It was first used in the gaskets and valves needed to concentrate Uranium 235 and resist the highly corrosive uranium hexaflouride gas. |
This is partly because of the increasing recognition of the undemocratic and corrosive effects of secrecy. |
A stream of corrosive acid sprays out from the skippet, catching you in the chest as you leap back in terror. |
She is a tightly fitted mask of compulsive politeness pulled over both great grief and corrosive, unhealed cruelties. |
He was just as interested in its corrosive effect on those who claimed to bring civilization to the unlettered heathen. |
Acid rain and rain that mixes with corrosive bird droppings also tend to do more damage. |
I use any of the black powder solvents or Ballistol mixed with a bit of water to do the initial clean-up to remove those corrosive primer salts. |
The corrosive chemicals are irritating to the delicate lining of the gullet. |
Recognizing these great gifts but also his corrosive personality four men and women covenanted to stick by Jerome. |
Generally, methyl alcohol is the most corrosive and butyl alcohol is least corrosive. |
And because doctors are at the top of the food chain, the bad behavior of even a few of them can set a corrosive tone for the whole organization. |
Even still, if the snow does melt, there will be corrosive salt caked on the roads to eat away at me wheels. |
The alchemists called sulfuric acid oil of vitriol, a reference to its corrosive nature. |
A disabled car owner has been left with no transport and a hefty bill after vandals sprayed his car with a corrosive substance. |
The first looks at sustainable development and good governance and notes the corrosive effect of corruption. |
As cellulose nitrate rots, it shrinks and becomes brittle, leaking toxic fumes corrosive enough to turn a reel of film into smelly gelatin ooze. |
Hydrochloric acid is a corrosive substance, as such it can be used to clean metal surfaces. |
It is known that hydrogen sulphide or sulphuretted hydrogen is a foul-smelling, toxic, inflammable, corrosive and explosive gas. |
The wheels are exposed to a lot of corrosive elements such as the dust, salt, stones, and cinders. |
The fuse may be a simple mechanical striking mechanism, or involve the release of corrosive or volatile chemicals, or use electrical circuitry. |
However, the corrosive effect of such exposure to classical culture must not be exaggerated. |
Pure hydrobromic acid is a clear, colorless, fuming corrosive liquid with a strong, pungent odor. |
On the other hand, SO 2 and chlorides have a corrosive action because water-soluble and hygroscopic salts are formed. |
These burns tend to be deep, as the corrosive agent continues to cause coagulative necrosis until completely removed. |
So Darwin had his urine tested, followed Bence Jones's special diet, and dosed himself with colchicum, a dangerously corrosive specific for gout. |
High-speed impellers for pumping corrosive gases in certain industrial processes are aluminum weldments. |
It is corrosive of everything, in a way that should also worry those of us who favour far-reaching political change. |
There is, in my mind, something uniquely amoral and corrosive about this kind of coldblooded infliction of pain. |
Lastly, horse mackerel's acidity level is higher than pilchard causing a corrosive action when the fish is canned. |
This has recently been taken to mean IRA arms dumps must be concreted over or flooded, possibly with some corrosive agent being added. |
Many were not properly cleaned after being fired with corrosive primers, resulting in rough, pitted bores. |
It is something talismanic, totemic, intangible, all-consuming, corrosive, compulsive, elusive, indefinable. |
In some places the stone is pocked and scarred by the corrosive effects of black sulphates. |
Business leaders are finally starting to take note, as a whole range of corrosive emotions begin to erode productivity. |
Increasingly, this tidal wave seems to have had a more subtle and corrosive effect on coverage. |
Casein reportedly counters the effect of corrosive plaque acid from sugary foods and puts a protective film on teeth. |
Tests were carried out on the effects of corrosive chemicals used at home and work on the skin. |
Soft mechanical noises were the only warning as valves opened pressurized tanks of corrosive acid. |
But sentiment is a bad barrier against the corrosive effects of our culture. |
And I know that landfills emit major amounts of hydrogen chloride, a highly corrosive acid. |
Citric acid is relatively non-toxic and much less corrosive than hydrochloric and sulphamic acids. |
As a result, the push to e-commerce had a corrosive effect on the company's promotional and service efforts. |
The spider manages to make its fiber at body temperature, without high pressures, heat, or corrosive acids. |
His policy of managing expectations has had its predictable, corrosive effect. |
At moderate temperatures, it resists attack by oxygen, most acids, chlorine, and other corrosive agents. |
And money, he thought, was the great corrosive, the great acid that ate away at communities and social relationships. |
Money is a balm that eases people's shame, and a corrosive that erodes the bonds of tribalism. |
It can withstand high temperatures and is resistant to many corrosive substances such as acids and alkalis. |
Stronger cleaners such as oven or drain cleaners also contain corrosive substances, which will kill and remove tissue cells. |
In addition, the organic components of adjacent threads, particularly wool, can act as a source of corrosive reagents. |
Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, ethers, glycols and higher alcohols are not corrosive to magnesium and its alloys. |
Today, solvents and corrosive compounds such as hydrochloric acid are commonly supplied in Winchesters. |
The wood chips are placed in the digester and are cooked in a highly corrosive alkaline solution. |
Nickel-base alloys offer excellent corrosion resistance to a wide range of corrosive media. |
Acids are typically corrosive, sour to the taste, turn litmus paper red, react with some metals to liberate hydrogen, and neutralize bases. |
These agents reduce oxygen attack on the lubricant base oil to lessen oil thickening and the buildup of corrosive acids. |
The milk of human kindness curdles in his characters into a corrosive acid eating into their very souls. |
Underground cables become frayed from aging, corrosive chemicals, overload or rats biting them. |
Its news is increasingly tinged by the corrosive liberal bias that permeates so much of the global media. |
The enemy within is still there, but today it is not communist sleepers that are the concern but the corrosive influence of big business. |
Zinc metal used in the galvanizing process provides an impervious barrier between the steel substrate and corrosive elements in the atmosphere. |
Generators may accumulate extra current, causing transformers to burn out, and large currents may build up in power pipelines causing corrosive damage. |
Mr. President, you can speak out and help us confront this corrosive element, but time is running out. |
But the corrosive effects of both polarization and legal corruption were nothing compared to today. |
Celebrity is very corrosive of beatitude, so are benzedrine and heroin. |
There are also characteristic wastes, which means they are ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or designated as toxic by the Toxic Characteristic Leachate Procedure. |
Its corrosive effects are also seeping into our personal lives, as all surveys reveal that we are becoming increasingly mistrustful of one another. |
Even those who feared its corrosive effects on private and public morality found themselves having to concede its associated virtues as well as vices. |
And what kind of corrosive effect does that have on politics generally? |
They also cite concerns about the corrosive effects of the rapidly spreading worship of money, rampant corruption and the widening gap between rich and poor. |
Bombs, missiles, shells and bullets flood the environment with lead, nitrates, nitrites, hydrocarbons, phosphorous, radioactive debris, corrosive and toxic heavy metals. |
They seemed to have no intention of stopping either and they were only spurred on when the Shadowman started throwing black spheres of corrosive black energy at her. |
The excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion of aluminized wire resulted in its acceptance for service in coastal and severely corrosive industrial atmospheres. |
Such familiarity insulates Gingrich from the kind of flip-flopping charges that have proved so corrosive for Romney. |
He also assesses critically the corrosive ideology of transient troth and individual gratification that has driven a good deal of this contemporary pathos. |
The author has done justice to the chapters covering specific poisons such as corrosive poison, irritant poisons, neurotoxic poisons, cardiovascular poisons and asphyxiants. |
As the result of this being used for crop dusting and cloud seeding, the corrosive effects of the chemicals did considerable damage to the structure. |
Most austenitic stainless steels are used in corrosive environments. |
The artist capitalizes on the corrosive etching process in each successive state until the finished print embodies the scatological essence of its message. |
The stomach lining is tough and handles acid well, but the acid has a corrosive effect on the lining of the esophagus, which is delicate and thin. |
The Gem is a fully marinised engine for operation in harsh erosive and corrosive environments, from desert and tropical conditions to freezing and arctic environments. |
Sodium cacodylate is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. |
If you think those symptoms are bad, and that we do not use any medicine so lethal as corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid today, you'd better rethink the problem. |
Such was the corrosive paranoia of the time, fueled by McCarthy and abetted by Hoover. |
The temple is thought to be an entrance to an important complex of buildings long since lost to the corrosive effects of the steamy Javan environment. |
Two teenagers were lucky to still have their sight, after they were sprayed in the face with a corrosive acid in an apparently unprovoked attack on Chiswick High Road. |
Most of the corrosive acid quickly evaporated from the road that was warmed by early morning sunshine and a fresh breeze helped it to quickly dissipate into the atmosphere. |
Drinking green tea actually makes tooth enamel tougher and more resistant to corrosive acid foods, and there is evidence that it reduces liver damage. |
Yet here they too were mummified by natural means, as corrosive body fluids drained away into the same hot dry sand which desiccated and preserved their skin, hair and nails. |
The road salt makes a mushy, corrosive paste that is flung universally about the under-and over-sides of every vehicle. |
The standard first aid treatment for acid spills on the skin is, as for other corrosive agents, irrigation with large quantities of water. |
She argues that racism is dangerous and corrosive to society. |
Corrodant, adj. corrodant, having the power of corroding or wasting by degrees, corrosive. |
Exhibits within the temple precincts are susceptible to warm air which had the effect of drawing corrosive salts out of the Roman stonework. |
It indicates a hazard less severe than skull and crossbones, used for poisons, or the corrosive sign. |
The free zinc ion is a powerful Lewis acid up to the point of being corrosive. |
Stomach acid contains hydrochloric acid, in which metallic zinc dissolves readily to give corrosive zinc chloride. |
The corrosive effect of the poisonous agent was an immediate cause of death. |
Crude oil, residual, and some distillates contain corrosive components and as such require fuel treatment equipment. |
A magnesium additive system may also be needed to reduce the corrosive effects if vanadium is present. |
Many kinds of filaments in ropes are weakened by acids or other corrosive liquids or solvents, and high temperatures. |
Ropes therefore should be kept away from all kinds of solvents and from corrosive acids, alkalis, and oxidising agents. |
These materials are often converted to fluoropolymer tubing products and used by the industry to transport highly corrosive materials. |
The Expansion Engine uses water as working fluid which is simple, cheap, not toxic, nonflammable and not corrosive. |
Moreover, its strong oxidizing property makes it highly corrosive to many metals and may extend its destruction on other materials. |
The internal lead sheathing served to contain the corrosive sulfuric acid and to render the wooden chambers waterproof. |
In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. |
Hydrochloric acid is a corrosive, strong mineral acid with many industrial uses. |
The corrosive properties of the chemicals cause the substance or structure to decompose at a rapid rate. |
This, surely, has had a corrosive effect on Tejpal and his self-image. |
He returned and knocked again, this time holding a bottle full of what is believed to have ben chromic acid, a highly corrosive substance. |
The oxidizing agents and cresols are corrosive to work areas and the alcohols are highly flammable. |
They are heat-resistant, stable in corrosive environments, and lightweight. |
Finally stumbling onto a rich vein, the three compatriots soon discover greed's insatiable and corrosive appetites, and Dobbs begins a slow, irreversible descent into madness. |
Iodine itself is not an ingredient in methamphetamine, but it can be converted chemically into a necessary component, a dangerous and corrosive acid called hydriodic acid. |
This combination of gases produces a corrosive by-product that causes lesser pressure sensor technologies to embrittle and fail during the refining process of oil and gas. |
Why should they suffer to show that a hair spray is corrosive and toxic? |
Although prohibited under international instruments, statelessness continues to be a corrosive condition that affects almost every aspect of many people's lives. |
In addition, the metal ions do not form objectionable byproducts such as chloramines or THMs, and they do not exhibit the corrosive properties of chlorine. |
It is also corrosive to aluminium in the presence of moisture. |
Both the mist and the solution have a corrosive effect on human tissue, with the potential to damage respiratory organs, eyes, skin, and intestines irreversibly. |
I am very shy of using corrosive liquors in the preparation of medicines. |