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How to use codification in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word codification? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The conferences made important advances in codification of the laws of land warfare.
The legal statement of rights is, in some respects, a codification of the rule of law by lawyers and legal draftsmen.
As a theorist he was influential in the codification of sonata form and other musical structures.
The colonial government attempted to reorganize the land tenure system to encourage the codification of individual land holdings.
The nobility sought to defend its privileged status against incomers by genealogical codification, strict endogamy, or legal barriers.
The very thing that enables expertise to develop, namely the codification of expert language, leads inevitably to entrainment of thinking.
To complete the codification effort, it is useful to formularise the relationship between the governor and the head of state.
It wasn't really codification, because Congress did not set down a legislative rule to supplant the judicial one.
Lingering on under a six-month extension, the agency busied itself mostly with writing official histories of the codification experience.
The surfacing of repressed memories to consciousness entails a codification that demands an expert listener.
The caste system was envisaged as the expression and codification of the social and ethnic realities inherent in all societies.
It is also a powerful cautionary tale for all those who blithely repose their faith in State-led legal reform, codification, standardisation and uniformity.
What nations versed in entomophagy need first is a codification of and legislation around what is already known.
Tim the Rev had picked up on the notion that the codification is intended to put a political gag on charities, and Peter said that the draft legislation had no such intent.
This area has been problematized by a long historical debate over secularism and the complicated derivation of civil laws from various codification systems.
However, Duncan's desire to simultaneously get her feet dirty and to signify them as moral and virtuous problematizes the cultural codification of bare feet.
We will pursue codification, by year-end 1999, of the standstill commitment on inapplicability of custom duties.
This provision is the specific codification of the general civil law rule that a contract is formed as a result of the meeting of minds.
Vested interests blocked efforts at codification, because reform would encroach upon their privileges.
How is it that proposals for streamlining, codification and unifying European law face resistance?
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Examples from Classical Literature
They lose sight of the object of the whole thing in codification and definition.
Bills were laid before the House for the codification of the law.
A demand for codification was among the traditions of the Utilitarians.
It was not codification but consolidation, not remoulding but abridging.
A great work was done in the codification and reform of the statute laws.
The effect upon English law of its codification has yet to be proved.
The roots of this tradition are prehistorical, so old as to either antedate or co-appear with the codification of the creation mythos.
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