This film seems intended to suggest that he preferred to cohabit with animals rather than American citizens during the Vietnam War. |
When the English eventually took control from the Dutch in 1664, all continued to cohabit quite nicely together. |
I like to think of poetry as something which is able to cohabit with other discourses, if it can establish the right to stand beside them. |
Yet unless people find a way to steam-clean each crevice of the city every day, rats will continue to cohabit with us in uneasy harmony. |
By understanding their needs, you can peacefully cohabit with black bears to their benefit and yours. |
Straight couples who cohabit only rarely get palimony judgments or court-ordered child support. |
It was the deal the parties had mutually agreed to enter into when they first agreed to cohabit. |
When two peoples are pitted against each other, they can be forced to cohabit. |
In the future, will urban functions be able to cohabit with an active shipyard? |
It is probable that the three models will more or less cohabit according the targeted zones and products. |
The current masterplan of the port has programmed a requalification by specific sectors that have to cohabit. |
New, used and pre-owned jokes cohabit with Southwestern Zen and spur-jangling wordplay. |
But it is hard now to imagine Messrs Kiir and Machar once again agreeing to cohabit. |
In many countries couples can decide whether and where to marry, cohabit, divorce or remarry. |
During one visit she commenced a relationship with a man with whom she continues to cohabit. |
Cultural and biological diversity cohabit and coevolve within one single world-wide living system, the biosphere. |
Dodgy books, cringe-making photos of hairstyles you would rather forget about, a mix of furniture and the odd beautiful piece picked up over years of travel, can all cohabit. |
We see a bit more Westerners and if black and white people do not seem to live together they seem to cohabit well. |
The condition for such a stability is a willingness by all the parties to cohabit within a single political system and single country. |
Populated with 18 remarkable trees listed in the heritage of Wallonia, it is organised so that some different biotopes cohabit side by side. |
When parents cohabit, there are three main models in Canada of custody and access upon separation. |
Perhaps a different son-in-law might have described her as a senseless, whining, nagging, leather-faced old whitlow, not fit to cohabit with a rhinoceros beetle. |
But with large numbers of unions still ending in divorce and many couples choosing to cohabit and raise children out of wedlock, has marriage had its day? |
I have no desire to cohabit with a hound, however high-bred. |
How will the general cohabit with a parliament largely hostile to him? |
Courts in Kenya have as a matter of judicial precedence held that a marriage will be presumed to subsist if the couple cohabit and present themselves to the world as husband and wife. |
But if modern European solutions are to apply, nations with different ethnic groups need to be persuaded to abandon segregation behind closed borders and agree to cohabit under one state roof. |
Will allow a court to enforce a written agreement made by spouses or common-law partners after they ceased to cohabit, that sets out the amount to which each is entitled and how to settle the amount. |
They have a duty to cohabit though they can retain separate domiciles. |
Just as is the case among heterosexual couples who choose to cohabit rather than marry, many lesbigays choose to live together without being committed to a lasting and exclusive relationship. |
Introducing a new concept of intending common-law partners that requires the assessment of the intention of couples to cohabit goes beyond the scope of normal immigration assessment and would be difficult to administer. |
The education system, from bottom to top, has to teach every new generation how to live together, how to find the means to cohabit the same city, and the same planet. |
When I told my parents that I was going to cohabit, they didn't disagree. |
Among more recent cohorts, uncertainties at work as measured through significant work interruptions reduce men's likelihood of marriage, and they increase the likelihood that women will cohabit rather than marry. |