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How to use conglomerate in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word conglomerate? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The conglomerate was deposited in tributary stream channels, and the pebbles consist almost entirely of quartz-feldspar phenocrystic rhyolite.
There is also disagreement on the impact of conglomerate mergers on competition.
I might make conglomerate collage-type-things where I just paste sketches onto a single document and upload it as the character picture.
The matrix ranges from sandstone to arkose, and is frequently just fine-grained conglomerate.
That's going to be more difficult for omnibus conglomerate brands to invoke.
Copper crystals from the conglomerate lode are rare and commonly exhibit the tetrahexahedral form.
With some luck, mineralized chunks of the conglomerate lode can still be located in the dumps with the aid of a metal detector.
Prominent conglomerate crags occur at two locations, the faces well-vegetated with navelwort, common polypody, other herbs, ferns, and mosses.
This is a clear case of a multinational conglomerate using its political muscle to the disadvantage of everyone but itself.
But the new owners were Fang Brothers, a Hong Kong-based textiles conglomerate with a sideline in sweater-making.
It goes into a bank somewhere in the name of some huge multinational mega conglomerate and adds a few zeros onto some reports.
This is especially true in economic matters, where reporters are understandably prone to self-censor criticism of their conglomerate owners.
We coded product extension and conglomerate acquisitions as diversifying acquisitions.
It also offered the benefit of controlling for potential confounding effects of conglomerate firms.
However, the exoneration of the conglomerate owners is drawing strong protests from civic activists, supported by some in the legal community.
The plateau is capped by Pennsylvanian sandstone and shale, and lesser amounts of siltstone, conglomerate, and coal.
It can be found in fissure veins and brecciated amygdaloidal basalt lodes but not in the conglomerate lodes.
It is composed of gray carbonaceous silt-stone and three conspicuous beds of sandstone and conglomerate.
Spinning is done by a conglomerate of home based as well as on site handcraft spinners located in the city of Melo, Uruguay.
The presence of clasts with flatiron shapes and rare striations in the conglomerate facies is consistent with a glacial setting.
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Examples from Classical Literature
And into this conglomerate of the races, Ah Chun introduced the Mongolian mixture.
The congregation seemed to him conglomerate, a jumble of conflicting elements.
They are non-fossiliferous, cross-bedded, ripple-marked, and have abundant lenses of conglomerate of all sizes.
The hills behind consisted in the higher parts of a felspathic conglomerate and clay-slate dipping to the eastward.
We first crossed more hills of the trappean conglomerate on which grew ironbark eucalypti and box.
We this day crossed several fine running streams and forests of box and bluegum growing on ridges of trappean conglomerate.
The walking leaf grows usually on limestone rocks, though it has been found on sandstone, shale, and conglomerate as well.
Upon this rests a pumiceous breccia and conglomerate, with angular masses of trachyte, and some quartz pebbles.
The specimen brought from the hill by Mr. Larmer appeared to be a quartzose conglomerate.
With the tips of her fingers Miss Polly turned over the conglomerate garments, so obviously made for anybody but Pollyanna.
I did not wish to be brought to life, and I am greatly ashamed of my conglomerate personality.
Dominant geologies within the RUB include basalt, scoria and tuff, conglomerate, mudstone, sandstone, turbidite, and unknown or manmade landfill.
Were just little indistinguishable bits of the conglomerate Tommy.
Pebbles of the conglomerate are mainly quartz and quartzite.
What is the difference between trappean breccia and trappean conglomerate?
A conglomerate of unwelded ethnical elements usurps the stage of history.
Behind the onslaught of all his vituperative powers lies a fear of the all-encompassing media conglomerate.
The investigated screes are formed by andesite, basalt, conglomerate, limestone, phonolite, quartzite, sandstone, granite and other kinds of rock.
Due to this, the Tata-NTT DOCOMO deal remained unaccomplished, even though the Indian conglomerate received a number of notices from the Japanese mobile carrier.
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