In fact I did not condemn abbreviation, I condemned the near-total exclusion of ideas. |
Their calves are taken away shortly after birth, many of whom are then condemned to veal crates. |
For often times the innocent is condemned, and the nocent is absolved, the godly is punished, and the ungodly is honored. |
A member of the Nihilist Party, in 1874 she was condemned to prison and sent to Siberia. |
He worried about the future of the golden eagle, the osprey and the nightingale and he condemned the persecution of the bullfinch. |
Mindless and dangerous vandalism at a social housing property has been condemned by police. |
A Vaishnava in his early life, he became a worshipper of brahm and condemned the caste system. |
He spent much of his time in solitary confinement, in a prison condemned by the UN for torture. |
During the strike workers condemned management appeals to private sector workers to break the strike. |
The Socceroos were looking condemned to a humbling defeat until Tim Cahill's stoppage time intervention in their 1-1 draw against Oman. |
The proposal has drawn fire from opposition parties and private foundations, who condemned it as neglectful of the welfare of the people. |
Sacrificial Brahminism was especially condemned and the ritual of worship was simplified. |
The movements condemned goods of foreign provenance, in part by defining them as unnecessary, unpatriotic, and unvirtuous luxuries. |
It was rightly condemned in the free world, leading to sanctions and boycotts. |
Neither is Desdemona to be altogether condemned for the unsuitableness of the person whom she selected for her lover. |
As politicians of all denominations condemned the attacks, it was left to Howard's out-going bovver boy to go for the cheap political points. |
It also condemned the practice of cloning, saying that this process is against nature and demanded that this practice should be stopped. |
He aimed to make paintings that depicted the truth and he was critically condemned for being a naturalist. |
She sat in a very undignified position, with only the dusty ground on which to rest her bottom which condemned her to exceptional discomfort. |
Now Coun Montaut has condemned the plans as being totally unrealistic and devastating for everyone. |
Private tuitions are not allowed and slow learners are encouraged to come up instead of being condemned. |
Such avowed Protestants embrace universalism on the grounds that all are condemned in Christ's death but accepted in His resurrection. |
But local groups have now slammed the unimaginative proposal and condemned it as a lost opportunity for revitalising the town. |
The tabloids condemned them, not unfittingly, as the curdled dregs of an outmoded caste. |
But I'd still like to dig up the bones of the man who condemned it, and bang them together so hard his ghost gets a migraine. |
The group went on television and condemned the demonstrators as 'deviants' and came out unequivocally in support of the prince. |
Slave trading had been theoretically a capital offence in America since 1820, but no slaver had ever been condemned to death. |
At one time, their company had processed 85 percent of the condemned poultry from slaughterhouses and food manufacturers. |
The old Lincoln Hospital was in a building that had been condemned and was severely understaffed and under-financed. |
The environment minister is being condemned for mouthing politically correct platitudes. |
Despite the lack of defense, the tribunal condemned the accused to death for culpable homicide unlawful assembly and breach of the peace. |
Although some were condemned as heretics, most aimed to remain faithful to the teachings of Holy Mother Church. |
He investigated other cities' approaches to blockbusting and found that only Baltimore had a law that condemned the practice. |
It posed as the monopolizer of all truth, and therefore it condemned all free thinking. |
He drew a distinction between Eutyches, who was condemned for teaching one, rather than two, natures in Christ, and the Monophysites. |
His voice moaned and wailed, expressing the deepest sorrows of a condemned sinner. |
It seems that South Africa is condemned to repeat fatal mistakes that should have been learned from the past. |
Means publicly condemned the Sandinistas for their genocide of the Miskitos. |
The ANC condemned PW Botha's tricameral constitution and refused to work with it. |
The numbers of millionaires and billionaires has grown in direct proportion to the numbers condemned to lives of misery and hardship. |
For years it seemed we were condemned to live in an age where an ability to beat time properly was the best we could hope for. |
A number of the signs have cropped up around the township and town council Chairman John Brodwell has condemned the advertisers. |
Opposition politicians and children's groups last night condemned the SPS and demanded a top-level inquiry. |
Among the founders, sodomy was universally condemned as a crime against nature. |
Unless you're willing to take that kind of leap, he says, you're condemned to doing knockoff, me-too chairs. |
Two of the suspects had been condemned to death and faced public beheadings if their sentences were ratified. |
If any form of sexual license is condemned then it leaves a toehold for other forms of sexual license to be condemned. |
He takes it for granted that self-love is properly condemned whenever it can be shown to be harmful to the community. |
It is almost as if our continent has been condemned to a permanent state of self-annihilation. |
Earlier popes also condemned both socialism and capitalism and hoped for a third way. |
Police have condemned the youngsters involved in at least four incidents in a matter of weeks. |
He claims that Western science is often condemned as positivist, anti-holistic, strongly reductionist, and materialist. |
Only one other of his bloodline had ever tried to gain mastery over the artifact, and had been condemned for his impertinence. |
Finally, it is interesting to note that theism is not universally condemned in Buddhism. |
Virtually every Native American organization has condemned the use of demeaning images or mascots. |
What happens when one's bad behaviour is considered as usual and is no longer condemned or even commented on? |
Without such a standard we are condemned to live in a largely amoral world in which it is every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost. |
Where the condemned husband-murderer is given the chance to testify publicly on the scaffold, the sati nearly always proceeds in silence. |
I wonder who can tell me what you would call that ugly animal with a great big hump on its back that is condemned to live in a desert. |
The Ambulance Service has been condemned in an official report for having autocratic management and out of date equipment. |
Luther, who had been an Augustinian monk in his youth, roundly condemned this whole idea. |
The condemned inmate's attorney is often forced to play the role of counselor. |
You're not condemned to a life of rolling down the window and asking bums for directions. |
Pakistan has condemned the attack and denied any connection with the assailants. |
New Left radicals roundly condemned liberals in the 1960s for their reluctance to take sides. |
The closure was roundly condemned by many human rights organisations but they all knew their complaints would have no effect on policy. |
The Chief Pilot of KLM, who landed at Barton in January, inspected the aerodrome and condemned it roundly. |
Charter forests are already being condemned by environmental organizations as a giveaway to rapacious loggers who want to fell national forests. |
In the meantime, the main heresy condemned at the council, Arianism, became ascendant and almost triumphed over orthodoxy. |
There are around 33 million widows in India and they are condemned to a living death, not just in Orissa and Gujerat, but all over the country. |
The gods had condemned him to ceaselessly roll a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. |
A leading arboriculturist has condemned a decision to fell a beech tree which he claims is one of the best of its species in the area. |
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. |
Are India and China, the world's newest great powers, condemned to inevitable rivalry? |
This is a cowardly and evil act that will be condemned by all right-thinking people. |
The leader of the moderate ATL teachers' union has condemned this as creating apartheid for refugee children. |
Violence of any type by anyone and anywhere should be vehemently condemned. |
He made a speech in which he condemned bourgeois liberalism and asserted the need for continuing class struggle. |
The cruel method of hanging a condemned man should be replaced by more humane methods such as lethal injections. |
When they were condemned to gather firewood from hills, their punishment could be commuted to a payment of 300 coins per month. |
Jake gave a little groan and slowly walked over, dragging his feet like a man condemned to death. |
Yet it takes only one sin for us to stand condemned according to God's holy law. |
The new technology will anesthetize the public conscience along with the condemned man. |
Local officials were prolific too in petitioning central government for pardons and reprieves for the condemned. |
Henri Josserand condemned Western governments for failing to respond to repeated appeals for urgent food aid to the famine-stricken country. |
The damage caused by the landslides has left the newly renovated house structurally damaged, and condemned. |
The confusion of these two species has led to lacebark elm being condemned as an inferior tree. |
The dishonesty of the alchemists was much discussed and condemned in the 14th century. |
The contractors who built the Workhouses were condemned for their poor workmanship and the using of cheap and bad material. |
She was condemned on her word alone without proof and lacked defense counsel. |
The fitting irony is that he is condemned by the Klan, the very organization whose principles he advocates. |
Mexico, Argentina and France condemned the coup and refused to recognize the new government. |
We are condemned to spend hours and money waiting for connecting flights in foreign airports. |
To be condemned for the colour or creed you were born with, really defies reason or sanity. |
Police were condemned for their treatment of protesters and use of the so-called kettle tactic. |
The uprising led to a fierce, and widely condemned, retaliation by government forces and allied militia. |
A cynic may say it's the feeling of acceptance that comes over a condemned man who's resigned to his fate. |
He condemned the tendency to identify black Africans with undemocratic practices as racist. |
The critics, pretty much to a person, condemned the art, and were certain they were being put upon. |
Mrs Foster added that ever since the fire was condemned she has had to buy and use portable electric radiators. |
She has fallen foul of strict government rules which she condemned today as outdated and racist. |
Traditional dancers have condemned a move which could lead to them being prosecuted for racism. |
Government plans to create more specialist secondary schools and privately managed city academies were also condemned. |
Is this the story of violence, suffering and dashed hopes Africa is condemned to repeat time and time again? |
Rail chiefs have been condemned by residents for not repairing a damaged wall which restricts access to the line for six months. |
He plays Andy Millman, a wannabe actor condemned to play walk-on roles or merge into crowd scenes, all the while grumbling about the stars. |
Earlier this month he was re-elected after a poll that was widely condemned as rigged. |
After a long and wearisome trial he was condemned on June 22, 1633, solemnly to abjure his scientific creed on bended knees. |
The use of depleted uranium in shells has been twice condemned as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations Commission on Minorities and Human Rights. |
The group might have condemned violence while still maintaining an adversarial relationship with the police force. |
The scheme has been condemned by civil liberties groups and queried by the National Association of Head Teachers. |
The bye bye is being sung, incidentally, by mothers to their babies condemned to death by King Herod. |
I condemned Baruch Goldstein when he mercilessly killed 29 innocent Muslims in prayer. |
I know also that Abbas and his brain-trust has condemned the intifada, the bombs, the violence. |
But the Buddha condemned both extreme luxury and extreme poverty as obstacles to enlightenment. |
An innocent person condemned by law is perhaps the most horrifying thing a civilized society can acknowledge. |
Civil war, revolution, terrorism, and international war are widely condemned by many societies and glorified by others as the acme of patriotic fervor. |
His weasel words of peaceful intent would be pronounced worthless and he would be condemned as having had secret designs on the destruction of the country all along. |
In March, Youssef condemned 529 people to death, although most of those sentences subsequently were commuted to life in prison. |
I asked if it was hard carrying a name like his in a land that had condemned his father as the worst kind of traitor. |
We applaud the many leaders, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, who condemned the demagoguery, incitement and violence. |
University president David Skorton and other school officials condemned the threats but said they have no immediate plans to redo the locker room. |
You will agree, sir, that these wretches behaved like men whose nephews and grand-nephews were condemned in perpetuity to remain as poor as their ancestors. |
In opposition, Dominic Grieve, a Conservative member of Parliament, condemned this. |
Incensed by the government's flouting of basic legal principles, the parlement of Paris, seconded by the provincial courts, condemned royal policy in a flood of remonstrances. |
When Anabaptists in 1575 and Jesuits in 1581 were condemned to death, Foxe wrote vehement letters to Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers, begging reprieves. |
Indeed, to this day Morsi has condemned violence but endorsed the anti-American protests from which it ensues. |
Are there regions of the globe where the inhabitants have been condemned by their environment never to enjoy liberty, never to exercise their reason? |
The other is that, when it comes to assessing the behaviour of princes, even the shrewdest observers are largely condemned to judge by appearances. |
Francis Pym, foreign secretary, made it clear publicly that Britain wholeheartedly condemned Israel's invasion. |
The scrutiny committee produced a report in February which condemned litterbugs and said that cleaning could be improved in residential areas outside the city centre. |
For Hegel, the lyric poet can only ever be an unhappy consciousness condemned to irony, a self-seeker simultaneously the agent of self-displacement. |
And those condemned to death can still find salvation before they die. |
He laments the fact that the U.S. bishops have not explicitly condemned the film even though it appears to violate their own norms for presentations of the Passion of Jesus. |
Similarly, American tastemakers have for decades condemned neon signs as the epitome of commercial tackiness, and many cities continue to ban neon. |
But the spectacle playing out on Pennsylvania is about more than one condemned inmate. |
An airline was condemned today for charging a passenger the equivalent of half his airfare to take him from the airport terminal to the plane in a wheelchair. |
Bakkar and his fellow Salafists were blamed by some for instigating the chaos, though they condemned the violence from the start. |
A game shooting organisation has condemned an intensive method of rearing pheasants so that country estates can charge visitors high prices to shoot the birds for sport. |
That over-irrigation condemned Mesopotamia in West Asia, once the cradle of civilisation, to barrenness for the last three thousand years, does not deter them. |
But if everything that passes in front of the eyes is supposed to be entertaining, and is viewed in that light, then the simulation would be condemned as appalling taste. |
Although the medical literature since the 1950s had condemned the overuse of tonsillectomies, the profession acted to limit them only after being publicly shamed. |
In another instance, a Minneapolis suburb condemned a stretch along the metropolitan area's major beltway to serve as the new headquarters for Best Buy Company. |
Boko Haram has condemned the lynching, which gained national prominence after a web video surfaced of the gruesome act. |
These are deliberate acts of treachery and are roundly condemned. |
He is only condemned in the film by his utter misguidedness. |
President Thabo Mbeki and his Algerian counterpart, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, condemned international terrorism at the close of a binational meeting on Wednesday. |
Arrested in 1477, and condemned for treason in a show trial before his peers, he was executed secretly in the Tower, by means never officially revealed. |
The person guarding him has his own reasons for not wanting to live and so exchanges jacket and papers with the condemned man and goes before the firing squad in his place. |
Gozik watched as the MPs used garrison belts to tie the condemned man to the pole. |
An unwillingness to process economic failure condemned it to a slower-than-normal recovery. |
Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity. |
In Euripedes there are traces of the belief that the unburied dead could not enter Hades, but were condemned to haunt the earth to which they remained indissolubly bound. |
In 1981, while the world condemned us, we sent our air force to destroy the Osirak reactor Saddam Hussein was building in Iraq. |
If that is really what happened, it is wrong of McCarthy and smacks of a lack of discipline on the part of the player which must be condemned with contempt. |
As an example, a Hong Kong NPC representative has condemned unnamed radio hosts for using the public airwaves to make untruthful statements that caused social instability. |
He condemned Brooke Shields for taking Paxil to treat her suicidal, post-partum depression. |
Sisyphus was condemned to roll a rock uphill all day, every day. |
I have argued that in the United States the conjunction of many factors resulted in the special solicitude toward children that condemned child labor. |
The conspirators were tried for sorcery and condemned to death. |
The Pima County Tea Party, which operates in Tucson, condemned the attack but also cautioned against political exploitation. |
Carrigan Crittenden is left condemned mansion Whipstaff Manor by her late father and finds out there's buried treasure. |
Land enclosure has been condemned as a gigantic swindle on the part of large landowners. |
All such incidents were widely condemned by politicians and religious leaders. |
The violence was condemned by politicians from both the 'Yes' and 'No' camps. |
Koliwada, Manohar Tahsildar and Basavaraja Rayareddy condemned CM Siddaramaiah's decision. |
Although the evidence against them was unconvincing, the accused were found guilty and condemned to death. |
Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has strongly condemned Britain and the United States for negotiating with the Taleban in Afghanistan. |
A concern with the techniques of prayer is condemned as 'pagan', and instead a simple trust in God's fatherly goodness is encouraged. |
The League condemned the Greek invasion, and called for both Greek withdrawal and compensation to Bulgaria. |
Twenty, including Alcudia Pins, were condemned as a health hazard and 29 as a potential health hazard, posing a risk to holidaymakers. |
Another activist, Kavita Shrivastava, condemned Sawant's comments and the misogyny displayed in Indian politics. |
Certain critics condemned it, but sales were nevertheless considerable for a novel from an unknown author and which defied all conventions. |
The slaughter or capture of prisoners of war also appears to have been condemned by Ashoka. |
Julianus was condemned to death by the Senate and killed, and Severus took possession of Rome without opposition. |
In 1317, John XXII formally condemned the group of them known as the Fraticelli. |
Mark Antony, Caesar's lieutenant, condemned Caesar's assassination, and war broke out between the two factions. |
However it should be noted that Ockham's philosophy was never officially condemned as heretical. |
Warwick was also condemned to death, but his life was spared and his sentence reduced to life imprisonment. |
Rest assured that no horses were condemned to the glue factory to produce transglutaminase, colloquially known as meat glue. |
Each of the condemned, said Coke, would be drawn backwards to his death, by a horse, his head near the ground. |
The slave had been condemned to death for leading an uprising of a coffle, a group of chained slaves, in 1829 Kentucky. |
They were condemned to imprisonment in the Tower, where they remained until 1608, when they were transferred to the Fleet Prison. |
The condemned man went through agony during his lethal injection. |
That having been obtained, everything should be restored to the former position, and the dolose party be condemned. |
The reaction in the financial markets has generally been negative and many commentators have condemned the confiscatory nature of the move. |
These arrangements were condemned by the Select Committee for Education and Skills as being ineffective and a waste of time and resources. |
In 2006 Fawza Falih Muhammad Ali was condemned to death for practicing witchcraft. |
He had loved too well to imagine himself a glorious racehorse, and now he was condemned to toil without honour like a costermonger's donkey. |
The one who creates the illusion of picking cucumbers should not be condemned, only the one who actually picks the cucumbers through magic. |
He condemned the court and, by implication, the entire legal system. |
John Fisher was found guilty and condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn. |
By this, Fisher was condemned to forfeit all his personal estate and to be imprisoned during the king's pleasure. |
Previously, nearly every AKP official has stigmatized, demonized and condemned all critics and criticizers. |
City officials condemned our apartment building and forced us to leave. |
The Queen had a relatively balanced view of the conflict, and condemned atrocities on both sides. |
With the help of condemned bomb shells filled with gunpowder acquired from the Ordnance Board he blasted his way into parts of the wreck. |
Of the roughly three hundred bishops in attendance at the Council of Nicea, two bishops did not sign the Nicene Creed that condemned Arianism. |
Thus, it condemned Monophysitism and would be influential in refuting Monothelitism. |
A letter by Boniface charging Aldebert and Clement with heresy is preserved in the records of the Roman Council of 745 that condemned the two. |
Kublai's actions were condemned by traditionalists and his critics still accused him of being too closely tied to Chinese culture. |
He was betrayed by an associate and was caught by the British forces, summarily judged, and condemned to death. |
Ming officials sent memorials to the throne that condemned the Portuguese conquest of Malacca and advocated for the rejection of their embassy. |
Martinez had allowed a store of gunpowder to catch fire and was condemned to death, however his friends let him escape downriver in a canoe. |
In the end, the Synod of Dort condemned the Remonstrants for heresy and excommunicated them from the national Public Church. |
It seems that she was hauled on her side to repair the bottom but this caused further damage, and the ship was condemned as beyond repair. |
He was known for his appreciation of Chinese culture in general but condemned the prostitution which was widespread in Beijing at the time. |
If they were perceived or taken in these stealths, they would be condemned to death. |
Bush and Blair stand condemned by their own publics and face imminent political extinction. |
The popes condemned misunderstandings and abuses, but were too pressed for income to exercise effective control over indulgences. |
The Eisleben reformer Johannes Agricola challenged this compromise, and Luther condemned him for teaching that faith is separate from works. |
On 20 October the replies from Zurich, Basel, Bern, and Schaffhausen were read and the council condemned Servetus as a heretic. |
The Church, however, ruled that these new prophecies were not authoritative, and condemned Montanism as a heresy. |
Williams strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and stated that they could not be justified. |
The colonists associated it with luxury, and especially with inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. |
King Ashoka also extended the period before execution of those condemned to death so they could make a final appeal for their lives. |
Any state law which operates to jar the balance, however incidentally, is, per se, an illegitimate impediment and to be condemned. |
Babasaheb Ambedkar condemned Manusmriti, Mahatma Gandhi opposed the book burning. |
The entire garrison was paraded and watched as the condemned men were stripped of their uniforms and placed in shackles. |
As they were marched off to jail, the condemned soldiers berated their comrades for failing to support them. |
The international community condemned this initial annexation of the Baltic states and deemed it illegal. |
For instance, the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia was condemned by Romania, which refused to take part in it. |
As Chancellor of Oxford University, Macmillan condemned its refusal in February 1985 to award Thatcher an honorary degree. |
Ten prisoners had been condemned to death by starvation in the wake of a successful escape from the camp. |
Karl Marx has condemned the theory of Proudhon criminalizing strike action in his work The Poverty of Philosophy. |
In 2001 a Board of Visitors report condemned sanitation at Dartmoor as well as highlighting a list of urgent repairs needed at the prison. |
Most ghosts were souls assigned to Purgatory, condemned for a specific period to atone for their transgressions in life. |
He had reason to believe the stercoraceous flavour, condemned by prejudice as a stink, was, in fact, most agreeable to the organs of smelling. |
The book had been condemned by certain authorities connected with the Council, but had not been condemned conciliarly. |
The essay was widely condemned as ahistorical and simply bizarre. |
They condemned attempts by the government to oppress its citizens. |
Zenonism was defended on various occasions in the Jesuit context, and was also repressed and condemned a number of times. |
But it has condemned whoever is breaching the once-secret institution. |
He is also said to have wished to enrich his treasury by confiscation of the property of the condemned. |
The rich were often able to secure release through ransom, but the poor were condemned to slavery. |
Pantheism or panentheism... is condemned by the Church, as well as by the teachings of Schopenhauer and of the modern Hartmann. |
Following the Battle of Lochmaben Fair, he was forced to flee back to England, where was condemned, and he never engaged James III again. |
His actions were condemned by the ICRC because they were deemed as acting unduly on his own authority and risking the ICRC's neutrality. |
On the other hand, some of Jellicoe's supporters condemned the actions of Beatty for the British failure to achieve a complete victory. |
Others joined the Cathars, another heretical movement condemned by the papacy. |
Birmingham reggae star Pato Banton has condemned gangster rap for promoting gun crime. |
In 70 BC, noted figure Cicero condemned the misgovernment of Verres in his oration In Verrem. |
This behaviour by some supporters is condemned by the management of the clubs. |
Plato famously condemned poetic myth when discussing education in the Republic. |
This method condemned the offensive over Britain to failure before it began. |
But take good care that you do not cut even a drachme, either more or less, for, if you do, you shall be condemned to be hanged. |
House Speaker John Boehner condemned the remark, but the damage was done. |
However, Pentecostal denominations were critical of the movement and condemned many of its practices as unscriptural. |
During the Great Depression, Adolf Hitler condemned his earlier smoking habit as a waste of money, and later with stronger assertions. |
The repairs were made at considerable cost and the pier remained open until 1974 when it was nearly condemned as being in poor condition. |
The Welsh Conservative Party and the Welsh Liberal Democrats condemned the One Wales government for not attending Assembly business. |
This action was condemned at the time and later used as example of the Despensers' growing tyranny. |
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Edmund Rich, condemned the marriage for this reason. |
The League of Nations condemned Japan's actions and initiated sanctions on Japan. |
He was brought before Edward, then taken to Shrewsbury where a special session of Parliament condemned him to death. |
Though Arnold's reasoning reflected Loyalist opinion, Patriots strongly condemned him. |
In Asia, when Japan seized Manchuria in 1931, the League of Nations condemned it for aggression against China. |
The survivors, including chaplain John Knox, were condemned to serve as galley slaves. |
Japan withdrew from the League of Nations after being condemned for its incursion into Manchuria. |
On 27 March 1329, John XXII condemned many writings of Meister Eckhart as heretical in his papal bull In Agro Dominico. |
Adm Roughhead condemned the actions of suspect Iranian boats that allegedly taunted USS Typhoon in the Arabian Gulf on Friday. |
The invasion was condemned by the League of Nations, but little was done to stop it or to liberate occupied Ethiopia. |
But this does not mean that the subject is inexorably imprisoned by language, condemned to a mute livingness. |
However, Saudi Arabia condemned the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and asked the US to intervene. |
In Ireland, a hybrid system of marches existed which was condemned as barbaric at the time. |
Her remarks were condemned by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights. |
Saru have now released an official apology from president Oregan Hoskins and De Villiers saying they jointly condemned foul play. |
In December 2011, UNESCO, which partly funded the magazine, condemned the material and subsequently withdrew support. |
The Revolutionary Tribunal summarily condemned thousands of people to death by the guillotine, while mobs beat other victims to death. |
His last play, The Hooligan, produced just four months before his death, is a study of a young condemned thug in a prison cell. |
Parliamentarians of several of these countries condemned the action, and Iran and Pakistan called in their British envoys to protest formally. |
The Oxford Union condemned the book for alleged plagiarism in a tight vote. |
But yesterday animal rights activists condemned her for joining the growing band of celebrities taking up blood sports. |
Furthermore, the Bill of Rights described and condemned several misdeeds of James II of England. |
Many orthodox Muslims rejected mutazilite doctrines and condemned their idea of the creation of the Quran. |
Other countries, notably Russia and China, also condemned the zones as a violation of Iraqi sovereignty. |
White phosphorus has been condemned by human rights organizations as cruel and inhumane because it causes severe burns. |
Thomas Rymer, for example, condemned Shakespeare for mixing the comic with the tragic. |
In 17th century England, the Puritans condemned the celebration of Christmas. |
On March 17, 1948, Truman addressed European security and condemned the Soviet Union before a hastily convened Joint Session of Congress. |
The child is exposed to a verbally expressed anticontempt, antishame ideology in which the only individuals who are condemned are those who humiliate others. |
The international community has been observing Nigerian elections to encourage a free and fair process, and condemned this one as being severely flawed. |
Raja Rashid Hafeez strongly condemned the suicide blasts at Data Darbar and held both, the Federal as well as Punjab governments, responsible for the incident. |
After receiving a report by a committee, which condemned the Mayor's Courts, the Crown issued a charter for a new judicial system in the Bengal Presidency. |
Newspapers reported details such as condemned men's last words, the prayers said by the priests, and descriptions of their final moments in the gallows. |
Under Philip II conservatives in the Spanish church tightened their grip, and those who refused to recant such as Rodrigo de Valer were condemned to life imprisonment. |
Robertson might have condemned genocide on television, but off air, he carefully built a working relationship with Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. |
So why hasn't Miliband properly condemned these bully-boy squads? |
In front of the entire regiment, the condemned trooper was forced to unblouse his trousers, remove his airborne boots, and replace them with regular shoes. |
The judgment was condemned as a violation of international law. |
The Russian president's critics condemned the trial as part of a clampdown on a protest movement and are reminiscent of the show trials of dissidents in the Soviet era. |
Another example of brutal disregard of the most common promptings of nature, is that of a refractious son who was so incorrigible that his father condemned him to death. |
Any who dare to question their infallibility and superhumanity are likely to be cast out of the herd and condemned to a protracted and lonely death on the fringes. |
Those willing to help have been condemned to a precarious clandestinity. |
The Virginia House of Burgesses condemned the acts even before they took effect, prompting Governor Dunmore, a loyal king's man, to order it dissolved. |
Beginning in the last decades of the Cold War, American and European critics of the UN condemned the organization for perceived mismanagement and corruption. |
The civil officials condemned the expeditions as extravagant and wasteful. |
Death by drawing and quartering usually dismembered the condemned person. |
Such is the record of Scripture. Nor can you daff it aside by saying that local and temporary conditions condemned women to silence and private life. |
In October 2011, Yemeni human rights activist Tawakul Karman won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the UN Security Council condemned the violence and called for a transfer of power. |