I think that the failure of the government to give working parents tax relief on childcare costs is a scandal. |
A major factor behind the growth in mumpreneurs is the rising cost of childcare. |
As a result, some employers are choosing to block-book places with established childcare providers. |
In this line of thinking, what children in childcare require is substitute mothering. |
In France, tax relief on childcare exists for children up to the age of six. |
When they finally get home, they are, quite reasonably, expected to muck in with the shopping, cleaning and childcare. |
It found that 90 childcare referrals were left unheeded for months, despite the serious nature of many allegations. |
Even with partners on low incomes they can choose a no-frills life and stay home instead of outsourcing childcare when children are very young. |
What's more, privatised childcare is a potential source of profit for capitalists. |
And for children, there's a vibrantly designed childcare centre complete with computer games and a mini theatre that plays cartoon films. |
In the entryway they might notice a bulletin board advertising midwifery services, childcare, or book exchanges. |
It provides training in childcare to volunteers who join the organisation and has opened up a new career for many lower-middle class youngsters. |
The certification is for courses done in business studies, computer studies, childcare, art and craft and general studies. |
However, employers will not be under any obligation to offer childcare vouchers. |
We work in routine service industry jobs structured by low pay with shift patterns dictated by childcare. |
The option of providing tax relief for receipted outlays on childcare is also being examined by a cabinet subcommittee. |
The centre also manages support programmes for people with disabilities as well as providing direct financial support and childcare subsidies. |
Take your pick among child benefit, children's tax credit, working families tax credit and childcare tax credits. |
She would get excited about going to parties with friends and looked forward to a career in childcare. |
There is much confusion about the type of childcare services available to parents. |
The results also show that childcare will again be an issue in the next general election. |
There are several different childcare options available to parents returning to work. |
Those using childcare the most are managers, administrators and professionals. |
Fortunately he was in childcare during this time and they were really good about it. |
Better yet, we could have personal tax breaks for everyone who has to pay for childcare. |
Apart from the lack of jobs, the main obstacle for lone parents who want a paid job is the lack of childcare. |
They will be able to meet and speak to special advisers about finding work, childcare and tax credits. |
Many agree that the government needs to invest more in parental leave and quality childcare. |
The cost starts early, with a third of the money going to working parents to help with childcare costs. |
She had won a place to become a student teacher but could not afford childcare for her daughter, Jessica. |
It gives the opportunity to parents to work knowing that their children have high quality childcare. |
The best way of choosing childcare is to go and see a range of nurseries, childminders or other carers. |
Lack of childcare and transport can make it difficult for many women to access training and support. |
If someone wanted to go into childcare they would be looking for a larger nursery than ours. |
Of course, the middle-class mother in Britain may be able to afford private childcare. |
New staff can also be offered childcare on a temporary basis until they find something more permanent. |
This course will be of benefit to parents, playschool workers, childminders or anyone with an interest in a career in the childcare sector. |
The majority of people can get help with the cost of childcare and it is up to the individual whether you prefer a childminder or nursery. |
Catherine's partner Geoff, 41, is a self-employed painter and decorator and can also help out with childcare. |
Many people depend on the tax credit money to pay for their childcare, and supplement their incomes. |
The policy covers 80 per cent of costs such as childcare, housekeeping, cooking, ironing and transport after the first 30 days. |
Allegations of sexual abuse can spring from false memory syndrome and not fact, a former resident of childcare institutions has announced. |
Two images of women of color appeared much later in the booklet, shown only once, and linked to themes of housework and childcare. |
Extra incentives will also be offered to childcare providers to encourage them to set up in areas of high need. |
It is an indictment of our childcare system that the childcare debate only makes the news when there are allegations of abuse. |
Generally speaking, men's fathering behaviors do not center on an investment in childcare during infancy and early childhood. |
Population and employment are more concentrated in Dublin and therefore childcare is a salient issue for more people. |
They are unlikely to see fifty-fifty shares in boardrooms or childcare as the measure of fairness in the division of labour. |
The organisation plans to publish research on state childcare models in May. |
A range of stringent health and safety considerations underpins the design and construction of the modern childcare facility. |
This leaves little time for routine involvement in childcare even if men want to be involved. |
As well as anger management classes, they take lessons on cookery and childcare skills. |
They build low-income housing, run literacy classes, sponsor a food bank, and run emergency shelters and a childcare center. |
Today, franchising has forayed into all sectors, ranging from food and beverages to childcare and healthcare. |
She is the best exponent of British social democracy in her generation, arguing for childcare as the missing plank of the British welfare state. |
Though it is often discussed in gender-neutral language, childcare is primarily a women's issue. |
What childcare is available is provided informally by relatives who are prepared to assist for a few hours a day. |
Research shows consistently that childcare workers are the crucial determinant in delivering quality outcomes for children. |
This course is free of charge to women and full bursaries are available to cover childcare, eldercare and travel costs. |
Now I am overdrawn on the bank through direct debits and simply cannot afford the childcare costs as well as my other costs. |
A specialist employment agency supplying teaching and childcare staff was asked to track down teachers and childcare workers. |
The centre, which will be open four evenings a week and at weekends, will also provide childcare. |
Is the trade-off of high-status acquisitions against parental childcare an issue that needs redressing with exchequer funds? |
Ranged before the exultant children's minister was a rapt host of 700 local officials who are extending her childcare empire across the country. |
A three-year effort to provide a new community childcare facility in Grange has run into difficulties. |
And better childcare for women could increase the female participation in the workforce across the board. |
The team found that the centre did not comply with the acts on childcare and treatment of substance abusers. |
Where the policy agendas of welfare to work and equal opportunity have neatly dovetailed is on the expansion of childcare provision. |
It's working class fathers who are more likely to take on a larger share of childcare responsibilities. |
It was just a matter of organizing things, a bit of a juggle and a dance between childcare, meetings and contracts. |
Try to start making childcare arrangements well in advance of when you need them. |
We will introduce childcare centres and extend pre-school and after-school care to all schools. |
In some ways, after-school childcare is harder to come by than it is during holidays. |
More pay for women, better childcare and better quality workers through continuous training are the keys to keeping down unemployment in Ireland. |
The problem here isn't so much housing as childcare, which consumes roughly half her after-tax income. |
She has rearranged her childcare in order to get into town for 8.20 am and give herself a better chance of finding a parking space. |
A national childcare competition has picked a Southend carer as its winning entrant. |
The Conservatives would offer courses to grandparents who wanted to refresh their childcare skills. |
Vikky Rose, 19, has worked there for seven months and has just qualified for her certificate and a diploma in childcare and education. |
The likely result of this is a labyrinth of intricate employment and childcare arrangements that families may find harder to juggle, not easier. |
I sometimes allow rampant letterfit adjustment and excessive glyph scaling to allude to the lack of state-sponsored childcare options. |
And that is not to say that the poll will result in the childcare issue being relegated to the footnotes of party manifestos. |
And similar reasons are why abortion and childcare haven't penetrated this Far East in a very poor area of the world. |
He was often late for school himself and attributed much of that lateness to his own household and childcare responsibilities. |
Most of my key operational females have no childcare responsibilities at all. |
Neat pastel houses rose amid Mediterranean landscaping, with a park, community center, and childcare complex. |
Some Nordic countries even offer subsidized childcare services and compensation that is approximate to the actual loss of earnings. |
Its treasures must be plundered and used to fund literacy programmes and childcare. |
Families will be eligible for the childcare tax credit where a lone parent, or both partners in a couple, work for at least 16 hours a week. |
Constantly rubbishing residential childcare is enormously detrimental to the young people and staff who live and work in them. |
He gave a rundown on how key services were provided on a regional basis, including health care, education and childcare. |
Marriage exists because people must take responsibility for childcare and assume economic obligations. |
Issues relating to support services, such as childcare and business training, and transport systems are also likely to be talking points. |
We need to continue to support the development of childcare places in community, private and workplace sectors based on local identified need. |
Fourteen ladies from this area have recently completed a ten-week course in preschool childcare. |
You may need additional childcare as most preschools operate three-hour sessions, with normal school holidays of around 13 weeks a year. |
So I was down at childcare toot sweet, and took the sprat off to the local. |
Health care and more affordable childcare places rank below tax cuts in current macho political cultures. |
Parents will be able to claim towards any out-of-hours childcare costs through the working families tax credit. |
There was also an improvement in satisfaction in the share-out of housework and childcare. |
The couple now split the childcare duties, although Hough insists that her husband is the better parent. |
The mature students were protesting at the shock announcement of the end of childcare funding. |
The trouble with the government's childcare strategy, it seems to me, is that it has employed both too much imagination, and too little. |
They have increased the entitlement for reimbursement of additional childcare costs when parents are required to work back or are called away with little warning. |
The problem is that there is no realistic scheme of funding or childcare. |
Here he champions perinatology, a concept based in the fact that childcare begins in the womb and, hence, obstetricians and paediatricians need to work together. |
In addition, some form of subsidy through increased children's allowance, income tax relief or subventing the providers directly would help reduce childcare costs. |
Transport will be provided and childcare expenses will be reimbursed. |
Coming to the center gives her a measure of relief from long days filled with childcare and housework. |
Although the vast majority of contemporary couples have dual incomes, women carry a disproportionate amount of the burden of homemaking, childcare, and eldercare. |
Don't forget to check with your local authority to see if there are discretionary funds available to assist with the costs of any extra childcare help you may need. |
Thus skills were taught with regard to childcare, cooking, housekeeping, handicrafts, raising chickens, cattle and pigs, growing vegetables and fruits. |
Cobbling together free childcare or eldercare provided by relatives is commonplace because free is all they can afford. |
There will be a clawback of the allowances, in the form of a balancing charge, if the premises ceases to be used as a childcare facility within 10 years. |
Few comment on childcare shortages unless trumpeting their own exultant babysitting skills, even less on mothers' health, unless comparing personal symptoms. |
Parents will now be the only people legally allowed to smack children, and childcare organisations say they hope the law will eventually be extended to parents as well. |
In general, even the most generous vouchers cover less than 75 percent of the market price for childcare. |
The number one cost is childcare, which can run into thousands, be it nurseries, nannies, child minders, au pairs, after school clubs or holiday play schemes. |
The childcare vouchers were slashed or frozen in the economic downturn, leaving many families worse off. |
Founded as a utopia where possessions, childcare, and love were communal, traditional family structures were banned. |
On the other hand, if you don't need to sleep, a lot of the burden of childcare becomes less onerous. |
The specifics of the bargaining will take a back seat to childcare complexity. |
The companies were not required to provide benefits, but the state helped the workers with childcare, among other things. |
I mean we're tough, we don't mess around if we find a childcare service is not meeting the right standards for accreditation, we don't accredit them. |
By the time of the First Five-Year Plan and collectivisation, when the Stalinist bureaucracy was consolidated as a class, there was little social provision for childcare. |
One highly regarded contemporary vipassana teacher accomplished most of her early daily practice as a single mother doing childcare and housework. |
Britain is full of knackered working parents who need childcare centres. |
Would this be a godsend for busy parents or a wrong turn for childcare? |
Child care officers can offer information about a wide range of childcare needs, including childminders, day nurseries and out of school and pre-school provision. |
When my husband and I traded places and he assumed the majority of childcare responsibilities while I went to work full time, there were, predictably, adjustments to be made. |
Making childcare more affordable would help both mothers and fathers, as would flextime, better health care benefits and more opportunities for family leave. |
The crucial functions of childcare, elder care, other home-based tasks, and volunteer work in the community go completely unreckoned in the GDP because no money changes hands. |
Opposition to the government's cave-in has come from a broad range of childcare and community service providers, and also from the NSW Commissioner for Children. |
There is also unlikely to be any movement on the issue of establishing a special working visa scheme for childcare minders, which was promised in the programme for government. |
So, our extra-terrestrial analyst might warn that it should tread carefully when attempting to ease the burden on those with substantial childcare costs. |
My dream for the business is that we can continue to provide affordable, quality childcare that meets the demands of a very demanding customer base. |
One lady said she could have then rearranged childcare arrangements. |
A childcare career fair will give jobseekers the chance to have their questions answered by people working in nurseries, playgroups, pre-schools and after-school clubs. |
If both parents wish to resume careers, they will find that the cost of childcare in some Scottish kindergartens is twice as much per week as it is in Finland per month. |
Plans to expand a childcare centre in a residential street in Alstonville have been knocked back by Ballina Council, despite a staff recommendation to approve the application. |
Demand for British nannies abroad is rising fast, a major childcare agency said yesterday. |
The curriculum goals of a nursery school are more specific than for childcare, but less strenuous than for primary school. |
Each child in England at the first school term after their third birthday, is entitled to 15 hours per week free childcare funding. |
Typical areas include apprenticeships and other vocational qualifications in many disciplines, such as childcare, farming, retail, and tourism. |
Bath College offers further education, and Norland College provides education and training in childcare. |
In the white paper Scotland's Future, the Scottish government pledged to expand childcare provision in an independent Scotland. |
Young mothers can enjoy childcare support from their own mothers, who continue living nearby in the same camp. |
The domestic work women performed for owners was traditional, consisting of cooking, cleaning, laundry, fetching water, and childcare. |
Owen's greatest success was his support of youth education and early childcare. |
In 31 states, childcare has a higher price tag than a college education. |
Nicola, who began her career in the childcare sector, joined the club as receptionist in September 2003, a month before it opened. |
Stalls will include designer jewellery and stationery, cakes and ice sculptures, photography, videography, childcare and cosmetic dentistry. |
They will typically spend PS472 on childcare, PS388 on day trips and PS372 on food and drink. |
A rug rat race emerges among these parents, driving up both admissions requirements and the time spent on childcare. |
The solution is a period of grandparental leave and an investment in formal childcare. |
Education and Childcare Minister Sam Gyimah speaks about the future of childcare in England at the Family Childcare Trust conference. |
The cost of childcare in Australia is expected to increase in 2018 as parents continue to deal with the challenges of childcare affordability. |
A 'toxic mix' of rising childcare costs and 'patchy' provision is putting pressure on families in Scotland. |
It took me ages to find good childcare for my son but I eventually found a childminder who also looks after the little boy of someone I know. |
In the first chapter, the author discusses childcare issues. |
More childcare is probably undertaken by grandparents than the formal sector in organisations such as nurseries, playschools and kids clubs. |
And he suggested the cash should go instead on extending tax breaks on childcare for all couples. |
The impact of grandparental proximity on maternal childcare in China. |
The site launched by Mom Trusted, an online community helping parents find childcare centers and local preschools, is gaining momentum in recent months. |
The expecting mother is enthusiastic about learning childcare. |
The western suburb of Blanchardstown offers childcare and sports management courses along with languages and technical subjects at the Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown. |
They are teachers, childcare workers, social workers, counselors, pastoral ministers, retreat ministers, religious educators, school administrators, and much more. |