Under those circumstances, her actions were completely defensible. |
Though the straits were never completely closed, there may have been islands in between which could be reached using simple rafts. |
On the basis of Article 78 of the 1994 Ethiopian Constitution, the Judiciary is completely independent of the executive and the legislature. |
He had also thought that the Indian Ocean was completely surrounded by land. |
In 1995, the wall was removed completely as part of the new Schengen Area agreement. |
The lightning spell was originally pretty powerful, but in the sequel they nerfed it so it became completely useless. |
The basic formula for determining whether someone will vote, on the questionable assumption that people act completely rationally, is. |
English records still in existence today tell a completely different story. |
Abandoned by their French allies and almost completely surrounded, the Scots made a ferocious last stand, but were overwhelmed. |
Over millions of years, the sediment deposits added to the islands until the gaps were completely filled. |
However, it meant the Scottish public would be completely unprepared for the coming disaster. |
Note that the acentrosomal spindle pole completely lacks astral MTs and is associated with much less ER than the centrosome-containing pole. |
When the cable failed completely Whitehouse was dismissed, though Thomson objected and was reprimanded by the board for his interference. |
Indeed in this paper we work completely adelically, which allow us to work over any field. |
Beavers were reintroduced in the Netherlands in 1988 after being completely exterminated in the 19th century. |
Despite his antitheological bias, James recognized that he could not completely discount religious doctrines. |
It is a garden city designed for families of the upper middle class, with peculiarity of having pedestrian paths completely free of traffic. |
It closed completely in 2004 after the remaining services were transferred to St John's Hospital. |
The orders have influenced organizations which are completely separate and distinct from them. |
For the UK to completely leave the EU, it would need to remove that obligation. |
Local bus services to districts within the city are almost completely provided by buses operated by FirstGroup. |
The obverse bust wears a completely new style of bashlyk, resembling the Macedonian kausia, but with a flap at the back and an eagle on top. |
However, the badges attributed to clans today can be completely unsuitable for even modern clan gatherings. |
It is completely unacceptable to attempt to throw opposing players off their game by way of negative comment, distraction or heckling. |
Edward's intention was to disinherit Llywelyn completely and take over Gwynedd Is Conwy himself. |
Early metallurgy is also documented at the nearby site of Tell Maghzaliyah, which seems to be dated even earlier, and completely lacks pottery. |
Before the Reform Bill anything resembling the neurosis of English Basileolatry was even more completely unknown. |
It is assumed These southern neighbours, however, were then already completely Romanised. |
For instance, the population of most Caribbean and several Pacific Islands have been completely wiped out by diseases. |
Zinc is more reactive than iron or steel and thus will attract almost all local oxidation until it completely corrodes away. |
They worked completely in unison, doubling the parts in a mirror-like fashion that was a sight to behold and a sound to behear. |
Owain's men ambushed the royal army in a narrow, wooded valley, routing it completely with King Henry himself narrowly avoiding capture. |
The whole of the walled cemetery next to where the chapel stood was completely covered in concrete. |
In 1613, Dutch trading posts on the Essequibo and Corantijn Rivers were completely destroyed by Spanish troops. |
Rejecting calls to completely remake the street grid, San Franciscans opted for speed. |
If an astronaut is completely incapacitated by space adaptation syndrome, he or she is under the effect of one garn of symptoms. |
The trilobites Agnostida and Ptychopariida completely died out, and the Asaphida were much reduced. |
Ears are small and not very developed, while the tail is long and completely covered with hair. |
Dormice are almost completely arboreal in habit but much less reluctant to cross open ground than was thought even recently. |
Other animals, such as squirrels or jays, will either split the shell completely in half or make a jagged hole in it. |
On the back and hindquarters, the underfur is almost completely covered by the dark guard hairs. |
The limbs are pure black or black with brown tints, while the tail is black or blackish brown, completely lacking light underfur. |
On parts of the North American west coast sport salmon fishing completely replaces inshore commercial fishing. |
On the Columbia River the Chief Joseph Dam completed in 1955 completely blocks salmon migration to the upper Columbia River system. |
With future profits looking poor, capital investment and construction slowed or completely ceased. |
Sweden was also the first country worldwide to recover completely from the Great Depression. |
A vegetarian hot dog is a hot dog produced completely from non-meat products. |
During Isabella's reign, the role of this second category was completely eliminated. |
At various times life has flourished, at others the area is likely to have been completely uninhabitable. |
Slavery was abolished completely in the British Empire by 1834, although it had been profitable on Caribbean plantations. |
Although the last surviving native speaker of the language, Ned Maddrell, died in 1974, the language has never fallen completely out of use. |
Although the wordings are not completely cognate, they demonstrate the different orthographies. |
Harlech appears not to have been repaired following the 1468 siege, and became completely dilapidated. |
Some groups of poets and genres of poetry stood completely outside that tradition. |
The Venetian blinds and the drapes, she thought, would completely black out the room from the ocean side. |
One characteristic of American cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. |
You're never sure that what you'll see will be completely safe and blockbustery. |
After the early 20th century, triple harps were almost completely abandoned in Wales in favour of the modern pedal harp. |
Since a booketeria is a self-service library, it operates completely on the honor system. |
Your offhandedness is completely inappropriate in such an important situation. |
Of course, Halloween does not have to be completely treatless. Plain chocolate candy is okay, provided you remember to brush afterwards. |
The commission recommended completely redoing the vote after auditing a random sample of about 13,000 ballots. |
Those city properties did not go completely off the grid, but they sharply reduced the amount of power they drew from it, he said. |
Later the pods become covered completely with white powdery mass composed of mycelium, oidiophores and oidia of the fungus. |
Ice jams can cause some hydropower industrial facilities to completely shut down. |
The TDU is also flushed with seawater to ensure it is completely empty and the ball valve is clear before closing the valve. |
Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. |
Church and state are completely separate but all clergy can be licensed as civil celebrants for legal purposes. |
However, this did not completely prevent some submarine attacks against Portuguese ships. |
Some ducks, such as the garganey Anas querquedula, move completely or partially into the tropics. |
In the giant chiton, Cryptochiton, this girdle has expanded so as to completely cover the plates. |
For the second match in a row, Arsenal went into the break completely on top and untroubled. |
Over time, this hydrogen fuel is completely converted into helium, and the star begins to evolve. |
In the USA, waste management policy completely broke down with the ending of work on the incomplete Yucca Mountain Repository. |
The Visitors Centre is completely closed, and there are no areas for the public to visit. |
The plant has since been shut down, with its buildings demolished and completely removed from the site. |
He was completely underqualified for the job, so I put his resume directly into the circular file. |
In the tradition of other low-level languages, many CIL opcodes tend to be cryptic and completely unpronounceable by us mere humans. |
At other proportions, the material will enter a mushy or pasty phase until it warms up to being completely melted. |
Its former path across the cricket pitch, up Pinewood Avenue and down past the substation has been completely built over. |
This is due to the UES moving completely off the sensor as it moves orad with the swallow. |
Of the seven most globally recognized continents, only Antarctica and Australia are completely separated from other continents by ocean. |
The house had to be completely gutted and renovated before it would be reoccupied or sold and his landlord was furious. |
Ocean planets are a hypothetical type of planet with a surface completely covered with liquid. |
She had been completely natural from the first with him, utterly comfortable in her own skin. |
Compings should never be memorized but should be applied in a completely extemporaneous manner. |
Lieutenant KERRY immediately maneuvered his craft through several strafing runs which completely silenced the enemy. |
The action plans have generally been viewed as a success, although the work is not finished and all goals are not completely met yet. |
No completely satisfactory theory has been proposed to account for Earth's history of glaciation. |
The reason is that a continental glacier completely disrupts the preglacial drainage system. |
A number of whole towns such as English, Indiana, have been completely relocated to remove them from the floodplain. |
She completely abandoned her Tuesdays at home, and did not return the visits of those who had called upon her. |
Maia presented four options from abandoning Lisbon to building a completely new city. |
It should not have been omitted that previous to completely stripping the body of the leviathan, he was beheaded. |
The jaws have euhyostylic type suspension, which relies completely on the hyomandibular cartilages for support. |
Your children are completely out of control. Can you stop them running around like that? |
Discharge of oil within them has been completely outlawed, with a few minimal exceptions. |
Keep a completely open mind, washed of all past ideas and clean of every concept you have made. |
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. |
The subsequent investigation determined that the explosion was probably accidental, though sabotage could not be completely ruled out. |
Using polypaint with HD allows you to completely overcome the texture resolution limitations in previous versions of ZBrush. |
During the Yuan period, Beijing became the terminus of the Grand Canal of China, which was completely renovated. |
However, they are not completely effective, and some turtles are still captured. |
Any Pictish names that existed before the arrival of Scandinavian settlers on Eday appear to have been completely obliterated. |
At one moment he gave himself up completely to his pride at having captured this pretty, trustful, dewy-eyed thing! |
The new city hall was built on the almost completely demolished Waterlooplein. |
The imagination, when completely distempered, is the most incurable of all disordered faculties. |
The dozen as a measure for iron ore remained almost completely constant at 12 cwts. during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. |
The new bridge was completely submerged on 21 March 2015, by the highest sea level for at least 18 years, as crowds gathered to snap photos. |
After a couple of years without pruning, the shrub had grown overlarge and completely obscured the window. |
On my first day on the watch after leaving the shoplifting squad I paraded on earlies but had completely forgotten to take my ear ring off. |
Even if both shots had penetrated Kearsarge's side, they would have completely missed her vital machinery. |
Flanders is a highly urbanised area, lying completely within the Blue Banana. |
For the subsidised schools, the main costs such as the teacher's wages and building maintenance completely borne by the Flemish government. |
Oka Buryats revolted in 1767 and Russia completely conquered the Buryat region in the late 18th century. |
As a result, German supply lines for food and other supplies through France were completely severed. |
During his reign, the Grand Canal was almost completely rebuilt and was eventually moving imported goods from all over the world. |
Very often it is completely unnecessary to explicitize exactly what one means. |
Long stretches of the Italian, Portuguese and Spanish coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants. |
I was already sliding and too dedicated to change my line and just went flat out completely off the course. |
The FLOWMASTER has a completely embedded spiral so that the metal cannot be attacked by the flowant. |
He's good at what he knows, but he gets completely flummoxed when new problems arise. |
People would have to be completely gattered to think anything nice about you. |
The generation of peat, when not completely under water, is confined to moist situations. |
However, Ken completely ignores all other taxes, per the custom of the glibertarian. |
Most shellfish lose their toxins almost completely within four to six weeks after a gonyaulax outbreak. |
The possibility of redesigning the Union Flag to include representation of Wales has not been completely ruled out. |
He recommended that the patient refrain completely from eating heaty foods and spices like mustard, vinegar, meat, and salted fish. |
Within four years of the Battle of Hastings, England had been completely subjugated by the Normans. |
Every time the ice sheet reached its greatest extent, the North Sea became almost completely dry. |
The first school to completely reject mercantilism was the physiocrats, who developed their theories in France. |
Otto named his relatives the new leaders of the stem duchies, but this approach didn't completely solve the problem of disloyalty. |
In addition, peat bogs form in areas lacking drainage and hence are characterized by almost completely anaerobic conditions. |
This manuscript was almost completely destroyed in the 1731 fire at Ashburnham House, where the Cotton Library was housed. |
These grafts persist however as homostatic grafts and are completely replaced by host tissues in time. |
There was a big hoo-ha about it in the papers, and then the world completely forgot the matter. |
By 900, Pictish appears to have become extinct, completely replaced by Gaelic. |
Norman French became dominant among the new feudal aristocracy, especially in southern Scotland, and completely displaced Gaelic at court. |
Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that Aristotle's theory of logic completely accounted for the core of deductive inference. |
Canada was nearly completely covered by ice, as well as the northern part of the United States, both blanketed by the huge Laurentide ice sheet. |
The Communist government completely nationalized the means of production and established a command economy. |
On 18 April 1999 the Swiss population and the cantons voted in favour of a completely revised federal constitution. |
With the first systematic lowering of the Swiss lakes from 1868 to 1883, the site fell completely dry. |
However, in cercopithecoids and in hylobatids, the transverse processes are completely embedded in the septum. |
The original treatise by Marinus of Tyre that formed the basis of Ptolemy's Geography has been completely lost. |
Plate armour was, however, completely introduced both here and in France about the middle of the fourteenth century. |
But always he went the full length, crying until he was completely exhausted, worn out, hypotonic. |
It also completely removes the ability to extrapolate a causal sequence from the works. |
These six churches, while being in communion with each other are completely independent hierarchically. |
Gildas states that the Saxons were completely defeated in the battle, in which King Arthur participated according to Nennius. |
Ibn Khaldun noted that the lands ravaged by Banu Hilal invaders had become completely arid desert. |
A flag with a completely black lion had been in wide use before 1991 when the current version was officially adopted by the Flemish Community. |
Except for the fact that he was not considered Roman, Odoacer's ethnic origins are not completely known. |
Surface survey cannot detect sites or features that are completely buried under earth, or overgrown with vegetation. |
With his death the male line of the House of Valois had been completely extinguished, after reigning for 261 years in France. |
The French fleet was almost completely destroyed in what became known as the Battle of Sluys. |
The English army captured the completely unguarded Caen in just one day, surprising the French. |
You can tell he's completely in his element when he's talking about fossils. |
Despite having to completely replace its war fleet, the Navy managed to maintain its overwhelming advantage over all potential rivals. |
Blount is one of only two completely undisputed mistresses, few for a virile young king. |
The telephone system is completely digitized and has very good coverage over all the country. |
After Alexander's death his economic policies were completely discarded, and the Roman currency was devalued. |
Vane the Elder, on the King's Privy Council, remained completely loyal to his King. |
The metal can completely jacketed must have iron, steel or wooden jacket completely covering the can, except the mouth. |
Jass is similar to bridge, though with completely different cards, and is a national obsession, for young and old alike. |
They showed their prowess during this siege by jumping from the wall and directly into the enemy despite being completely outnumbered. |
What more could a girl want? Everyone that I knew was either so happy for me, or completely well jel of me. |
The Cimbri were not completely wiped off the face of the map or from the pages of history. |
Data of the Romanian census 1939 was not completely processed before the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia. |
Jump out of a loop completely under certain conditions, thereby terminating the execution of a loop. |
There are few and modest grave goods, with the weapon deposits characteristic of migration period graves completely absent. |
The Ulm Maneuver completely surprised General Mack, who belatedly understood that his army had been cut off. |
Gurwitsch's notion of the perceptual noema as a completely idealized phenomenon is more Kantian than Husserlian. |
I've been breaking kayfabe a lot lately and it's bad, completely unprofessional. |
It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination of the world completely different from any known in world history. |
In every line of it, national interests are completely overshadowed by your personal concern. |
Reception committees were completely unprepared for the condition of some of the children. |
Hospital services could be cut in nearly two thirds of England and some hospitals will be completely closed. |
A major renovation project undertaken by Christopher Wren in the late 17th century completely redesigned the building's interior. |
Only a few documents in Gothic survive, not enough for completely reconstructing the language. |
Akin to the Speaker, they do not take part in partisan politics, and remain completely impartial in the House. |
The Agathyrsi were completely denationalized at the time of Herodotus and absorbed by the native Thracians. |
Such a case can set forth a completely original issue of law for decision by the courts. |
These invasions by the tribes completely changed the political and demographic nature of what had been the Western Roman Empire. |
Many of the latter became completely Gaelicised, and did not recognise England's kings except perhaps nominally. |
The Local Government Act 1972 completely reorganised local authorities in England and Wales. |
The Cromford and High Peak Railway is now completely shut, with part of the trackbed open to the public as the High Peak Trail. |
By the end of the reign of Cunincpert, however, the Lombards were more or less completely Catholicised. |
It seems to have taken effect earliest and most completely Old English and Old Norse. |
The basic frame could be adapted with modules to allow a baby to lie flat or a bubble windscreen to completely enclose the child. |
It has many roundabouts, few traffic lights, a network of completely segregated cycleways, and some of the tallest street lights in Britain. |
John Ruskin went further, to oppose completely what manufacturing in Babbage's sense stood for. |
As is well known, in finite dimensions each Lie group is, at least locally near the identity, completely described by its Lie algebra. |
These and other good deeds and charitable frame of mind completely won the hearts and minds of the Roman people. |
The shared features of languages which belong to the same typological class type may have arisen completely independently. |
Newport railway station was completely demolished in 1971 to make way for an upgrade of the A3054 road. |
Being smaller in size and mass and being completely submerged, it was also far less prone to damage. |
Vacuums by their nature cause dust to become airborne, by exhausting air that is not completely filtered. |
Admission to these fairs is typically free, and the camps on display vary in their cost from completely subsidized fees to quite expensive. |
The shoulder harness may attach to the lap belt tongue, or it may have a tongue and buckle completely separate from those of the lap belt. |
Second, the diversity of life is not a set of completely unique organisms, but organisms that share morphological similarities. |
After the outbreak, the World Health Organization stated that it was a completely new strain of the bacterium involved. |
The original plan called for a completely new motorway, but policy change led to the plan which created the current motorway. |
Crew sizes have decreased throughout history, with some modern systems now running completely unstaffed trains. |
A complete new concrete walkway was built, and the new station is made completely of naturally durable timber. |
When the Oldham and Rochdale Line was converted from a railway however, all of the former railway stations were completely rebuilt. |
The French were totally unprepared to resist an assault, and had been taken completely by surprise by the appearance of the British fleet. |
When you think about all she's done for the sport, it's kind of sad, but she's completely lost it over the past few years. |
When my dad found out I had failed the exams, he completely lost his temper. |
It came without warning, and she seemed to collapse on completely on the bed where she was sitting, with a lostness about her which startled me. |
Nicholas Brooks, another historian, is not so sure that there was such a synod, but does not completely rule out the possibility. |
Following the Battle of Chandalore when Clive attacked a French trading post the French were driven completely out of Bengal. |
In some cases the original remains of the organism completely dissolve or are otherwise destroyed. |
If the commission's recommendations had been carried out the county map of England would have been completely redrawn. |
Conservative Friends completely reject all forms of religious symbolism and outward sacraments, such as the Eucharist and water baptism. |
Taxicabs in less developed places can be a completely different experience, such as the antique French cars typically found in Cairo. |
Most of Henry's work survives, and only two of the nine towers he constructed have been completely rebuilt. |
Charles had the castle completely surveyed by a team including Inigo Jones in 1629, but little of the recommended work was carried out. |
Geologists say that due to erosion, the Cape will be completely submerged by the sea within several thousand years. |
In September 1872 a large portion of the Trinity Chapel roof was completely destroyed by fire. |
This means that while incineration does not completely replace landfilling, it significantly reduces the necessary volume for disposal. |
This boundary layer can separate from the surface, essentially creating a new surface and completely changing the flow path. |
Ornament is also normally in the classical tradition, but typically rather restrained, and sometimes almost completely absent on the exterior. |
In the Netherlands, the Boeman is portrayed as a creature that resembles a man, dressed completely black, with sharp claws and fangs. |
The manship of Jesus was hid from the eyes of men as completely as the Godship. |
The appellants had now succeeded completely in breaking up the circle of favourites around the king. |
It is composed almost completely of fat, with very little additional nutritional value. |
Their appearance ranges from cloudy with sediment to completely clear, and their colour ranges from almost clear to amber to brown. |
At this point, it becomes important to exclude airborne acetic bacteria, so vats are filled completely to exclude air. |
Yet United may have paid the price for overconfidence as they completely lost their concentration after 10 minutes to let Wolves back in. |
Once sold in every pub, mild experienced a sharp decline in popularity after the 1960s and was in danger of completely disappearing. |
They continued to have their own law and became almost completely independent after 1349, the time of the Black Death. |
The disorder in the land of the fairies completely opposes the world of Athens. |
In a completely allegorical context, the poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues. |
By the year 2010, CFCs should have been completely eliminated from developing countries as well. |
In the second, the impoundment dams are expensive to construct, natural water cycles are completely disrupted, ship navigation is disrupted. |
Hester Thrale did not completely abandon Johnson, and asked him to accompany the family on a trip to Brighton. |
During his lifetime, Bentham's codification efforts were completely unsuccessful. |
Even today, they have been completely rejected by almost every common law jurisdiction, including England. |
If it hadn't been for Bonnie's matrimania, in which I was completely complicit, I'm not sure my panic would have been so intense. |
The vibration, though not completely circular, provides the rotating reference frame that gives rise to the Coriolis effect. |
This resignation, Hardy explains, was completely voluntary and was not the result of another altercation. |
One can hear the echoes of King Lear as well as the completely different characters of Romeo and Juliet. |
The first idea was perhaps developed most highly and completely in the God of Spinoza. |
Anscombe had a completely different recollection of the debate's outcome and its emotional effect on Lewis. |
Tolkien's battalion was almost completely wiped out following his return to England. |
However, there are problems with the system and the effects of fishing on the Barents Sea ecosystem are not completely accurate. |
Emotionally, according to some commentators, Britten never completely grew up, retaining in his outlook something of a child's view of the world. |
The text of one song, The Long Whip, seems to have been lost completely as a result. |
The Mediterranean outflow water layer can be traced for thousands of kilometres west of the strait, before completely losing its identity. |
Freddie, obviously, went completely AWOL, which is why he got that terrible disease. |
This is especially true of Wagner's Bayreuth Festspielhaus where the pit is almost completely covered. |
The Middle Atlas is a portion of the Atlas mountain range lying completely in Morocco. |
St Paul Covent Garden was completely surrounded by the parish of St Martin in the Fields. |
The core may be microscopically small and is sometimes completely transformed into manganese minerals by crystallization. |
When the Second World War broke out the orchestra's plans had to be almost completely changed. |
The LSO arranged a series of concerts conducted by Wood, with whom the orchestra was completely reconciled. |
It is partly covered by sea ice throughout the year and almost completely in winter. |
His followers are completely committed to their beliefs in and of Brian's divinity. |
Heavy infestations may make the land completely impenetrable and will require cutting first just to access the stems. |
The All Blacks had been unbeaten in 20 matches but were completely outplayed by England. |
To this day McClellan is almost completely blind and uses a wheelchair, although he has regained some movement and can walk with a cane. |
The fight was stopped at the end of the ninth round, when Eubank's left eye closed completely from swelling. |
Both Volunteer and Thistle were completely unfurnished below decks to save weight. |
Alternatively, independence can be lost completely when sovereignty itself becomes the subject of dispute. |
The ivy bee Colletes hederae is completely dependent on ivy flowers, timing its entire life cycle around ivy flowering. |
Catalan in particular almost completely eliminated the second conjugation ending over time, reducing it to a small relic class. |
Stress on verbs is almost completely predictable in Spanish and Portuguese, but less so in Italian. |
The passive voice, which was mostly synthetic in classical Latin, has been completely replaced with compound forms. |
This glacier was discovered in 2002 to be shrinking rapidly, and by 2007 had completely melted away, leaving the exposed island. |
The genome of Picea abies was sequenced in 2013, the first gymnosperm genome to be completely sequenced. |
Ireland won the first game, the second game could not be finished due to rain and the last match was completely washed out. |
Areas such as playing fields and golf courses are excluded unless completely surrounded by builtup sites. |
They start feeding themselves partly after one or two days, and sustain themselves completely after 7 to 10 days, 14 at the latest. |
Old badgers sometimes have their hind claws almost completely worn away from constant use. |
They can be covered in shallow water, but in the summer and fall, they can be completely dry. |
The naked mole rat lives completely underground and can form colonies of up to 80 individuals. |
The French and Spanish successfully took several West Indian islands and appeared to be on the verge of completely expelling the British there. |
The Spanish colonial leaders, in turn, could not completely eliminate British influences along the Mosquito Coast. |
Some tails are prehensile, as in the Eurasian harvest mouse, and the fur on the tails can vary from bushy to completely bald. |
Antarctica is almost completely covered by ice, making it uninhabitable by rats. |
The 56 smallest of these, as measured by their housing stock and tax assessments, were completely abolished. |
Napoleon, on the other hand, was completely successful in a daring invasion of Italy. |
He entered Milan on 2 June and by crossing to the South bank of the Po completely cut Melas's communications. |
The completely different legal histories and judicial systems posed enormous complications, especially for national trade. |
They are generally dark with a light tip, with some forms having completely light claws. |
Clarkson crashed the Transit into the back of the car, and May's LDV was completely outpaced. |
In 1946, purchase tax was removed completely from kitchen fittings and crockery, while the rate was reduced on various gardening items. |
Port Said had been overrun and the military assessment was that the Suez Canal could have been completely taken within 24 hours. |
There are various examples of Inner Hebridean island names that were originally Gaelic but have become completely replaced. |
In 1237, the Scottish isles broke away completely from the Isle of Man and became an independent kingdom. |
In response, Spain completely closed the border with Gibraltar and severed all communication links. |
The southern Bahama Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands were completely depopulated by about 1513, and remained so until the 17th century. |
It is a backwards step completely contrary to the whole movement of history. |
The new seat is almost completely coastal, comprising seaside resorts along the Tendring peninsula. |
The prevailing theme among these writers was that the design of constitutions is not completely arbitrary or a matter of taste. |
Consequently, neither of the two waves of Romanism completely dominated in Europe. |
She had poor hearing since childhood due to measles, and by the 1940s she was almost completely deaf. |
Some of the Lancasters carried Tallboy bombs, and as a result, the harbour and the surrounding area were completely destroyed. |
Additionally, some experts have suggested the possibility of the United States losing its superpower status completely in the future. |