If the politicians don't come up with a fairer alternative to the current system, then anarchy is what we'll have. |
Although the company has come up with new flavors and colors, the old-fashioned amber liquid still has devotees. |
Instead the company has come up with an ambitious scheme to boost the number of people working from home. |
Another option is always for the buyer to come up with a larger down payment, or renegotiation of the loan terms. |
You're on. You come up with a good enough prize for me to win, and I'll be happy to take your bet. |
Landlord Ian Overend identified a number of suspects in the Yuletide kidnap case, but has yet to come up with proof. |
I managed to come up with a couple of guns and some of the ammo and tried it myself. |
But the past has shown that men come up with solutions that bear no resemblance to reality. |
Those resourceful leathernecks have come up with a slightly higher tech replacement. |
Jen had legal pads passed around to those who hadn't brought any so they could take notes and put down ideas they might come up with. |
I opened my mouth to retort but couldn't quite come up with anything witty or smart or right. |
Equally disturbing is the apparent inability of antitrust law to come up with effective solutions to anticompetitive behavior. |
Johnson said he had come up with the rollicking piano riffs and trademark rhythm backing Berry's lyrics. |
The horsemen's executive committee met on Tuesday and could come up with no solution for the problem. |
In truth, a great many of the aphorists sound as though they sweated too hard to come up with their punchlines. |
I've been trying to come up with ways to construct the app myself and D talked about. |
I'm sure more experienced ritualists can come up with something more complex and just as effective. |
The magus that deals with servitors, and totems, and loa, and whatever thoughtform you can come up with faces that similar danger. |
The Percy committee is busy fund raising all year long to come up with the money for their event. |
What is scary is that these big men and women sit, discuss, debate and come up with these asinine reasons for why things are in a mess. |
He insists that, as things stand, he has no intention of leaving, but should Middlesbrough fail to come up with a better offer, he will have to. |
She could tell that he was ruffled, but he wasn't able to come up with anything to say until she was clearly out of his radius. |
These days artists aspire to come up with an idea for something new to put on an arts grant application. |
We have plenty of videos and I'm sure you lot can come up with something to entertain yourselves. |
He, from near Thirsk, has come up with a way of reducing the surface run-off from ploughed land during and after heavy rainfall. |
I'm getting quite excited about it now and, luckily, I've got a month to come up with a story. |
They have come up with many stratagems to discredit the finding but the latest one is a lulu. |
Searching for a tag line that could be excerpted for publicity purposes, I couldn't come up with one. |
This stretch of the river is usually good for sandpipers and orioles, yet all we could come up with was a lone Least Sandpiper. |
I am simply unable to adequately come up with words to convey the beauty and magnificence of this film. |
But Maharishi has come up with a formula for world peace, which he believes can be achieved with large groups of meditators. |
Some commercial customers try to calculate electric bills based solely on tariffs and come up with lower amounts than seen on the bill. |
Africa should therefore make haste and come up with strategies, which will strengthen her position at a global level. |
It is possible today to come up with small access systems, which could be connected to a backbone telecom network. |
I love everything about Bruce's music as a package, but if I tease out the strands, this is what I come up with. |
He has also come up with what he calls a Holiday Garment, ideal for travelling techies. |
Gloria knew her plan had backfired and that she would have to come up with something better next time. |
The good scholars then go back to the drawing board and try to tweak their original idea, or come up with a new one. |
What scholars have been able to come up with is based on bits and pieces of his work. |
They've come up with all manner of catchy slogans designed to tip the scales in their favour. |
The composer's primary task in scoring films is to come up with original music that fits the film and helps the film stand as something unique. |
How can the Creator of eternity come up with something terminable, inconsistent and out-dated? |
I'd like journalists to be as creative as songwriters and come up with some new terminology. |
Mark scratched the back of his head, a sure sign he was trying to come up with something to say. |
When both coaches get their schemes bang on, then you look to an individual to come up with a piece of magic that nobody can plan against. |
If it were possible for them to come up with an agreed contents of the application book then the preparation of it will be so much the quicker. |
It takes real guts to stop being just a critic of the system and come up with solutions, both practical and theoretical. |
Even our own theorists have already come up with things that may be better than rockets. |
With a promise of immediate government assistance of 9bn euros, Breton is expected to come up with matching savings. |
We can try and come up with ways of making things better, no matter how tough that may be. |
In yet another example of their coolness, in outlining plans to offload a batch of new shares, they've come up with the following gem. |
Okay, if you can come up with another 200,000 units and make delivery by August 1, it's a deal. |
The Commission is yet to come up with a final report, since the current document under debate is a draft document. |
That's why I've come up with my own solution to make this little corner of the page self-supporting. |
They've come up with a more complete list than any of the mainstream media outlets. |
Should I come up with three separate pseudonyms or stick with my own memorable moniker? |
She had a samba groove done by a Brazilian human beatbox and wondered if I could come up with a melody or something. |
We were pleased to come up with two beauties we haven't seen since we started birding, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and American Redstart. |
I'm guessing it's now essential for writers of thrillers to come up with truly diabolical serial killers if they want their books published. |
Better get back to toking and drinking, Jeff, if this is what you come up with sober. |
Others might come up with reasons like the earth's magnetic field, or meteorological patterns, or terrain contours. |
It had surprised his parents so much that he'd been interested at all that they'd barely been able to come up with a believable reply. |
He even convinced a couple of advertising types to come up with an identical poster campaign to the one that he had already created. |
Point out that this means they won't have to come up with the entire total cost at one time. |
After that round, the judges totalled the scores to come up with the final five. |
By contrast, a traditional microprocessor would have had to run many iterations of the software to come up with the answer. |
It took me several attempts at character creation to come up with an alter-ego that I really clicked with. |
The lease on the building has now expired and the town council is waiting for the city council to come up with a new one. |
It might allow the reader to make more informed comment than anything the papers have come up with so far. |
We have had a quick trawl through the Net and come up with a nice, safe, lovely Thanksgiving site. |
Yet, our intrepid movie mockers come up with classic lines, time and time again. |
Unless we come up with a new technology for storing hydrogen, it's a showstopper. |
They know full well that unless they come up with a constant stream of big sellers their career will go down the tube. |
The shop has already come up with fruit-based snacks for school tuck shops in the area. |
His younger cousin, who has come up with a fine little language of his own consisting entirely of monosyllables, showed the same tendency. |
Without clear lines of demarcation, people can come up with all types of twisted logic to rationalize their behavior. |
But over the Easter period his team have come up with two smashing victories which will have gone a long way to silencing the critics. |
What people have done is put two and two together on the figures and come up with five. |
At least they can be eradicated by old-fashioned combing until the scientists come up with better ways of killing the little blighters. |
So why has Polly come up with what is, even by her notoriously moronic standards, an outstandingly hopeless argument? |
I'll attend and take notes and will probably come up with something bloggable. |
The ultimate decision could lie with the ABA and the lottery funding and sponsorship deals they can come up with. |
Many different cultures struggled to come up with the means of providing some kind of realistic feedback to such unaccountable leaders. |
If he did he'd have surely come up with better arguments than bluster and bombast. |
And finally, a French physicist has come up with a mathematical formula for skimming stones on water. |
Now he just needs to come up with a few classics under his own name and the place in the rock pantheon he obviously craves will be assured. |
Four likely London lads are in deep to a mobster and try to find ways to come up with the dosh. |
Now the sloganeers at the Post's editorial department have come up with a new catch-phrase. |
And Frank would love to hear from any of you who can come up with a good name, or a better name for the series. |
Certain countries in southern Africa are working to come up with a single regional visa that would facilitate borderless tourism in the region. |
I chose the name Larry because it was the most unreligious name I could come up with. |
Zoologists at Oxford have come up with a new theory to explain how homing pigeons navigate. |
They often come up with solutions for what seemed like unsolvable problems. |
What do you expect of that ne'er-do-well relative who's always hitting you up for a loan because he's come up with a sure thing? |
It also doesn't help when companies come up with complex and unworkable investment schemes that people don't understand. |
Very often, charities have to come up with ingenious ways to raise cash, but one of the more enjoyable and sociable ideas is The Coffee Morning. |
The FRA has come up with soft conditions to effect the recovery of loans in order not to inconvenience the farmer. |
Scientists needed to come up with a new generation of computers, networks, and storage devices that would look after themselves. |
In most cases, the majority of the players did not come up with the correct solutions. |
Analysts have been famed for their reticence to come up with profit forecasts, even for a rock-steady business such as a brewery or brickworks. |
I don't know when I had come up with that bright idea, but I changed rooms right away. |
In the latter case, you may decide to assess the validity of such views or come up with a better interpretation of your own. |
We think Zambians just have to come up with a new work culture and work hard especially on the land to put their economy on a sound footing. |
I've come up with a handful of sound bites, but I could use some more help. |
The Bank of Thailand expects to come up with more measures to control the issuance of credit cards by non-bank institutions by the end of March. |
Passionate Parisians have come up with a savoury and sensual answer to the impersonal world of internet and speed dating. |
Small traders have come up with a series of suggestions to help City of York Council raise extra cash so parking charges can be cut. |
The aim is to come up with the tag line for a bumper sticker which perfectly describes your view of the European Union. |
You could always depend on John to come up with a decent price for farmers in what was a difficult business. |
I needed to come up with a business model that continued to make me money, and so do musicians. |
People will always be suspicious of the answer you come up with, even if it is the right answer. |
Market pundits will come up with all sort of spurious reasons why shares may or may not continue to climb. |
They have come up with one or two things but the pleasing thing is no one is looking for excuses. |
Frege's 1879 concept notation gave a formal system that made it possible for logicians to come up with a strict definition of a proof. |
They have to accept unless they come up with the cash they are not going to get on to the housing ladder. |
Yet they also feel he has still to come up with the policy initiatives required to stamp his authority on his department. |
There is no way we should come up with half-arse theories about what is going on. |
Unable to come up with a similarly eloquent response, I simply hold her tight, losing myself in our embrace, nuzzling against her. |
Define, if you must, what you mean by obscenity and come up with a 21st century version of blasphemy. |
We addicts can always come up with suitable justifications when the occasion demands. |
That question was to occupy my mind for some years, before I could finally come up with something. |
Scratch my head as I may, I can't come up with a poem that does it in a way that suits my mood. |
You would be hard-pressed to come up with a more heterogeneous collection of oddments. |
I'd like to see you come up with something better, right there off the top of your head. |
They come up with hare-brained schemes that cause so many problems they take more time to fix than to create. |
What Califone have come up with is a real old-time down-home country-fried sound. |
And then there are the old stick-in-the-muds who come up with the most interesting objections to having their course info online. |
This is a case when the filmmakers couldn't have come up with worse choices if they had picked names out of a hat. |
Once again I found myself scanning through art books to come up with an inspiring still-life project. |
Yeah, you see, I've tried very, very hard to come up with a paragraph that'll win me busloads of sympathy from one and all. |
The boss has come up with your first proper assignment, Tom, and it's a stonker all right. |
The government need to come up with short term and long term strategies to resolve the issues. |
That's a hellaciously strained metaphor for someone to come up with in casual conversation and, frankly, it doesn't even really make any sense. |
They have come up with a fungus-resistant variety which could be grown organically. |
Apparently through osmosis they have come up with separate themes to pursue. |
If it were up to me, I'd give Vuggy a recording studio, just to see what kind of new sound they might come up with. |
He's come up with a new way to detect the presence of planets in outer space. |
No strategy he could come up with would challenge him enough to spark interest. |
Give him a six row figure containing both additions and subtractions and he will come up with the answer within the blink of an eye. |
Only over-refreshed football correspondents would come up with such a daft bet. |
He's obviously become bored, has tried to come up with a fresh approach, and has overshot the mark by quite some distance. |
Meanwhile after five days of intensive effort, the Labour Relations Commission has so far failed to come up with a peace formula. |
What's more, Chissick has come up with a most attractive way to package the revue. |
It would amaze me if anyone can come up with a sensible or sustainable argument in favour of loud fireworks. |
Perhaps it was not intentional, but it is no longer possible to come up with anything definitive. |
The Designer and the Buyer then source swatches of fabrics, trims and visual images, pooling together in order to come up with finished garments. |
Why should the ministry not get off its chuff, do the work, and come up with a decision? |
If you wanted to parody this sort of music, you would come up with the exact same thing you were attempting to ridicule. |
We are trying to come up with measures like extra care housing, reconfiguring home help services and expanding citywide alarms. |
This was an interesting idea and it was very clever of Serocath to come up with it. |
The lender will usually come up with its own estimate of rental income, which tends to be more realistic than the sales patter of letting agents. |
We are going to hop around in hyperspace for a while until we come up with some ideas. |
All we need to do is alter our formula for hyponymy slightly and we come up with another formula for synonymy. |
I opened my mouth then closed it again, not able to come up with an answer without embarrassing myself. |
An English geologist has come up with one of the most ingenious ideas yet suggested. |
The art director works up a visual and asks the copywriter to come up with a suitable headline. |
You can really follow the coffee bean throughout the history of philosophy, and come up with extraordinary developments. |
I'll do some cogitation and some preparation and some meditation also, and see if I can't come up with my own top five guilty pleasure songs. |
It is much easier to follow someone else's lead than to come up with the route yourself and lead the group. |
I had no idea how well my impromptu plan would work, but it was the best I could come up with. |
Let's put the machine back on for one more spin cycle, and see what we come up with. |
The inconclusive election result sparked a scramble to see which party could come up with a majority. |
It seems to me someone could come up with a feasible solution for Bradford. |
With this, he becomes the first Indo-Chinese to come up with an album in Punjabi. |
My earlier post was an admittedly rudimentary attempt to come up with a more accurate way of describing gender differences and complementarities. |
The only conclusion that I can come up with, is that the quality of the glass in these lenses is now inferior to the glass that I have in mine. |
Present the old info and ask us to work through the issues and come up with a solution. |
The abilities of the Lotus engineers to come up with a good compromise between ride comfort and handling remains unparalleled. |
Between them they come up with a tale that is occasionally engaging, often inscrutable, and in the end simplistic. |
Creationists have now come up with intelligent design that supposedly fills in the gaps not fully explained by Darwinism. |
Not thinking much of the local cactus brew, Spanish conquistadors in Mexico begin distilling the Aztec's pulque and come up with a mezcal wine. |
It is about those players displaying the skill and commitment to come up with a winning strategy, for the sake of the greater good. |
I'd like someone to come up with a van, haul them off and put them to constructive purpose. |
That means the team with the most playmakers on offense will come up with the big plays that decide the game in the fourth quarter. |
Announcers still have to come up with something to say, and they often don't speak English as a first language. |
I'm sure that we could even come up with contradictory principles based on this kind of reasoning. |
We also want to send visitors who come up with a fixed view of Highlands culture away happy. |
Looking at the remaining fixture list, I've come up with a blueprint for survival and worked out where the points are going to come from. |
They were presented with lifetime achievement awards by the Pace Charitable Trust which is making it a habit to come up with off-beat invites. |
Anything we come up with that sounds funny, we write on an index card and put on the corkboard. |
Dio's mind flitted uselessly, trying to come up with an idea, a plan, an escape, but without hope. |
I can see you now straining costively in a dirty room to come up with that stale breadcrumb of witlessness. |
In fact in the recent case before the High Court, the counsellor failed to come up with a clear finding. |
I offered to make baked beans, potato salad a green salad and other things I happened to come up with. |
Not being pressed to come up with arguments or evidence to support them, one forgets the arguments and fails to obtain the evidence. |
The origins of crazy golf are hotly disputed, with both Britain and the United States claiming to have come up with the idea. |
The big challenge is to come up with a program that stitches together today's crazy quilt of storage systems. |
Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. |
Most likely you will come up with a ton of ideas to get your business moving in a forward direction. |
Sometimes he can come up with a good quip on the spot, but other than that, he is pretty cringeworthy. |
Even today visitors can scour the area and come up with fragments of dinosaur eggshell or fossilized bone shards of Protoceratops. |
Meanwhile, Pelseneer had come up with a classification of bivalves based on the structure of the ctenidia. |
As with any high-end software product, you'll end up with a lemon if you don't come up with new customers to pay those hefty front-end fees. |
Had India developed a full-blown scientific tradition, then they may have come up with it first, or independently. |
I have been trying to think of how I want to decorate my blog come holiday time, and I have finally come up with a cute idea. |
The pressure was on a year in advance to come up with stellar costuming worthy of the star-studded gala performance at Wortham Theater Center. |
It's a path well-trodden, and not a place where one is going to come up with many new, earth-shattering insights. |
The squall line was rapidly moving east and I had to come up with another plan quickly. |
It will be Easter Monday, a public holiday and I'm not going to work, so I have to come up with something. |
He was highly practical and would come up with pragmatic solutions on various issues. |
He then throws down the gauntlet by challenging educational reformers to come up with suitable new methods of teaching morality. |
No doubt someone could analyse my daymare and come up with all manner of worrying theories but I prefer to just think I am odd from time to time! |
I don't get into the technical stuff because I'm not a gearhead, so I try to come up with something interesting. |
That's all very well, but we don't elect prime ministers to ask difficult questions, we elect them to come up with answers. |
I am not the author of my life, but its ghostwriter, and I wish I'd been able to come up with something more outrageous. |
They have to come up with reasonable and defensible public policies that can be explained in terms of the public interest. |
The installation delights in its own perversity and lo fi production values and challenges the viewer to come up with a formula to explain it. |
If we are not going to find these moneys, either scrutiny or the Council needs to come up with a deliverable idea to make savings. |
As soon as proponents demonstrate that one concern is misplaced their opponents come up with another one. |
Or, if all else fails, he may try to come up with actual proposals for a second term. |
Slick gave the singers demos of his backing tracks and encouraged them to come up with words and melodies. |
Anyway, I'll try again tonight to come up with some devastatingly clever pun that befits my rapier wit. |
And our job is to work with them and help them come up with a plan A, a plan B, to define goals and to attain those goals. |
But I can't come up with any other force besides the president that would be strong enough to make the military do an about-face. |
For ketosis, the scientists' goal is to come up with a fast, accurate method of identifying animals less likely to suffer the disorder. |
Even with her intelligent and quick mind, she could come up with no way of getting to her dagger. |
Interesting how research projects sometimes come up with way-out results like these. |
In the months since, the allies have been scouring the place and have not come up with a single weapon of mass destruction. |
Luckily, the peddlers of this dangerous message haven't come up with a catchy jingle. |
You come up with brilliant ideas and plans that are actualized without inviting opposition or competition. |
The pension companies will come up with a joint position on their participation in the pension reform. |
It puts the pressure on to the employers and government to come up with an offer that can start real negotiations. |
I had spent most of last night trying to come up with something to say and I had finally put it down on a very cute piece of purple paper. |
Hartel's research team has come up with a theory to explain how visual fat bloom develops in well-tempered chocolates. |
Every time the rah-rah feeling in the country starts to wane, they come up with some way to get everyone to that boiling point again. |
He wants pool tables, a jukebox, internet access, a proper bar and any other ideas the children come up with. |
This is the most surprising number they've yet come up with and I hope one that will prove and justify their longevity and popularity. |
We worked really hard to come up with money by doing everything from sumo wrestling competitions to washing cars. |
Lane had to think long and hard to come up with a unique aftermarket accessory for the 1911 shooter. |
You could even go the whole nine yards and come up with a song title for the new band, but it's not necessary. |
In an attempt to come up with the cash, they formulate a plan to rob a ragtag gang of criminals who are planning a heist. |
Using these legends, he would come up with these radical theories of fabulous civilizations from remote past. |
While the film has attracted several offers, sponsors did not come up with the readies until recently. |
If you know that somebody else cares about the top 20 signs of ageing you might come up with a few new ones. |
Boeing's archrival, Airbus, could be in the running if the Air Force has to come up with a new plan to update its aging fleet of tankers. |
I've been whoring myself to come up with the money for the drugs and I don't want to do that anymore. |
Jackie suggested to parents that the teenager might come up with suitable punishments for themselves that are agreeable to both parties. |
In this it seems to me he is correct and has come up with a vital key to our understanding of Elgar. |
I couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't get my car keyed or otherwise vandalized in the middle of the night. |
Some lenders plug in 12 months, requiring you to come up with more cash, and then rebate the difference at year-end. |
It has come up with the plausible, although ridiculous, excuse that it has software problems with 103,000 handsets and so has had to recall them. |
My research in recent years has begun to come up with some of the answers for this. |
What you've always got to come up with is a win-win situation where both of you get as much of what you want as you possibly can. |
There is always a temptation for the public, when asked what they want, to come up with a wish list, the costs of which are not made clear. |
However, this film encourages the viewer to come up with his own witticisms and biting remarks. |
She's got her claws into guys on the sub-committee, so whatever story I come up with has to sound close to what we're really doing. |
All the advertising wonks employed by the wine industry couldn't have come up with a superior marketing device. |
Rather than struggling to come up with their own original idea, they threw out a gaggle of thinly disguised knock-offs. |
They'll temper that with the suggestion that the mother put words into the boy 's mouth to come up with this story. |
Inventive wordsmiths and puzzlists have come up with all sorts of words, sentences, and even paragraphs that have this property. |
I knew that I was going to have to come up with a plan that was reasonable and workable. |
So start looking through your drawers and picture albums to see if you can come up with the goods! |
Now, someone has come up with a system to make the regifting process completely virtual. |
It is all very well to criticise that action, but we need to come up with a solution by way of an alternative. |
So can our community leaders come up with a plan of action to help alleviate this problem? |
We were given a box of mystery ingredients and had to come up with something in five minutes. |
But the lame explanation the Kerry spokespeople have come up with is hilarious. |
The panels had come up with some amazing stories and had recorded some precious memories and insights. |
You always come up with such good ones despite being just a little squirt. |
I've come up with a verse myself which is chalked up on the blackboard at the moment but I am hoping we can replace it with a better one written by a guest. |
While states have different methods of choosing their delegates, most come up with their final list of delegates following state conventions in May and June. |
It is not wrong to ask for government help, but the automakers should come up with a win-win proposition. |
Remember, though, that if you come up with a new agreement, for it to generate value as quickly as the Internet itself did, it needs to be open, unowned, and for everyone. |
It's a swankily appointed show car created in 2004 to show then suitor Shanghai Automotive it could come up with a marketable design in, like, 90 minutes. |
The mid-term aim was to come up with a marketable solution that would be acceptable to a greater number of customers, resulting in higher production volumes. |
I come up with amazingly intelligent things to say when I tweak. |
The usual chores for jankers were tidying up the armoury, cleaning the.303 Lee Enfield rifles, and any other tasks that Sergeant Major Maynard could come up with. |
You do come up with some good shizzle and I do laugh from time to time. |
The views they have come up with straddle the entire range of options. |
Great cinematography is a true art form and its practitioners combine an artistic eye, consummate technical skill and long term experience to come up with a great shot. |
I'm going to have to come up with a game of sorts with rules and things. |
If you can come up with a name and he chooses it for his new pub, you will win a VIP night, including loads of free drink, at the boozer's opening night. |
While in the tent city, the students plan their attack on the opposing team, and when it comes to Carolina, they've come up with some brilliant ways to heckle them. |
Mr Scheucher was last night trying to come up with an alternative financial model using public funds to get the stadium built, but as yet, no deal has been reached. |
The two of them fought like cats and dogs to come up with Peter. |
I'd love to hear what you'd come up with in a full featured studio. |
Moby has taken the elements that made his previous album a winner and deepened them, made better use of them to come up with a record that succeeds as often as it retreads. |
His foraging for windows had come up with a collection of mismatched panels which he figured could be retrofitted with a little ingenious framework. |
However, the children still haven't come up with a name for their new pet. |
The scallywags and street urchins of 1920s Kingston had come up with a new way of extracting a few pennies from unsuspecting members of the public. |
If you come up with an excuse, a doctor's note might let you off. |
How did you come up with the idea for Tampa, and how did you commit to the explicitness? |
A Purton businessman has come up with a novel way of beating the traffic by reintroducing a mode of transport which was last popular when Queen Victoria was on the throne. |
On the other hand, maybe sanity is overrated, and a decent sabbatical from fiction is just what my brain needs to come up with loads of exciting new ideas. |
I tried to come up with an answer but can't get my mind away from the tag my darling husband gave me during the first flush of our enduring romance, may he be forever blessed. |
The green leaves have been my companions in all the weathers of my life, and this is where I have come up with the solutions to life's worries and problems. |
Between now and then, we either have to find some weapons of mass destruction, or come up with an incredibly plausible reason why our searches are coming up dry. |
I interview all the staff to find out exactly what is demotivating them and then come up with a plan of action to develop positive thinking amongst the workforce. |
If any of your corporate allies don't like it, they'll have to come up with a market beater that WORKS this time, or they have no right to comment on what you do. |
They were asked to come up with designs that not only help save the planet but do it affordably, while also addressing the social needs of the inhabitants. |
The folks at FRC did not, it should be noted, come up with the phrase on their own. |
The chocolate company has come up with Russian vodka shots which are particularly evil, taste stronger than they are, and really make Christmas go with a bit of a slosh. |
Anyway, some bright spark has come up with a search engine that lets you check a name against the register to see how many people in the UK share the same name as you. |
If you can come up with a name and he chooses it for his new pub, you will win a VIP night, including loadsa free drink, at the boozer's opening night. |
We have been able to come up with an old tractor with a bucket that moves the materials, and we also have a rotovator with which we can mix the materials. |
While Stinnett proudly takes credit for the design, he is quick to note that he did not come up with the slogan. |
They planned it, baked cakes and washed cars to come up with the award in his name, which will be given to a college-bound senior to help buy books. |
She notes that the global financial system has shrewdly come up with ways to help children spend money. |
There must have been a dozen billboards around Big Spring announcing the US Nationals and encouraging locals to come up with tandem flights and ultralight instruction. |
Instead, he instigated a demand-led programme, encouraging staff to come up with innovative ideas and then cherry-picking those that would add value to the economy. |