He calculated to within a month the return in 1759 of Halley's comet to its perihelion. |
The dinosaurs reigned supreme for 135 million years, until another comet colliding with Earth took them out. |
In 1705 Halley showed that the comet, which is now called after him, moved in an elliptical orbit round the sun. |
Visuals are beautifully drawn with space's star-studded velvet sprinkled with red and blue phospherence, nebular wisps and the occasional comet. |
The Leonids are grains of dust from comet Tempel-Tuttle colliding into Earth's atmosphere. |
Quaoar's composition is theorized to be largely ices mixed with rock, not unlike that of a comet, though 100 million times greater in volume. |
A fortuitous recent result of asteroidal spectrography found that the object under observation was, in fact, a nearly dormant comet. |
Rosetta will reach the comet in 2014, enter into orbit and deliver a lander, Philae, onto the surface. |
With a sudden jolt, the primary engines caught and the ship sped skywards on a comet of light. |
Solar radiation heats the comet, which in turn causes the outgassing of its water molecules and dust. |
After a number of passes around the Sun, the comet becomes largely or completely de-iced and so resembles an asteroid. |
The comet assay shows that extensive DNA damage is created even when initial photosensitization events are extranuclear. |
In almost all the comets examined, the spots were present only in the head of the comet. |
Years earlier scientists had detected cyanogen, a poisonous gas, in the tail of a comet. |
Successfully aloft, the ship is unable to break free of the gravitational pull of the unwelcome comet. |
The comet is now revolving around the Sun every 6.6 years on an elliptical orbit with a low inclination compared to that of the Earth. |
It can draw multiple light curves in several returns of a periodic comet in one graph. |
The rock was a meteorite, blasted off the Red Planet long ago by the impact of a comet. |
Whenever a full moon or the night of the comet came, the family would see the ghost of their lost relative. |
Compared with other genotoxicity tests, the comet assay is a cheap and simple method. |
The author was the astronomer Edmond Halley, who is far better known today for having a famous comet named after him. |
Thanks to pick-up ion measurements, Ulysses can make observations of comet tails at large distances from the Sun. |
In 1985, it was sent to L2, and then through the tail of the Giacobini-Zinner comet. |
The refrigerator-sized satellite will collect dust particles from the tail of comet Wild 2 as the two pass each other on Friday morning. |
An attempt to deflect a comet or asteroid is already in the planning stage. |
They will watch the material expelled from the comet get blown into the comet's tail. |
This stream of lost material is what gives rise to the characteristic comet tail. |
He suggested the consistency of the comet is something like freeze-dried astronaut ice cream. |
The impact changed the magnetic properties of the comet, and this could have affected mobile telephony here on Earth. |
Anyway, if you come crawling to my door, crying to be let in because a comet is headed straight for your town, you can just forget it! |
In 1986, ESA's Giotto spacecraft performed the closest comet fly-by ever achieved by any spacecraft. |
But any comet daring enough to pass close to Jupiter gets flung out in a new direction. |
When the discovery of the giant comet Hale-Bopp was announced in 1995, Nancy proclaimed that it didn't exist. |
The median values of comet length distribution were used in a one-way analysis of variance test. |
These clumps of rock are known as meteors and asteroids, and the name given to icy loose formations of debris is a comet. |
Eastern Cape residents could have stars in their eyes later this month when meteors from a passing comet provide an extra-terrestrial show. |
About 1.8 billion years ago, a meteorite or comet the size of Mount Everest slammed into what is now Canada. |
The information could be invaluable if a giant comet ever threatened the Earth. |
They may not exit the comet clouds and into proper interstellar space for up to another 40,000 years after that. |
A few sections of the diagram are filled in with colour to create a shape that seems like a comet or some fantastic flying creature. |
The length of DNA migration in the comet tail, which is an estimate of DNA damage, was measured using an ocular micrometer. |
The method was applied to find the orbit of Swift's comet of 1880 and involved less computation than Gauss's method. |
The dust trails spread out over time as each particle continues to orbit the Sun on a trajectory similar to the path of the parent comet. |
The next major figure in the history of transits of Venus was Edmond Halley, of comet fame. |
He saw a comet passing far, far away in the distance from where he made his steps. |
A comet is discovered and as it comes closer to earth, it becomes apparent it may strike our planet. |
The sky is an energetically brushed jubilation of blobby stars, comet showers and the Hale-Bopp comet itself. |
The common goldfish, comet, London and Bristol shubunkins are all single-finned like the wild type ancestor. |
The Hawaii researchers observed the comet on July 17 and July 18 and discovered many more fragments. |
He had acquired some sand in his pockets, and now he was charging them up and releasing them into the air like the coma of a comet. |
The appearance of a comet attracted Harriot's attention and turned his scientific mind towards astronomy. |
The impact will blast a hole in the comet the size of a football stadium, officials say. |
Weather permitting, skywatchers in Orkney can now view a second, recently-discovered, comet in the night sky. |
The Deep Impact flyby spacecraft will have a ringside seat at the creation of an impact crater on a comet. |
The youngest was killed, and the family forever cursed the comet. |
In January 1472 he made observations of a comet, using his Jacob's staff, which were accurate enough to allow it to be identified with Halley's comet 210 years later. |
Landing on any other world is hard, but comet 67P is especially challenging, even apart from the low gravity. |
The comet is basically shaped like a rubber ducky, but with a much rougher surface. |
The comet was struck on July forth for the Eastern and Central time zones, but it hit on the third for us in the Rockies and the Western time zone. |
When Earth runs into an old comet tail we see a meteor shower. |
In 1908, an asteroid or comet about 60 metres long exploded over Siberia with the force of 600 times the Hiroshima bomb, reducing a 40-km wide patch of forest to matchwood. |
Friday's Astronomy Picture of the Day shows both the rocky core and a time exposure of the violent outgassing as the comet paints a line across the sky. |
If successful, Stardust will become only the third spacecraft to capture such a close view of the dark heart of a comet, normally obscured by a bright veil of dust and gas. |
He explained that the spectroscopic analysis of the cloud of dust would give scientists an idea of the ratio of various materials within the comet. |
The video shows the Sun between December 22 and December 27, 1996 featuring a sun-grazing comet, a coronal mass ejection, and the Sun moving in front of the galactic center. |
That appearance of Halley's comet was immortalized in the Bayeux tapestry. |
Rosetta's instruments will analyse the gases and dust grains in the coma that forms when the comet becomes active, as well as the interaction with the solar wind. |
It was the time when Halley's comet paid earthlings a visit. |
The comet made no reappearance and again Lexell correctly deduced that Jupiter had changed the orbit so much that it was thrown far away from the Sun. |
The flaming comet on the cover and the name pun on the fact that Chitti's birth year is sadharana in the Hindu calendar, when Haley's comet was sighted. |
About fifteen minutes before impact, Rosetta will start observing the comet with shorter dwell time, as fast changes are expected due to the impact. |
Finally, if Oljato were a comet, vaporization of its ice as it neared the sun would liberate water. |
The upcoming flyby of Halley's comet is expected to provide new information on the nature of the comet. |
The extent of DNA damage was evaluated by the frequency of micronuclei in cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes and by comet assay. |
The appearance of a comet during games in his honour was taken as confirmation of his divinity. |
There were queries about recombinant DNA, Halley's comet, and the metal with the highest melting point. |
The show will be laid on by Leonids which are meteors or shooting stars caused by dust that fell off a comet called Tempel-Tuttle. |
Further experiments with meteor and comet photography followed and very soon he began to earn a reputation as a competent astrophotographer. |
For the record, Deep Impact is about a comet, not an asteroid. |
Finally, all men saw that astronomical knowledge lied not, and they awaited the comet. |
The Perseids make an August appearance each year as the Earth passes through debris shed by the comet Swift-Tuttle. |
Most scientists believe this resulted from the air burst of a meteor or a comet. |
Following ISON's solar swingby, the comet will depart the sun and move toward Earth, appearing in morning twilight through December. |
Other conspiracy theorists say the 67P comet contains the remnants of some ancient civilisation. |
That's at least three times bigger than the famous Comet Halley, and twice the size of the comet or asteroid suspected of killing the dinosaurs. |
The eta Aquariids are the outbound remnants of comet Halley after perihelion in their orbit. |
What makes this shower somewhat special is that the meteors stem from the most famous comet in all of history, Comet Halley. |
The report focuses on spherules, or droplets of solidified molten rock expelled by the impact of a comet or meteor. |
Lorenzi also reported the woman told him she wanted to join the cultists who were apparently seeking redemption in a spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet. |
That is because the comet is believed to have originated billions of years ago in the Oort Cloud, a distant region of space at the outskirts of the solar system. |
Might it not be true, though, that this comet and others have periodically had lighter molecules swept away by the solar wind as they have neared the sun and formed tails? |
The pieces from the comet slam into the Earth's upper atmosphere at some 210,000 km per hour, lighting up the night time with fast-moving Perseid meteors. |
A comet is essentially a dirty snowball streaking through space. |
If the fragmenting comet collided with particles in Jupiter's dusty rings, the single-body model might work, but it isn't clear that this scenario ever happened, Benz adds. |
Each time a periodic comet revisits the inner solar system, it can experience the gentle effects of dust-bearing gas jets erupting on its sun-warmed surface. |
Professor Stephen Hawking put the cat among the pigeons last week with his cheery remarks about comet Machholz-2, which some astronomers believe could be heading our way. |
Hours before ISON reached perihelion, stunning images taken by SOHO's Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph showed the bright, elongated tail of the onrushing comet. |