It was then that Dave suddenly was conscious of the fact that there were sounds of revving aircraft engines. |
An awful hour for Bismarck, conscious of the load of responsibility which he carried. |
One who becomes conscious of the daimonic element within him does not recognise it as innocent and in its first stage. |
When she had gone they were conscious of an alleviation, and of the great beauty of the evening. |
The boarhound, as if conscious of this appeal to his chivalry, turned a knowing eye on the two girls. |
But seve'rus rejected this offer, conscious of his own strength, and of the weakness of the proposer. |
He seemed to be in a sort of waking dream and only dimly conscious of happenings about him. |
Now, at last, he had no cunning, and he was hazily conscious of his ineffectiveness. |
As I sat there conscious of a palpitation I think I had a vision of what was to be. |
She was conscious of a feeling of wrongdoing yet she did not recognize it as such. |
George was proud, and he was conscious of the humiliation with which honey-bee covered him. |
Charles thought he had never seen a face so humorlessly conscious of power. |
Jed was conscious of a cold sensation, like the touch of an icicle, up and down his spine. |
And she was so brimful of life, so conscious of vitality running to sheer waste. |
He was like an idler basking in the sun, conscious of nothing but just the warmth and comfort of it. |
Conscious life, or the capacity to become conscious of anything, is a deific attribute. |
Then, too, standish was conscious of a vague cloud which had come up to blur their relationship. |
She knew it before St. Clair was conscious of it, and poor Jamie knew it when she did. |
At last he smiled, whilst I bowed before him, but very vaguely conscious of what might impend. |
The real rebbetzin, the one who is exactly what a rebbetzin should be, is proud and conscious of her dignity. |
And as Raf pushed down another aisle, paralleling his course, he was conscious of a sickly sweet, stomach-churning stench. |
It was at Tunbridge Wells then that he had become conscious of some danger. |
She was desperately conscious of me, watching me askant with the curiously commingled fear and trustfulness of a child. |
Neptune also showed that he was conscious of the necessity of providing for the inner man. |
And yet, even as I said it, I was conscious of a peculiar feeling of insincerity. |
It is conscious of their ultimate identity and their present insufficiency. |
He became conscious of a candescent spot on the far side of the hearth, where the light fell on old Heythorp's thick white hair. |
Above all, we have made the American people conscious of their interrelationship and their interdependence. |
He is bitter and satirical, and seems to be sadly conscious of the realities of human life. |
Yet so sure is his touch that in the mass of these hundreds of designs to Shakespeare you are not conscious of any scamping. |
It is enough that I am conscious of my own uprightness and that I say, Find the child! |
And thus it is that every Idealist, bleak and wintry as his mood may be, is conscious of the latency of spring. |
With the work done he became conscious of a feeling of disassociation from the surroundings in which he had so long been at home. |
Hinge, conscious of his dishabille, had retreated at the moment of her entrance. |
I was conscious of a bit of the rowdy in my manner, but I seemed powerless to prevent it. |
How artificial he seems, and unseasonably ornate, and how conscious of his public. |
Despite his limp, I was conscious of his tallness and lissomness as he hobbled by my side. |
He became conscious of sympathising generously with all men not thus equipped. |
As if she were conscious of his scrutiny, she lifted her head and glanced toward him. |
Events had hitherto so dizzyingly beaten down upon her head that she had scarcely been conscious of feeling. |
With this Alfred, however, he was conscious of a glacial current, which not all the young man's cordiality could tepefy. |
I was conscious of each one of my thirty-eight years whenever I looked at him. |
He is so conscious of his bigness, and makes chests at you like a pouter pigeon. |
The barge described in this book, though one is not conscious of being cramped inside her, is only a ninety tonner. |
He was not conscious of her transfiguration, and she dropped her eyes for fear of showing it. |
Of late years they are growing conscious of their own belatedness, and that touches a tender spot. |
But even to the trembler a tremble may speak truer than words, and she had trembled and become conscious of it. |
She poured it as if it were poison, and Josiah became conscious of her tragic self-control. |
Some hours elapsed before he was conscious of anything that was passing around him. |
One would say that it were conscious of the vicinity of the heavy Romanesque pillars. |
Helen grew conscious of unplumbed depths, of instincts at which she was amazed and ashamed. |
Vaguely she was conscious of ability, of a wonderful and undreamed of capacity. |
So prolonged was this stare that Blake began to be embarrassingly conscious of it, to fidget under it. |
Yet Wrayson was uneasily conscious of something underneath it all which he could not fathom. |
He pronounced this equably, but she was conscious of the presence of an injury in his voice. |
At that moment the old painter must have been acutely conscious of his fall. |
Long dwelling upon its power made them unduly and unhealthily conscious of its presence. |
Woolfolk was acutely conscious of her utter isolation with the shivering figure on the porch, the unmaterialized Nicholas. |
Krafft-Ebing asserts that hardly any of these Urnings are conscious of morbidity. |
And the Emperor Nicholas was conscious of evoking this rapture and deliberately aroused it. |
Do you not remember that you ceased to respire, and were not conscious of the fact? |
In this activity we were less conscious of the sufferings of our cohabitation. |
As I gradually emerged from darkened slumber I became conscious of piloti's voice. |
He was conscious of no wrong, and he did not shrink as though he had committed one. |
One stoops one's head before a stone flung at one, but what of the flinger whom one is not conscious of having seen? |
Simultaneous-like, he became conscious of the fact that the footlight Favorites were no longer worthy of him. |
She was conscious of parroting the current phrases of the newspapers, but it was no time to pick and choose her words. |
Never was the paramatta stripped more rapidly of her sails, for every man was conscious of the urgency of the work. |
The first step in the process of teaching has made him conscious of his own ignorance. |
Between them she was always conscious of move and countermove. |
He was again conscious of that esoteric disturbance in his temples. |
He was acutely conscious of the mist of which Hermione had thought. |
Whether he was conscious of any predisposing cause, was another question. |
And for the first time the knight was conscious of a curious feeling that all was not square and aboveboard in this castle. |
At least it's not sharply, not articulately conscious of them. |
She passed the day and the evening in the parlor, vaguely conscious of a strange feeling of aversion to going back to her own room. |
But soon, her senses being very acute, she became conscious of an irregular respiration in an obscure corner of the room. |
I was perfectly conscious of the blatancy of the methods that achieved it. |
She was not conscious of the grasp that was bruising her tender arm. |
He was conscious of an aloofness from everything earthly and a strange and joyous lightness of existence. |
He was perfectly conscious of its excess, but he cherished it as a virtue. |
You are conscious of growing chillier and chillier every moment. |
He was conscious of the chitter of insects, but no animals lingered here. |
In doing so I held it within a few inches of my eyes, and was conscious of a faint smell of the scent known as white jessamine. |
She was also conscious of the blue overall and close-fitting cap. |
Unless we were conscious of the energies such a call would not reach us. |
He was conscious of a feeling of failure when he left her at last. |
The others were silent, all conscious of a dampening of enthusiasm. |
Artois was conscious of a dawning hostility in the Marchesino. |
I knew him before he gave me one of those aids, though, a moment before, I had not been conscious of remotely suspecting his identity. |
The young man, as he followed his wife into the hall, was conscious of a curious reversal of mood. |
He was dimly conscious of a dark object hurtling through the air. |
He had been only vaguely conscious of the dimple in the night. |
She was conscious of having somehow ridded herself of a load of uncertainty and anxiety. |
She was quite conscious of his distaste, but it didn't trouble her. |
And yet the child in the womb must be dynamically conscious of the mother. |
As I walked toward the elevator, I was painfully conscious of two ideas. |
He is apparently conscious of having erred, in too energetically pressing his deeds of loving-kindness on persons unable to appreciate them. |
I had a dim impression of scaffolding, but I was already going too fast to be conscious of any moving things. |
He looked up and for the first time became conscious of faye and Johnny. |
No being who was merely finite, could be conscious of its finitude. |
Omar Ben became conscious of an uproar beyond the garden wall. |
Suddenly his gayety had evaporated, and he was conscious of his years. |
Starting from a brief standing sleep, I was horribly conscious of something fatally wrong. |
Pierson was conscious of Gratian walking past him out of the room. |
It was not until it had been twice repeated, each time in a shriller tone, that he became conscious of the impropriety of his behaviour. |
But with living on there, day after day, the acute sojourner became conscious of a new aspect in the spectacle. |
She waited for us, not herself taking a step, and I was conscious of the rare solemnity with which we presently approached her. |
He was confused, painfully conscious of his inarticulateness. |
We are increasingly conscious of a growing discontent at waste. |
Somehow I had a sense that she was conscious of the indecency of this. |
They were conscious of the mobility of their society and gloried in it. |
Straightway I became conscious of a Presence in the room, and a chilling breath thrilled through my very being. |
He was one of the few people who was acutely conscious of the transitoriness of life, and how necessary it was to make the most of it. |
Jenkin was conscious of this churlishness, and latterly improved. |
Martin was conscious of one coherent feeling at the conclusion of this address, and that was one of amazed gratitude. |
Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look. |
She was conscious of a curious embarrassment and a subtler feeling which she could not analyse. |
I have been conscious of perpetual evaporation and liquefaction. |
They are conscious of looking very unamiable, I suppose, and therefore hate to be seen. |
I was proud that it did mean something to me, and for the first time in a weary while I was convincingly conscious of a superiority over him. |
He was conscious of the warmth of her body, the scent of perfume, and the creaking of her corset as she moved. |
I am not only unsettled and unhappy myself, but I am conscious of unsettling and interfering with other people. |
And it is only what we are vividly conscious of that we can vividly imagine to be seen by Omniscience. |
He got up and paced, stunned, just conscious of a feeling of unease. |
A village is an organism, conscious of its several parts, as a town is not. |
The vainest woman is never thoroughly conscious of her own beauty till she is loved by the man who sets her own passion vibrating in return. |
The person upon whom vasectomy has been done is conscious of no change. |
But, perhaps, to be true philosophers, we mortals should not be conscious of so living or so striving. |
Every man under such circumstances is conscious of being a great physiognomist. |
Tarzan of the Apes, feasting well upon a juicy haunch from Bara, the deer, was vaguely conscious of a troubled mind. |
He was supremely conscious of the precariousness of his situation. |
Whether he was conscious of any predisposing cause was another question. |
We are never alone, though we are rarely conscious of other presences. |
Yet all the time, underneath his pleasure and hopefulness and satisfaction, he was conscious of the vibration of an unnatural excitement. |
Rainey was conscious of this fence behind which the girl had retreated. |
But Mr Verloc was not in the least conscious of having got rusty. |
As she passed by him he was acutely conscious of her femininity, though he saw by her face that she was sensual and feeble-minded. |
Without being conscious of the theft, she had copied from a print of the Apollo, and clothed it in the uniform which Bonaparte is said to have worn. |
Vronsky was continually conscious of the necessity of never for a second relaxing the tone of stern official respectfulness, that he might not himself be insulted. |
She rebelled, as it were, against a certain magnetic element in the artist's nature, which he exercised towards her, possibly without being conscious of it. |
He was conscious of a thousand odours floating in the air, each one connected with a thousand thoughts, and hopes, and joys, and cares long, long, forgotten. |
Macaulay is a masterly limner of the external side of life, but he is scarcely conscious of the interior world in which the finer spirits live and work out their destinies. |
At the best of times, so much of this elixir was administered to me as a choice restorative, that I was conscious of going about, smelling like a new fence. |
She had caught herself wondering what marriage was like, and the becoming conscious of the waywardness and ardor of the thought had terrified her. |
As he sat in the dingy, little backroom of the bank, while Robinson's pen scratched busily drawing up the papers, he was conscious of an odd thrill. |
On a footstool near the open fire sat Rebecca, silent and shy, so conscious of her fine apparel and the presence of aunt Miranda that she could not utter a word. |
I believe I said it calmly, though I was conscious of a shudder and of a paling cheek, in view of the nature of the exploit I was so unreflectingly engaged in. |
And Colette's frequenters, thrillingly conscious of wrong-doing and 'that two-handed engine at the door,' were perhaps inclined to somewhat feverish excess. |
Lovely it was,' went on Maud, dully conscious of failure, but stippling in like an artist the little touches which give atmosphere and verisimilitude to a story. |
He said it with neither frown nor smile, and his visitor was conscious of a certain deep and virile indifference in the man which his wife had called greatness. |
I never tried to define it, but I was distinctly conscious of it. |
At that supreme moment he was conscious of nothing but absurdities. |
Before the minister had time to celebrate his victory over this last temptation, he was conscious of another impulse, more ludicrous, and almost as horrible. |
Lucy, when admonished, began to move to and fro between the rooms, more conscious of the discomforts of packing by candlelight than of a subtler ill. |
To say that he was not startled, or that his blood was not conscious of a terrible sensation to which it had been a stranger from infancy, would be untrue. |
He was conscious of colouring, and was annoyed at his boyishness. |