Gender complementarity is meant as a meaningful alternative to arguments about gender difference versus sameness. |
No matter which way we look at it, it's a problem for complementarity, because we are able to see both wave and particle aspects at once. |
Overall, the trajectory that emerges from her analysis moves from gender complementarity toward gender imbalance. |
There are those who insist upon the complementarity and exclusivity of combatant and civilian statuses. |
The important factors were the existence of a smooth working relationship and technological complementarity. |
I agree with those who underscore the complementarity of both interests and values that increasingly bind the United States and India. |
In a nuclear landscape, the principle of complementarity of the physicist Neils Bohr adds to the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg. |
Wagering on a hybrid of the social-democratic and neo-liberal models is very risky if we believe in institutional complementarity. |
Research should make use of process of complementarity, including multi-methods and action research. |
The Commission will continue to develop appropriate ways and means to enhance complementarity both on a policy and on a practical level. |
Sometimes there has been complementarity between both pillars involving elections in the same country. |
A protocol between the concerned agencies and in-country processes are needed to ensure such complementarity. |
In terms of undertaking hedonic analysis, other weaknesses arise from issues of identification and complementarity. |
In effect, an innovative industrial project rests on the tacit complementarity of certain assets. |
We intend to consider the question of complementarity between EU and US military capabilities. |
These are two worlds, two universes which constitute all the lushness of this region and its complementarity. |
Instead of strengthening convergence, complementarity, and flexibility, parallel financing was a setback. |
The same is true of the principle of complementarity of federal law with the law of the provinces respecting property and civil rights. |
The base pairing rules leading to the concept of complementarity between nucleotide sequences features prominently in key processes in living cells. |
I wish to propose to you today that complementarity should be seen as an important element in resolving this conundrum. |
I therefore think that, with regard to content, there is no contradiction between the two approaches, but rather a form of complementarity. |
In this view, good public policy is the result of complementarity and collaboration. |
Rather, it is a court of last resort, governed by the principle of complementarity. |
We must stand alongside our Court, its impartiality, its complementarity, its promise of universality. |
For gold is my friend that sometimes underlines my drawing and offers preciousness of complementarity to it. |
This fifth column reviews the case law dealing with the rule of complementarity of federal tax legislation with provincial private law. |
So I guess you could say my quest as a composer is to tap into this complementarity between the vertical and the horizontal. |
Frayn ingeniously links several other physics metaphors, from Scrodinger's wave equation to complementarity and the disintegration of the radioactive elements. |
Much, much more work remains to be done by governments and others to fully define and operationalise complementarity. |
And while some heterosexual couples do not have children, they do have the anatomical complementarity needed to procreate. |
This situation is referred to as complementarity, or suppletive application of provincial legislation. |
Humanitarian partnerships may take different forms, from close coordination and joint programming to looser associations based on the need to avoid duplication and enhance complementarity. |
In a work published in 1996 for the Department of Justice Canada, Professors Morel and Brisson mention that there are exceptions to the rule of complementarity which they characterize as dissociations. |
So, it is in this relational which is in us, body-mind, ego-divine, light-darkness, inspire-expire, this wonderful complementarity which is in ourselves all the time. |
The surface complementarity between the two partners was not correlated with the binding affinity, which could be accounted for by the entopic and desolvation terms of the binding energy. |
Consequently, any question of complementarity or suppletive law and of course, the harmonization proposals themselves, must be considered in light of these provisions. |
Containing inspired compositions as well as old standards perfectly readapted, this album features two great saxmen joining forces in an outstanding display of virtuosity and complementarity. |
However, they also recognise that co-operation and complementarity and the development of polycentric relationships with other metropolitan areas will also be important in securing their future. |
This will ensure co-operation coherence and complementarity in the preparation and in the decisional and operational phases of deployment of civilian resources and means. |
A strategic and active partnership will be established with international financial institutions and subregional organizations to enhance the complementarity of interventions to promote human development. |
The procedures and mechanisms include security measures, based on the principles of voluntariness, transparency, complementarity and sustainability. |
As regards the complementarity between projects, the Commission has required project proponents to put their project into the context of existing projects and build on results already achieved before. |
What further steps should be taken to better reflect in future programming the link and complementarity between regular programme and extrabudgetary activities? |
Moreover, without this effort of simplification, it will be far more difficult to guarantee real complementarity between Community, national and regional instruments. |
This complementarity and educational interaction between mother and father are crucial to the children's growth, and to the formation of their personality. |
I am convinced that in many of the fields that lie at the heart of our remit and mission, several organizations of the system can join us and work with us, in synergy and complementarity, in the pursuit of common objectives. |
Where coordination and complementarity among direct and indirect actors are well articulated, it increases the legitimacy of the indirect partners. |
As such, this Act represents a renewed focus on family welfare and recognizes the universality, complementarity and interrelatedness of human rights in keeping with the Tunisian Constitution. |
True complementarity of modes and advanced logistics solutions allow effective planning, management, control and execution of unimodal and multimodal transport chains. |
Such patterns of niche complementarity imply adaptive responses to interspecific competition, either past or present. |
Their experience within major international industrial groups and their firstclass competences will strengthen the complementarity of our Board of Directors. |
The consecration to clause 4 of the complementarity link uniting federal law and provincial law allowed the proposal of a minimal number of replacement provisions. |
Marriage is rooted in the complementarity of man and woman. |
In this way, certain business lines derive benefit from the possibilities offered by others, which is a clear illustration of the economies of scale which this complementarity entails. |
The complementarity of the Kid's attitude team enables every child minder to have well defined tasks in the daily life of the crèche, but also to improve the competences of everyone by teamwork. |
To sum up, the use of fair value introduces formidable difficulties of asset valuation into accounting because of specificity, complementarity and the systematic taking into account of even remote future events. |
Here, there must be common objectives, mutual consultation and coordination and no overlap of the mission with activities of the United Nations country team, but complementarity and cooperation. |
It requires closer co-operation between international organisations in trade-related areas to enhance complementarity and mutual supportiveness of policies in support of trade liberalisation and development. |
Implementing national government policy on organizing the labour market, through cooperation and complementarity between the public employment service and private employment agencies, which should be encouraged. |
The variegated fields of activity of CSOs and their entities underline their potential and complementarity with the goals and programmes of the United Nations. |
I was interested while looking at Dr. Julien's paper and then listening to Madame Lefebvre-Pageau about the complementarity of the sexes and acknowledging the importance of conjugality. |
All concerned partners agreed that this should be considered as an ongoing consensus-building process, leading to a greater degree of coherence and better complementarity of efforts. |
Gender difference and complementarity of men and women is an inherent and fundamental feature of human society and is reflected in the gender difference and complementarity of a man and a woman united in marriage. |
While there is a strong interaction and interdependence between economic and employment objectives, the aim should be to improve the complementarity and mutually supportive character of the two sets of instruments. |
Respondents stressed that being the ICC, a court of last resort, the principle of complementarity should be enforced as provided by the ICC governing treaty. |
Diversity and dialogue, identity and alterity are indeed the primary elements of functional complementarity that should be ensured, through multilingualism, in its entirety. |
The function of the quality charter, which is compulsorily signed by members of the network, is to ensure the quality of services and the complementarity of activities. |
Single-till price-cap regulation appears to perform better than other approaches as it provides incentives for an airport to internalize the demand complementarity between aviation services and commercial services. |
I believe that during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s a lot was said and a lot was written in political literature about the complementarity or antinomy of democracy and development. |
I would like to add, Mr Chairperson, that this whole debate about antinomy and complementarity which dominated the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s is now beginning, fortunately, to seem somewhat outdated. |
Moreover, with the technological rise of China, the economies may, in fact, move from complementarity to more intense competition and thereby heat up the political environment rather than cool it down. |
The proposed section 8.1 has two inseparable objectives: to recognize Canadian bijuralism and to consecrate the principle of the complementarity of federal law and provincial law with respect to property and civil rights. |
The significance of an integrated approach to education for a culture of peace was pointed out as well as the indivisibility and complementarity of human rights, democracy, peace and sustainable development. |
It was emphasized that the issue of complementarity and admissibility was closely related to the definition of aggression and the role of the Security Council. |
He went on to emphasize the diversity and complementarity of UNESCO's partners, which enabled the Organization to renew its ideas and gave it a presence in every region of the world, including in the most remote areas. |
We too, created male and female from the beginning, are otherness, difference, complementarity, called to share in a communion of love and to transmit the life we have received. |
The rediscovery of God's Reign allows us to have a deeper understanding of the unity of the Church's mission and the complementarity of the different approaches that characterize this mission. |
In particular, they will apply the established disciplinary norms to promote knowledge of and assiduous respect for that distinction and complementarity of functions which are vital for ecclesial communion. |
The concept of sustainable development and the complementarity between the Sustainable Development Strategy and the Lisbon Strategy have been clarified in the foreword. |
On that note, I propose to address the concept of complementarity as a tool or instrument to facilitate the resolution of the quandary of peace and justice in post-conflict environments. |
However, their roles must be well demarcated and defined to ensure complementarity of purpose and support, and not overlap and conflict in their mandates. |
They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. |
When one tensor is strictly copositive, the complementarity eigenvalues can be computed by solving polynomial optimization with normalization by strict copositivity. |
Since that time many theories were proposed to explain this apparent complementarity, but the assumption of a solid Earth made these various proposals difficult to accept. |
The metaperspective aims to assess the degree to which one relationship member can accurately infer the other member's closeness, commitment, and complementarity. |
Simmons proposes two major concepts out of contemporary quantum physics, namely, entanglement or relational holism and superposition or complementarity. |
Complementarity also means, of course, than men and women are fundamentally different. |