The conglomerate was deposited in tributary stream channels, and the pebbles consist almost entirely of quartz-feldspar phenocrystic rhyolite. |
There is also disagreement on the impact of conglomerate mergers on competition. |
I might make conglomerate collage-type-things where I just paste sketches onto a single document and upload it as the character picture. |
The matrix ranges from sandstone to arkose, and is frequently just fine-grained conglomerate. |
That's going to be more difficult for omnibus conglomerate brands to invoke. |
Copper crystals from the conglomerate lode are rare and commonly exhibit the tetrahexahedral form. |
With some luck, mineralized chunks of the conglomerate lode can still be located in the dumps with the aid of a metal detector. |
Prominent conglomerate crags occur at two locations, the faces well-vegetated with navelwort, common polypody, other herbs, ferns, and mosses. |
This is a clear case of a multinational conglomerate using its political muscle to the disadvantage of everyone but itself. |
But the new owners were Fang Brothers, a Hong Kong-based textiles conglomerate with a sideline in sweater-making. |
It goes into a bank somewhere in the name of some huge multinational mega conglomerate and adds a few zeros onto some reports. |
This is especially true in economic matters, where reporters are understandably prone to self-censor criticism of their conglomerate owners. |
We coded product extension and conglomerate acquisitions as diversifying acquisitions. |
It also offered the benefit of controlling for potential confounding effects of conglomerate firms. |
However, the exoneration of the conglomerate owners is drawing strong protests from civic activists, supported by some in the legal community. |
The plateau is capped by Pennsylvanian sandstone and shale, and lesser amounts of siltstone, conglomerate, and coal. |
It can be found in fissure veins and brecciated amygdaloidal basalt lodes but not in the conglomerate lodes. |
It is composed of gray carbonaceous silt-stone and three conspicuous beds of sandstone and conglomerate. |
Spinning is done by a conglomerate of home based as well as on site handcraft spinners located in the city of Melo, Uruguay. |
The presence of clasts with flatiron shapes and rare striations in the conglomerate facies is consistent with a glacial setting. |
I hope so, because no conglomerate deserves total world cyberspace domination. |
She was gasping for breath as her mind rambled a jumbled conglomerate of disjointed thoughts at him. |
The battle for control of Novar, the industrial conglomerate, has all the makings of a highly charged hostile bid war. |
For the next ten years it was leased to tributors who worked the old stopes of the conglomerate lode above the adit level. |
The mine's three adits lie in the Shinarump conglomerate member of the Triassic Chinle Formation. |
It was a desperately disappointing championship for the conglomerate of Scots. |
He has creative control of a recording company tied to a multi-national conglomerate with deep pockets. |
A thin conglomerate, with Miocene carbonate clasts bored by bivalves, and volcanic cobbles, occurs at the base. |
It is found as pale yellow, chalky to porcellaneous masses to 3 cm in size or as chalky films in the conglomerate. |
One of the premier advantages to keiretsu strategies is that it toughens the conglomerate against takeovers and drastic losses. |
Under a thin Jurassic conglomerate a Palaeozoic succession of interbedded reddened sandstone, mudstone and basalt was preserved. |
The former high-flying conglomerate had spent most of the 1990s self-destructing. |
In terms of organizational charts, the conglomerate looks not much different from last year. |
The Copper Harbor Conglomerate consists of crudely stratified pebble-to-boulder conglomerate with thin beds of sandstone. |
His squeaky-clean morals even reach the money-hungry shareholders of his uncle's media conglomerate. |
It's not the case that it's been trampled by big conglomerate multinationals. |
After a series of scandals and upheavals that occurred in the 1980s this huge economic conglomerate totally collapsed. |
The company has struggled for years to prove that synergies among branches justify the inherent unwieldiness of a far-flung conglomerate. |
From its runway, a conglomerate of Marine, navy, and army squadrons defended the local air space, eventually permitting resupply and reinforcement. |
A major backer for one Britton Holdings investment is a Chinese conglomerate active in the energy sector. |
Instead, he chafed underneath the corporate umbrella of LVMH, the massive luxury conglomerate that owned the label. |
And that conglomerate also owns nearly 70 percent of the Rossing uranium mine in Namibia. |
We already saw what happens to him when a conglomerate attempts to give him massive amounts of money. |
He wants the conglomerate to spin off its entertainment business to liberate what he views as locked-up financial value. |
Resolution is majority owned and controlled by Rio Tinto, a global mining conglomerate. |
In this research, values for the elastic coefficient of restitution for components of a molasse conglomerate were measured using a newly developed drop-test apparatus. |
Although Disney's company was riven with conflicts after his death, the firm emerged in the mid-1980s as the prototype of a successful international media conglomerate. |
Ghanem et al. referred to the Hammamat Group as molasse-type sediments that consist of polymictic conglomerate, arkose, greywacke, siltstone and minor mudstone. |
Mineralogically, the conglomerate lodes have produced many superb specimens, although they contain fewer mineral species than the fissure veins and amygdaloidal lodes. |
Most of the minerals present in the conglomerate lodes belong to the same general period of copper mineralization that occurred in all the native copper deposits. |
Nokia was originally the Finnish equivalent of a Korean chaebol, a conglomerate that manufactured all sorts of things, from paper to rubber to chemicals to TV sets. |
Daewoo is the second-largest conglomerate, or chaebol, in South Korea. |
Recent studies challenge value creation in conglomerate mergers, concluding that there are no synergies created through diversification or horizontal mergers. |
It's a conglomerate of all of my friends and I thrown together. |
The current international scene is so dominated by conglomerate thinking and similarity between brand profiles that it is hard to find an original point of view. |
You were signed to the major label corporate conglomerate thing, you did the American and European concert circuit, and now you've done away with all of that. |
The source of the conglomerate is believed to have been southerly, where an unweathered friable rhyolite was water-transported with minor abrasion. |
Would it be another pathetic attempt by a local conglomerate to create yet another monument to French gastronomy by putting sad shriveled up escargots on the menu? |
Phase I called for dewatering and rehabilitating the No.6 shaft, sinking the shaft to the 45th level, cutting seven level stations, and diamond drilling the conglomerate bed. |
BigTime Arabia was formed earlier this month as a joint venture between Big Time Entertainment and global conglomerate the Libra Group. |
Three long lentiform conglomerate interlayers are exposed in the middle part of the section. |
Schick is now a unit of consumer products conglomerate Energizer Holdings. |
Boulder sized clasts are found in some sedimentary rocks, such as coarse conglomerate and boulder clay. |
A dominant manufacturing center of the North American continent, the city maintains facilities of many multinational conglomerate companies. |
Fluids are separated in the liver and the other conglobate and conglomerate glands. |
The classic Triassic marl, sand and conglomerate rocks are used predominantly throughout Cardiff as building materials. |
So friendly that many scientists now view humans as conglomerate superorganisms composed of thousands of species. |
Let it happen before a fast food chain or a Charvas 'R' Us tracksuit conglomerate wave a wad of cash in front of the board. |
With production holding at 40 to 50 toboggans per season, this isn't a globalized conglomerate, but Camden says that's exactly the idea. |
Manhattan's Cendant-owned firms this week followed the party line on plans to split the vast conglomerate into four separate companies. |
Tata, part of the Tata Group conglomerate, ranks as the 56th largest steel producer in the world on one list. |
The liquor conglomerate also produces the single malts Talisker and oban. |
Louis chemical conglomerate whose laboratory whizzes concocted the BST drug that artificially stimulates cows to give more milk. |
A lens-like conglomerate interbed, with flat pebbles of the underlying dolostone, occurs on the 3a and 3b boundary. |
The resulting conglomerate libraries are the basis of every modern library today. |
The Tarkwaian series hosts a gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerate unit called the Banket Formation. |
The Alamanni are described by Asinius Quadratus as originally a conglomerate of various tribes which acquired a common identity over time. |
Exeter sits predominantly on sandstone and conglomerate geology, although the structure of the surrounding areas is varied. |
Amsterdam is part of the conglomerate metropolitan area Randstad, with a total population of 6,659,300 inhabitants. |
At the base of sequence 7, a thin clast-supported intraformational conglomerate is present. |
Most of the nests are constructed on precarious perches nestled in the virtually vertical cliffs of the basalt and conglomerate. |
Craiglethy is composed only of sandstone and volcanic material, any original overlying conglomerate material having been long eroded. |
This can sometimes result in gravel becoming compacted and concreted into the sedimentary rock called conglomerate. |
To recap, Blu-Ray is a rewriteable DVD format launched by a conglomerate of nine consumer electronics companies as the optimum format to record high definition broadcasts. |
They were joined by Godfrey of Bouillon and his brother Baldwin I of Jerusalem in leading a loose conglomerate from Lorraine, Lotharingia, and Germany. |
Old Red Sandstone often occurs in conjunction with conglomerate formations, one such noteworthy cliffside exposure being the Fowlsheugh Nature Reserve, Kincardineshire. |
A conglomerate, therefore, is simply gravel bound together by a cement. |
The Philippines' food and beverage conglomerate San Miguel Corporation has announced that it is reentering ice cream business after a five-year absence. |
Neogene sediments in the basin consist mainly of a series of fluviolacustrine mudstone, siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate with about 800 m maximum thickness. |
The world's most successful stockpicker last weekend released his widely read chair's letter to shareholders of his Berkshire Hathaway Inc. conglomerate. |
This global configuration of economic and class relations within the conglomerate structure of the Mondragon cooperatives is in deep tension with its cooperativist principles. |
Continuing a trend of concentration of newspaper ownership, The Sun was sold to newspaper conglomerate MediaNews Group in 1997 after 119 years of family ownership. |
Lenticular goethite-enriched interlayers of conglomerate often occur, in which clasts of siltstone and silty claystone are enclosed into sandy matrix. |
These metallic bodies gradually increasing in volume finally conglomerate into a larger mass, the bloom, which is extracted from the furnace with tongs. |