The lesser-known alternatives include dozens of cooperatively run credit unions and building societies that are locally run. |
Labor believes that the true course for world progress lies in it being run cooperatively. |
The creameries and cheese makers could be independent businesses or cooperatively owned by dairy farmers. |
The participants blossomed as they laughed together and defended what they cooperatively owned. |
Group members cooperatively defend territories, harvest herbaceous food, and give alarm calls and footdrum in response to predators. |
They know how to work shift work, how to meet quotas, concentrate on tasks and work cooperatively with others. |
It is imperative that Australia seeks to work cooperatively with China, bilaterally and regionally, and in global forums. |
At the conclusion of each drill, staff members should cooperatively critique the drill. |
Part of working together cooperatively is taking responsibility to do the work. |
They are not known for being politically cohesive, for being able to work cooperatively. |
Two species of falconids, the red-throated caracaras and the collared falconets regularly breed cooperatively. |
You can dance on camera without the scoring, play competitively or cooperatively with friends, or watch music videos. |
They could lease out the land to their family or someone else, or cultivate it cooperatively with other women. |
Agriculture is highly mechanized, and most farms are cooperatively run on state-owned land. |
Pygmy Nuthatches are one of only a few cooperatively breeding songbirds in North America. |
Employees in Hong Kong were even able to use expressed anger to manage conflict when the issues were discussed open-mindedly and cooperatively. |
A two-player mode allows you to compete against your buddies or play cooperatively. |
The hawks hunt cooperatively with several birds simultaneously swooping on their prey, which consists of woodrats, jackrabbits, and other birds. |
Writers working singly or cooperatively have experimented with interactive fiction, which permits many different readings of the same story. |
The work was done cooperatively with scientists from the university's Division of Nutritional Sciences. |
The students must work cooperatively on developing the opening speeches and answering the follow-up questions. |
Because many buildings are cooperatively owned, large-scale transformation is difficult. |
He did not know of any other cab company charging an extra fee for the World Cup because most firms were owned cooperatively by their drivers. |
They help low-income Hispanic women build cooperatively owned cleaning services that use natural cleaning products. |
The creameries could be independent businesses or cooperatively owned by dairy farmers. |
We are actively banging on the door for anything that's collectively, cooperatively, or currently Crown-owned. |
This was observed on two occasions where the coalescence of many bubbles occurred cooperatively at a given rotation speed. |
We want to do our part and to work cooperatively with all opposition parties to put the economy first. |
We all work cooperatively to try to ensure that legal information is available when and where it is needed. |
Skills needed included time management and working cooperatively. |
There is a need for families and schools to work cooperatively to encourage students' learning and maturing as social beings. |
He concluded by emphasizing the need for stakeholders to work cooperatively and to adopt a holistic perspective. |
We worked cooperatively with those two offices as part of our audit process. |
Governments acting cooperatively within the framework of shared institutions and governments acting individually. |
A climate is provided in which personalities may cooperatively interact in their study. |
The Honourable John Baird has a mandate to work cooperatively with the other parties and make Parliament function. |
We are prepared to commit significant resources and to work cooperatively on practical problems where a positive impact can be achieved. |
Toward the realization of this vision, we are working cooperatively in the area of education. |
Three cooperatively owned enterprises were visited during the mission. |
Works cooperatively, and often independently, as a team leader with latitude for independent action, judgment and initiative. |
This allows for the spontaneous coordination of multiple signals from multiple sources, strangers working cooperatively within the same spread of spectrum. |
In most cases, the subject is made available by teaching teams working cooperatively across the boundaries of traditional disciplinary structures. |
Imagine a simple economy where a community of workers labor together cooperatively to produce just sufficient goods to satisfy their combined daily wants. |
The time spent reading together would also be beneficial for both tutors and tutees by allowing them class time to read natural texts cooperatively. |
Higher yields could be in store for pea crops as U.S. and Russian scientists cooperatively field-test an experimental inoculant and new strains of microbe-friendly peas. |
We will support those communities that work cooperatively to support returns. |
A leader works cooperatively with his constituents to reach agreed-upon objectives. |
Work collaboratively, cooperatively, and reciprocally to protect borders and facilitate trade and travel. |
Choose to take on the campaign solo or team up with a friend and play cooperatively! |
The law also provides a framework for peasants to cooperatively negotiate with large landholders or investors who lay claim to the same land. |
Russia, India and Brazil will be responding to China, both cooperatively and antagonistically, much more than they will coordinate with it. |
Or, as an alternative, you can assume control of a station together with a friend and run it cooperatively. |
Groups may stay together longer in summer to forage and feed cooperatively. |
Usually whales hunt solitarily, but they do sometimes hunt cooperatively in small groups. |
When large amounts of prey are available, whales such as certain mysticetes hunt cooperatively in small groups. |
They are gregarious birds, travelling in flocks, hunting cooperatively and breeding colonially. |
Candidates should be predisposed to working independently and showing initiative while at the same time working cooperatively within a small team and being sensitive to the needs of the project partners. |
It has been argued, for example, that leaders may structure staff working relationships in one of three ways: competitively, individualistically or cooperatively. |
Vision: The government, non-government and private sectors, jointly and cooperatively, will work towards the long-term securement of wetland ecosystems for the sustainable use by the nation's wildlife and its people. |
Once the antlers are shed, stags tend to form bachelor groups which allow them to cooperatively work together. |
Empire-building games are played by middle mangers or directors to build power bases, not cooperatively with peers, but individually with subordinates. |
On the good side, it should be noted that all the political parties in the House worked very cooperatively together to build the legislation to set up a do not call registry. |
However, there is growing recognition that challenges can only be addressed if all levels of government move beyond debates over jurisdiction and work cooperatively to support partnerships and achieve practical results. |
The gold mining companies have cooperatively trained northerners so that they will be prepared to easily start work at other new mining operations. |
This allows for the possibility of reputations: people who have the reputation of being cooperative will be treated cooperatively, and those who have a reputation of being unfair will be treated unfairly. |
Ask about the obvious social disparities and people will be quite frank with you: yes, they remain, but integration is a process that must be done correctly and cooperatively. |
The trail is managed and operated cooperatively by the U. S. Forest Service and other federal agencies and the Pacific Crest Trail Association, a nonprofit trail-advocacy organization. |
In my humble opinion, I feel that they were catering to the growing fleet of large, cooperatively owned draggers at the expense of the inshore harvesters and our communities. |
This groundbreaking project demonstrates how utilities, government, consumers and retailers can work cooperatively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
The success of the pilot was also the demonstration that five diverse departments and agencies with different cultures, standards and requirements can work cooperatively towards a common goal. |
We are convinced that we need to work cooperatively at the multilateral level if we want to succeed in tackling the many challenges facing us in all areas of disarmament. |
The EU and NATO are in fact working cooperatively in the Balkans, where the EU assumed the police mission in Bosnia in December 2004 after NATO terminated its SFOR operations there. |
We must work cooperatively to increase public confidence by addressing the needs of all Canadians in the issues of energy, the economy and the environment. |
Some provincial governments are working cooperatively with universities to chart a provincial strategy for managing university-based technology transfer. |
We also believe it to be strategically desirable to call upon all Government bodies to work cooperatively with international organizations and civil society. |
Participating regions will work cooperatively to boost industrial competitiveness, solve problems facing manufacturing worldwide, and develop advanced manufacturing technologies and systems. |
God the creator, having divinity by nature, offers each person participation in divinity by cooperatively accepting His gift of grace. |
Market socialism consists of publicly owned or cooperatively owned enterprises operating in a market economy. |
Breeding pairs will frequently hunt cooperatively, with one bird flushing the prey toward its mate. |
Is the program organized competitively, non-competitively, or cooperatively? |
When large schools of fish or squid are available, pinnipeds hunt cooperatively in large groups, locating and herding their prey. |
The symbiotic relationship of spectrum allocation ensures that users of both bands are able to operate cooperatively and freely. |
Trucks are used in conjunction with the forklift tractor if the fruit is to be delivered to a more distant cooperatively owned packhouse. |
When large schools of fish or squid are available, pinnipeds such as certain otariids hunt cooperatively in large groups, locating and herding their prey. |