Fortunately progressive and civil liberties groups exist to defend our rights to cut and be cut from these bigoted Bible-bashers. |
Democracy, political rights, and civil liberties are politically modifiable variables that seem to be associated with health status. |
The author argues that the new Act is extremely punitive and constitutes a gross infringement of civil liberties. |
The administration insists that we give it a blank check for waging war and trampling on civil liberties. |
With friends like these, what person who values civil liberties and human rights needs enemies? |
The Western ideal for representative democracy involves free, multiparty elections and maintenance of civil liberties. |
I'm against it, as an unnecessary and expensive excuse to infringe my civil liberties, but there are those for them and against. |
The slipperiness of the term tends to make for bad laws, legislated in haste, that infringe civil liberties. |
My own conclusion after a bit of homework is that the threat to the civil liberties of most Americans is still mainly a matter of incipience. |
Confined within proper bounds, such measures need not pose a threat to civil liberties in general or to academic freedom in particular. |
And the civil liberties issues highlighted by the information commissioner this week remain unsolved. |
Unfairly and inaccurately called a traitor and a Bolshevik, she never reneged on her commitments to civil liberties or to pacifism. |
The Coalition pushes the liberty value untiringly, but only the economic kind not the civil liberties kind. |
Liberal Democrats have rejected illiberal measures to tackle crime as ineffective and a threat to civil liberties. |
The station has also involved itself in civil rights and civil liberties issues. |
Which road to industrialisation has been victimless, and undertaken under a benign system of civil liberties and human rights? |
The chips transmit signals and civil liberties groups fear the technology could eventually be used to spy on consumers. |
That is why Jim Wallace is trying to find a new voice on civil liberties, with freedom of information legislation and penal reform. |
Now, the attack on executives is at the forefront of the state's intrusion on civil liberties. |
Although these civil liberties directives appear to favor freedom of speech, it is a freedom that is ideologically determined. |
The Home Secretary seems to have genuinely missed the point of civil liberties. |
It has forced compromises on freedoms and eroded civil liberties in many ways. |
By then his passionate concern for civil liberties and justice before the law was entrenched. |
They are shared by the otherwise opposed law-and-order and civil liberties lobbies. |
As a result, both socioeconomic rights and civil liberties are being destroyed. |
Imposing draconian laws that restrict civil liberties will not prevent terrorist attacks. |
Possible suspensions of civil liberties are something we should all be keeping an eye on now, watchdogs among the dogs of war. |
Right or wrong, I think the public perception is that these measures collectively encroach on American civil liberties. |
Under your watch, laws eradicating civil liberties have been enacted which put into question the rights of citizens. |
The power of judicial review has allowed the Supreme Court to protect civil liberties within America. |
Trial by jury is the most fundamental of our civil liberties and eroding it is wholly unjustified. |
The civil liberties case against ID cards is a feeble one that belongs to a more innocent age. |
National-security types often assure us that wartime diminutions of civil liberties are only temporary. |
I'm not clear on why simply reclassifying the former as issues of civil liberties rather than economic policy answers the broader question. |
Hot in pursuit of their goals, democracy can be forgotten and principles of civil liberties and human rights take a back seat. |
I am still naive enough that I'd like our country run on a basis of free speech and civil liberties. |
As the US and western powers tool up to tackle this new threat, civil liberties will receive very short shrift. |
More worrisome is the notion that our civil liberties are subject to cancellation in times of crisis. |
A reputation for tolerance and civil liberties had been replaced by violence and repression. |
What are we going to do to defend ourselves from illegal civil liberties depredations? |
It not only stifled dissent, it bred a whole new rhetoric antipathetic to civil liberties and due process of law. |
I am sick of hearing the ridiculous arguments about civil liberties and tradition. |
The antiterrorism bill he is proposing represents a sweeping and unprecedented assault on civil liberties and constitutionally guaranteed rights. |
Strong antiterrorism measures can actually support, and not conflict with, civil liberties, Collier said. |
And there would be serious civil liberties concerns if there was general application of those kind of powers. |
There has been a predictable response from some quarters that the plan would be a violation of civil liberties. |
The coalition urged demonstrators to lobby their senators and representatives to stop the war and the attack on civil liberties. |
September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war. |
As the attorney general, you have to be involved in the civil liberties of all Americans. |
That is simply part and parcel of the liberal right of free association, one of our most basic civil liberties. |
The sheer audacity and disdain for privacy and civil liberties was amazing. |
The average citizen fails to appreciate civil liberties precisely because in this country they can be taken for granted. |
If civil liberties are left to popular votes, they can similarly founder on the rocks of majoritarian advantage. |
The monarch has suspended civil liberties, supposedly to enable the government to defeat the Maoists. |
All these technologies raise serious questions about invasions of privacy and violations of civil liberties. |
It ended Gandhi's emergency legislation, and restored civil liberties and free speech. |
I personally think that the whole argument about civil liberties comes into play again. |
He has done wrong and will have to take the consequences, but it has gone beyond hunting now, it's about civil liberties. |
But civil liberties campaigners are now worried that the Catcher may be sold to other governments or secret services. |
There's no need for extra measures that bypass basic human rights and attack civil liberties. |
Today, perhaps more than ever before, religionists feel the tension between institutional faith and civil liberties. |
It marks a major escalation in the assault on civil liberties and democratic rights. |
This show trial is a serious threat to basic civil liberties and democratic rights. |
Traditionally, the common law has provided some protection for civil liberties. |
The assault on civil liberties and human rights did not end with the end of the Emergency. |
Most of our contemporary ideas about freedom of speech and civil liberties come from the Enlightenment. |
If the right to hunt foxes is a question of civil liberties, so is the right to organise bear-baiting and cockfights. |
Yet much of the debate over civil liberties in wartime has, to this point, been framed in all-or-nothing terms. |
And with Americans so touchy about their civil liberties, the Feds have to be legally covered to the hilt before they go snooping. |
I keep to speed limits because I do not see them as an infringement of my civil liberties but as a protection for vulnerable road users. |
Let alone that he'd already demonstrated his commitment to civil liberties and freedom as a Governor. |
In the meantime, the Feds have again shown a determination to trample on civil liberties to harass nonviolent protestors. |
Opponents claim such a move would be a gross violation of civil liberties which is likely in Scotland to fall foul of European human rights legislation. |
The scheme has been condemned by civil liberties groups and queried by the National Association of Head Teachers. |
The administration's arguments justifying the wholesale abrogation of civil liberties are by no means limited to an emergency response to an immediate threat. |
Today a Times editorial came down squarely on the side of civil liberties. |
You normally strike a genuine balance on matters of civil liberties. |
Should everyone respect our age-old civil liberties and the rule of law? |
Until the proposals to change wiretapping and surveillance laws are made more specific, it is difficult to assess how damaging to civil liberties they will be. |
There is, after all, something hopeful about a future that was smart about encoding our civil liberties. |
For 20 years, she has eloquently and ardently defended civil liberties. |
Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch. |
Designing security into systems from the beginning, instead of tacking it on at the end, would give us the security we need, while preserving the civil liberties we hold dear. |
Every now and then, he writes these hysterical, factually insupportable, logically inconsistent screeds against some looming threat to civil liberties in the United States. |
Is it ethical to step outside the law for the greater good, or to infringe civil liberties as a means to an end? |
Or have we made it easier for governments to infringe on civil liberties, as the left argues? |
I had always known them to be a very, very consistent advocate for civil liberties, but we disagreed on so many issues that I never really sought them out in terms of an ally. |
He is not, then, someone who treats civil liberties lightly. |
The main media outlets have imposed their own, more far-reaching blackout on the case, despite its implications for civil liberties and free speech. |
In a free society law also underpins the freedoms of citizens by guaranteeing certain civil liberties and imposing legal checks on the authorities. |
Well, apart from the torture victims, the murdered and other unfortunates who have had their civil liberties eroded, human rights curtailed and so on. |
What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed. |
Treating this as something much more than it is strikes me as unsound, and likely to undermine the attention given to serious civil liberties complaints in other cases. |
He has become a jaded cynic who unwraps large packages of cash from defending drug dealers while deluding himself he is working to protect civil liberties. |
But Mr Blair said he was confident the Government could get the ID cards legislation on the statute book and that it had public support despite concerns about civil liberties. |
The title of this book refers to both civil liberties and human rights. |
This bill is an infringement of our civil liberties, our rights of trade. |
Both are concerned about restrictions and clampdowns on civil liberties. |
He insists doctors do not ask for patients to be tested before they are treated and would consider new rules an infringement of doctors' civil liberties. |
These critics imply that he harbored excessive and even irrational fears about government infringement on American civil liberties and about encroachments on personal privacy. |
In contrast to the old-style fire and brimstone, today's efforts to curb personal freedoms and erode civil liberties are justified in the terms of health and safety. |
Yet inevitably some will remain suspicious that the present crisis will be used as a pretext for introducing legislation which will erode our civil liberties. |
Richman's call for coordination between national and local governments and his insistence that civil liberties must be protected in this process are both persuasive. |
After art school, he set up the Suburban Press, a free sheet dedicated to promoting civil liberties and exposing local government corruption in the Croydon area. |
On Monday evening, the civil liberties committee voted to strengthen EU data protection rules and to demand heavier fines for non-compliance. |
Voltaire came to embody the Enlightenment with his defence of civil liberties, such as the right to a free trial and freedom of religion. |
In terms of civil liberties, the code made provincial 14th century Sardinia one of the most developed societies in all of Europe. |
He considers that everyone has the right to use any means necessary to prevent deprivation of their civil liberties and force could be necessary. |
He was an outspoken advocate of civil liberties, despite the risk this placed him in under the strict censorship laws of the time. |
In 2013, he protested against what he perceived were civil liberties violations by the UK Government. |
It also takes a progressive approach to social policies such as civil liberties, animal rights, LGBT rights and drug policy reform. |
Kuwait is among the Middle East's freest countries in civil liberties and political rights. |
I see this as an abuse of police power and an infringement of civil liberties. |
It has remained a democracy with civil liberties, an active Supreme Court, and a largely independent press. |
For the record, I too support the First and Fourth Amendments, as well as civil liberties, but we'll have no civil liberties if we're dead. |
In order to have any chance of saving the Constitution and our civil liberties, we need a party dedicated to that cause. |
He said civil liberties of people were in danger and there was need to act. |
It favors civil liberties, AIDS research, curbing dogs in Georgetown, and similar toughies. |
Maryland law protects individual civil liberties by forbidding wiretapping without the consent of the tappee. |
Each Martial Law was marked by the quell of civil liberties or human rights. |
Human rights or civil liberties form a crucial part of a country's constitution and uphold the rights of the individual against the state. |
The ongoing struggles over martial law and civil liberties, along with the rejection of the Resolutions seriously concerned the Commons. |
Since then, membership of the Dutch Republic was perceived as a guarantee for the preservation of civil liberties. |
Failure to take the oath meant possible imprisonment, denial of civil liberties, banishment and in some instances, death. |
It also performs well in several national performance metrics, including freedom of the press, economic freedom and civil liberties. |
Aside from the hit Canadian civil liberties will take with its passing, from green lighting charier violations, extending incarceration without charge. |
You've written that we're willing to trade with them but we don't draw a line when they obviate civil liberties, when they continue to act repressively. |
There is debate in these countries about whether such cards and their centralised database would constitute an infringement of privacy and civil liberties. |
In May 1985, he appeared on BBC's Question Time, arguing that the Conservative Government's Public Order White Paper was a threat to civil liberties. |
The first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties. |
Constitution, but many English common law traditions such as habeas corpus, jury trials, and various other civil liberties were adopted in the United States. |
The party supports constitutional and electoral reform, progressive taxation, environmentalism, human rights laws, banking reform and civil liberties. |
Basic civil liberties undergird our system of representative democracy and many of the key provisions of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 undermine them. |
I never demagogued on our serious questions and stood for civil liberties. |
It ranks among the highest in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom, and education. |
Please remember, victims of crime also have civil liberties. |
Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development. |
The Reichstag Fire Decree, imposed on 28 February 1933, rescinded most German civil liberties, including rights of assembly and freedom of the press. |