Astrologers understand destiny so they are consulted to establish auspicious dates for important activities. |
A physician checks for any ear infections, and an audiologist may be consulted to rule out auditory problems. |
Although Samoans were not consulted on the date-line in 1884, Falealupo, population around 2000, had a deeper connection with life's end game. |
Trying to find an explanation, I consulted several modern textbooks to no avail. |
Had staff consulted with the minister and agreed to feign communication breakdown so as not to have to deal with my awkward questions? |
I have even consulted for a number of breweries in Scotland when they were having difficulties with the malts. |
In Sri Lanka, he consulted the genius of a place whose climate and culture he knew intimately. |
She began to catch up after those wasted years and read books and consulted the dictionary constantly. |
The rich, ill and famous consulted balneologists who treated diseases with baths and water cures. |
Airlines which were consulted during the security review had previously expressed anxiety about the sky marshal plan. |
Its purpose is to ensure that the public authorities closest to the citizens are consulted. |
The magistrates described the deductions as shocking, uncalled for and unfair since they were never consulted or notified. |
The design director, a masthead editor or the news desk should be consulted on doubtful cases or proposals for exceptions. |
For paper, he went to university libraries and consulted old books, quickly ripping out the blank endpapers whenever no one was looking. |
A second doctor must be consulted, and life must be ended in a medically appropriate way. |
These were the jet-setting academics of the ancient world, who were praised for their maxims and consulted for their wisdom. |
Throughout history, people have consulted a variety of seers in an effort to be forewarned of events to come. |
English Roma, Irish travellers, new travellers, showmen and circus people were all consulted. |
In that way, Costa Rica, which owns the organism, protects itself from biopiracy and must be consulted for any further supply. |
The critics who protest that he hasn't consulted the most recent speculations on the origins of life miss the point. |
Of course I am not consulted by State-owned enterprises before they put up prices. |
No one of course consulted the Scottish people, and widespread popular opposition greeted the Union. |
But he consulted with our allies in such a way that the response was very positive and I thought very good. |
More impressive still, its microstructure is strangely bound up with the way in which it is consulted. |
I was terrified of the operation, and went and consulted the village sheikh, who told me it wasn't necessary. |
As locals, they should know that there are traditional owners who belong to that country who have not been consulted. |
She highlighted her concerns at how the Irish people were never consulted about signing up to an EU constitution. |
I am sure if the organizers of the Awards had consulted the right persons the results would have been different. |
It shouldn't be left till the flames are coming out the top of the plant before people are consulted. |
Cardan achieved some near miraculous cures and his growing reputation as a doctor led to his being consulted by members of the College. |
In some schools it is common not to be consulted if a child is misbehaving until it gets to the point when it has become very bad. |
Amazingly, the gun press reviews I've consulted say that it is a genuinely manageable, shootable gun, the result of excellent design. |
The Information Commissioner was not consulted by the Government before these amendments were tabled. |
They will also be consulted on plans for future developments and receive regular information about the hospital. |
When she broke her arm and was told it would not mend completely, she consulted de Vries. |
Apparently the compendious works on Chicago history by John Kirkland had not been consulted. |
There was no question of indents or authorities to be consulted before delivering, and the system worked well. |
He consulted a supervisor, who stared at me indecisively for a few minutes. |
Most have already been consulted on the scheme and have indicated a favourable outcome. |
All pharmacies consulted believed that in imposing service charges they were acting according to the regulations laid down by the government. |
We consulted people on Goldiggers and the skatepark and then did not take a blind bit of notice of them. |
One day, he was consulted by a young woman with the symptoms of heart disease. |
They insisted on the people being consulted in a Swiss style referendum where the details are on the table before, and not after they vote. |
He claims that Thomas Becket consulted a chiromancer before setting out on an expedition against the inhabitants of North. |
Once he rules out the problem in the throat, a paediatric gastroenterologist can be consulted to rule out a problem in the food pipe. |
When the speaker is stumped by a question there is nothing but deathly silence as they consulted their notes. |
In addition, the physiatry staff should be consulted about developing a customized off-loading orthotic device for Mrs R's right foot. |
The oracle was consulted by Achilles, Heracles and other mythological heroes. |
However, I consulted the oracles and stars, and I am certain that you are the one I need. |
In many cases, volunteers were not consulted and were only made aware of decisions after they had happened. |
Clearly he should have consulted his political adviser and stayed on-message. |
The Roman Senate also held haruspicy in the highest regard and consulted haruspices before all important state decisions. |
The family also consulted their local hakim, who said there was no health problem and he need not undergo any treatment. |
I have been commanded to return them to the property forthwith so they can be consulted at a moment's notice. |
Umpire Peter Wright consulted with his colleague Mike George at square leg before sending a disappointed batsman on his way. |
He had consulted female relatives and older women in his village and buttonholed family members in other towns in a quest for leads. |
The Council consulted him and discussed legislative projects, while the Senate voted on those projects. |
Evidence, of a sort, is provided by the village idiot and by a lady doctor who was consulted by Rebecca shortly before she died. |
She consulted the astrologer to find out whether her husband would be knighted. |
Would he be consulted on his spiritual needs, on the wairua of this land transport programme? |
At least with United Utilities local traders were fully consulted and the work was phased to minimise disruption to business. |
The villagers were not consulted, even though the river was their only source of water and they depended on the sago trees for food. |
And she also must take the time to explain why members of the public were not consulted when this master plan was dreamt up. |
His is not a book about poetry, and yet a canonical poet is consulted for the distinction that structures the book. |
At present the bids are put in once a year and residents are only consulted on those which are successful. |
It consulted a network of international yards before putting its bid to the Ministry of Defense. |
Your local brick or masonry supplier should be consulted for specific advice. |
Every decision surrounding the production was made after Norbu carefully consulted with yogis, oracles and diviners. |
After having consulted with several equine veterinarians and a human oncologist, the decision was reluctantly made to euthanize the horse. |
It would be involuntary, active euthanasia if the patient were not consulted and her wishes were not known. |
After enquiring after each other's welfare they consulted at length and then returned to where they had come from. |
After the birth, soothsayers were consulted to speak about the child's future and offerings were made to the ancestors. |
We should remember that no other group of citizens is consulted before measures are enacted to prevent illegal activity. |
Members of the public are being consulted about whether to apply for the new start. |
As her correspondence indicates, Hurston consulted with Boas frequently, seeking his advice and affirmation. |
Hector, being taken ill, consulted on his case some of the witches or soothsayers, to whom this family appears to have been partial. |
And the child was elated because she had been consulted, she didn't feel powerless. |
He has consulted at most of the storage ring projects around the world, many of which have installed Halbach design undulators and wigglers. |
He said local councils and other groups were also being consulted about the wind farm. |
She is truly one of the distinguished band of the great and the good who is consulted on the issues of the day. |
He bought scores of wine books, consulted winemakers, and with textbook in hand attempted to turn the Bauduc plonk into a memorable wine. |
Maxine found herself tired and lethargic and eventually consulted her GP, who informed her that she was deficient in several key minerals. |
The Judge said she had, in the absence of any statutory definition, consulted several dictionaries for a definition of the word record. |
She consulted with the manager, and told me, in so many words, that I lived in firestorm-and-lethal-radiation territory. |
She said the public would be consulted next year and there would be a thorough, intensive review. |
Detailed plans will be drawn up over the next few months after people are consulted on what they would like to see in the building. |
Whether this reeve consulted informally with the more important townsmen, we can only speculate. |
But a sympathetic relative consulted a natural healing reference book that advocated eating 15 cherries a day to arrest gout. |
They complained that they had not been consulted properly by the council prior to the work. |
We consulted several chronologies and databases and attempted to deconflict reports and casualty figures. |
He promptly consulted the solicitors in Nottingham to whom all Nottingham laggers took their claims. |
However, the new administration intends to ensure our elderly residents are decently housed and are fully consulted. |
The ancient Greeks eagerly consulted oracles for answers to all sorts of questions they had about the future. |
A replant surgeon should be consulted when replantation is considered, but reattachment never should be guaranteed to patients. |
At the beginning of the Choson Dynasty, geomancers were consulted in order to find the ideal site for a new capital. |
This was a president who consulted opinion polls at every turn and who was cowed by the military brass. |
I often consulted with the participants and owe much of the knowledge presented here to their direct input. |
They haven't been consulted by the Government during the process of policy formation. |
It is unfortunate that although all utilities were consulted at the outset, unforeseen problems were uncovered. |
We consulted beauty experts and female athletes and got them essential must-haves and must-dos. |
A council spokesman said notices were posted in the area and residents who were within a certain radius of the proposed mast were consulted. |
Though we traveled light, indispensable to us on board were two books we re-read and consulted constantly. |
But as he consulted with a Boise neurologist and examined lab results, he realized that King couldn't survive the blood pooling in his skull. |
The liquidators consulted the liquidation committee and obtained its approval. |
Smith consulted on these engineering projects, which earned him money, the chance to travel, and a close-up view of the rock faces. |
Many patients who consulted Jung have testified to the cordiality, warmth, and courtesy with which they were received. |
The mind boggles as to why the community was not consulted in the first place. |
He has followed trails, consulted the experts and lived and breathed the historical roots of ancient Americans with ardour for 20 years. |
He consulted Bias about the best way to deploy warships against the Ionians of the Aegean islands. |
Later in June the parties were consulted and consented to the fixing of a trial date. |
I consulted a dermatologist and as per his advice applied steroid ointment. |
An astrologer will be consulted to choose an auspicious date for these ceremonies. |
Along with Western medicine there is still a tradition of curanderos, and parteras who are still regularly consulted, especially by the rural and Indian population. |
I am also frustrated that the administration has not adequately consulted with Congress regarding U.S. policy towards Egypt. |
The union has been fully consulted from the outset and we have worked with them to ensure that voluntary redundancies and natural wastage has been maximised to the fullest. |
This time around, the union says it consulted its members widely before adopting a negotiating position, which now stresses cultural and family issues. |
He added that Norse has good relations with the FBI and has consulted with them on other crime cases. |
Goff said he had consulted with a former Romney staffer by the name of Jared Townsend. |
Other SEALs have given paid speeches and consulted for filmmakers and video game designers. |
She consulted with friends on Facebook and formed Concerned Liberians Against Ebola. |
She is effectively dismissing him and re-advertising his job, and hasn't ever consulted with him on any of the issues that she may have had concerns about. |
Both Wilson and his gunsmith, Larry Cooper, consulted with John Linebaugh, then had Cliff LaBounty rebore and Dave Adams rechamber the gun to another calibre. |
Sources consulted are, without exception, English and French. |
I also do not consider it improper for counsel to seek to recover fees paid to experts that they consulted but who did not file affidavits on the motion. |
He consulted a dermatologist, who promptly misdiagnosed him with a standard skin condition. |
We consulted with the experts to help you decide if you should bend the dietary rules occasionally and how to do it appropriately. |
Waite is said to have consulted a media lawyer with regard to this matter. |
A Cook Islander on the Editorial Advisory Board was not consulted. |
For those who have consulted dictionaries for the word, its typical appearance between serenade and serene may bring a sense of tranquility and unruffled repose. |
This was denied, however, by the Scottish Executive, which said that Scottish ministers had not been consulted because the shipment had not been re-routed near Scotland. |
Her family was not consulted, and only learned of her death a month later. |
And anyway, we know that the Alexandrian editors consulted rhapsodes on matters of pronunciation, so they may well have consulted rhapsodes on the issue of the division. |
The experienced official calmly walked over to his far side linesman and consulted him before pointing to the half-way line and sending the Dundee fans into raptures. |
Foucault and Freud should both be consulted on the complex sexual dynamics at play here. |
She herself had worries no mother of a fallen American service member should suffer as she consulted with a funeral director. |
The group was set up as a rubber stamp so that the government can say they consulted a lot of people, and I wasted my time, not to mention your money, in going. |
Judge Doherty was uncertain about the standard of proof in a criminal case, so in a time-honored tradition of judicial review, he consulted his bailiff. |
This woman had been married three or four years and consulted me on account of her sterility. |
Curry was intrigued and, unlike the other filmmakers VanDyke consulted, he had time to take on a major project. |
Scott, who had worked on the bay for a year prior to the incident, said he had consulted tide tables and weather reports and had taken a compass with him. |
He consulted his notes for a moment, then gave me a tight little smile. |
On October 29 last year, supervisors and ward sisters complained that none of the staff members had been consulted about the plan to move the ward. |
I consulted with my good friend Jim, an avid cyclist who has several transcontinental bike runs as well a small pile of really neat X-rays to prove it. |
The page might need to be consulted soon, before Microsoft lawyers track down the page author and get around to drafting minatory letters to have it shut down. |
The McDonoughs consulted with their veterinarian, who advised them that they were too busy to cope with the challenges posed by a sightless canine. |
He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and is consulted by many bodybuilders and strength athletes who are looking to enhance their training and performance. |
In part, this was the natural reaction of so many women who were slotted into traditional roles without being consulted, or paid less in the workplace for equal effort. |
As soon as he blew the whistle for half-time, referee Mr McNamara consulted with his linesmen and the two managers, decided the pitch was unplayable and abandoned proceedings. |
The urologists we have consulted agree that such products are suspect. |
Ninety-nine of 229 patients consulted an ophthalmologist during therapy. |
On the advice of several industry people whom I consulted fresh out of varsity, I'd always intended to work in a commercial law role for two years. |
They are consulted on every issue that vitally affects the country. |
I was not consulted about the abolition of the crown, or the half-crown. |
They claimed members were not given prior notice and the university's academic council must be consulted before the governing body can make changes to university statutes. |
Poseidon and Athena were vying for control of Athens, and having consulted an oracle he advised that every Athenian should vote for their preference. |
Another time Rutilianus consulted the oracle on the choice of a wife. |
The department chairwoman says that she received complaints about the blog from students and parents, and that she consulted with university lawyers about what to do about it. |
In China, before construction begins on any new buildings, a Feng Shui expert will be consulted to ensure that all chi will be allowed to flow freely. |
Homeopathic remedies are not only available from homeopaths, although ideally a qualified practitioner should be consulted for a specific, individual diagnosis. |
In Burma, a horoscope is cast shortly after birth and regularly consulted throughout life, especially when any major changes in normal routines have occurred or are imminent. |
The anti-mergers saw the fusions as anti-democratic since they were never consulted, and were scared to lose their communities and local services. |
Indeed, many of the staff and students feel that they haven't been consulted adequately in an appraisal that has been presented as a fait accompli. |
She also consulted in the community regarding pulmonary physical therapy. |
The council has already consulted the people on what they want. |
I wonder if people were even consulted before drawing up this plan. |
Gualtero set his spoon down too and consulted his pocket watch. |
The next day he consulted Mouton's book and found that Pell was correct. |
We consulted a Norwegian expert on purification of effluents. |
Mr Fell consulted coroners around Britain and has been told of another death in Liverpool, last year, where it is claimed that a staple gun misfired. |
He obviously would have consulted with counsel and they would have told them not to destroy any evidence, first of all, because he'd make matters worse. |
And everywhere he went he consulted the local fortune-tellers. |
As those consulted explained, in the confusion of battle there is not time to work out who is the most senior of the five soldiers or officers crouched in a foxhole. |
Folk medicine practitioners such as curanderos, spiritualists, and santeros are sometimes consulted when physical symptoms suggest a folk illness such as mal ojo or susto. |
Civil society, human rights, civil liberty organisations, minority groups and opposition parties were not consulted before promulgation of the ordinance. |
You see, since so many other sources of inspiration turned into blind alleys, I consulted that fount of ancient wisdom, the most-quoted tome of all time, the Good Book itself. |
According to King's publicist, four eminent doctors were consulted. |
Many of the discographers whose works were consulted for this study physically examined most of the records they listed or received reports from others who had done so. |
Many people involved in the sport were consulted throughout the design process, which took a little under a year. |
While at Cambridge he became a friend of Gabriel Harvey and later consulted him, despite their differing views on poetry. |
Mukhtasars were short specialized treatises or general overviews that could be used in a classroom or consulted by judges. |
Even in case of a pregnant bhikkhuni, the king is consulted, as mentioned in the prologue of Jataka no. |
The Act extended to England and Ireland, but not to Scotland, whose Estates had not been consulted before the selection of Sophia. |
It is possible that the poet consulted Latin commentaries on the Apocalypse and Genesis. |
Broder too, one of the Danish warriors at that battle, is represented as having consulted augury to forelearn the fate of the day. |
The search for grey literature was to ensure that unpublished research on the topic was consulted. |
At first Pierre Viret was consulted, but when he refused, the council asked Calvin. |
Rizal himself, whom the rebels took inspiration from and had consulted beforehand, disapproved of a premature revolution. |
I've never been consulted to see if I want to pour more of my hard-earned bawbees into another project for the glorification of London. |
She consulted a marketing specialist when she decided to go into business. |
McGilligan writes that Hitchcock consulted Robert Millikan of the California Institute of Technology about the development of an atomic bomb. |
Other services that chiropractors consulted include neurosurgery, rheumatology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and kinesiotherapy. |
He consulted with specialists in Los Angeles, Boston and Baltimore. |
This account of his journeys provides a picture of medieval civilization that is still widely consulted today. |
In 1853 Barry was consulted by Albert, Prince Consort on his plans for creation of what became known as Albertopolis. |
Until 1492, Isabel had often consulted Hieronymite friar Hernando de Talavera on matters of reform. |
Bede relates that the bishops particularly consulted a hermit on how to respond. |
He was consulted by the king on the possibility of a sea route to India, a project which he supported and encouraged. |
Deeply trusted by the Emperor, Hongwu consulted Li on institutional matters. |
Telford was consulted in 1806 by the King of Sweden about the construction of a canal between Gothenburg and Stockholm. |
His reputation enabled him to also practice surgery in an experimental fashion and he was also consulted as an oculist. |
In this way, correction tables could be created, which would be consulted when compasses were used when traveling in those locations. |
For this reason, people should not take iron supplements unless they suffer from iron deficiency and have consulted a doctor. |
Reclus consulted with bibliophile Paul Lacroix, literary critic Jules Troubat, and Egyptologists Prisse d'Avesnes and Marchandon de la Faye. |
A female patient aged 77 consulted regarding several problems including previously diagnosed essential tremor. |
They consulted Jerry Donohue who confirmed the most likely structures of the nucleotide bases. |
Turing also consulted with Bell Labs on the development of SIGSALY, a secure voice system that was used in the later years of the war. |
In some cases, individuals consulted the Polish resistance first, before signing the Volksliste. |
The diviner is consulted for various reasons, such as the cause of sickness or even death. |
Publications by K Snedegar and B Warner on ethnoastronomy, and B Warner and P Smits on the history of astronomy, were consulted. |
Henry consulted with Parliament frequently, but was sometimes at odds with the members, especially over ecclesiastical matters. |
He investigated industrial pollution at Swansea and was consulted on air pollution at the Royal Mint. |
The same goes for the business traveler looking to build or maintain a career, said Ms. Carlson, who has also consulted for nonathletes. |
Throughout the negotiations, Britain never consulted her American Indian allies, forcing them to reluctantly accept the treaty. |
Both trade unions and employers organisations are consulted beforehand in policymaking in the financial, economic and social areas. |
By law, the King has the right to be periodically briefed and consulted on government affairs. |
As a result, he consulted with his lawyer, Aaron Frosch, who suggested he move to Switzerland where the tax payment was comparatively less. |
The new Viceroy Gilbert Minto and the new Secretary of State for India John Morley consulted with Congress leaders on political reforms. |
His influence spread to the Samoans, who consulted him for advice, and he soon became involved in local politics. |
Elizabeth I consulted her astrologer, John Dee, before deciding on an auspicious date. |
However, EEA countries are consulted about new EU legislative proposals and participate in shaping legislation at an early stage. |
By law, the Lord Chancellor must be consulted before appointments may be made to certain ecclesiastical courts. |
A balian may be consulted in order to determine the location of a lost object or the identity of a thief. |
They are not planning authorities, but are consulted on some planning applications. |
Parliament would need to be consulted again if the Council of ministers deviated too far from the initial proposal. |
Finding that they left us we consulted which way to steer, and resolved to let drive before the Wind. |
The Welsh engineer George Overton was consulted, and he advised building a tramroad. |
Parents are frequently not consulted over children's medication and frequently feel unable to challenge decisions over their child's treatment. |
Dohrenwend's group consulted military and historical records to verify vets' reports of war-zone exposure and traumatic events. |
Before he saw me, he had consulted a naturopath, who recommended that he follow an anti-inflammatory diet. |
Officials said that local experts were consulted and the resulting signage has been transliterated rather than translated. |
In 1951, the IOC made the same switch at its Vienna conference, after IOC member Lord Burghley had consulted the British Foreign Office. |
He was supportive throughout the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and Kennedy consulted him by telephone every day. |
Tide tables are carefully consulted before church officials set a time for the simple service. |
Based on his high gross weight and need to perform a dead stick landing he consulted with pilots on the ground about jettisoning his external stores. |
The Post consulted The Poynter Media Institute's ethicist Bob Steele. |
Tombazian has consulted with over 50 companies of all sizes and from a wide range of industries, some of which include Tallwave, Ethology and Harley Davidson University. |
Because the judge was not a jurist or a legal technician, he often consulted a jurist about the technical aspects of the case, but he was not bound by the jurist's reply. |
A computed tomography scan of the abdomen without a pyelographic phase was ordered by the original physician and the patient consulted a urologist as an outpatient. |
Mount, who joined the team last month, said there is no outright ban on the players to consult faith healers, but it is advised that he is consulted first. |
After formateur Yves Leterme returned his commission in August 2007, King Albert II consulted 13 Ministers of State individually, without convening the crown council as such. |
Believing that the suspect may have consulted a voodoo doctor prior to the exam, the examiner took a doll from his desk and proceeded to dehex the suspect. |
Maybe the directors and chairmen were consulted, but we certainly weren't and everybody is in the same boat that I have spoken to, that we are starting too early. |
The register can be consulted in the National Archives reading room and the index used to be searchable as an online database on the National Archives web site. |
According to a poll in January of 1,557 job hunters by a recruitment Web portal called Career, nearly 60 percent had consulted a fortuneteller or were planning to do so. |
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was consulted and came up with plans for two mighty water towers, one at the north end of the building and one at the south. |
Every ten minutes they consulted together as to who could pluck up the courage to ask some passer-by the time. The passers-by were all back street people. |
First she brought in an ojha to exorcise the house, and when this produced no effect, she consulted a hakim, who purveyed Yunani medicines, and a vaid who practised Ayurveda. |
The locals were against the initiative and consulted a sorcerer. |
He was at breakfast at nine, and for the twentieth time consulted his Bradshaw to see at what earliest hour Dr Grantly could arrive from Barchester. |
Allegations were made by the Guardian newspaper that BA had consulted outside firms methods to undermine the unions, the story was later withdrawn. |
They are fully involved and consulted in developing areas within the nursery as staff use spidergrams to collect their ideas and thoughts about the equipment they will need. |
In the absence of a satisfactory, ready-made mold coating, older research was consulted to determine that boron nitride might be a suitable material. |
This greatly mitigates damage as opposed to the multiple insurers that must be consulted and perhaps find their own salvors and conduct their own salvage sales. |
At this time, a perinatologist was consulted, who agreed that the benefits of the patient receiving interventional therapy outweighed the risks of not receiving treatment. |
Referee Gottfried Dienst consulted his linesman on the right flank, Tofiq Bahramov, who signalled that the ball had crossed the line, and the goal was given. |
In addition, a variety of grey literature was consulted including different project proposals, reports, book chapters and conference proceedings and others. |
I consulted the BEMS data and discussed it with my superintendent. |
There is no provision for anyone else to be consulted or to object. |
Gomelsky had no written agreement with the band and was not consulted. |
In this study, 25 men and 25 women with EOE consulted with a dietitian trained in allergy diet restriction, who provided them with sample menus and shopping guides. |