The City of Edinburgh Council has mooted an art festival to coincide with Edinburgh's Hogmanay as part of its visual arts strategy. |
The raids were timed to coincide with a parallel operation by the South African police service in Durban this morning. |
We have timed the opening to coincide with the run-up to Christmas and it seems to be paying dividends. |
A bus service into the town centre is timed to coincide with all incoming flights. |
It's reasonable to guess that the bombings were timed to coincide with the G8 summit. |
They said their protest was timed to coincide with both Valentine's Day and the anti-war march in London today. |
It's just a matter of timing your visit to coincide with when the lily is in flower. |
Tellingly, Nicol's last trip to British shores was timed to coincide with the Liverpool former players' annual gathering. |
Its opening was timed to coincide with the City of Bradford exhibition which was held for several months in Lister Park. |
Easter Sunday, a time of hope and joy is timed to coincide with the Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox. |
It was believed the man timed his protest to coincide with the Labour Party Spring Conference. |
Demolition was deliberately timed to coincide with the English school holidays to minimise the distress to youngsters. |
The conference was timed to coincide with the annual meeting of the International Labor Organization. |
The President's speech was timed to coincide with the opening of markets in Asia. |
All up the game was obviously timed to coincide with the movie release but in reality those familiar with the comics will feel more at home. |
Why is it that so many of your government's mega constructions are timed to coincide with an election year? |
For example, spiders that hunt other spiders on their webs time their movements to coincide with wind-induced movements of the web. |
Fieldwork was planned to coincide with high tides, which allowed the johnboat to travel closer to the marsh edge and further up tributary creeks. |
Plans by Australian Wool Handlers to run alternate wool auctions have been put back until August to coincide with the new selling season. |
The opening is to coincide with Oxford Art Week, and an exhibition will be put on. |
Part of the early training in judo involves timing the slap on the mat to coincide with the impact. |
Her voice has a tremendous range, yet never managed to coincide with the note she was trying to hit. |
The Portuguese have a variety of folk beliefs, many of which coincide with those of other cultures. |
A simple yank on the bars timed to coincide with a pedal stroke is often sufficient to get things started. |
The new logo has been created to coincide with the move and to mark new beginnings. |
If leap days were not added, the beginnings of months would soon not coincide with the first sighting of the lunar crescent. |
To coincide with the International Polar Year, this year's theme is the Arctic and Antarctic, home of polar bears and penguins. |
The leisure centre will also be running a six-week exercise programme to coincide with the bar on cigarettes. |
He had organised a rock concert to coincide with one of the city's major sporting events. |
In association with the AIB GAA Club Championships, AIB locally ran an art competition to coincide with Mount Sion's success in the competition. |
The annual rut, or breeding cycle, peaks in deep South Texas during late December, and cold conditions will coincide with the movement. |
Around 100 local markets and food and drink tastings have been arranged around the country to coincide with the campaign. |
The telefilm will be aired by a TV channel to coincide with the Golden Jubilee of the formation of the State Legislature. |
There can be little doubt they were planning a terrorist spectacular to coincide with tomorrow's scheduled handover of sovereignty. |
He suffered from manic depression after shell shock in World War II and the festival has been timed to coincide with Mental Health Week. |
In May 2007, the next Scottish election will coincide with the tercentenary of the Treaty of Union. |
It can boost our body's temperature to the maximum to coincide with the demands of the day. |
However can someone tell me, please, why every time you want to set the timer on your video they never coincide with each other? |
In the tragic senarius the divisions of the sense normally coincide with the main divisions of the metrical structure. |
In southernmost regions, your garden's rest period probably will coincide with the intense midsummer heat instead of winter. |
And now, in two parts, to coincide with the millennial seasons 1999-2000 and 2000-2001, comes Arthur. |
His activities coincide with a booming period of great popularity of the theaters. |
This is a great piece to do when it can be timed to coincide with the science curriculum and studies of botany. |
The fashion retailer will soft-launch the site in its key European markets to coincide with a product campaign due to launch on 15 August. |
Local label Trees Music has recently re-released Hodood to coincide with the Mongolian songster's upcoming Taiwan gig set. |
There are also plans for arts, dance and other cultural activities to coincide with the games. |
A number of Church of England dioceses have organised peace vigils to coincide with the demonstration. |
The abbey gardens always look fantastic, but to coincide with the tower celebrations the current display looks particularly sprauncy. |
A self-help group for stammerers was today being launched in York and Scarborough to coincide with International Stammering Awareness Day. |
Would it coincide with our ethics to sterilize all criminals in order to stop crime and violence for good? |
The SHU is hosting an Olympian lunch at Peffermill to celebrate Scotland's former Olympic hockey players and coincide with the Finals. |
Their departure will coincide with the arrival of the Olympic torch in Newbridge. |
Because the direction of the slope did not coincide with the axis of the view, the architect made the plan in the shape of a parallelogram. |
We should have a polygon inscribed in the circle the sides of which coincide with the circumference of the circle. |
The Earth's rotation regimes coincide with tide fluctuations and synoptical processes in the atmosphere. |
A release date is pencilled in for the autumn to coincide with the 400th anniversary of Rembrandt's birth this year. |
In tandem with the tour a number of exciting public events are planned to coincide with the Sligo visit. |
Students at the University of Victoria organised events last October to coincide with National Coming Out Week. |
Several other events are planned to coincide with Edmonton's 100th birthday later this year. |
To coincide with this event, the real town of Fargo, Minnesota, will unveil a statue of Frances McDormand in her guise as the pregnant cop. |
The event will coincide with the Native Women's Association of Canada's campaign launch to end violence against aboriginal women. |
And I've seen in many countries terrorists and resistance groups try to set up events to coincide with various high points in the calendar. |
The events also coincide with the 20th anniversary of Live Aid and the 10th anniversary of Comic Relief. |
The four-lane Bangalore-Mysore expressway will become operational in the first week of October, to coincide with the mega event, Mr Gowda said. |
The event will coincide with Teacher Day on March 7, and will feature poetry, prose, photography, and art. |
Some smart honcho at Fox will have the movie released on DVD to coincide with Election Day, in collectable red or blue cases. |
A pocket book on tourism has been launched to coincide with the tourist season. |
Today many external symbols no longer correspond to social origins, and wealth does not always coincide with prestigious status. |
The opening time will most likely coincide with the arrival of the front-running cyclists from the Sponsored Cycle Ride. |
No doubt his full account will appear in the list of best-sellers, to coincide with his release. |
Easter Sunday is timed to coincide with the first Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox. |
The funicular runs coincide with the Line A and Line B minibus rides into and from the old town centre. |
Heathrow Air traffic controllers altered the approach run to coincide with the beginning of a promenade concert at Chiswick House. |
This kind of freedom may coincide with the cruellest despotism and with the subjugation of the overwhelming majority of the people. |
She is currently seeking alternative employment in Scotland to coincide with her move north. |
It was revived yesterday after years of disuse to coincide with the opening of the area's new police headquarters at Whitebirk. |
His comments coincide with the publication today of the Commons environmental audit committee report into the challenge of climate change. |
Did the more formal approach to dogfooding coincide with the company's increased emphasis on the enterprise? |
In that study, the deflexus characters were reported to change to inflexus, and to coincide with a reduction in flower size along the geographical cline. |
Eventually Rebecca and Greg got the kit boxed and sent by airfreight to Addis, the capital of Ethiopia, to coincide with a trip to his home town by Samuel. |
The first tweets will coincide with his Dec. 12 Wednesday audience and start going out around 10 a.m. in Rome. |
The theme park is expected to open in 2015 to coincide with the World Expo in Milan. |
The Conference, now considered by many to be a Glastonbury institution, is always held to coincide with Lammas, formerly observed as a harvest festival. |
Now within any bounded region of Euclidean space it can be shown that Cantor's continua coincide with continua in the sense of the modern definition. |
Union officials continue to negotiate with the employers at a regional level but the action is timed to coincide with other walkouts across London. |
With the final arranged to coincide with London Fashion Week in September, there is obvious potential for a bit of 1977 iconoclasm, as well as great exposure. |
The 51 mentions of surprise within accounts reflect events that did not coincide with a person's preconceptions, whereas codings for skepticism often portrayed rationality. |
Polygon boundaries coincide with anticlinal ridges on the interface between the faulted sequence and an underlying 35 m thick low velocity, low density, overpressured layer. |
The public events planned to coincide with the tour in Sligo are launched on the morning of July 28 including The Archives Resource Box at Sligo Town Library. |
To judge from the book review sections lately, another thousand or so are being published to coincide with the bicentennial. |
I know that the Mayor of Pisa, if he had any say in it at all, would like the tower to be reopened in June next year to coincide with the feast of their patron saint. |
Since normals to a straight line never intersect and tangents coincide with the curve, evolutes, involutes and pedal curves are not too interesting. |
Before anything else she sets up the percolator, thankful that the practicalities of starting work coincide with the means of her continued survival. |
Now people journey from far and wide for the very popular literary festival with many exiles of the area arranging their holidays to coincide with the event. |
The event also has considerable overseas interest with many exiles of the North Kerry area organising their holidays to coincide with the big event. |
The publication of the list was apparently timed to coincide with the launch of a website that promises to sell every book of poetry in the English language over the internet. |
The event was timed to coincide with a World Bank meeting in Washington tomorrow, where finance ministers from across the world will discuss aid for basic education. |
To coincide with the event, the new Killarney Athletic clubhouse and dressing rooms were officially opened by Minister for Sport and Tourism John O'Donoghue on Monday night. |
The initiative is timed to coincide with the start of summer and the Euro 2004 football tournament, which will see more people attracted to the town centre. |
Our democracy's tenth anniversary will coincide with an election year. |
It is such a vital date in the musical calendar that artists from as far away as Galicia and Brittany time the release of new albums to coincide with it. |
It is refreshing to hear the substance of libertarian beliefs coincide with its stylistic invocation. |
In this respect the study of dialects or dialectology has to do with boundaries, which often coincide with geographical features such as rivers and mountains. |
Department stores can expect to find themselves in the eye of the storm as the switch from punts to euros will coincide with the post-Christmas sales. |
Nor does infinity in the sense of unboundedness coincide with indefiniteness, since indefiniteness is compatible with the existence of a maximum and unboundedness is not. |
In particular geographic regions, peak wind speeds may not coincide with peak demand for electrical power. |
It is intended to coincide with the Bon Festival vacation time, giving Japanese people an opportunity to appreciate Japan's mountains. |
The interglacials and glacials coincide with cyclic changes in the Earth's orbit. |
Here are examples from other languages of the failure of a single phonological word to coincide with a single morphological word form. |
Other notions of pseudocodeword-like structures such as stopping sets are also known to coincide with these polytope vertices. |
General Synod gave final authorization to the revision in 1962, to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. |
If you hear any word uttered, do not change it nor move it but compare it with the deed and see if word and deed coincide with each other. |
Kleenex quizzed 1000 adults on their favourite tear-jerkers to coincide with Sunday's Oscars ceremony in Hollywood. |
If inflation lasted much longer than the minimum number of required efolds, our bound relaxes to coincide with the usual bound. |
It's called the Avenger, and will be launched at sunglass and department stores to coincide with Warner Bros. |
Tahor Group plans for this to be a biyearly event to coincide with Fashion Week. |
The problem was highlighted to coincide with May's National Scams Awareness Month. |
Wadhwa said this at a meeting held at the Indian Cultural Centre to coincide with the World Hindi Day celebrations. |
However, the intraperoxisomal localization of this enzyme does not coincide with such a function. |
It did, however, coincide with an improvement in Charles's relationship with his wife, and by November 1628 their old quarrels were at an end. |
The boundaries of some of these, which later unified as the Kingdom of England, roughly coincide with those of modern regions. |
However the boundaries of the City of London no longer coincide with the old city wall, as the City expanded its jurisdiction slightly over time. |
In some cases, the area holding city status does not coincide with the built up area or conurbation of which it forms part. |
At the University of Oxford, a new course in Computer Science and Philosophy was established to coincide with the centenary of Turing's birth. |
Directional guidance tactile paving crosses the width of the platform to coincide with the tram door locations. |
Four years later, he planned his first excursion abroad, when he took a group from Leicester to Calais to coincide with the Paris Exhibition. |
This is apparent from the way in which the windows coincide with the interior spaces. |
In 2005, a retrospective of Freud's work was held at the Museo Correr in Venice scheduled to coincide with the Biennale. |
The film, Skyfall, was subsequently released on 26 October 2012, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Bond films. |
In the summer of 2005, Ukraine abolished its normal visa requirement for visitors from the EU to coincide with its hosting of the event. |
Work quickly began on the group's first international album, and Stigwood launched a promotional campaign to coincide with its release. |
A similar launch was held in New York shortly after to coincide with the show opening across the Atlantic. |
The album was originally planned for a September 2004 release to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the release of Definitely Maybe. |
The book was released to coincide with Emin's show Those who suffer love at White Cube which was mainly a drawings show. |
The matches were to coincide with the Great Britain versus Australia matches, in which Great Britain ended up being badly beaten. |
In this way, public holidays are not 'lost' in years when they coincide with weekends. |
This service was introduced in 2008 to coincide with the withdrawal of the similar Virgin Trains service. |
A local group is campaigning for the reopening of Saltford station between Bath and Bristol, to coincide with electrification. |
To coincide with the release of Rockferry, Duffy performed at the Apollo Theater in New York City. |
Studio sessions were booked for early 1985, and a UK headline tour was booked for May 1985, to coincide with the release of the new album. |
They will also be going on tour with We Are the Ocean supporting to coincide with its release. |
Sidney Stringer Academy in Hillfields is looking to host an interschool poetry slam on November 19 to coincide with Anti-Bullying Week. |
This programme is being organised to coincide with the Sri Lankan festivals of Vesak and Poson. |
June 21 was picked by the Canadian government and Aboriginal organizations to coincide with the June solstice. |
Meanwhile, for many Geminians the eclipse is bound to coincide with a time of fateful meetings and you may feel that your future lies elsewhere. |
This year the Perseids coincide with a new moon, creating the ideal dark sky conditions. |
The beer mat campaign is being organised by the National Meningitis Trust to coincide with their awareness week, beginning today. |
However, it may have been for religious reasons, and would coincide with the development of religious practices thought to have occurred during the Upper Paleolithic. |
Although many of the subjects of modern history coincide with that of standard history, the subject is taught independently by various systems of education in the world. |
In general the true vertical at a point on the surface does not exactly coincide with either the normal to the reference ellipsoid or the normal to the geoid. |
The first so-called hedge sermon was held in the cemetery of Boeschepe in the always turbulent Flemish Westkwartier on Sunday morning, July 12, timed to coincide with mass. |
The micro probe test points are created on a carrier, which holds onto these probe points in a positive way, so they always coincide with their respective DUT contact pads. |
In a state of rest or absence of external forces, the mean sea level would coincide with this geoid surface, being an equipotential surface of the Earth's gravitational field. |
Reports may be done on a fiscal year basis that doesn't coincide with that of the prime grantee and they may not be done for some time after the subgrantee's fiscal yearend. |
Nationalists hold that the boundaries of a nation and a state should coincide with one another, thus nationalism tends to oppose multiculturalism. |
The event is being held in Boduan Sanctuary, near Pwllheli on Thursday, May 21 to coincide with Death Awareness Week and will be followed by a bird song walk. |
Keats also reflected on the background and composition of his poetry, and specific letters often coincide with or anticipate the poems they describe. |
The fossil decline appears to coincide with the emergence and dramatic rise of angiosperms, or flowering plants, which today account for up to 300,000 species, says Pryer. |
A source told the Daily Star that the couple, who got engaged in April 2011, will have their first party at Ayers Rock in Australia to coincide with Pitt's 50th birthday. |
Lizard's tail and wood nettle seeding, parsnip, honewort and sweet cicely seedfalls coincide with the end off white and yellow sweet clover and lilies. |
On a synoptic scale, geological units coincide with topographical units. |
Tenants should be aware if the break date does not coincide with the rent quarter day, it is likely the full quarter's rent will still have to be paid. |
Neanderthals went through a demographic crisis in Western Europe that seems to coincide with climate change that resulted in a period of extreme cold in Western Europe. |