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How to use conceptually in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word conceptually? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Thus, while the three isomorphic effects can be distinguished conceptually, in empirical reality they may prove difficult to disentangle.
Television is a good idea conceptually, but as of right now it exists to sell you things.
I realise that conceptually this is not a new idea and that some may say we simply don't have the time or money for such an undertaking.
Calling them security for the aid and redevelopment effort may be conceptually accurate in one sense.
A young child who does not conceptually distinguish escalators from ordinary stairs would probably use the term stairs for both.
What I am saying is there may be a difference conceptually in placing a limitation on jurisdiction conferred by statute?
Highly digitized, the transaction process is conceptually similar for both the bricks-and-mortar and the virtual banks.
While the distinction between internal and external causes may appear conceptually simple it has not always been strictly applied.
Although inconceivable just a few years ago, their method is conceptually quite simple.
This was a breakthrough exhibition for conceptually minded Spencer Finch, whose quirky works incorporate science-related themes.
The problem is that we have conceptually reduced places of higher education to peddlers of expensive certificates.
The conversational style of the interviews meant that few, if any, conceptually complex terms were used.
I must admit, while I always found the material conceptually fascinating, I used to have some problems reading it.
I have to tell you I just see this as a very simple case conceptually, a straightforward case.
My point is that it rests on an earlier or conceptually prior idea of race invented for legitimate scientific reasons.
This prediction is also in accord with the fact that this task is a conceptually driven one.
Since his university days in Christchurch, Rhian has come along way musically and conceptually.
Both are simple conceptually, yet infinite in the variations of play they can throw up.
Second, productivity calculations measure inputs and outputs in ways that are conceptually and empirically problematic.
Austrians can offer an alternative approach that does not depend on having to define or measure what is conceptually indefinable or unmeasurable.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Whatever a dozen men may agree on conceptually, will be differently thought of by any one woman.
The events of sense perception permit also conceptually of infinite division in their spatial relations.
Logically, this means that intelligence works conceptually, not perceptually alone.
Terse and conceptually witty, his adverts, made for any number of government ministries, are full of avuncular advice and priggish pedagogy.
We need not regard them conceptually as unchangeable or irreplaceable.
That is, it is felt as repeated and conceptually comprehended.
In other words, while formally and conceptually grounded, Crepieux's approach is romantic, seeking beauty in the inevitable discrepancy between the seeable and the seen.
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