It creates an identity crisis and inferiority complexes vis-a-vis the colonizer. |
With a tabletop multi-storey building model, visitors will be shown how water can be harvested in apartment complexes. |
Dyson and Welton used water and ionic liquid soluble organometallic clusters and complexes to catalyse hydrogenation of the aromatics. |
This clearly suggests that the newly formed species may correspond to complexes of PEI with heparin. |
Let it never be said that the Left doesn't have its fair share of paranoia and persecution complexes. |
The cinema chain polled branch managers of its nearly 100 complexes around Britain to draw up the epitome of verbal sign-offs. |
Working conditions vary widely from the worst kind of sweatshop to factory complexes with clinics, schools and entertainment. |
Fractions from the lower density region of the gradient include ribosomal subunits, 80 S monosomes and mRNP complexes. |
Other rhodium complexes may also be useful for sterilising blood for transfusion by inactivating viruses. |
Minus ends do not exhibit growth and are often stabilized by complexes such as the nucleation sites at centrosomes and spindle poles. |
The complexes also show mechanical responses to pH changes and electrical stimulation. |
Osseous stability is reinforced by the medial and lateral ligament complexes. |
If they were at a public pool, even those at their own apartment complexes, members would leave if an outsider showed up improperly dressed. |
The chromo-domain and the related chromo-shadow domain mediate the formation of protein complexes and their association with chromatin. |
Synorogenic flysch deposits were laid down in front of the advancing allochthonous complexes, and were overridden by them. |
One of the city's most prolific developers of self-storage and retail complexes continues to branch out. |
We suggest that primitive magmas ascending from the mantle are normally trapped in magma chamber complexes situated at or near the Moho. |
Commercial complexes coming up in the area, specially on main roads, have brought with them a large floating population and also vehicles. |
Difference spectra were calculated by subtraction of the spectrum of the DNA from the spectra of the peptide-DNA complexes. |
Thanks to new arts complexes sprouting like mushrooms across the map, the global dance village percolates with activity. |
Permian and Triassic plutonic complexes comprise monzonite, granite, granodiorite or tonalite with minor gabbro and diorite. |
Amino acids like histidine and glutamic acid that readily form complexes with chromium were also shown to increase absorption. |
One trick is to tightly wind the DNA around complexes of proteins called histones, much as thread is coiled around a spool. |
Sprawl is driven in part by the fact that new shopping centers, big box stores, and town house complexes need large tracts of land. |
The projects included swimming pools, leisure complexes, and all-weather facilities. |
Scientists no longer looked like disinterested searchers for truth, but servants of military-industrial complexes East and West. |
Organic acids have been shown to increase the solubility of minerals and form strongly bound complexes and chelates with many metal cations. |
Several genes involved in the regulation of chromatin structure were identified as regulators of homeotic gene complexes. |
It is not, however, clear whether association of ternary complexes is necessary to confer photoactivity, for instance by a stabilization effect. |
The second step involved adsorption of the toxicologically safe anionic dyes fast green and naphthol yellow S to the clay complexes. |
Companies are constantly trying to gain new customers through packaging their shops as pseudo-entertainment complexes, according to Burt. |
The liquid creatine of today has come a long way with the help of ingredients such as soybean oil, colloidal mineral complexes and aloe vera gel. |
Shoppers and visitors appear to be voting with their feet to desert town centre shopping in favour of the big complexes where parking is free. |
Each team in the tournament will train at hotels, resorts, or sports complexes that will resemble armed camps. |
Each base would have four soft, dispersed launch complexes containing five launchers. |
Metal complexes are generally prepared by reacting a salt with another molecule or ion. |
The new detector can also be used to locate leaks from mains pipes in streets and in industrial complexes which may have many miles of piping. |
It correctly accounts for the structures of most covalent compounds of elements other than transition metal complexes. |
If two molecules or complexes have the same molecular formula they are candidates for stereochemical analysis. |
A previous work-up had discovered frequent premature ventricular complexes and runs of bigeminy on a Holter monitor examination. |
He brought all his phobias and complexes to his film-making and whatever ingrained attitudes he had about women were also hauled along. |
Jung, Freud and comrades helped to systematise intuitive skill while deciphering some psychic complexes of their own Europe in turmoil. |
Massive corporate campuses, large and numerous residential complexes and modern retail facilities have come up along this belt. |
They are normally installed with automatic closing devices in multiple residence buildings such as apartment complexes. |
The complexes were stacked during the Devonian in an accretionary wedge to the west or NW of the Rheic oceanic basin. |
The changes in the enzymatic activity of glycolytic enzymes when they form complexes were shown experimentally. |
As platinic metals have a high tendency to form complexes, the complex-forming sorbents are particularly useful. |
Traders also hope the re-vamp will see the precinct compete with Bolton town centre and shopping complexes in neighbouring towns. |
Usually, such mock drills are only conducted in high-rise buildings and in shopping complexes, but they are essential also in slum areas. |
They target busy areas such as bus terminuses, shopping complexes, government hospitals and those close to the Collectorate. |
Contacts between plutons of gabbro or hybrid rock and granite are commonly marked by net-vein complexes. |
These especially go well in complexes and office buildings that have an architectural importance. |
Dentists' offices, doctors' offices and markets were all built into the apartment complexes to make life more efficient. |
He has watched as new building complexes have risen over sites he knows contain more lost tombstones. |
Negatively stained filaments showed tropomyosin with periodically arranged troponin complexes in electron micrographs. |
No one in their right mind would live here among the burned-out office buildings and development complexes. |
As in many monument complexes, burials were inserted into existing mounds, and barrows were built among and onto them. |
The company has expertise in building apartment buildings, shopping malls and office complexes. |
One of the processes that may lead to the formation of sibling species complexes involves adaptation to specific habitats. |
Eventually, of course, they run into other such complexes expanding from different kernels. |
It is also the site of folding and modification of nascent protein chains and assembly of multisubunit complexes. |
Cells are attached to adjacent cells by junctional complexes in the lateral membranes, and form a polarized epithelium. |
In the cities, people visit museums, haggle over prices in the bazaars, or shop in large shopping complexes with their families and friends. |
The place throbbed to the rhythm of pneumatic drills as dozens of new tourist complexes took shape to cater for local demand. |
If infection is established, this agent will have a lesser ability to disrupt the complexes because of high antibody avidity. |
Erosion of old lava dome complexes has resulted in deep valleys that dissect pyroclastic and volcanoclastic fans. |
Late Cretaceous obduction of ophiolite complexes onto the Indian shield has also been reported from Pakistan. |
The particular groups that I study are agamic complexes in the sunflower family. |
Olympian fields were as much temples for religious devotion as sports complexes. |
The Sharm area has small, intimate hotels with modern designs, as well as larger hotel complexes belonging to international chains. |
In Thailand, the metamorphic core complexes lie north of the Mae Ping Fault zone in the middle of the region of north-south and NE-SW splays. |
The residential plots and buildings have been transformed into commercial spaces, complexes and offices. |
The dark abyss of the mind and its complexes and obsessions must be conquered. |
Other main sources of noise for residents were nearby construction sites and noisy air-conditioners at commercial complexes or restaurants. |
The cytoplasm also contained some mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum, single ribosomes and polyribosomes, and Golgi complexes. |
Why am I more concerned with analysing and understanding human complexes and the way things are than simpler matters? |
Normally, immune complexes are rapidly removed from the bloodstream by macrophages in the spleen, and Kupffer cells in the liver. |
These complexes regulate the interaction of RNA polymerases and DNA elements within promoters. |
Residential complexes rose as officers posted in Shimla decided to settle down there. |
The map units in the order 3 survey area are composed of soil associations, some consociations and some complexes. |
The immigrant population dominates the urban areas, living in apartment complexes and condominiums. |
Yeast OYE forms charge transfer complexes with a variety of aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds carrying an ionizable hydroxyl group. |
The Catipes group has amphimictic diploids and tetraploids and derived from them are all of the polyploid agamic complexes in the genus. |
These complexes have long served as models to study general principals of molecular recognition, both experimentally and computationally. |
They did everything from small remodel jobs to building small office complexes. |
However he continued to work on topological ideas, in particular embedding complexes in Euclidean space. |
Fluorescence anisotropy is used to characterize rotational mobility of the fluorescing molecules or complexes. |
The main focus of this research proposal is to analyze the biogenesis of nuclear pore complexes and annulate lamellae. |
In addition to that in the centrosphere, numerous other well developed Golgi complexes are found elsewhere in the cytoplasm. |
Apartment complexes and luxurious villas testify to the domestic lives of the inhabitants. |
However, unlike regular metals, the transition elements can easily form extremely stable coordination complexes. |
One or two small tunnels also exist within the walls, leading perhaps to other caverns or cave complexes, or to nowhere at all. |
Perhaps the richest and certainly the most extensively studied cluster compounds are the carbonyl complexes. |
High concentrations of a variety of metal ion complexes are known to be harmful because of their toxic and genotoxic effects. |
In embryos with abnormal sex chromosome complexes, the number of X chromosomes is apparently of little significance. |
The road also takes in a few rough dormitory towns and massive factory complexes. |
The remainder of the protein components in these complexes is encoded in the nucleus. |
Today's products use ingredients such as soybean oil and colloidal mineral complexes that help to keep the creatine stable for up to 12 months. |
Intermolecular tetrameric complexes are usually only formed by short oligonucleotides that contain single tracts of contiguous guanines. |
These migmatite complexes were mingled with the intrusive magmas that provided the heat sources for crustal melting. |
Posh residential complexes make the area a prestigious locale, an address one would be proud to possess. |
The formation of these complexes can decrease the amount of bound by metal oxides, increasing the amount of available in solution. |
The flexible polyamine spermine displays a high presence in the minor groove but does not form long-lived and structurally defined complexes. |
Politics defines the world of means subordinate to ends, of instrumental complexes, of conflict, disputation and strife. |
Illustrations abound, from a drawing of bladder campion to many remarkable photos and diagrams of the various mill complexes in their heydays. |
The 1980s witnessed the emergence of suburban housing developments and shopping complexes. |
When guanidine hydrochloride is present these complexes dissociate into smaller units. |
History is replete with overextended conquerors, who suffered from invincibility complexes, ultimately becoming conquered themselves. |
In addition, pig farms, electroplating factories and large industrial complexes which discharge sewage will also be targeted, Chang said. |
The Atomic Theory explains both propositions if it is assumed that atoms are indivisible and form complexes in fixed ratios. |
The back doors to the complexes, which open out to a shared courtyard, are broken and can't be locked. |
Thylakoids of grana stacks are mostly abundant in PSII complexes, while PSI complexes are predominant in stroma lamellae. |
Inbreeding may be beneficial if conditions favor the maintenance of locally adapted or intrinsically coadapted gene complexes. |
Mast cell degranulation releases vasoactive substances, including histamine, which sustain the reaction by depositing additional immune complexes. |
According to Aristotelian metaphysics, natures are complexes of powers. |
Chlorosomes, found only in green photosynthetic bacteria, are large supramolecular sac-like complexes that are attached to the cytoplasmic side of the inner cell membrane. |
What do you make of the idea of a directive coming out soon advising pilots to avoid airspace above or near sites like power plants, dams, refineries, and other complexes? |
The area is being filled with debris from construction sites, thanks to the Building Authority's mindlessly permitting apartment and housing complexes. |
So, reorganization of military-industrial complexes in order to adapt them to the new conditions of operation of the global economy is a vital need for all developed states. |
These gneiss complexes contain Caledonian eclogites that attest to the deep burial of these rocks in the over-thickened crust resulting from the Caledonian orogeny. |
Based on this principle, mica has been successfully used in numberless studies especially for AFM imaging of moving double-stranded DNA and DNA-protein complexes in liquid. |
Simple binuclear and trinuclear complexes form linear and trigonal arrangements but a tetranuclear complex can occur as a tetrahedron or a cubane structure. |
That list includes apartment complexes, the Chrysler Group, real estate agencies, a laundromat and even a cemetery. |
All of us too locked into our tensions, complexes and obsessions to ever realise it or notice it, like a bunch of clueless gnostic demiurges fallen into matter. |
Molecules and complexes can have more than just two planes of symmetry. |
They are looked at, moreover, horizontally, not as singular, iconic buildings but as building complexes, foreshadowing Banham's interest in megastructures. |
These were further developed in the 1960s when agro-industrial complexes were set up to grow crops as well as producing fertilizers, pesticides, and other agrochemicals. |
Electrostatic forces play a crucial role in the conformation and function of biomolecules, especially in the protein complexes that carry out charge transfer functions. |
Although numerous allosteric enzymes were studied, much less information is available concerning the coordinated regulation of activities in multienzymatic complexes. |
The youngest sills are undeformed and crosscut older foliated troctolite sills, which in turn crosscut isoclinally folded hybrid gabbro-troctolite-anorthosite complexes. |
Greater problems arise from the hardener component of the resins, typically polyamine or anhydrides, which can displace ligands from TL materials based on metal complexes. |
For example, troponin and tropomyosin form large protein complexes with multiple points of interactions with each other and the F-actin helical backbone. |
Early recombination nodules are protein complexes 100 nm in diameter that are associated with forming synaptonemal complexes during leptotene and zygotene of meiosis. |
This behavior is consistent with the idea that a small amount of rigorlike, stereospecific actomyosin complexes are formed as a result of normal contractile activity. |
These binding surfaces are generally larger and more apolar than those of three-state binding complexes such as that involving antibody-antigen complexes. |
Epithelioid cells were closely apposed with interdigitating cytoplasmic processes, occasional desmosome-like functional complexes, and uniform, narrow intercellular spaces. |
Irregular floor plans were to be avoided, as were cookie-cutter complexes. |
Apartment complexes turned clubs as residents celebrated the festival with pulsating music belching out from personal music systems and of course colours sprinkled all over. |
The steep contacts and elongate outcrops of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous complexes do not, therefore, rule out gently dipping, tabular form per se. |
Granitic intrusions common in the upper crust are typically products of fluid-absent melting of fertile crustal rocks, leaving granulitic residues and migmatitc complexes. |
They armed themselves with a range of dangerous weapons such as battleaxes and knives deployed in frequent fights for control and authority in and around the mining complexes. |
Alkaline phosphatase-labeled complexes react with the substrate creating a chemical reaction and a source of energy to excite the dioxetane substrate. |
From the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope, nuclear pore complexes exhibit an eightfold symmetric ring structure encompassing a central lumen. |
If all houses and apartment complexes keep their water tanks and sumps clean and treated with chlorine frequently, mosquito breeding can be prevented to an extent. |
Although this is adequate for some common proteins, it is useless for, say, enzyme complexes that commonly have molecular weights of 5 MDa or more. |
Shopping complexes should reserve basement parking for their clientele. |
I'd break free of all my complexes, become one of those amazingly self possessed seniors I was always in awe of, and everything would be just peachy. |
In higher plant chloroplasts, many pigment-binding proteins are inserted into the thylakoid membrane and organized into multisubunit complexes called photosystems. |
Developments vary from apartment blocks and hotels to modern luxury complexes with swimming pools, solariums, restaurants and a host of other facilities. |
The drugs in the latter complexes are covalently connected by a peptide linker, whereas those associated with the oligonucleotide duplexes are chemically independent species. |
It is well to keep in mind that, usually, building-block approach, like standardization and unification, is linked to greater excessiveness in systems and complexes. |
Simple and reasonably accurate estimations of the binding energies of positronic and muonic complexes with atoms may be made from the vibrational spectra of corresponding protonic complexes. |
The bound microparticle complexes are then incubated with antidetection hapten alkaline phosphatase conjugate, which binds to the detection haptens. |
In contrast to the electron transport chains, which are made up of several enzyme complexes, the ATP synthase represents a single protein complex that can be isolated from the membrane. |
To operate, it requires an inner membrane system that is impermeable to protons, except through ATP synthase or other complexes in a regulated fashion. |
This reaction has become synthetically useful since the discovery of various well-defined transition metal carbene complexes which can catalyse alkene metathesis. |
In this Topic, we will concentrate on stereoisomerism in organic compounds, although this phenomenon also occurs in other compounds such as transition metal complexes. |
Complement molecules can function as opsonins in the recognition of bacterial pathogens and in their elimination by phagocytosis of the bound complexes. |
Such specific interactions may lead to formation of highly surface-active lipid-protein complexes as well as sorting of lipids at the lung air-water interface. |
In medical diagnostics, solid-phase immunoassays are used where immunoglobulins are immobilized on a substrate, which then form sandwichlike complexes with antigens. |
Why, given the government's unequalled record of philistinism, this desire to spend a fortune on what would be one of the world's biggest theatre complexes? |
Such shelter may be found in estuaries, in embayments, and on sections of open coast which are protected by wide intertidal flats and barrier complexes. |
In his early work he investigated quadrics, algebraic curves, complexes, and congruences in the spirit of nineteenth-century projective, metrical, and enumerative geometry. |
Research has demonstrated that specific amino acid complexes of trace minerals are more bioavailable and have better retention than inorganic sources. |
An electron cryomicroscopy study of analogous SPP1 portal protein complexes documented a change in curvature upon ring closure consistent with inextensible subunits. |
An increasing number of workers on low incomes are moving out as reasonably priced housing is replaced by expensive apartment complexes and luxury residential developments. |
Placing large parking lots around buildings means office complexes usually sit in the middle of an island of heat which requires more air conditioning. |
Through its connecting walkways, a person could potentially live inside the buildings forever, navigating the maze between apartment complexes, office towers and malls. |
I don't know if anyone has done any major writing comparing Jung's ideas of complexes and archetypes to electrical networks, but it would be a great thing to look into. |
It is known that metal cations form complexes with anionic phosphodiester groups and carbonyl oxygens in the glycerol backbone of phosphocholine lipids. |
This might occur in newly synthesized proteins to aid in folding or in mature proteins to control their activity or association with other protein complexes. |
All metamorphic core complexes occur in orogenic settings, that is, in sites of previously over-thickened crust, and the extension always post-dates the thickening. |
At the time, we were looking at transition metal complexes in solution. |
Several canonical and noncanonical nucleotide sequences, called E-boxes, lie within this region and show a wide range of DNA-binding affinities for the Sc-Da complexes. |
In metazoans, the bulk of the cohesin complex is displaced at prophase, but a subset of cohesin complexes is maintained at the centromere and perhaps other sites. |
They're wanting to build high rises or apartment complexes or condos. |
These complexes are a blessing in disguise for the busy bees like me. |
Gummer has invented a novel means of integrating sharp-angled rectilinear with undulating curvilinear complexes by having them pass through each other. |
Home to pricey condo complexes and over a dozen golf courses. |
These complexes, though their origins may be found as early as the 19th century, snowballed considerably during the Cold War. |
Shipyards became large industrial complexes and the ships built were financed by consortia of investors. |
Binary indium hydride has not yet been identified, although larger complexes exist. |
The other great buildings were the temple, which were monumental complexes preceded by an avenue of sphinxes and obelisks. |
Some of the first highrise building complexes constructed in the city were the twin towers of Grand Hotel Tijuana. |
This coincides with the collapse of large cultural complexes in the Balkans. |
It does however, react with sodium or potassium cyanide under alkaline conditions when oxygen is present to form soluble complexes. |
Schweizer's reagent and related complexes with ethylenediamine and other amines dissolve cellulose. |
Silver complexes tend to be similar to those of its lighter homologue copper. |
However, recent redevelopment of derelict railway and canal land, marketed as Paddington Waterside, has resulted in new office complexes nearby. |
Maya cities usually had a ceremonial and administrative centre surrounded by a vast irregular sprawl of residential complexes. |
The town features a number of historic buildings and complexes and is one of the major population centres in the county. |
However, the rate at which ferrous complexes reductively homolyze hydroperoxides appears to be dependent on redox properties of the iron chelate. |
Species complexes occur in insects such as Heliconius butterflies, vertebrates such as Hypsiboas treefrogs, and fungi such as the fly agaric. |
The highly directional nature of 5f orbitals is responsible for directional covalent bonds in molecules and complexes of plutonium. |
Prominent members of this class are complexes with CO, arene, and cyclopentadienyl ligands. |
Some notable projects of this kind were the Million Programme, offering affordable living in large apartment complexes. |
The port facilities were migrating downstream to Avonmouth and new industrial complexes were founded there. |
Circulating immune complexes, overwhelming viremia, or an uncontrolled immune response may be contributing factors. |
Though tool complexes comparative to Europe are missing or fragmentary, other archaeological evidence shows behavioral modernity. |
The ordinance passed Tuesday requires rent controls on those replacement complexes. |
The formation, decomposition and substitution reactions of the unusual organometallic penta chromium complexes also are being investigated. |
Spiral-shaped polymer chains can form stable complexes with guest compounds such as fullerene, and can be useful as release agents. |
Past authors have attempted to arrange related forms of this larger group into a number of complexes or species groups or subgenera. |
Currently, MRA contrast agents fall into two major classes, large molecular weight gadolinium-chelated complexes and colloidal iron oxides. |
Lawrence told SCIENCE NEWS he has also made complexes with cobalt-centered porphyrins. |
The process is economically competitive, using transition metal catalysts along the way, such as inexpensive nickel and cobalt complexes. |
Under alkaline conditions, diazonium salt specifically couples with phenolics to form stable complexes that can be directly measured. |
Under alkaline conditions, diazonium salt specifically couples with phenolics, forming stable complexes that can be measured directly. |
These complexes were detected by mass spectrography, infrared, ultraviolet, and nucleus magnetic resonance. |
The houses of the farmers are getting empty as the inhabitants move to modern house complexes of sovkhozes and kolkhozes. |
Avoid injection near the levator palpebrae superioris, particularly in patients with larger brow depressor complexes. |
The most widely used method involves colorimetric detection of calcium complexes by o-cresolphthalein complexone or arsenazo. |
They forced you into smaller, moldier, and darker apartments, as more and more complexes were converted to condos. |
Problems connected with parking lots arise near trade market complexes and entertainment centers. |
The formative period saw the spread of distinct religious and symbolic traditions, as well as artistic and architectural complexes. |
Galectin-3 precipitates as a pentamer with synthetic multivalent carbohydrates and forms heterogeneous cross-linked complexes. |
Government initiatives in India and China for establishing petrochemical complexes are also expected to drive the market for petrochemicals. |
Telomeres are repetitive DNA-protein complexes that protect the ends of linear chromosomes and maintain genomic stability. |
Now, Midtown Miami's three residential complexes have reached nearly 100 percent occupancy, and might be the culinary center of Miami. |
Our main result expresses certain algebraic invariants of B in terms of the cohomology of simplicial complexes associated with its R-poset. |
Antibacterial activity of PHI ligands and their metal complexes was examined against three bacterial strains using agar disc diffusion method. |
The aechmeas are remarkable for their long lasting flower and berry complexes, sometimes in large panicles. |
Thus, during the formation of chitosan complexes with pentacyanoferrate the polymer plays double role of ligand and polycation. |
The areas adjacent to these sacred compounds included residential complexes housing wealthy lineages. |
These heteromeric protein complexes have multiple subunits arranged to form a ligand-gated ion channel. |
Use of basic Methylene Blue Dye for specific surface area measurement of metal hexacyanoferrate complexes. |
The mobilization of NTBI by chelators from complexes in which NTBI is not available for the bleomycin reagent may explain this discrepancy. |
These complexes were usually located in the site core, beside a principal plaza. |
In this syndrome, cryoglobulins composed of HCV immune complexes, immunoglobulins, rheumatoid factor, and complement are deposited in tissues. |
At Nakbe, there are at least a dozen examples of triadic complexes and the four largest structures in the city are triadic in nature. |
They most likely made up the house complexes that were arranged around the inner court. |
Plasmodesmata are unique to plants and form an intercellular continuum for the transport of solutes, signals, and ribonucleoprotein complexes. |
Thus, these organisms have developed means to absorb iron as complexes, sometimes taking up ferrous iron before oxidising it back to ferric iron. |
Electron donors can also form charge transfer complexes with electron acceptors. |
The metal complexes exhibit trigonal bipyramid geometry, which is typical for nonaromatic thiosemicarbazones. |
Several commercial complexes have opened in recent years in an attempt to revitalize the most affected areas. |
The data points bracket the stability field boundary between uraninite and uranyl-hydroxide complexes. |
Donor-acceptor complexes between Lewis acids and bases play a very important role in many catalytic reactions. |
Forty other sport complexes are located within the city, including 24 with artificial ice. |
Today, most of the buildings there are old factories and industrial complexes. |
The IgG were collected, purified, and then linked to polystyrene latex particles, resulting in latex-IgG complexes. |
These trinuclear Cr complexes have served as models to test theories of magnetic coupling between metal ions in multinuclear assemblies. |
Alvarez JM, Novillo J, Obrador A, Lopez-Valdivia LM Mobility and leachability of zinc in two soils treated with six organic zinc complexes. |
However, Lutwick found no change in the DTG behaviour of clay-organic complexes and organic matter from chernozems. |
Consisting of three monumental complexes standing in the west, southeast and northeast, the site featured a large number of stelae and altars. |
Chitosan-stearate complexes are prepared by reacting CS with stearic acid which do not elevate the risk of coronary heart disease. |
Patients enrolled in the study have NYHA class II, III, and IV heart failure, low ejection fractions and wide QRS complexes. |
This leads to an increase in DNA repair mechanisms and proteosome complexes during the accommodation period. |
The model complexes were compared with the structures of inhibitor-aspartic proteinase complexes that have been previously reported. |
Xinyi Glass' production complexes are located in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Jiangmen, Wuhu, Tianjin, Yingkou and Deyang in China. |
Effects of ethanol and dimethylsulphoxide on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes. |
One can prepare the organo-rare earth complexes by rather easy bucket chemistry. |
It is also lies just south of Deeside Industrial Park, one of the largest such complexes in the region. |
In Chiroptera and Insectivora, the holocrine glands can form glandular complexes. |
This occupation triggered the return of the Spanish to Valdivia and the building of one of the largest defensive complexes of colonial America. |
New and renovated complexes such as The Printworks and the Corn Exchange have become popular shopping, eating and entertainment destinations. |
Sheffield has five cinema complexes, three of which are in the city centre and a further two in the Lower Don Valley. |
One of these complexes is located at Valley Centertainment, a leisure and entertainment complex in the Don Valley. |
The higher officials in Tenochtitlan lived in the great palace complexes that made up the city. |
Donor effect on supramolecular structures of silver perchlorate complexes of macrocycles with 02S2X donor sets. |
In these complexes, the driver could purchase the services of wheelwrights, cartwrights, and equarii medici, or veterinarians. |
The centre supervises QC's projects, including mosques, complexes and income-generating initiatives, in Rangpur District. |
This is due to the recent growth of the area as the homes, condos, townhomes, and apartment complexes are all under 15 years old. |
Work by the Energise team in schools through the district is now being used at the area's sports complexes. |
The PR interval varied, and there was no association of the P waves and QRS complexes in the electrocardiogram. |
Transient attenuation of the amplitude of the QRS complexes in the diagnosis of takotsubo syndrome. |
The FLIC has an iron-enrichment tholeiitic differentiation trend similar to famous Duluth and Skaergaard complexes. |
Biologies and parasite complexes of two bagworms, Eumeta japonica and Eumeta minucula in Japan. |
Cumulus-oocyte complexes were aspirated from antral follicles with 18-gauge needle attached to a 10 mL disposable syringe. |
All antral follicles were aspirated, and cumulus-oocyte complexes and naked oocytes were incubated for up to 48 hours in IVM culture media. |
In the current study we reported a number of lanthanide complexes with oligosilanyl ligands. |
All of the platinum acetylide complexes exhibited SHG with intensities within ca. |
Metal phosphates that are templated by transition-metal complexes are rare. |
Examples include the dolmen and menhir or the English cromlech, as can be seen in the complexes at Newgrange and Stonehenge. |
In many cases such as this, the species complexes have been separated into separate species, thus raising the total number of species of ferns. |
The Auchrannie Resort, which contains 2 hotels, 3 restaurants and 2 leisure complexes, is one of biggest employers on the island. |
Elite residential complexes occupied the best land around the city centre, while commoners had their residences dispersed further away from the ceremonial centre. |
This ability allows these compounds to be used to make various polymerizable materials, including charge-transfer complexes and coordination compounds. |
Upper class, wealthy Roman citizens in the countryside around Rome and throughout the Empire lived in villa complexes, the accommodation for rural farms. |
However, variable types of 20S complexes can associate with different regulatory particles, generating functionally distinct proteasomes such as the immunoproteasome. |
Zinc has found many applications as catalyst in organic synthesis including asymmetric synthesis, being cheap and easily available alternative to precious metal complexes. |
Tachycardia with wide QRS complexes developed without hyperkalemia. |
Trinity operates six mining complexes with a total of 10 surface mines, three underground mines and six highwall miner units in the Central Appalachian coal basin. |
Several taxa of plethodontid salamanders exist as complexes of parapatrically distributed, genetically differentiated populations with sharp clines at the contact zone. |
The town is the location of the town and county councils, and a number of retail complexes, both in and out of the town centre, and these provide significant employment. |
Larger and more specialised medical complexes tend only to be found in major cities, with some even more specialised units located only in the capital, Kiev. |
To capture structural snapshots of C3bB and C3bBD, the researchers first generated mutant proteins that would stabilize the complexes in their active forms. |
Other interests include rearrangements of phthalides to indanediones, and hydrolysis of metal ion complexes of biacetylacetone-ethylenediamine analogues. |
The growth of the industry was further fueled by the maquila industry, with large industrial complexes located in the eastern part of the country. |
A structure for the complexes is proposed in which the two carboxylates ions on each ligand serve as bidentate ligand and also bridge the two metal centers. |
As Goto suspected, this crystal consists of vertically stacked complexes. |
The mono copper complexes exhibit different smectic phases, while the binuclear copper complexes exhibit viscous liquid crystalline smectic A phase. |
Neighboring epithelial cells are also connected to each other through apical junctions, protein complexes containing adhesion molecules, such as cadherins, linked to catenins. |
With three or more reagents or when many complexes are formed with general formulae such as ApBqHr the following general method can be used to calculate the pH of a solution. |
Sulfuric acid, oleum, chlorosulfonic acid, fluorosulfonic acid, amidosulfonic acid, free sulfur trioxide and its complexes, halogen derivatives of sulfuric acid, etc. |
Although Kindwall et al described these differences in patients with wide QRS tachycardias, they obviously would apply to single premature complexes. |
The team succeeded in liquifying the DNA by combining negatively charged DNA crystals with positively charged molten metal complexes containing ethylene oxide tails. |
Technetium forms a variety of coordination complexes with organic ligands. |
Another point of considerable relevance here is that complexes are indefinitely ramifiable, which is to say they are amenable to indefinite inquiry and analysis. |
The Las Capucinas Church and Convent is in Salvatierra and is one of only three complexes built for nuns in the entire state during the colonial period. |