And do you feel no shame in delivering up your own mind to any reviler, to be disconcerted and confounded? |
It is advisable to employ the term rutic acid, as the older term is easily confounded with caproic and caprylic. |
I never darkened it with absurd and contradictory notions, nor confounded it with chicane and sophistry. |
It is not to be confounded with vitiligo, chloasma, or the macular syphiloderm. |
The secondary spectrum is very commonly confounded with the chromatic aberration of higher order. |
If it weren't for the confounded notion she's taken up against me, I'd like to know her. |
The condition in question is often loosely confounded with connation, or the union of two leaves by their bases. |
From the earliest times this entozoon has been confounded with the palisade worm. |
Many writers at one time confounded these two felid, and even classified them with the Indian tiger. |
Dr. Deiters thought that Ries confounded the last with the first movement, in which the clarinet enters after a fermata. |
Compared with the common crow, with which it is often confounded, the fish crow is of much smaller, more slender build. |
And I'm afraid, sir, the answer is that confounded Kawanishi flying boat that we shot down the other evening. |
Thus it is plain that the motor is of the four-cycle type and it should not be confounded with two-cycle motors. |
His life and works are generally confounded with those of Garofalo, to which painter Morelli ascribes the present work. |
The only disorders with which an attack of hepatic colic may be confounded are gastralgia and hepatalgia. |
When there is much fever, gastritis may be confounded with remittent or typhoid fever. |
The Spanish name grana, confounded with granum, may have given rise to this contest. |
He is sometimes confounded with the sfs, for there is much in his poetry which is similar in tone to that of the sf writers. |
When once hyp and hypt were confounded with hip and hipped, hyppish would suffer and lose definition. |
This enlargement, of brief duration, must not be confounded with the hypertrophic sclerosis, another form of the malady. |
The staghorn is not to be confounded with its treacherous sister, the poison sumac, with her corpse-colored berries. |
Wentworth was so confounded with the woman's impudence that he could make no reply. |
There I lay amid the most vociferous mirth I ever listened to, under the confounded torrent of ironmongery that half-stunned me. |
We do not like our jiujitsu to be confounded with it, though Western people sometimes call it by that name. |
Shellycoat must not be confounded with kelpy, a water spirit also, but of a much more powerful and malignant nature. |
The Manilan who had confounded Greek with Tagalog entered the room pale and trembling. |
Thus totemism and the clan mutually imply each other, in so far, at least, as the latter is not confounded with the Local Group. |
Thetis, one of the sea deities, was daughter of Nereus and Doris and is often confounded with Tethys, her grandmother. |
This form of tonsillitis is very frequent, and is often confounded with parenchymatous tonsillitis or with tonsillar abscess. |
With a laugh of unrepressed scorn, the Abbot started away, leaving me confounded and almost petrified at his conduct. |
Thus we see that unskillful endeavours to solve difficulties, only raise fresh ones, and make confusion worse confounded. |
But if he means that there is no incarnation at all, we do not understand how the officiant and the ancestor can be confounded. |
Two other genera of land shells are provided with opercula, and consequently might be confounded with this genus. |
If you were a respectable man and a Pietist and not a confounded seek-sorrow of an oppositionist you would not think so. |
Well, do you suppose I'm going to be found stuck up here like a confounded rooster on a weather vane? |
The paleontologist removed the confounded monocle from his eye, and wiped the lens with a bit of chamois skin. |
Poison sumach is not the same as poisonwood, though sometimes the two are confounded. |
The pustular stage of variola might be confounded with the pustular syphiloderm. |
All the courtiers were amazed and confounded, and Sir Oliver the most of all. |
Mortal man is the antipode of immortal man, and the two should not be confounded. |
Iron and arsenical Pyrites are also very common attendants, and are both confounded under the name of Mundic. |
The Mexicans invariably confounded the words citatli, the moon, and atl, water. |
They were very similar to those of attis, with whom he was frequently confounded. |
What's the Feast of Bairam beside the Derby-day, or your confounded coloring beside a well-done cutlet? |
It must not be confounded with benzine or benzoyl, which names have at different times been used for benzene. |
But really I do object to be swinging there at the end of a string like a confounded leg of mutton under a bottle-jack. |
He had a confounded assurance, the devil's own cheek, familiar with danger, and braving it. |
It has been erroneously confounded by some writers with bronchocele and rachitis, from both of which it is totally distinct. |
No amount of bribing or browbeating could move the confounded Englishman from his stand. |
Not to be confounded with the Royal Provost, a king's officer, who in 1160 replaced the Capetian viscounts. |
There would have been a rush to stop me at the noise, and I did not mean to get into a confounded scrimmage. |
And at that Diet we confounded our adversaries in the highest degree. |
By these last words Edward Henry was confounded, even to muteness. |
This is mainly white and so cannot be confounded with the kestrel. |
What a confounded fool I was not to draw out when Upton wished it! |
Seker is, indeed, confounded in places with Sept, and even with Geb. |
She doubtless has confounded it with the Cucujus, elater noctilucus. |
Nowadays, when one strives to penetrate things one is confounded. |
Circumscribed induration may be confounded with tumor or with epithelioma. |
I remember the confounded blackleg and the way in which he used to cheat and hoodwink poor George. |
I am surprised that you should intercede for such a confounded fool. |
Well, a damp dab of mud like this confounded island seems the last place where one would think of fires. |
It may be observed that he here confounded washing with worshiping. |
No one will reproach you with your mistakes or call you a confounded, clumsy meddler. |
But my ex-pupil is not to be confounded for one moment with the average adventuress of the newspapers. |
Thus constitutionally averse to cats in general, the unexpected apparition of this one in particular utterly confounded me. |
No, no, Isabella, you sha'n't run off,' she continued, arresting, with feigned playfulness, the confounded girl, who had risen indignantly. |
It is not certain whether they confounded our hellebore with our veratrum. |
The rush of the daylight quite confounded me, and made me feel as if I had been in the candlelight of the strange room many hours. |
Seven hundred and sixty-fifth day, green confounded with yellow. |
The hippocratic authors confounded the arteries with the veins. |
It had up to this time been confounded with molybdenum sulphide. |
The fellow was just a confounded cousin who didn't come up to cocker. |
But, half-way in, he stopped, confounded by an unforeseen difficulty. |
Whichever way he turned his eye, it was confounded by the vastness and variety of objects. |
It all comes of that confounded habit of mine of wanting to be in love. |
Heathcliff, perceiving us all confounded, rose, and expeditiously made the tea himself. |
The first was Bell's clear, straightforward story of HOW HE DID IT, which rebuked and confounded the mob of pretenders. |
You've made a landslide with your confounded acres and a cow, and Verner can hardly get a vote anywhere. |
Some travellers have confounded the dugon with the sea-lion. |
Herbert Pocket still rather confounded his intention with his execution. |
I was equally confounded at the sight of so many pigmies, for such I took them to be, after having so long accustomed mine eyes to the monstrous objects I had left. |
That confounded Allegre, with his impudent assumption of princely airs, must have made the fact of his notice appear as a sort of favour dropped from Olympus. |
The mules, however, confounded by the hurly-burly and disliking their new riders kicked up their heels and dismounted half of them, in spite of their horsemanship. |
She was so confounded that she could do nothing but blink for a long time. |
Many officers of ships can no doubt recall a case in their experience when just such a trance of confounded stoicism would come all at once over a whole ship's company. |
Mr Swiveller was so much confounded by the single gentleman riding roughshod over him at this rate, that he stood looking at him almost as hard as he had looked at Miss Sally. |