The compressive form-active dome is a composite of in situ and precast reinforced concrete. |
Unlike wood, composite decking does not have to be coated with a protective finish. |
We are creating more meshed services where the seemingly unitary application is really a composite of linked calls across the Internet. |
Because the axes of the color measures are orthogonal, the three scores can be summed to yield a total composite color score. |
Seven of these cars were composite, each carrying twenty first-class and fifty-eight second-class passengers. |
Using composite materials to reduce vehicle weight is one of the keys to successfully developing a single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle. |
The blind slat's surface is a smooth poly-coating or a solid composite material. |
Their laths were either of composite construction or made from multiple bamboo slats bound like an automobile leaf spring. |
The decks and cabin house are a fiberglass composite with a balsa wood core. |
Additionally, a new hood constructed of strong, flexible composite material improves the appearance, sound level and durability of both machines. |
It features composite wood decking, fireplaces, a barbecue center, and built-in benches. |
The airframe design makes wide use of structural bonding and composite materials, including Kevlar, Nomex and carbon fibre composites. |
Sheet metal, bituminous membranes, and composite materials are used as flashing. |
We see images where the photographer has been creative in the darkroom and played around with solarisation, with composite prints. |
The result then is a harmonious blend of their voices to form an impressive, composite whole. |
The talent is still there but the balls are now made of plastic composite instead of leather. |
Unfortunately BR and NR experience with composite conductor rails has been less than happy. |
Because they are a composite material, made from wood by-products, they tend to be very stable and hold paint very well. |
A composite sketch was released yesterday of a man with dark hair short in front, longer in back long sideburns and a goatee. |
These and numerous other aquatic creatures and plants comprise a composite underwater stream ecosystem of the southeastern United States. |
TimberTech decking is a high-tech composite material made from recycled wood fiber and polymers. |
It shows a composite semantic unit paired with a phonologically unanalysable unit. |
The cones are composite because they consist of alternating layers of ash and frozen lava. |
Made from a composite of grass and sugar-cane pulp, the utensils are entirely natural. |
The unit can connect to any video source that has composite video and stereo audio RCA jacks, though the encoded audio is limited to mono. |
The same information can be tabulated by the whole class, for a composite picture of a trade. |
Fresh tortillas are eaten as bread, used as plate and spoon, or filled to make composite dishes such as tacos and enchiladas. |
All items are then summed into a total composite score indicating drug use severity. |
The composite battalion operated the mixed weapons for the remainder of the siege. |
The invention makes use of waney lumber to make composite edge-glued wood products. |
Based on these measurements, the horn capsule of the claw is a composite of horn produced over the past 12 to 15 months. |
The aircraft also have composite ailerons, spoilers, flaps, vertical tail skin and horizontal tail skin, but they have aluminum wings. |
Since the plaster is a composite material using appropriate qualities of cement, sand and aggregate, the final material has a dull color. |
The bodyshell is made from glass-fibre composite, although a stronger and lighter carbon-fibre alternative is offered. |
To do so, the car's body migrates from metal to a manufacturable advanced composite. |
She suggests a space of possibility for mixed folks to embrace composite identities as part of an inter-ethnic, anti-racism struggle. |
The analysis of James as the ruler of a composite monarchy produces many new and important insights. |
The skeleton turned out to be a composite of three individuals, the head and lower jaw having been replaced during the mummy's long history. |
A composite insurer is one that underwrites both general insurance and long-term insurance. |
Other interesting ones include figures from Pieter Breughel, the tessellations of MC Escher, and the composite portraits of Guiseppe Arcimboldo. |
An ingenious pattern of brickwork bonding was adopted to ensure satisfactory composite action. |
It's not a composite indicator, just how many empty units there happened to be in October. |
Sealed beam headlights are much harder to replace compared to composite headlamps. |
This is a composite fruit formed of 100-200 berry-like fruitlets fused together, giving its outside a tessellated appearance. |
Virtually inventing methods of composite mattes in film made the invisible man truly come alive and real. |
Besides shotcrete, rockbolts, stone and wire mesh, a composite product of mesh and matting on which grass can be grown is being used. |
A fire retardant could be added to composite wood products made with starch adhesive. |
The five-bladed main rotor is fully composite, with a composite spar, multiple box structure and anhedral tipcaps. |
The firm is currently investigating these types of structures with advanced furlable composite materials and design methodology. |
The outer fabric is a three-ply composite with an acrylic outer fabric, a rubber inner layer and polyester lining. |
With at least unicortical contact between the main fracture fragments, a wave plate osteosynthesis is a very stiff composite construct. |
Their dancing, if I can even dignify it as such, was a composite of waist twisting, arm flailing and a vaudeville-style feet shuffle. |
Crpt enables the replacement of high-maintenance metallic aircraft panels with those manufactured from advanced fibre composite materials. |
This step is followed by polymerising pyrrole vapours to produce a foam composite. |
Thus each axis can be seen as a composite morphological character combining the covariant part of the initial morphometric parameters. |
Use composite dressings cautiously if the patient is dehydrated or has fragile skin. |
The final one, which is 1444, with insertion of glass ionomer followed by composite resin. |
Foreign secretary level talks between India and Pakistan to resume the composite dialogue were concluded today. |
In addition to being ancient, the endorsement is actually a composite of three different and very old New York Times pieces. |
It includes ten leg rattles worn by dancers as both a composite musical instrument and a protective device. |
You can see it's like a honeycomb structure in which the material is in between the two composite layers. |
The composite elements are arranged in a bicyclic fashion which is a derivative of a purine ring system. |
The right-hand surface of each wedge is part of a single image, while the left-hand panels form a separate composite image. |
The self-incompatible composite Senecio jacobaea exhibits geographic variation in the frequency of rayed and discoid individuals. |
No, I'll tell you several stories that will help explain the difference between fact and fiction and its composite, faction. |
We made a mosaic of the photographs covering each survey zone, and then we traced a new base map off the composite image. |
This two-ply composite is then machined into the six tapered triangular sections that when glued up together, form the familiar split-cane form. |
Commercially available wire combustion flame guns can be used to spray virtually any welding wire including composite wires. |
There are also many examples of composite models, which include aspects of both full-atom and coarse-grained techniques. |
A few outstanding composite specimens were recovered, with crude dendritic copper intergrown with one or two large, single, equant crystals. |
From poetry-reading to kite-flying it is a day to retie the threads of a composite culture threatened by communalism. |
Dow industrials up by 21 points, 10,822, while the Nasdaq composite index is adding a quarter of one percent. |
And I'm sure the balls feature spangly new composite core technology, with advanced dimple patterns for extra feel and distance. |
To make it more durable, the majority of a resin composite is actually finely ground glass or a similar material. |
First, there is a series of computer composite images that depict different aspects of field research, such as catching insects with nets. |
They did note, however, that the composite materials behave differently than wood. |
The Star also sported a forward-opening canopy, ventral fin and composite MT prop. |
The chassis and body have been made entirely of laminated carbon fibre and epoxy composite, and the reported weight is 1180 kg. |
The two that are most often in the news are shield volcanoes, as seen in Hawaii, and composite volcanoes. |
In a composite material, fibers have the role of the load-bearing constituent. |
The final dome or vault consisted of a composite structure of in-situ concrete and ferro-cement formwork. |
Despite the profusion of individual skills the composite performs considerably more poorly than the sum of its parts. |
The magmatic output of an individual center in a volcanic field is one to three orders of magnitude less than that of a composite volcano. |
They could also see also the scar remained after the huge sector collapse of an andesitic composite volcano. |
Mount Boucherie is considered a composite volcano, formed by many separate eruptions over a long time period. |
From the same tomb comes a composite Helladic-Minoan silver goblet, with its carinated shape and a Minoan niello floral scene. |
Designed with stealth features and shaped like a kite, Pegasus is constructed largely with composite materials. |
Aeronautics engineers say its performance is due to the plane's enhanced fuel efficiency and super-light construction from composite materials. |
Most hockey sticks are made of either wood or a graphite composite shaft with a wooden blade inserted into the end. |
Nowadays, a vehicle body may use panels made of steel, aluminum and plastic composite all on the same platform. |
Frequently a composite collar beam structure was employed, braced by iron tension rods, often set obliquely, to allow for additional headroom. |
The points are collated and evaluated by members of the Awards Committee, who use the composite points to determine the overall award recipients. |
The primary outcome was the composite end point of myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death. |
As a simple example of a certificate, the factors of a composite number provide a certificate of compositeness. |
We therefore assessed the relevant methodological aspects individually rather than use a composite score. |
The higher values in D. simulans were mainly caused by the high sequence divergence of the ULRs of the composite elements. |
Mochizuki's innovation was to develop a composite art, incorporating elements from all of the schools he had studied. |
He inherited from his father a composite culture which included elements of Sufism and Hinduism. |
Mortality was better predicted by the composite physiological index than by pulmonary function tests. |
Clearly, it was a composite of reasons that convinced him, as it did the president and, indeed, many others across the world. |
When all of this was accomplished, the entire levergun was finished in brushed nickel and a composite stock was added. |
In the late 1990s Honda was developing turbine engines for aircraft, and composite airframes. |
To guide his hand as it shapes the Styrofoam, he projects composite image-and-text designs onto the panel. |
Each of the following examples is a composite of elements I have encountered in real-life situations. |
The beneficiated fiber may be imbedded with a polymeric material to form the composite. |
The fossil turned out to be a composite of the body of a bird with the tail of a dinosaur. |
The fuselage is of light metal construction and parts of the tailplane are of composite structure in order to reduce radar signature. |
Some 1,200 teaching and non-teaching staff work in 88 secondary schools and composite junior schools. |
A community recalling its past generates a composite bricolage of folk histories. |
Cases of small composite esophageal carcinoma containing various carcinomatous and sarcomatous components are extremely rare. |
I was under the impression that that was a fictional composite of St. Grottlesex schools, but I haven't seen the movie in years. |
The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, lord of life and death, is a composite figure, an intermediary between creatures. |
If the Committee recommends a ban on abortion, it may endorse one of the wordings, a composite of the wordings or one of its own. |
His character, a composite of three French commanders in Algeria, had fought in the resistance and in Vietnam. |
While tooling up for composite technology can be expensive, it hasn't prevented start-up manufacturers from getting involved. |
In fact, this freedom is at the root of the composite nature of Hinduism as they worship many deities. |
There are close-ups of leaf teeth and scales, for examples, and composite photos of Quercus and Carya fruits. |
He lacerated the New Journalists even though as a writer for Life during World War II, he used a composite character. |
Embedding flax fibers into composite materials and nonwoven sheets provides strength and reinforcement to the goods. |
Additionally, a composite barrier scale was constructed by tallying the total number of barriers identified by parents. |
The all-weather surface comprises artificial turf laid onto a rubber composite material, giving a realistic feel. |
So, at higher volumes, composite production tooling costs rise significantly. |
In particular, composite fields are naturally computable using the intersection of regions in the separate fields. |
There is a web facility which trawls all online news stories and writes a sort of composite article. |
One program reminder, this Sunday night we'll present a composite of interviews that we've done with Brando on this show. |
The suspension has cast aluminum upper and lower control arms in the front and back as well as composite leaf springs. |
Normally, that would be a composite result of generations of line breeding rather than immediate inbreeding. |
While the mandrel is rotating, a layer of shrink-wrap tape is applied to the outside of the composite material. |
Modern aluminium pans have a non-stick interior coating of Teflon or some tougher composite material. |
The airframe incorporates modern design with wide use of structural bonding and composite materials. |
An ablative heat shield is made of a resinous composite material that slowly vaporizes during descent. |
The reference to horn and ivory show that composite bows were known, and the inclusion of yew shows they knew of this best of bow timbers. |
It advanced the knowledge of how to design composite tanks to hold cryogenic fluids. |
Again it is a theorem of intuitionistic arithmetic that every natural number is either prime or composite. |
Members of the composite family are powerful attractors of beneficial insects, as well as bees and butterflies. |
These new air defense units are a composite of Patriot, Avenger, and Stinger Missile batteries. |
The tooth surface is then etched with a gel-like acid to prepare it for an adhesive used to secure the resin composite to the tooth. |
Eratosthenes's sieve drains out composite numbers and leaves prime numbers behind. |
Bur rather than settle down and start producing a bland composite, he retains his enthusiasm and keenness to experiment. |
The properties of today's composite materials depend largely on the size and type of ceramic filler particle. |
Positive integers other than primes, known as composite numbers, can be written as the product of smaller primes. |
Positive integers greater than 1 that aren't prime are called composite integers. |
It possesses a natural composite quality in the elastic sapwood and the more densely ringed heartwood. |
Further, in this research, gender differences in relation to identity statuses were explored on the composite identity scores. |
Indeed, the composite make-up of carriages always mandated multiple skills, from body maker to smith, from trimmer to painter. |
The composite arises when levels of complex lexical structure come from different languages. |
We applied mupirocin, an anti-infective ointment, and a nonadherent composite dressing. |
The roof canopy is made up of stainless steel composite panels bonded to a bituminous rolled sheet over plywood. |
The composite profile from the extrusion has an area of leather-hard rubber and an area of soft rubber. |
The hulls are constructed of a fiberglass composite with a core throughout. |
In this same paper, Popov provided a classification of composite prismatic structures that overlaps with but differs from the present one in several respects. |
Since silicates are not flammable and only melt at very high temperatures, asbestos fibers have been used to make flame-retardant fabrics and composite materials. |
By winter of 2000, my company was participating in the reconstruction of the courthouse by installing glass composite materials to strengthen the concrete shear walls. |
These particular numbers have characteristics that make it relatively easy to check whether a candidate is either a prime number or a composite number. |
Pultrusion is a continuous process of manufacturing of composite materials with constant cross-section whereby reinforcing fibers are pulled through a resin. |
It might be that Lady Seated at the Virginals is a composite of tracings of parts of images onto planes at different distances and with different positions of the lens. |
Siddiqui said Urdu which is spoken not only in India and Pakistan but in the entire world can be utilised for promoting composite culture and communal harmony. |
A composite of that individual, sources say, has already been done. |
The lynching is a composite of numerous lynchings and violence against Negroes in the area in those years and years to follow. |
Even more than the private corporation, it is a composite of huge numbers of individuals who bring to this sprawling nation their own distinctive pasts. |
This is not because they are negative in substance but because our minds first grasp composite things and only come to know simple things by denying compositeness of them. |
Another composite scene, it is divided into a central panel, two large curved sections in the lower areas of the vault, and seven small curved sections. |
Her team of researchers created a computer programme which reads through some 13 online news sites and sifts through them to make composite stories on different subjects. |
The system, which works with all races and genders, can identify suspects from images such as video, CCTV, photographs, artists' composite drawing and police e-fits. |
And so we thought, and I asked the staff to put together a composite. |
The first phase of the program runs through October, concentrating on creating a crashworthy composite front end module modeled after an existing production design. |
What is significant is that organizational training simulations go beyond stand-alone simulators to encompass a composite of the various systems found in the organization. |
The phone fits nicely in your hand and despite its compact size, the controls are a decent size, with volume and the power key moulded in the easy to grip composite exterior. |
The practices of the early Hygienists were a composite mixture of hygiene and hydropathy, while most of the practitioners were designated as hydropathists. |
Well, more than a few people obviously over the years have wondered whether Deep Throat even actually existed, or was some kind of composite character. |
The sinks are fabricated from a refined polyester resin composite containing a combination of natural and synthetic aggregates, the manufacturer says. |
For a composite insurance group, this is a drain on capital which prevents it making progress in areas it can manage actively, such as general insurance. |
The drive unit takes power down the centerline of the car through a carbon fiber composite driveshaft to a rear drive unit with three planetary gear and clutch sets. |
Unlike some of the prepreg materials ordinarily used in composite processes, what they're using is a material that's like a fabric at room temperature. |
The receptor organ of posture and equilibrium is a composite one located in the semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule of the inner ear. |
They are still widely used in wood composite sticks, but the advent of insertable blades and one-piece graphite has overtaken them in artificial sticks. |
The helicopters have a common four-bladed, composite, hingeless, bearingless main rotor system and tail rotor, engine, avionics, software, controls and displays. |
The outer hair cell has a liquid core bounded by a composite wall. |
The complex composite structure of the plane would be weakened by any colouring, as heat would build up, leading to delamination and possible cracking. |
A sequence of passes separates the luminance and chrominance information from the composite video signal and demodulates the color carrier to separate out color information. |
In those cases the House in effect decided that the substance or reality of the composite transactions was to be considered free of any artificial steps. |
These new products include soy-based lubricants, wood adhesives, printing inks, solvents, building composite materials and paints, among many others. |
The composite stock is made of carbon fiber, reinforced with Kevlar. |
And then, to release a composite of his face, that's not totally accurate. |
Once again, the image is full frame in accord with the original aspect ratio, with the transfer being created from a 35 mm composite fine-grain master. |
A process for creating a dual damascene opening, in a composite insulator layer, to be used to accommodate a dual damascene copper structure, has been developed. |
For the benefit of your readers, this motor uses an Ammonium Perchlorate composite propellant, the same basic stuff used in the Space Shuttle strap-on boosters. |
They are performing research in such advanced fields as computational fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, power electronics and composite materials. |
But we did have to compress time, and we did have to composite some of the characters. |
It carries a three-person crew and is equipped with a modular, expandable armor system of ceramic composite material on the outside and a spall liner on the inside. |
Chavez was reluctant to discuss an active investigation, so he told me an intricate story that is a composite of real meth cases. |
Other materials, such as composite resins, also are gaining popularity. |
He also festooned Weisman's original letter with mock-serious footnotes, which added to the fun but further obscured the composite character of the whole. |
Dispersion-free solvent extraction has been carried out with microporous hydrophillic and microporous composite hydrophobic-hydrophillic membranes in flat shape. |
Whereas the eruption duration of an individual volcano of a volcanic field is generally short, the life of the entire volcanic field is longer than that of a composite volcano. |
Take Scottish shinty and Irish hurling and divvy up a fair compromise to create a composite set of rules incorporating both traditions finer points. |
Because it is a thermoplastic composite, sheets of the material can readily be converted into components by thermoforming, punching, and machining. |
Rainier is a composite volcano built of lava and fragmented rock and while volcanologists say it's unlikely to erupt again in the near future, they always add a small corollary. |
The traditional yew bow of Europe acted as though it were a composite bow, as it was preferably made of a section of yew taken where the sapwood and heartwood joined. |
However I submit that it is, fundamentally, a composite of moral, intellectual, and administrative capabilities, combined with seriousness of purpose. |
In the design of the orthotropic deck, the composite interaction between the steel deck and the pavement under local and global loading was considered. |
Therefore, they developed a composite measure that was mathematically derived and calculated by using the intercorrelations of items within each domain. |
Frame is ergal aircraft aluminum alloy, finish is matte brushed electroless nickel and stocks are composite rubber or wood. |
The A350 features new composite wings with a wingspan that is common to the proposed variants. |
This process is extensively used in the production of composite helmets due to the lower cost of unskilled labor. |
The mould is typically constructed from aluminum or steel, but composite molds are sometimes used. |
The strength of a composite is bounded by two loading conditions as shown in the plot to the right. |
An additional manufacturing facility, which produces the composite components for the planes, is located in Grand Forks, North Dakota. |
This included 79 people at the main plant in Duluth, Minnesota and 29 employees at the composite construction plant in Grand Forks, North Dakota. |
Construction is dominated by the use of composite materials, although traditional aluminum is used for flight control surfaces. |
In 1882 two composite coaches and four seconds were ordered, the last new carriages bought for the railway. |
Mode 5 stone tools involve the production of microliths, which were used in composite tools, mainly fastened to a haft. |
These developed into the powerful composite and recurve bows, and crossbows of Ancient China. |
What will be given is a composite picture, based on working with a great many Plutonians over the years. |
The longbow, the composite bow, and the crossbow were the basic types of bows and were especially popular in the infantry. |
Likewise, Q'uq'umatz had a composite origin, combining the attributes of Mexican Quetzalcoatl with aspects of the Classic period Itzamna. |
Carbon fibre is mostly used in composite materials, together with resin, such as carbon fibre reinforced plastic. |
An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest. |
Most scholars consider the text a composite produced by many authors put together over a long period. |
Steel-concrete composite plate girders display greater strength and stiffness compared to the corresponding bare steel plate girder acting alone. |
Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. |
In extreme circumstances, particularly when sinking through Halite, composite liners consisting of two or more materials may be required. |
The fell is dominantly composed of composite andesite lava flows, with autobrecciated upper surfaces developed in some locations. |
Intermediate lavas form andesite domes and block lavas, and may occur on steep composite volcanoes, such as in the Andes. |
Patented is a polyethylene composite fiber comprising two kinds of polyethylene resin components that have different melting points. |
The UV-visible absorption spectrum of composite films was recorded using Shimadzu UV-1061 UV-Vis spectrophotometer in the range 200-800 nm. |
Use of combination of low-dose cyclosporine and RS-61443 in a rat hindlimb model of composite tissue allotransplantation. |
In the UK, its most important facility is on the Isle of Wight, where it has a carbon composite centre of excellence. |
This is similar for vascularized composite allografts of portions of limbs that are akin to other reimplantation operations for trauma. |
The biodegradability and mechanical strength of nutritive pots for vegetable planting based on lignocellulose composite materials. |
The effects of fiber loadings and aspect ratios on composite tensile properties were evaluated experimentally and theoretically. |
Here, ideas are plotted on a graph where income in a hypothetical future year is plotted logarithmically against the composite IRL index. |
The term prequark has appeared in the literature as a name for subconstituents in composite models. |
The web services pick out data layer symbolizations from different ArcIMS mapservices and composite the component images together. |
Navy and changed the afterbody and flap to make it easier and economical to produce composite blades for regional navies worldwide. |
However, in the case of a latex which adsorbs onto pigments, such as polymer EXP-1, the formation of composite particles begins fairly rapidly. |
The company's Arioso high performance air filtration composite media are found in high efficiency fume extraction filters. |
In situ TiC-reinforced austenitic steel composite by self-propagating high temperature synthesis. |
A short curing time is said to yield a chemical bond, producing a firmly integrated composite part, according to the company. |
The carbon backrest of the RSSP can also be used on its own as part of a composite solution. |
The composite New Hampshire index of state leading indicators, which is produced jointly by e-forecasting. |
The slides were stained with crystal violet, safranin, and gram iodine, and the bacteria were observed under a composite light microscope. |
These materials include cotton, bamboo, linoleum, cork, composite wood, wheatboard and strawboard that don't contain added urea-formaldehyde. |
The missal is clearly composite although it seems most like Gallican sacramentaries. |
Experiments were designed according to the face centered central composite design or face-centered cube of Response Surface Methodology. |
These flakes commonly form composite shredded lenses elongate along the schistosity. |
Other features include blued finish a 10-round magazine, blowback system, fixed barrel and ergonomic composite grip. |
In this work the plies of the composite are regarded as homogeneous orthotropic materials. |
The formulations made turbid films or gelation of the composite solution in the sever cases. |
Effect of sintering temperature in physical-mechanical behavior and in titanium-hydroxyapatite composite sinterability. |
The firm manufactures Eurocells' Ovolo and chamfered systems in windows, doors, conservatories and composite doors. |
The parent material of both soils is volcanogenic alluvium and composite airfall tephra. |
These isolators are currently made from a composite of carbon fiber filament wound epoxy and conductive carbon black. |
The flying wing N Yves Rossy keeps breaking records and defying expectations with his 8-foot-diameter, carbon composite flying wing. |
In the analysis of these composite joints, bone is assumed as elastic material having isotropy and orthotropy in specific regions. |
Gluten is a protein composite consisting of a gliadin fraction and a glutenin fraction. |
The introduction of composite toecaps and composite material mid-plates has accelerated this demand. |
The dielectric properties of composite dielectrics generally are a weighted average of the individual component properties. |
The analyzer uses prompt gamma neutron activation analysis technology to perform a real-time, composite analysis on shredded scrap metal. |
The Index is a composite rating of countries based on their scores in three subindexes OTT Readiness, OTT Intensity and Local Factors. |
The experimental investigation showed that composite material breaks suddenly as it reach ultimate tensile strength limit. |
With such a short composite depreciable Life, taxpayers did not care about losing the ability to componentize. |
The 400 Series displays offer a 3D digital comb filter with de-interlacing for the most accurate processing of composite video signals. |
The composite wood flooring comprises edge-glued laminated wood boards that are underlaid with a thin fiber-reinforced plastic. |
The composite nanocatalyst has higher efficiency in the removal of contaminators than pure titanium dioxide nanoparticles. |
Unraveling the mechanical properties of composite silk threads spun by cribellate orb-weaving spiders. |
Moreover, the bamboo culm shows a composite type of structure on both of the macroscopic and microscopic levels. |
Pilots have expressed concern about the A300-600's rudder performance and about the composite structure of the tail-fin, or vertical stabilizer. |
So one of the people from the Lab who was with me asked how often you have to depaint a composite airplane. |
The applicability of this composite aerogel as a useful photocatalyst is examined in wastewater containing salicylic acid. |
Nearly one in five species in the fungal kingdom forms a composite with an alga, which is from the protist, or protoctist, kingdom. |
The Voyage is kaleidoscopic composite of dream-vision, ideal journey, literary testament, adoxography, and mock epic. |
The children complected the frayed edges of their pot holders to make a composite class project. |
This article examines issues in composite drawing and examines different methods for conducting witness interviews necessary to compositry. |
They had mastered the difficult art of shooting composite recurve bows from horseback. |
For extended objects composed of many particles, the kinetic energy of the composite body is the sum of the kinetic energies of the particles. |
The merger brought back designer, John Barnard, interested in using carbon fibre composite. |
All the carbon fibre, the foams, the composite materials, the glues, everything comes from petrochemistry. |
Unlike earlier composite materials, GLARE can be repaired using conventional aluminium repair techniques. |
The redesigned composite fuselage provides higher cabin pressure and humidity, and lower maintenance costs. |
Airbus adopted a new philosophy for the attachment of the A350s main undercarriage as part of the switch to a composite wing structure. |
Boeing is also designing and testing composite hardware so inspections are mainly visual. |
The composite fuselage permits larger windows without the need for structural reinforcement. |
Finally, since 2005, three composite teams have played matches with full ODI status. |
The television has HDMI, D-Sub, S-Video, component, composite and USB inputs, and can handle PAL, SECAM and NTSC video signals. |
The submarines carry the Thales Underwater Systems Type 2054 composite sonar. |
Giles's edition is based on Gunn's, but is a composite since the Vatican ms. |
Stratovolcanoes are also known as composite volcanoes because they are created from multiple structures during different kinds of eruptions. |
Construction may use manual layup techniques or composite resin injection molding. |
FiberTek composite firring strips are intended to replace Douglas Fir and Apitong wood in refrigerated subfloors. |
The hulls were generally wooden, although iron, steel and composite hulls gradually overtook them. |
A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi in a symbiotic relationship. |
Semantically composite idioms have a syntactic similarity between their surface and semantic forms. |
It is a composite slump with proximal and distal allochthonous sediment masses separated by a large glide plane scar. |
Dornier announced plans in May 2010 to build CD2 SeaStar composite flying boats in Quebec, Canada. |
Browning's poem, his composite story, became part of late 19th century popular culture and was accepted as a historic legend. |
Another class of composite materials involve woven fabric composite consisting of longitudinal and transverse laced yarns. |
Chobham armour is a special type of composite armour used in military applications. |
Wood is a naturally occurring composite comprising cellulose fibres in a lignin and hemicellulose matrix. |
Martin Hubbe and Lucian A Lucia consider wood to be a natural composite of cellulose fibres in a matrix of lignin. |