The new commissioners will not be legally autonomous and will remain under the aegis of primary care trusts. |
Let us judge whether people are fit to represent us, not these unelected, unaccountable standards quangos, committees and commissioners. |
Thus, the dire warnings offered by the commissioners were certainly not new to their audiences. |
As political diatribes go, the messages criticizing the two county commissioners were pretty mild. |
Many of the member states habitually nominate commissioners to reward politicians who for one reason or another must be put out to grass. |
The vacancies at the top, with just two deputy commissioners managing the show, has slowed down the administration. |
The Government suspended 18 policemen, including two deputy commissioners of police, and two excise department officials. |
The commissioners did finally insist that the company install the additional electrical precipitators. |
Eight zoning commissioners sat around a long fold-out table in an open space at town hall. |
I feel the commissioners should have been involved in having some input to the traffic management plan. |
Please be the caretakers that you should be, commissioners of our sports, and protect sports because they're part of the fabric of America. |
Compared with commissioners in other pro sports who are hired by team owners, he has considerably more power in regard to competition. |
Drug tests are what owners and sports commissioners institute to cover the PR angle. |
In the end, the only thing that's clear for general managers and commissioners is that the mayor is in charge, and can fire any of them at will. |
Police chiefs and district commissioners attempting to end jurga law find no government support. |
I will be most interested to see what role the commissioners will be carrying out. |
The commissioners raised concerns about traffic impact, noise, and possible financial loss by businesses near the circuit. |
The commissioners presided over Traffic Courts, and were required to take a number of factors into account when determining applications. |
Unanimous rather than majority vote of seven military commissioners will be required to impose the death penalty. |
Convinced that Clay was suffering hysterical panic, the New York boxing writers urged the local commissioners to call off the fight. |
Grigor believes commissioners, most of whom are based in London, can be parochial in their outlook. |
The commissioners were major lay and ecclesiastical lords with only small landholdings in the shires of the circuit. |
It was, in effect, a cheat sheet to help commissioners keep themselves out of prison. |
Incoming ambassadors and high commissioners from Germany, America, Sudan, Mauritius and Brazil presented the president with their credentials. |
On several occasions, the three commissioners vindicated, justified and defended the double-entry system. |
The two countries' high commissioners should immediately pick up the phone, and call each other, and their respective home secretaries. |
We ought to, obviously, solicit the views of the other commissioners on any major substantive issue. |
Transcripts of the meetings between the Blackfeet and the commissioners indicate the tribe viewed the sale as inevitable. |
The commissioners labored mightily to reach the ultimate judgment that the department might be found guilty of mismanagement but not corruption. |
But when it came to the price of salt, the commissioners spent many hours debating the subject. |
However, the commissioners admitted such compulsion was rarely realistic, considering the meagreness of most women's wages. |
He said that some Council officials might feel they would be abused or a target but he didn't believe any of the commissioners would do that. |
In the early 1950s, the Massey commissioners noted that universities remained islets of civilization awash in a growing sea of materialism. |
The commissioners in each community were also duly informed and their authorization obtained. |
He did propose the setting up of an observatory to provide accurate lunar data in his attempts to convince the commissioners. |
For one whose obsession has been certifiable by the commissioners of lunacy, here surely instead was proof of pure sanity. |
They were left to accept royally nominated commissioners to draft the treaty. |
Representatives of horsemen and breeders pleaded with the commissioners not to approve the plan. |
Some commissioners have been critical of the decision not to launch a retaliatory military strike. |
She and the four county commissioners intended to withhold the opinion until March 10, but, by March 2, the news had leaked out. |
This week I launched the Making Good Decisions programme for councillors and commissioners. |
He also indicated that various foreign ambassadors and high commissioners had expressed similar sentiments. |
Government employees included circuit court clerks, a land office registrar, U.S. Rangers, marshals, commissioners, and a city alderman. |
The ten commissioners, five of whom are white and five black, voted along colour lines. |
They then often witness commissioners tangling with department management. |
The commissioners had a tied vote again in July, but left the case active. |
Queen Anne's commissioners were seriously concerned about foundations in Millbank's quicksands, calling repeatedly for reports from architects, surveyors and master tradesmen. |
And the commissioners wisely left untouched the most contentious issues, such as voter identification laws. |
The commissioners looked at the electoral mess, and concluded that strong steps should be taken to avoid further fiascos. |
When three commissioners came out against the proposed rules in August, Schapiro canceled the vote. |
When in the following October the nobody met Katsu Kaishu, the enlightened commissioners of the shogun's navy, it might have been with intent to assassinate him. |
It is not even able to control the unelected commissioners in Brussels. |
Related to yucca, the group of four commissioners believed Jaczko was too close to the political process. |
But commissioners expressed doubts that reprocessing would solve the problem. |
Moreover, if he is overstepping the limits of his office, it is in part because the insurance commissioners of New York and other states are not doing their jobs. |
A newly formed board of commissioners would then appoint a board of managing directors, thus allowing the bank to emerge from administration and to return to normal activity. |
Human rights and diversity projects to bring about effective policing are moving at a snail's pace due to a lack of management support from police station commissioners. |
The commissioners were official representatives who were supposed to explain why their state had seceded and encourage similar action from their audiences. |
The commission, comprising three international and two East Timorese commissioners, was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections. |
The most contentious issue is likely to be a provision encouraging commissioners to facilitate voluntary co-operation by witness to be heard in private. |
Even today, suspicions of coziness linger, since state law doesn't prohibit or limit political contributions to the elected commissioners from oil and gas interests. |
The seven-member board of commissioners oversees the operation of county courts, the transportation system and a number of other administrative functions. |
Aides pledged that the 25-nation tour would not be complete without the commissioners involved meeting their fiercest critics face to face, including British Euro-sceptics. |
In 1826 commissioners for the social and economic improvement of Oldham were established. |
Most of the Scottish commissioners favoured union, and about half were government ministers and other officials. |
In this regard the high-ups of the provincial government have issued directive to the commissioners of seven divisions. |
While commissioners empathized with Anderson, they still voted 5-0 to urge the City Council to preserve the building at 10629 Commerce Ave. |
Of the 31 Scottish commissioners who were appointed, 29 were members of the government Court Party and one was a member of the Squadron Volante. |
The commissioners were referred to as the Lords of the Treasury and were given a number based on their seniority. |
The commissioners remained in control until an election was held in May 2013, restoring an elected Council. |
In 2011, the Welsh Government appointed a panel of commissioners to administer the council, thus the elected members were not in control. |
The individual commissioners were previously nominated by the Corporation, but it was a separate body. |
For example, when engaging bilaterally with one another, Commonwealth governments exchange high commissioners instead of ambassadors. |
The commissioners were nominated on the advice of the Duke of Queensberry and the Duke of Argyll. |
Although the King actually favoured greater control over the Company, the proposed commissioners were all political allies of Fox. |
James responded by sending some ecclesiastical commissioners to hold a visitation and install him as president. |
Negotiations between the English and Scottish commissioners took place between 16 April and 22 July 1706 at the Cockpit in London. |
Charles Fleetwood was appointed a member of the Committee of Safety and of the Council of State, and one of the seven commissioners for the army. |
The mayor appoints commissioners and other officials who oversee the various departments. |
The commissioners visited every part of Wales during 1846, collecting evidence and statistics. |
The commissioners often simply reported verbatim the prejudiced opinions of landowners and local Anglican clergy. |
He was named as one of the commissioners to try Mary, Queen of Scots but is not subsequently mentioned as one of those who sat on the trial. |
The governor has a cabinet consisting of appointed leaders of various state government agencies, called commissioners. |
Roughly a quarter of the police and crime commissioners elected in England and Wales in the 2012 election were independents. |
Each church then sends representatives or commissioners to presbyteries and further to a general assembly. |
To build an alliance with the gens de couleur and slaves, the French commissioners Sonthonax and Polverel abolished slavery in the colony. |
Being enthusiastic for the proposed technique, the king contacted his royal commissioners, who included Robert Hooke. |
The appointment was made by the head of state and there were seven commissioners. |
However, in 1803 an Act of Parliament was passed, allowing the forestry commissioners to enclose the lands and deforest it. |
In 1825 commissioners for the social and economic improvement of the town were established. |
The High Court of Justice established by the Act consisted of 135 commissioners, but many either refused to serve or chose to stay away. |
Mayor Bill de Blasio sent a proclamation and two commissioners to read it. |
The commissioners did not carry out their negotiations face to face, but in separate rooms. |
Negotiations between the English and Scottish commissioners began on 16 April 1706 at the Cockpit in London. |
Scottish commissioners had invested heavily in the Darien project and they believed that they would receive compensation for their losses. |
Few superintendents were appointed and temporary commissioners were nominated to fill the gaps. |
The commissioners were elected by the existing town council of the burgh, not by the electorate at large. |
Sums paid to Scottish commissioners and leading political figure have been described as bribes, but the existence of direct bribes is disputed. |
Subsequently, Charles' absence from Scotland and use of commissioners to rule his northern kingdom undermined the authority of the body. |
These shire commissioners attended from 1592 onwards, although they shared one vote until 1638 when they secured a vote each. |
An act of 1587 granted the lairds of each shire the right to send two commissioners to every parliament. |
The attendance of knights and freeholders had become important, and burgh commissioners joined them to form the Three Estates. |
In addition to government departments, there are also questions to the Church commissioners. |
All lawyers by trade, Radcliffe and the other commissioners had all of the polish and none of the specialized knowledge needed for the task. |
The Commission is headed by two commissioners, one of whom is Canadian, the other American. |
The Commission is made up of 10 commissioners with backgrounds in various fields of equality and human rights. |
Yet the county commissioners responded as though Eugene was embarked on a Stalinist campaign of collectivization. |
Each presbytery selects a number of its members to be commissioners to the general assembly. |
Tories were not in favour of union and only one was represented among the commissioners. |
Griffith had previously been the incumbent at Aberdare where he had created controversy for his evidence to the commissioners preparing the 1847 Education Reports. |
Even though Privy Councillors currently and treasonously serve two sovereigns, commissioners cannot believably serve these two conflicting masters. |
The Scottish Parliament had originally begun to organise an election of the commissioners they would have nominated to negotiate on behalf of Scotland. |
Suppression commissioners were attacked by local people in several places. |
The governing body of a police burgh were the police commissioners. |
He had many Han Chinese advisers, such as Liu Bingzhong and Xu Heng, and employed many Buddhist Uyghurs, some of whom were resident commissioners running Chinese districts. |
Starting in 1590, as one of the measures that followed the Scottish reformation, each sheriffdom elected commissioners to the Parliament of Scotland. |
Like the commissioners to presbyteries, the commissioners to synods do not act on instruction from their congregations or presbyteries, but exercise their own judgement. |
The majority of the commissioners accepted the casket letters as genuine after a study of their contents and comparison of the penmanship with examples of Mary's handwriting. |
The English commissioners included the Lord High Treasurer, the Earl of Godolphin, the Lord Keeper, Baron Cowper, and a large number of Whigs who supported union. |
For example, Kerry County Council was dissolved from 1930 to 1932, and from 1945 to 1948, with commissioners appointed to perform the council's function. |
The commissioners of the presbytery are expected to exercise their own judgement and are not required to represent the majority view of their congregations. |
The quorum of the Board was two commissioners and a secretary. |
Initially, there was an outcry, led by the Rev Thomas Price against the comments made by the vicar of Aberdare in his submission to the commissioners. |
Mayor Richard Riordan met with the city commissioners from the San Fernando Valley area and, according to Schultz, brainwashed them to oppose Valley secession. |
Regional commissioners were given plenipotentiary powers to restore communications and organise the distribution of supplies to keep the war economy moving. |
There can be no assurance the commissioners will approve the settlement, which has not been agreed to by any of the other interveners in the docket. |
By the early 14th century, the attendance of knights and freeholders had become important, and Robert the Bruce began regularly calling burgh commissioners to his Parliament. |
By the early fourteenth century, the attendance of knights and freeholders had become important, and from 1326 commissioners from the burghs attended. |
The government consists of seven government members called commissioners, and is appointed by the city council, the supreme authority of the city. |
The commissioners eventually assumed other duties in the county. |
He appointed four commissioners to research uses In order to govern more effectively, it was desirable for monarchs and their administrations to have a written code. |
Interim stay orders, misjoinder and non joinder of necessary parties, appointment of local commissioners and non payment of court fee should be decided within three months. |
He tuned that out, and TLR stuck with him through a March contest that included, along with Patrick, the state's sitting land and agriculture commissioners. |
Both countries appointed 31 commissioners to conduct the negotiations. |
In 1851, the census commissioners collected information on the number who died in each family since 1841, and the cause, season, and year of death. |