second after a cracking eight-wicket win over at Pendle Forest. |
I outlasted other divers and gained some cracking close-ups of hammerhead sharks, great rays and grey reef sharks. |
The Jets were in cracking form and simply too powerful, too quick and too talented in all departments. |
The team is really up for it and we should have some excellent support on the day, making it a cracking match. |
Their greater experience up front and ability to change tactics got them out of jail and won them a cracking contest. |
It has a cracking beer garden, superb ale selection and an ambient atmosphere. |
Jeff King's seven-year-old is in cracking form, having won his last two races and a hat-trick is on the cards here. |
Although still without a win this season, this multi-talented five-year-old has run two cracking races. |
McGovern gives the story believable characters, a cracking pace and draws out themes that make it relevant for today. |
Giving it their all the Czech Republic took off at a cracking pace in the first of four heats. |
The Army side played at a cracking pace in the first half and were up 8 nil at half time. |
These initiates were not be disappointed with a match which started at a cracking pace. |
Even so, the Americans set off at a cracking pace northwards towards Baghdad. |
Once the breakage was fixed, four of the five boats took off at a cracking pace with Germany in the lead. |
Howard, a lively 65-year-old, sets a cracking pace for the nation and is renowned for his brisk morning walk. |
With this in mind Switzerland's Stephan Steiner took off at a cracking pace in heat one and never looked back. |
Risk assets are being grown at a cracking pace, while the profit margin earned on them is shrinking. |
Not the least of their virtues is that they are written at a cracking pace. |
Australia's top single sculler, Amber Halliday took off at a cracking pace. |
The four girls ran a cracking 4x100m relay to record a second consecutive relay win in the League. |
A good thing then that the story is so brilliantly held and told at such a cracking pace. |
Played at a cracking pace, this final had drama, referee's calls being queried and a finish that went right down to the wire. |
Fibers frequently are added to increase the plaster's strength, provide reinforcement and reduce or eliminate cracking. |
If you insist on getting cracking before then, start them off in pots on a sunny windowsill. |
We are still trying to figure out what the codes mean, but we feel we are very close to cracking it. |
Years of repainting the lockers were beginning to show as layers of paint were cracking off of the lockers around us. |
At the last tutorial, Sue informed me that it was time I stop speaking Spanish like a Latin Tarzan and get cracking on my conjugations. |
The smaller live sandeels instead of the massive launce will sometimes work better and you always have the chance of a cracking pollack. |
Police have been cracking down in the area on prostitution creating zero tolerance zones. |
This should be a cracking encounter with Enniscrone seeking revenge for last year's defeat by Calry in the quarter final of the competition. |
We both started cracking up when we looked to the back and saw that Guy was still limping on one foot to the boys locker room. |
The wind had risen, the ropes cracking and straining even louder as the sails filled to capacity. |
These results show that the structure is unsafe and uneconomic when designed linearly without considering cracking. |
With organic farming, songs from k d lang and some cracking yodelling from our rogue maverick rap star, complaints should only raise a whisper. |
He rightly points out that China is only paying lip service to cracking down on counterfeiters and copyright pirates. |
Police are also cracking down on rowdy teenagers who have been causing a disturbance at stations in the area. |
Sunday arvo was spent with the boys watching a few cracking games of footy on the telly. |
Stress corrosion cracking is very substantially reduced in high nickel austenitic alloys. |
You read a cracking post, hover for a while but click away before commenting? |
He looked dishevelled in old, crumpled clothes, his hair matted and his lips cracking, his tatty shirt a poor defence against the biting cold. |
He also reformed the crippled banking sector and raised more revenue by cracking down on tax evasion. |
Just seeing that clip go through, I was cracking up and I think Cate's such a good sport to send herself up in that way. |
She managed to steal most of the honors, turning in a cracking performance as the man-eating Dorien. |
There was asphalt cracking due to tensile strain resulting from plastic deformation within the crushed rock. |
They were in hot pursuit of their escaping slaves, with whips and scourges cracking, and blades drawn. |
Simon started cracking up again, banging his hand dramatically on the table as he held his stomach. |
She slipped on damp grass, breaking a leg, cracking a bone in the other and hurting her shoulder. |
Of course, before you can get cracking on a second dialect, it helps if you've achieved some level of mastery of your first language. |
The cracking campfire threw warm, dancing light over everything, shadows flickering at the edges. |
It yields functional prototypes that can be assembled using self-tapping screws without cracking. |
The Eagle then hit a docked hydrofoil, cracking the beak of its wooden figurehead. |
Flames like tongues of fire engulfed the farmhouse, porch and all, angry, cracking flames that left no exit. |
The others love taking the mickey out of my accent, but they are a cracking set of lads, and from day one made me feel very welcome. |
You see, cracking, burning, splitting, abrasions, or fraying of your Mazda drive belt could lead to engine failure. |
The first oil refinery in Australia to contain a catalytic cracking unit was at Glen Davis, producing 160000 barrels a day of crude shale oil. |
It shattered suddenly, cracking into thousands of millions of small pieces. |
A dab of petroleum jelly rubbed into patent leather gives a glistening shine and prevents cracking in the winter. |
The cracking of stock-whips among the tree-ferns near may cause the lonely hut dweller to swing the billy, intent on hospitable thoughts. |
The boys' superb home-made vanilla ice-cream was creamy and lush, while the caramel shortcake was a cracking example. |
Clare's songs are again a mix of favourite oldies and cracking originals, not a misfire among them, taking in pop, big band and samba but possessing a distinctive style. |
If these steps were omitted, cracking of the pavement was predictable. |
In 1974, when Fr. O'Connell celebrated his silver jubilee of ordination, the parish, under his unflagging leadership was moving ahead and expanding at a cracking pace. |
Before I knew it I was buzzed and cracking up with laughter. |
The perimeter cavity walls of the building, face brick outside, plastered blockwork inside, exhibit slight but widespread cracking at many locations. |
To prevent glass or plastic from cracking, do not use hot water. |
She fell back onto the sidewalk, cracking her head on the hard concrete. |
Combining authentic retro tunes of the 60's with the new upbeat grooves of the 80's, the soundtrack moves along at a cracking pace through the decades. |
The handwringing in the press is so severe you can hear the bird-bones of these desiccated scribes cracking as they conjur up the next Horrible Scenario. |
I heard glass cracking and looked toward Emily, she was standing up. |
For a country forever cracking down on those perceived as veering from the sexual norm, being gay is finally starting to pay. |
He punched the door with his right fist, cracking the orange tinted glass. |
The complex composite structure of the plane would be weakened by any colouring, as heat would build up, leading to delamination and possible cracking. |
Police officers are cracking down on underage binge drinkers and alcohol-related violence, with target numbers of licensed premises to visit in a shift. |
His mother's voice rang out through the room like cracking thunder. |
The sooner Mr McDowell gets cracking on his reforms the better. |
As they drew closer to Sara's there was a loud boom and a cracking sound. |
You are also to check on incidence of spalling or cracking concrete on the external faces of the buildings and similarly report with recommendations and estimate of cost. |
Mr Lamb had a strong start but disaster struck at Great End when he tripped, gashing his right knee, bumping his head and cracking a couple of ribs. |
The plant grows only on crabhole plains of red, cracking clay soils. |
Although she used to compete in the half-pipe, the Burton rider has turned her full attention to freeriding, where she outruns avalanches and cracking cornices. |
The remainder of Saw is spent unravelling the puzzle, offering sly red herrings and tracing the progress of a detective obsessed with cracking the case. |
Also, because a glass reflector is harder and more scratch-resistant than a metal reflector, cracking of the coating is minimized, providing a longer service life. |
The miller knows that there should be a difference in the dress for hulling stones, splitting or cracking stones, wheat stones, middlings stones and vertical burr stones. |
This method of production is still used although oxidation of methane, pyrolysis of alkanes, and cracking of hydrocarbons are more commonly encountered. |
Before the FDA started cracking down, grocers might stretch your coffee with other kinds of beans, your flour with sawdust. |
You're always the one cracking up the group with your jokes and stories. |
The lightning strike blew a crater in Margaret's front yard, cracking brickwork, smashing windows, melting guttering and water pipes and blowing up her hot water system. |
The police are now cracking down on autorickshaws in the city, in a bid to regulate ownership and sever the ties between anti-social elements and autos. |
Featuring an up to scratch all-star cast, it is Close who really shines, with a cracking quirky little performance, again demonstrating her range. |
Russia is cracking down hard on tobacco, which even casual observers know is a huge public health problem for the Great Bear. |
The drying rate of unset concrete is often controlled to prevent cracking. |
The need to prevent frost heave and the resultant cracking in foundations of vessels containing natural gas and other cryogenically stored liquids is well known in industry. |
Iron corrodes so quickly that an item may become too hot to touch before cracking into pieces from internal pressure generated by chemical change. |
Despite their fractious love-hate relationship, they were a cracking team. |
Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food for would-be slimmers keen to get cracking. |
Everywhere paint was chipping, wood was cracking, piles of putrid garbage were collecting, and laundry lines were being strung anywhere it was possible to do so. |
I'm sure they had a cracking Easter with all those chocolate eggs. |
After a cracking scrap of a few minutes I beached a beautiful barred pargo, a sea-bream-like fish with vertical brown bands running down the flanks and a large yellow eye. |
I jumped a bit at the sound of her hand cracking across his cold cheek. |
The shot rang out, cracking loudly and landing in an unknown spot. |
Over the past 6 years, he got used to having his way in the party-whether by sulking at the mildest of criticism, or by cracking the whip on apparatchiks. |
As there is no alternative, they ought to get cracking right away. |
The wood grain should run longitudinally to minimize warping and cracking. |
However, just as one side invented an ingenious new way to encipher its messages, so would its enemies discover a clever way of cracking that code. |
He said he would try to ensure they are there when the whips are cracking. |
Although catalytic cracking allows some of these compounds to be used in gasoline, the majority is used as furnace oil, diesel oil, and as industrial fuels. |