The civic party will stay in the Hotel Gottler and be welcomed on arrival on March 27 by German civic dignitaries. |
Its curve addresses the traffic roundabout that has replaced the urban square as the focus of civic life. |
The program is committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community participation. |
Liberal and egalitarian in sympathy, they eschewed class analysis for civic meliorism, in keeping with his own social democratic values. |
In 1996, he ran as a candidate in Western Canadian provincial and civic elections. |
Freedom of expression and social cohesion are under severe threat in a society that once prided itself on tolerance and civic liberty. |
There was not much love lost between the two cities, and that intense civic pride was reflected by local radio. |
In fact, consumerism has spread like an epidemic, corroding the civic fabric of our society. |
The last essay, by Blair Ruble, deals with the problems attendant on the creation of new civic or national symbols. |
They will train in a similar way to the older cadets, learn sailing and boat work, wear a uniform and take part in civic parades in the town. |
This crisis has proved that high income is not synonymous with a civic society that is independent and autonomous. |
Franklin's concentration on civic well-being and societies for mutual benefit have earned him a reputation for boosterism and Babbittry. |
If you'll excuse me, I am rather busy, and don't care to discuss civic reform with peons. |
New Orleans was perhaps distinctive in the extreme savagery of its ghettos, and the inability of civic organizations to penetrate poor areas. |
The civic hall could serve as a facility providing accommodation and other outlets for backpackers. |
We have no confidence in its leaders, who've manipulated and maneuvered against our civic initiate for years. |
Two schoolgirls who used their mobile telephones to call for help were also given civic awards. |
It's exactly the sort of clear-headed, community-minded civic action that I like to reward and encourage with my disposable income. |
In the old civic code, the wife was nothing but an accessory to the work of the citizen and paterfamilias. |
Freedom from physical threats and safe living conditions are the foundations of a dignified existence just as much as civic and human rights. |
It features wide piazzas, perfectly proportioned civic buildings, and classically inspired columns and arches. |
My government actually has to bait people with catchy song in order to do the thing that should be a civic duty. |
Wednesday night's executive committee decided that the current civic vehicle, a 1988 Vauxhall Carlton, was old and clapped-out. |
The third option would be to re-provide the services enjoyed in the civic centre in another building. |
Banquets, balls, dinner dances, bazaars and fetes, exhibitions and civic receptions were held there in its proud heyday. |
And as a mark of respect for the victims of the tsunami the national flag will be flown at half mast on civic buildings next week. |
The city doesn't have to scrape the barrel and show us up so much that we are reduced to selling the civic number plates. |
Plans are being developed to link this emerging civic node with the seafront Boardwalk to create an east-west pedestrian axis. |
We should assume that, in engaging in civic life, we are responding to more than just the bare materialities of our daily lives. |
The major problems seem to be fragmentation, deficient base in popular constituencies and insufficient links between civic and political efforts. |
Turning maternity into a civic duty, Fascism put more responsibility on the shoulders of women, without granting them any new rights. |
It is getting ready to rebuild its civic centre, which was destroyed when its roof collapsed some time ago. |
Many students participate in co-curricular activities with a civic purpose. |
With a start on site late in 2002, the civic centre was recently handed over to its users. |
Despite provision for elderly mall-walkers and the occasional concert, arts fair, or church service, few malls served as true civic centers. |
There is a possibility the civic centre facility could re-open later this year and be run by an outside company. |
I went into the civic centre and completed a complaint form and have not had a response yet. |
A civic centre is nearing completion here with the finishing touches being added by the contractor. |
There will be extensive waterfront communal facilities such as parks, artificial canals and a civic centre. |
After all, the new civic center belongs to the people of Hong Kong and its visitors. |
Agriculture allowed for specialisation in human endeavour, which allowed for civic centres to start, the centres that gave us civilisation. |
When the alarm was given, nearly 20,000 people rushed out of city hall, police headquarters and several civic center buildings. |
Recommended for inclusion are parts of Cedar Avenue not at present in the zone, and the whole of the civic centre offices and theatre buildings. |
Instead, most scholars working on this topic have assumed that civic virtue must be promoted indirectly. |
Colleges provided the opportunity and social support to develop the habit of civic engagement. |
Materialistic values were far stronger among young people than civic virtues. |
What kinds of activities work best as training grounds for civic engagement and why? |
They must share an equal commitment to civic virtue in a democratic society. |
The relationship between military and civic virtue is also revealed as deeply ambiguous in these translations. |
You should see that as your editorial responsibility as well as your civic duty in this time of national tragedy. |
The aim of the competition is to recognise improvements made by local communities to create civic pride in their area. |
Contribute to community building, foster civic engagement, create a sense of community. |
But, again, this just seems another public relations exercise when civic attitudes have not really changed. |
Findings also support claims that civic journalism complements traditional journalism. |
Some would contend that a sense of civic duty alone is enough to compel people to vote. |
The priority of the new administration was to be civic pride, something we wanted to restore in the borough, making people proud to be here. |
Great civic leaders of less evangelical eras than ours did not speak of visions. |
It was designed to reeducate the local populace on law and order and civic duty. |
Being linked to the advertising industry, it comes at virtually no cost to the civic administration. |
However packed it gets, this great civic expanse always retains its symbolic force. |
They were not what people expected of a major civic building in their city or community. |
The town needed a new building that combined the civic role of a town hall with the cultural dimension of a small theatre. |
Perhaps a few people involved in civic administration might feel more important if we became a city but I oppose the idea. |
Administration of civic bodies should be handed over to the military for at least two years so that things can be speeded up. |
The situation sparked allegations of unfairness and excessive bureaucracy from the town's unemployed and civic leaders. |
Such concerns pushed civic leaders toward municipal control of those networks. |
The biggest proposal however is for a completely new civic centre to be located somewhere in the estate. |
Why has a city of 14 million allowed a civic administration of a few thousand to hold it to ransom? |
Political control, mismanagement and corruption have ensured that civic bodies which provide water are bankrupt. |
A market town's civic leaders have decided it is time one of its hidden garden treasures became less of a secret for tourists. |
Fears that young members of the community are being forced to move away from the town have prompted civic leaders to investigate the issue. |
Representatives from every parish in the diocese, along with civic and business leaders, gathered in tribute. |
On Friday a civic reception will be held at the mayor's parlour to say thank you to all Rotarians in Croydon. |
As a believer in the potential of computers in schools, he also reminds us of the deepest civic and humane goals of education. |
The government sponsors civic and military parades for political holidays such as the Fourth of July and Constitution Day. |
Greek proportions, porticoes, orders, and ornament lent civic buildings a gravity lacking in earlier Palladianism. |
How beholden are civic politicians to those who supported them financially? |
The box fills with civic worthies, ladies in floral hats, and the occasional chinless wonder who has wangled a sly invitation. |
I normally refrain from chiming in to an editor, but this story piqued my civic conscience. |
Many teachers complained to the civic chief that even children of lower classes were consumers of chewable tobacco that comes in sachets. |
Morality was the outworking of religious conversion and was viewed as necessary for civic participation in the nation. |
Kept in a strongroom, deep in the vaults of the civic centre, it remains the city council's most precious possession. |
The 1996-97 budget of the civic body proposed to set up a herbarium of medicinal plants but the project has remained on paper. |
It tends to focus on the city centre, with its wide streets and huge civic buildings. |
The York Civic Party, civic and church representatives, together with officials from other cathedral cities will attend. |
We also had civic buildings, including a courthouse, and as our town was to be a cultural centre there was an opera house and a theatre. |
Senior Army officers and civic leaders, headed by the Mayor of Scarborough Sheila Kettlewell, will also attend. |
They were supposed to be one-stop shops wherein with all sorts of civic services could be provided. |
The idea is stolen wholesale from the United States, where civic engagement is a part of everyday life and local democracy a thriving concept. |
What's more important is that stay-at-home Dundonians have a renewed sense of civic pride. |
The Government, business interests and civic organisations need to collaborate in the effort. |
To his critics, he is an anachronistic, dangerous buttinsky, motivated more by ego than civic good. |
Enforcing strict rules is the only option available for any vital change in our civic sense. |
Greece, by contrast, had no civic tradition of volunteerism and many had feared the worse. |
Service organizations and civic volunteerism still have largely white membership. |
Immigrants' limited involvement revolves around volunteering for civic organizations. |
It was left to the British consul to defend their interests in a rare burst of civic solidarity! |
This new land, half of which will be used as a buffer zone for local residents, will also include a civic amenity recycling centre. |
Marysville has been nominated for a civic award for its efforts to assure citizens have clean water. |
This verdant valley at the meeting point of the Eastern and Western Ghats is bereft of any civic or infrastructure development. |
An extreme and brutally clear case of differentiation by civic status appears in a 5th-century law-code published in southern Crete. |
They, too, now need a better American balance between ethnic roots and civic forums, between Hebraic covenants and Enlightenment freedoms. |
All the evidence suggests that the wrong people are in charge of both civic and national security. |
Other areas of contact included occupational, residential, civic and political contacts, all of which were narrow in scope. |
Rubble and slush from potholes and mud dumped recklessly by the cable companies and various civic agencies have only added to citizens' woes. |
Within Heaney's writing, the civic and the ancient have always slogged it out, and this magnificent translation is no exception. |
These churches are becoming civic in a way unimaginable since the 13th century and its cathedral towns. |
A religious person thus may be unheedful of a higher morality or civic sense, or may not even sense the morality involved in the situation. |
She also remained active in musical theatre, choreographing for dance groups, television shows, and high school, civic, and church productions. |
The white and blue waves refer to the River Mersey and the six mural crowns, being civic emblems, to the six constituent districts. |
Ball gowns and black ties were the dress code as the town council hosted its yearly civic dinner and dance in glamorous style. |
In this sense, turning out to vote is always partly a question of attachment to a general sense of civic duty. |
His work ranges from busts to monumental castings commissioned by civic, church, or corporate clients. |
As somebody once remarked, distrust of authority should be the first civic duty. |
Village, town, and city streets, plazas, and open spaces are common property and subject to regulation by civic authority. |
Instead of throwing him in jail as a public nuisance, and possibly arranging a psych consult, they elect him to civic office. |
These authors' sense of civic duty was internationalist, encompassing all humanity. |
If you happen to know the local fire chief or other notable civic leaders, drop their names, too. |
They solicited civic protection for their own conscientious practice of religion, pleading freedom from all oppression and molestation. |
He designed a town with a civic center and plenty of parks, laced with pedestrian walkways. |
This is a film of warm sunshine in which townsfolk and tourists can happily stroll, enjoying quaint civic parades. |
To top it all, heads of civic organisations were shunted out to inconspicuous postings when major projects were in crucial stages. |
The relationship between the provincial academician and his civic community was vital to the success of the format of the academies. |
Created by Mark Rode the piece will be included in a civic collection on display in King House, Boyle. |
In Cardiff, veterans marked the day with a service at a war memorial in Cathays Park in the city's civic centre. |
However, the exoneration of the conglomerate owners is drawing strong protests from civic activists, supported by some in the legal community. |
Many councils will not be holding special civic functions to mark the 50th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's accession to the throne. |
They ought to beam him down to us, to demonstrate the existence of intelligent civic life on the planet Northern Ireland. |
An additional approach would be to encourage private civic organizations that facilitate translation in the accomplishment of their mission. |
Conceived as an accretive extension of the public realm, Norwich's Millennium Centre adds to the city's social, intellectual and civic life. |
Since the town council announced they would be quitting the civic centre, fears have been growing that the City Council will sell the building. |
We have an opportunity to create a town centre that could act as a meeting place or some point of civic focus. |
The battle for a new civic hall began a year ago, within weeks of the previous hall burning down. |
On the east bank, near where the radial streets converged, the master plan called for a civic center to house the main government buildings. |
A congenial man with a neatly trimmed white beard, he's a classic civic booster who loves to extol his hometown's virtues. |
The civic body spent money creating a pitted surface along the subway, to discourage the legion of poster-stickers. |
I could get worked up about this, but I'm not so much railing against networks ignoring their civic duty as I am railing against human nature. |
I've read a few other biographies that point to the same synergy between civic involvement and career advancement. |
A civic place should be a space where we can publicly affirm the different modes in which we might belong to a community. |
This has worked elsewhere, especially with civic trusts and other well organised groups. |
The good citizens were so enraged that they rose up in arms, figuratively at least, and founded the civic society. |
The government decision to back out has also been met with widespread criticism by civic chiefs. |
The council was hosting a civic reception to mark the bicentenary of St Peter's Church in the town. |
If officials can take away peasants' land at will, what other civic rights would be left to them? |
Murphy holds that the American republic is founded on a compromise between resistance to authority and civic rituals of justice. |
The companies acknowledge a civic duty to act transparently and respond constructively to public criticism. |
Unprecedented grassroots activism by civic groups has sent political circles reeling from shock. |
The erasure of historical language points to the crisis of public memory as a tool for agency and civic engagement. |
Public places that help foster a sense of community and nurture civic culture. |
Now the civic society is asking for the help of townspeople as part of its campaign. |
Yet the power of our civic religion lies not in any sanctions it imposes but in the moral sensibility it nurtures. |
Half of this 20-acre site will be landfill with the remainder used for waste segregation, recycling and civic amenities. |
However, they were also a symbol of civic pride, and were substantial and well-built features of the urban landscape. |
Although pupils at Belle Vue Boys school used to wear claret and amber uniforms, they are not the civic colours of Manningham or Bradford. |
The conference participants were current and potential leaders of a movement to promote civic renewal in the American research university. |
This phase has witnessed many changes which are deeply communalising the civic society. |
Moreover, the civic authorities give low priority to sewerage and treatment of sewage. |
It resuscitated the home-building industry, ended the shortage of dwelling units, alleviated civic panic, and boosted municipal revenues. |
The loss of a public commons in broadcasting must be counted as one of the twentieth century's great civic and cultural losses. |
His large metal sculptures were commissioned by numerous civic authorities around the country some years ago. |
Serving as toastmaster was town crier Trevor Heeks, who was won the town's civic award. |
So did it mean then that her party sister was usurping her own personal, spiritual beliefs in lieu of civic duty? |
They attended on the mayor at civic functions and ceremonial occasions, and sometimes played in the street at night. |
How shall we ever admire our civic leaders if we cannot look up to them, to see a white silk glove raised in blessing, a ringed-hand greeting? |
Moreover, it noted the organization law prohibits civic groups from advocating communism or separatism. |
The judge surprisingly commends him for his fine civic performance and bids him continue with his good work. |
From April 8 people will be able to opt for a civic ceremony tailored to commemorate the life and times of their loved ones. |
Today it is an honorary title and Professor Crewe will be expected to attend civic functions as an ambassador for the town. |
He was picked from a list of nominees submitted by political parties and civic groups. |
The civic society is appealing for people connected with the colliery to come forward with recollections of life at the pit. |
They reinforce the importance of urban planning and civic architecture and the need to bring them to the public realm. |
Of those who were caught in the scuffle, many were teenagers, students, civic activists, and pensioners. |
Earle thinks this fall's election will be a watershed in civic politics. |
I do see an inviting civic center of theaters and other facilities. |
Recent improvements to the downtown area are a point of civic pride. |
Vlad Burlutskiy is a civic and political activist from Russia who fled the country last year due to increasing threats. |
Moral clarity would dictate that civil-rights and other civic leaders would speak out against such a senseless act of violence. |
Now that giving thanks to God no longer plays a prominent role in American civic life, Whom or What do we thank on Thanksgiving? |
Such is the difference between life in the civic textbooks and life in tea-party America. |
All this hand-wringing about our civic institutions and procedural reform and blah blah blah. |
The academicians thus transformed their intellectual studies into civic action and promoted their vision of the value of scholarship and language to the larger community. |
It was also widely practised on campaign, when a quartermaster would normally travel ahead of his unit to arrange accommodation with the civic authorities. |
No other cities in Maryland or Virginia combined an oval with a pattern of radial streets to organize civic space in the service of a centralized colonial state. |
The Italians fought endless civic wars under the banner of Guelph or Ghibelline, Pope or Empire, but they were little more than pretexts for strife. |
The critique extends into nearly every little crevice and lacuna of our civic life. |
Bangalore was the fastest developing city in the East and civic agencies here were at their wits' end to cater to the growing population, the minister said. |
The assembled civic worthies and their university visitors were confronted by the apparition of the mayor, clad in what appeared to be a rumpled pyjama shirt under his coat. |
For all his failings, he was at least attempting to bring a European tradition of republicanism into politics and a pluralistic tolerance of religion into civic life. |
There may be indeed be little that politicians can do to actively legislate for civic virtue but there are enormous harms that politicians could stop doing. |
To a request from the college that the civic authority construct a wall for the hostel, she said she would revert to the college after discussing it with the mayor. |
He formed a group of civic leaders and wowed city officials with a slide show of what the downtown riverfront could look like if the rivers were exposed. |
In 1830 Louis Philippe returned the Pantheon to civic use, but for the first rocky decade of his reign not a single figure was buried there for fear of public protest. |
A modern state needed a population literate in the official language, and a population that was disciplined either by religious instruction or by a secular civic morality. |
If there was a civic award for the best cross country ski town in the United States, the Twin Cities would give all competition a run for their money. |
Meanwhile, guatemalan civic groups worry that the presence of U.S. troops could once again stoke repression at home. |
In Thailand the internet has nurtured an unprecedented civic consciousness and a new anti-corruption watchdog has claimed the scalp of the interior minister. |
The necessity for, and the pervasiveness of, these technostructures immediately raises issues of personal liberty and civic engagement in their securitization. |
Here we're introduced to some of the civic and military leaders of the ape pack, led by Thade, an ornery, scowling, bad-tempered ape if there ever was one. |
Though the civic body invited short-term tenders for the work, the Land Army Corporation has bagged the contract, as its bid was the lowest, the sources said. |
Jersey is a Bailiwick, and the Bailiff is the civic head of the Island. |
Just as March Madness draws to a close, student athletes will again be the center of national attention, this time for their academic and civic achievement. |
The closure of the Webb's chicken factory was a terrible blow to the town's economy, but presented civic leaders with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. |
Across the country, an entire network of companies that were semi-professional was arising, in something of the manner and pattern of American civic theaters. |
The consequence of this extension brings into question the public value and benefit of the proposed presumed beautification and civic enhancement. |
Yes, the joys of the cheese toastie were being savoured by our civic leaders thanks to the invention of a dinky device by a forward-looking silversmith. |
To soothe Acolhua civic and ethnic pride, Tetzcoco's rulers and historians conceived of their city as the empire's cultural capital, the true heir to Toltec civilization. |
It will come to touch all our lives in a profound manner, and will figure prominently in all we think and do at all levels of civic life for a very long time. |
Visitors to either venue cannot help but reflect on the pervasive, beneficent influence that this durable document has had on our personal and civic lives. |
Although he has been involved in philanthropy and civic affairs, McCormick has never run for office before. |
As a result, our modern gun-rights ideology is often unmoored from any sense of corresponding civic obligation. |
As the city's sheriff she performed the traditional beating of the civic bounds but, for the first time in 139 years, she did it on horseback, riding side-saddle on Anzac. |
We need to stop judging the monorail by the degree to which it does or doesn't make us feel good, and treat it like any other major civic project. |
Instead of opposing every civic expectation of religious faith, they might join religious activists in wielding faith as a counterweight to corporate tyranny. |
I could see the tall stone buildings, the clocks ticking with civic pride on ornate towers and a flurry of black gowns and mortar boards on bicycles. |
At public hearings, scholars, prominent real estate brokers, and civic watchdogs testified about possible remedies to the problems of racial discrimination and blockbusting. |
I will remember her for that first spark of wonder she ignited in my imagination and for her unceasing efforts to promote the arts as part of civic dialogue. |
Consumer and other civic interest groups also put their feet in the door, though they found it much harder to exercise effective political muscle. |
Neither a civic voice nor a decent life is something a person should have to earn in zero-sum competition. |
The eagle scout who raised funds for his troop was reared by upper-middle-class parents who volunteered for civic committees and raised money for charities in Seattle. |
The civic authorities plead helplessness in feeding the vagrant population and point out that a proposal to rehabilitate them in the suburbs is hanging fire. |
It should be made mandatory that all authorities should get their project plan vetted by at least two or three civic bodies that will validate the plan and programme. |
As well as an assortment of colourful floats the line-up will include brass bands, Morris men, traditional dancers and vintage cars as well as local civic dignitaries. |
Yet transport remains absolutely vital to the nature of civic life. |
Our challenge as educators is to link classroom study of real world problems with community involvement that reaches beyond volunteerism to civic engagement. |
All that the civic body could do so far is to issue notices to the software firms asking them to pay property taxes applicable to non-residential properties. |
Rather, civic engagement seems to have steadily increased for the first two-thirds of the century, stagnating and declining only in the last third. |
To mark the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, we should rededicate ourselves to civic education. |
The Council now had new civic offices in Dungarvan and local offices in Tramore and Lismore as well as the regional roads design office in Tramore. |
The only problem is that the present weakness of civic society largely arises from the very measures those old-time socialists enacted with such determination. |
Leaders improvised eloquent orations referring to the usual civic virtues. |
They worried that positioning it near or over a glass-ceilinged train station would have a negative effect on the surrounding streetscape, view corridors, and civic life. |
Should I, this civic nationalist, disdain raw chauvinism, empathise with these nice, troubled young English people and remember just how badly they want this prize? |
In this comment the author also pays a considerable attention to the questions of citification and ruralisation from the aspect of the civic society development. |
Business, community and civic leaders have a key role to play here. |
The third civic building is the Central Library, west of the City Hall. |
The least satisfactory aspect concerned the civic virtue of locals. |
There was a time when we had a national, personal and civic pride. |
Whether it a case of laziness or a lack of civic pride is unclear. |
There is no older civic duty than public participation in the law. |
By revitalizing their civic centers and improving public transportation, they are attracting new workers, technologies, and related businesses back to the city's center. |
There was a triage center set up at the civic center for injuries. |
He always makes a point to talk about how much fun he has playing a genuinely different venue after endless weeks of bland civic centers and generic outdoor sheds. |
In the old days when this was the civic centre for the community, the police were in this building as part of a large representation of local governance. |
The Kennedy Center almost qualifies as a civic center by itself. |
The grant would go towards building a new civic centre and sports pitch, with room to rehouse the Town Council, but the bid must be submitted by the end of this month. |
This marginal or extra rent makes the civic works self-financing. |
The first notable effort for renovation was made in 1999 when the civic body set up a technical committee comprising architects, academicians and civil engineers. |
Municipal reform might well replace a patrician oligarchy of local gentry and merchants, weakening collective action and undermining the corporate, civic culture. |
He was also supported by many collegians, scholars, civic activists and legislators, mostly those associated with the ruling Uri Party and the Democratic Labor Party. |
In Madras, where a middle-class commitment to civic order is still discernible, the yob's inconsiderateness and the policeman's complicity heralded anarchy. |
The government's concessive draft for partial opening of the education sector is encountering mounting resistance not only from academic circles but also from civic groups. |
How does this impact the organization of other institutions in society, like church, extended family, civic associations, and ideological movements? |
It is deplorable and very dangerous for the civic group to openly incite young soldiers who live on their orders to be insubordinate to the words of their superiors. |
The issue was frequently discussed by civic leaders in the area at that time, particularly those from Manchester and Salford. |
It now lies at the centre of Wrexham's civic centre just off Queens Square. |
The dithyrambic chorus is a chorus of transformed people, for whom their social past, their civic position, is entirely forgotten. |
In Northern Europe, cities also shrank, while civic monuments and other public buildings were raided for building materials. |
It remained prominent through the Roman era and Early Middle Ages as the site of a road crossing between several important civic centres. |
The civic tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment contributed to the intellectual ferment of the American Revolution. |
The Youth Congress meets on a Tuesday evening every 4 to 6 weeks in the Council chambers of the West Lothian civic centre between 7pm and 9pm. |
The Rothes Halls complex is the town's main theatre, exhibition, conference and civic centre venue. |
Public facilities include a regional sports and leisure centre, two golf courses, major parks, a civic centre and theatre and a college campus. |
The plan proposed demolishing some existing buildings to create a new civic centre, health centre, library and shopping facilities. |
The universities of St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen were ecclesiastical foundations, while Edinburgh was a civic foundation. |
Prior to the constitutional changes in 1919, the civic republic was ruled by a class of hereditary grand burghers or Hanseaten. |
The French civic holiday in her honour, set in 1920, is the second Sunday of May. |
This property was used for the advantage of the inhabitants of the burgh, funding such facilities as public parks, museums and civic events. |
It has been suggested that this attitude compromises the party's claim that its form of British nationalism is civic and inclusive. |
The architect Oscar Niemeyer idealized and built Government buildings, Churches and civic buildings was constructed in the modernist style. |
The Who were not told until after the show because civic authorities feared crowd problems if the concert were cancelled. |
When neither consul was within the city, their civic duties were assumed by the praetor urbanus. |
German words found in the Polish language are often connected with trade, the building industry, civic rights and city life. |
Before the creation of an elected executive Mayor the post of civic mayor and later Lord Mayor existed. |
Higher income inequality led to less of all forms of social, cultural, and civic participation among the less wealthy. |
The civic head and chair of the council is known as the Lord Provost, a position similar to that of mayor in other cities. |
The development of civic institutions included the City of Glasgow Police in 1800, one of the first municipal police forces in the world. |
They observed a democratic society with open universities and civic societies in addition to more advanced factories and manufacturing plants. |
She does have a deep sense of religious and civic duty, and takes her coronation oath seriously. |
The forum is aimed to increase civic engagement of young people in order to strengthen nationhood, mutual understanding and trust. |
Denver marks its 125th birthday this month with a three-day festival, August 24 to 26, in its outdoor civic center plaza. |
According to Bannister Fletcher's History of Architecture, Cardiff has the finest civic centre in Europe and the third finest in the world. |
The new civic centre, which would be built in Acre Close, Whitnash, would be about 4,000 square feet and act as a one-stop shop for residents. |
On the contrary the era burned with the passion of civic idealism and melioristic vision. |
On the other hand, Dublin's evidence for civic drama of the type that flourished in England is altogether shadowier. |
The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities works to improve the Commonwealth's civic, cultural, and intellectual life. |
Despite declaring that the civic body's cash crunch has increased manyfold, it has promised a lot in the Budget. |
Such hostility to contact with one's fellow citizens is civic maladroitness, and it's highly unbecoming of a member of a democracy. |
The building, which is the borough's new civic headquarters, will be used by various local government agencies. |
Mr and Mrs Rees, by email WHAT a non-event the civic reception at St Andrew's was. |
Proponents of localism argue that it provides for greater economic efficiency, political empowerment, and community education of civic life. |
At his funeral no pomp, no pageantry, no civic procession, no military display. |
The civic authorities of Ghent, Ypres and Bruges proclaimed Edward King of France. |
The governor appoints and the senate confirms a nonpartisan commission of citizens, legal professionals and civic leaders. |
Encouraging civic action, fostering repopulation, providing information and resources is the foundation on which we build and grow. |
In his final chapter on civic participation, as expressed in associational life, Werner reiterates his argument. |
Unreconcilable differences within communities, civic organizations, and professions tax the capacity of the court system. |
Desert Killifish has become an eco-friendly and economical tool for the civic body's Pest Control Department in combating mosquito larvae. |
After the war, I was asked to become a youth club leader by Miss Randall, who was in charge of all the civic youth clubs in Huddersfield. |
Notions of civic virtue were at that moment changing, in ways which would make of Louis's alleged vices an incubus on the back of the monarchy. |
However, these powers ebbed away as more and more civic and judicial powers were centred on county towns. |