Senior monks at each monastery perform other ceremonies leading followers in worship and prayer. |
The ceremonies were taking place over two days at York Minster, yesterday and today, and saw students graduate in a variety of subjects. |
Through domestic items, religious ceremonies, music and oral histories we can see direct relations with past and present African cultures. |
It gets really annoying at presentation ceremonies when some old duffer keeps wittering on, doesn't it? |
Over recent weeks I have attended special farewell ceremonies for the sailors, soldiers and airmen and airwomen deploying under this operation. |
More often than not, she attends opening ceremonies, goes to parties, meets people and takes part in charity work for the local community. |
Young people mark their coming of age in different ceremonies or initiations. |
It is the Rolls Royce of awards ceremonies and, unlike most winners' faces, has only improved with age. |
For temple ceremonies, women wear a sabuk belt wrapped around the body up to the armpits, with a kebaya jacket over it. |
The katsura is worn for wedding ceremonies and traditional Japanese dancing and stage performances. |
Traditional musical instruments included rattles, which were prominent in ceremonies. |
It is hoped to involve all age groups during the Advent and Christmas ceremonies. |
Family members, together with some friends, journeyed to England for the funeral ceremonies. |
Many thousands of couples were joined in matrimony during communal ceremonies. |
On a daily basis, he wears his lightly graying hair in braids, but for ceremonies he takes great care preparing his hair and traditional costume. |
Over the centuries, various ceremonies and rituals developed around the tradition of drinking wassail. |
After the Japanese capitulated, the surrender ceremonies for Ocean and Nauru Islands were carried out on her quarterdeck. |
Frankly, however, awards ceremonies do not constitute entertainment of any value, unless you are actually there quaffing the pricey champagne. |
Mrs. Trunk attended the Harvard graduation ceremonies and walked out on Annan's speech. |
One of the greatest entrepreneurs in the country is a modest Aberdonian with a built-in distrust of business award ceremonies. |
There will be no whist drive on Holy Thursday night due to church ceremonies. |
Easter ceremonies began on Holy Thursday in the Parish Church and as usual there was a large gathering. |
The Easter ceremonies on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday were very well attended. |
There are still many non-Islamic elements in Sundanese ceremonies and rituals, particularly those surrounding the growing of rice. |
Britain's favourite piano player and master of ceremonies of music television uses it for his own albums and sometimes also hires it out. |
Suddenly the door leading from the judges' chambers were flung open without the usual ceremonies. |
The day's activities began with religious ceremonies in the morning and the pouring of the water. |
This applied to public ceremonies and domestic rites such as festivals, weddings and funerals. |
This grove of trees is sacred to the Adivasis and in the past was used during many ceremonies and religious events. |
The heroism of the police is recognized by the coalition in medal ceremonies like this. |
Thirdly, marriage celebrants are not required to perform civil union ceremonies. |
Kino also used the rich vestments and ornaments of religious ceremonies to attract the native peoples. |
Large crowds attended the funeral ceremonies on both days, a fitting and entirely deserved tribute to this stout-hearted gentleman. |
Under his direction, the symphony performed at the opening ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. |
Speaking of awards ceremonies, it appears that the ARIAs are about to be one-upped by the MTV Australia Video Music Awards. |
These include cargo cults, which believe that wealth can be obtained through religious ceremonies. |
Respect for the dead that used to be of cardinal importance in society is rarely noticeable during funeral ceremonies these days. |
When a medieval pope died, elaborate ceremonies transferred his power to the cardinals who would elect the next pope. |
She is one of only two officiants accredited by the British Humanist Association to conduct ceremonies. |
Death ceremonies are quite elaborate in Sri Lanka, usually conducted by the families of the deceased in conjunction with religious officiants. |
Last year in Scotland, 27 weddings, three naming ceremonies and 233 funerals were conducted by humanist officiants. |
Religious services and ceremonies never strike Miss Manners as being as funny as they may be cracked up to be. |
Rochdale bobbies on the beat switched to flat caps four years ago but continued to wear helmets at ceremonies. |
At 8 a.m. the mayor lit the candles and incense and nine monks led the religious ceremonies. |
There was an element of panic amongst those more used to solemn and largely artificial state ceremonies. |
They have royal ceremonies and entertain foreign leaders at glittering state banquets. |
Every caste, tribe, town, village, and religion has a panoply of traditional ceremonies that are observed with enthusiasm and wide participation. |
There were big bad wolves at the door back then and the rituals and ceremonies we observed were an important part of our defences against them. |
Many religions go through ceremonies or observances of rituals to become pure or to be healed. |
They will also have to sign a citizenship pledge as part of an oath of allegiance to the Queen and take part in US-style citizenship ceremonies. |
Outdoor events and processions were staged on a large scale, and were as dramatic and successful as the indoor ceremonies and entertainments. |
Custis was free to observe Creek ceremonies and Caddoan customs and skills and to post a twenty-six-specimen botanical collection downriver. |
The West African and trans-Caribbean influences in the South are best seen in spiritual ceremonies that evoke elements from voodoo rituals. |
The ceremonies were videocast live on the Internet, and broadcast nationwide on radio. |
Art produced for ceremonies is stylistically much simpler than that produced for non-Aboriginal audiences. |
Her journey was to mark the 60th anniversary of VE day, and her ship's company attended numerous ceremonies commemorating the Allied success. |
Broadcast networks quickly returned to basketball games and highly rated sitcoms and Oscar ceremonies, and were only mildly criticized. |
Rochdale remembered its war dead in solemn ceremonies throughout the borough. |
Graduation and similar ceremonies should be solemn, with the national flag raised at the front. |
There were, of course, the solemn ceremonies at the parish church, the best attended of the year after Christmas. |
Organ music at the Mass set a solemn tone, but the day's ceremonies ended on a festive note, with fireworks and a ball under the stars. |
In the States, wool mittens and socks are sometimes used as adornments in wedding ceremonies. |
Educators struggle to keep the Navajo language alive, and there is a severe shortage of singers to conduct traditional ceremonies. |
One need only note the permanent structures for sun dances and other native religious ceremonies that can be seen on most reserves. |
The trust gets together every year to organise commemorative ceremonies and to give away an award in the name of the actor. |
Family members, friends, and unit representatives laid wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier during private ceremonies for the three men. |
They include prostrations, making offerings to statues of Buddhas or bodhisattvas, attending public teachings and ceremonies. |
Religious brotherhoods and sisterhoods play an important role in organizing these ceremonies and festivals. |
To some the signal importance of that event was eclipsed by another aspect of the morning's ceremonies. |
The education board sent monitors to schools to make sure that the ceremonies are conducted according to protocol. |
For example, where we live, brass bands march at many ceremonies, and right at the back comes the big bass tuba. |
Even the sound of trains shunting in sidings has been asked for, according to a new review of funeral ceremonies. |
Double congrats to the mistress of ceremonies for putting on such a great show. |
They helped organize the 1963 March on Washington and were master and mistress of ceremonies. |
Hannes Kaufmann, will be the master of ceremonies, and is already practicing and rehearsing jokes and tricks for the evening. |
The meat and blubber were consumed by members of the Makah Tribe and during tribal ceremonies. |
In May, Svetambara and Digambara Jain munis performed pratistha ceremonies installing a murti Mahavira. |
Food is important at ceremonial occasions such as naming ceremonies, betrothals, marriages, and deaths. |
During midwinter ceremonies, an elder's voice will rise as the drum quiets. |
Even in modern times some traditions still call for wedding ceremonies where both the man and women wear nuptial wreaths. |
The national stadium will also be the venue for rugby sevens as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. |
Both burials appear to have involved ceremonies which included setting fires and placing offerings. |
Everything is behindhand for the opening ceremonies of Thursday, but as they are not the important ones, little annoyance is expressed. |
Neither do they welcome publicity for their initiation ceremonies, conducted behind closed doors. |
Indian ceremonies, tom-toms, cheers, costumes, and painted faces may be part of their traditions. |
This can be dealt with by having two stages, one specifically for performances and the other for award presentation and master of ceremonies. |
Speaking of Melbourne, that was the first Olympics in which all the athletes just thronged into the stadium for the closing ceremonies. |
A moulvi, or knowledgeable one, is present at all ceremonies and formally asks the bride and groom whether they accept each other in matrimony. |
The Somsri Pata team defeated the Formgate team, 2-0 prior to the opening ceremonies as cheerleaders and spectators barracked their favorites. |
Special ceremonies would not be complete without participants sharing in a meal. |
Friday's event will also have the radio jockey as the master of ceremonies. |
To add spice to the event, well-known TV personalities were introduced as the masters of ceremonies. |
And after what seemed like an eternity, the master of ceremonies finally emerged to announce him as the next performer. |
The expert master of ceremonies presided over this sale where he encouraged brisk purchasing. |
Micheal will be master of ceremonies for the night along with guest speakers. |
The master of ceremonies introduced the program and was also a performer or musician in the show. |
It is a good idea to have someone acting as master of ceremonies and introducing speakers. |
The master of ceremonies interrupted the speaker to remind the audience not to repeat questions that had already been asked. |
The master of ceremonies should announce the national anthem and instruct participants to stand. |
The vice-chairperson of the organising committee will be master of ceremonies. |
The surrounding host-culture religions are used for ceremonies like baptisms or funerals for which the Roma need a formal religious institution. |
The Masses and other ceremonies in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary this Christmas had full congregations. |
Large crowds attended the funeral ceremonies in Headford and they bore ample testimony to the respect in which he was held by so many people. |
The ceremonies will consist of a Marian Hour, Stations of the Resurrection while Holy Mass will begin at 5-15 pm. |
Opening ceremonies were interrupted for a time when a tent pole came crashing down on a visitor. |
Commonly, these also had a snake nursery where snakes were bred for use for the healing ceremonies. |
The temple block is a percussion instrument originating in China, Japan and Korea, where it is used in religious ceremonies. |
Most likely, given the powerful nature of such a manitou, appropriate ceremonies would have been conducted by someone with specialized powers. |
Some of the senior priests ran from one wedding mandap to another to be present at the most crucial moments of the ceremonies. |
The opening and closing ceremonies for the Commonwealth Games will draw on Mancunian culture to produce spectacular shows. |
The tea dance will be held at Bexhill Hall from 2-6 pm, featuring serial lippy wearer Vanessa Wagner as mistress of ceremonies. |
Are satanically inspired initiation ceremonies and rites conducted on spaceships and UFO craft? |
The Parthians and Sassanids also celebrated Norooz every year by holding special rituals and ceremonies. |
He wanted to invite the public to future police award ceremonies so they could get a greater understanding of how the police service works. |
The invitations to present award ceremonies across Europe and play gigs in far-flung places are stacking up. |
The website carries photos of celebrities attending award ceremonies, dressed in glamorous attire. |
When we get invited to awards ceremonies, we all just want to know if we've won or not. |
We've not been to that many award ceremonies, and as a band we're not really into that whole business of being seen. |
Pure West African rhythms can still be heard in the drum-driven ceremonies of voodoo and santeria throughout the Caribbean and South America. |
Even more candidly, the maestro of Tudor court books and ceremonies last studied Anglo-Saxon history, he admits, as a schoolboy. |
Newborns are sanctified by prayer and undergo head-shaving and naming ceremonies. |
Their worship was based around ceremonies and rituals which, to its critics, were observed automatically and without thinking. |
The ceremonies took place before a capacity audience in an auditorium adjacent to the competition site. |
Religious ceremonies will include Tak Bat, bathing of the Buddha image and pouring lustral waters on the elders. |
An astrologer will be consulted to choose an auspicious date for these ceremonies. |
The large crowds at the funeral ceremonies reflected the sense of loss and grief felt throughout the neighbourhood. |
Archbishop Parker's Advertisements, issued in response to disputes over clerical dress and ceremonies, enforced the rubrics of the Prayer Book. |
Research on Arrernte society has been preoccupied with the mythology and traditions dealing with the ancestral beings and associated ceremonies. |
Saturday and Sunday were spent loafing around, watching movies and awards ceremonies. |
It previously would take place with beautiful traditional ceremonies and secret ritualistic sacrifices to the ancestors. |
Besides these formal organizations, Filipinos gather with others from their province for ritualistic and religious ceremonies and festivals. |
The biggest holiday for them is the three-day series of ceremonies to sacrifice to the ancestral spirits and ritually renew the village. |
During the ritual ceremonies and dances, Hopi men wear elaborate costumes that include special headdresses, masks, and body paints. |
School graduation ceremonies are a primary rite of passage for most children and young adults. |
The third deals with burial rites, mourning, and other kinds of ceremonies. |
During the latest bachelor party, a man in an ape suit served as master of ceremonies as guests were required to answer a series of riddles. |
The hotel is licensed to perform civil ceremonies and the suites can cater for up to 80 people. |
Each receipt would entitle its purchaser to the necessary libations or meal offerings required for different ceremonies. |
Mr James Roberts was a capable master of ceremonies and returned thanks to all who were involved in the production. |
They were seen as traitors because they no longer kept the Mosaic ceremonies or submitted to earthly priests. |
As a priest performed the ceremonies of the burial office, Julian took up residence as an anchoress in a small apartment attached to the church. |
Dressed in togas, crowned with laurel wreaths, they re-enacted ancient ceremonies, of which feasting was one. |
Eight more couples were forced to move their ceremonies at the last minute to avoid them being null and void. |
Colonial Yucatec ritual practice also insisted on ceremonies of nomination and ordering. |
Thus did ceremonies and their successful conduct knit up the repeated homicidal rents in the social fabric. |
Ayahuasca, typically brewed as a tea, is used as a sacrament in Native American religious ceremonies. |
Kula provides a useful illustration of the important role played by social ceremonies in sustaining both economic, social, and political relations. |
Perhaps the most familiar example of a gift culture is that of the native Americans of the Pacific Northwest such as the Kwakiutl and their famous potlatch ceremonies. |
The previous biggest shake-up in civil ceremonies was in 1994 when the Marriage Act allowed couples to marry outside register offices for the first time. |
The country held symbolic ground-breaking ceremonies to relink railways and roads through the heavily fortified demilitarized zone splitting the peninsula. |
Aptly in this bicentennial year of Trafalgar, the Senior Service was at the hub of ceremonies of remembrance to mark the nation's war dead at home and aboard. |
In recent years, demands have been made for the Irish state to fully and unconditionally participate at official level in Remembrance Day ceremonies. |
Long-time Razzie performer, and the evenings master of ceremonies, Glenn Simon then steps up to the podium. |
Through ceremonies like these anticlericals were creating a cult of the great man who died for his political principles, and whose memory can inspire the living. |
This groundswell of patriotism has been nurtured and strengthened by political functions and religious ceremonies in remembrance of the September attacks. |
He finds himself at various functions, meetings, ceremonies and openings, at a plethora of venues such as hospitals, colleges, sports centres and theatres. |
Some of the diary reads much like a tourist guidebook, describing wedding ceremonies and funeral rites, Afghan customs and consumer prices in Kabul. |
Marriage ceremonies are after all the classic rite de passage. |
It was not clear if the Pope would even be able to attend the ceremonies, make only brief appearances or join the faithful via television link-ups. |
He was known for being a white man who participated in voodoo ceremonies and for regularly being possessed by the loa, generally while in a drunken state. |
After intense training in Gabon following the incident, he dedicated himself to practicing ibogaine ceremonies like the Bwiti. |
Such feasts might take place at inauguration ceremonies such as dynastic weddings, or to accompany the distribution of loot or booty from raids or trading expeditions. |
Relations with the ancestors and respect for Nyamwezi traditions are maintained through ritual activity such as animal sacrifices and other ceremonies. |
And true to the words in the song, Lundas are a people who are proud of their rich cultural heritage which they have preserved in song, forklore and traditional ceremonies. |
The founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group that attacked Mumbai in 2008, hafiz Saeed, was the host and master of ceremonies. |
Last Monday at 11 a.m., 9 monks led religious ceremonies to sanctify the occasion and create solidarity among the 1,500 plus local government employees. |
Coupled with fowl and cattle sacrifices, the bhagat's ceremonies include repetitive incantation of tantras in a local Dangi dialect and numerous yagnas and religious rites. |
At that point, Yuji and his father asked if I would consider attending the annual memorial ceremonies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |
It stands on Castle Rock overlooking the city of Edinburgh and is approached across the Esplanade, the site of the annual military tattoo and other ceremonies. |
In particular, the Danes, Norse and Saxons regularly tattooed themselves with family symbols and crests, and the early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. |
While Mystic Secrets offers a lot of information about beneficial ceremonies, this article discusses rituals of cursing, called maledictions, and offers a few samples. |
No matter how many times I say that award ceremonies are pointless industry backslapping, I still can't help but be a teeny bit interested in them. |
The last includes mantras and yoga, seeking the guidance of a guru or performing temple ceremonies for the direct blessing and intervention of God, Gods and devas. |
These efforts have focussed on restoring spiritual balance through ritual purification ceremonies, which reinforce an inherently apolitical Balinese self-image. |
They were also married in the church, not in civil ceremonies. |
As well as providing music for ceremonies and on the march, military bands play on bandstands, in concert halls, and for all manner of social purposes. |
Members attend ritual events such as baptisms, confirmations, wedding ceremonies, and funerals and major religious events such as Christmas and Easter. |
Spliced between performances were the results of the raffle, chosen by little helpers who pulled names out of brown paper bags for the master of ceremonies to announce. |
Everyone was kept in high spirits throughout the night by the master of ceremonies who entertained everybody with his unique blend of comedy and wit. |
A three-cornered hat is also worn on special occasions and ceremonies. |
Kevin Fallon on the quirk of history that demands two swearing-in ceremonies for this particular president. |
Communities nationwide were to observe Sept.11 in their own ways, with services at firehouses, memorial dedications, bell-ringing events and flag ceremonies. |
For traditional ceremonies, such as weddings, the sherwani and churidar, a calf-length tunic and tight-fitting trousers, are often seen, accompanied by a turban. |
A fine crowd attended the funeral ceremonies and many were very lonesome as they bade their fond farewells to a man who had been such a part of the community over the decades. |
This is a fair conclusion stemming from the way the two tribes ' annual cultural traditional ceremonies have gone on in this district this time around. |
Apart from cakes on birthdays, few special foods are eaten at major secular ceremonies, although such ceremonies involve toasting and drinking alcohol. |
Other chapels have taken on commitment ceremonies in the last couple years just for the monetary issue. |
You can learn about traditional beliefs and ceremonies, hear stories from the ancestors and find out what impact Europeans had on Blackfoot society. |
The four most important Blackfoot ceremonies were obtained through women. |
Lastly, the master of ceremonies could give the meal blessing. |
There are whispers of a history of voodoo ceremonies and mysterious orbs of light appearing in photos. |
This and subsequent ceremonies portrayed the Unknown Soldier as representative of a national vision transcending class, ethnic, racial, regional, and religious differences. |
According to the unvarying schedule of my life, the first weekend in May means I'm the master of ceremonies for the Minnesota Youth Symphonies concert at Orchestra Hall. |
Even in very early times the position of Ferns led to it being a gathering place for ancient Druids ceremonies and the meeting place of some of the chieftains. |
In particular, the Danes, Norse and Saxons, regularly tattooed themselves with family symbols and crests, and the early Britons used tattoos in ceremonies. |
During Candlemas ceremonies, church-goers bring candles to church, where the flame is blessed and represents good will and luck in the coming year. |
The venue is purpose built for rituals and ceremonies, with appropriately fabulous acoustics, lavish trimmings and colourfully costumed officiants. |
Ministers are already allowed to conduct marriage ceremonies outside churches and last year officiated at 380 such weddings, an increase of 41 on the previous year. |
My character actually officiated at several marriage ceremonies. |
While filming, she learned that Bhutanese monks performing religious ceremonies in people's homes often found their eyes straying to the television in the corner. |
The festival will include the high-tech wizardry of Decoufle, known for his orchestration of the ceremonies of the 1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville, France. |
Such obedience included acceptance of the Mormon faith through baptism, living a moral and godly life, and the completion of certain ceremonies and ordinances in the temple. |
Marriage practices vary throughout Togo according to the ethnic group, though organized religions and the State have altered the ceremonies of even the most secluded villages. |
As chancellor, Dame Janet will be the official figurehead of the university, presiding over degree ceremonies and taking a leading role in other ceremonial events. |
The move was made in 1998 to shorten the overlong award ceremonies. |
Each chapter includes guidelines for special holy days and festivals, births, initiation ceremonies, funerals and mourning, and home celebrations. |
The Holy Thursday ceremonies included Mass of the Lords Supper, during which volunteers from the community came forward to have their hands washed. |
But on a more personal level, the cloud over Zorreguieta does have implications for the ceremonies in the days to come. |
Family relations and friends journeyed to England for the ceremonies. |
The Sacrament will be administered by the priests at the ceremonies. |
All chief ceremonies, however, regardless of village, culminate in the kava ceremony wherein the candidate drinks kava for the first time as the new chief. |
A grand opening is expected to take place, though the hall is already available for tours and visits, wedding ceremonies, receptions and conferences. |
Grotesque profiteering aside, life release ceremonies can devastate the eco-system. |
The land involved is sacred to them and used to gather acorns for religious ceremonies. |
Brian May and Roger Taylor performed together at several award ceremonies and charity concerts, sharing vocals with various guest singers. |
The revived series has received recognition from critics and the public, across various awards ceremonies. |
It drew on ceremonies used by the kings of the Franks and those used in the ordination of bishops. |
The Act of Uniformity of 1662 required churchmen to use all rites and ceremonies as prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer. |
Frank Dobie, then teaching at Cambridge University, participated in the dedication ceremonies. |
Civil Ceremonies also organises baby namings, working in partnership with registrars and performing about 5,000 naming ceremonies a year. |
The sultan is mandated by God and thus is expected to lead his country and people in religious matters, ceremonies as well as prayers. |
Mardi-gras was ushered in with various ceremonies, offering a strange mixture of devotion and profaneness. |
The Commonwealth Games, including the opening and closing ceremonies, were held at the Cardiff Arms Park in the centre Cardiff. |
Muhammad Ali fought there in 1972 and it played host to the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2003 Special Olympics. |
There are ceremonies, some ancient, some modern, which use the language or are entirely in the language. |
Constance asked me if I had seen the ceremonies at the Lethal Chamber. |
The cathedral is used as one of the venues for the graduation ceremonies of Canterbury Christ Church University. |
On 12 December 2011, the Canadian government banned the niqab in citizenship ceremonies. |
Some beauty spots ban ceremonies and memorials and are against scattering because of fears that ashes affect the environment. |
Other versions have been tried but this version is the one used at the Scottish Rugby games and other ceremonies. |
These penitential ceremonies occur in some villages in Lower Brittany on the feast day of the parish's saint. |
In 2012, she performed in both the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the London Olympics. |
Now she is a rowdydowdy mistress of ceremonies in the comic movie shorts shown on these pages. |
Well dressing ceremonies are held in many villages during the spring and summer months, a tradition said to date from pagan times. |
They frequently appear in this uniform, when accompanying the monarch in royal ceremonies whilst she is in Scotland. |
Hindus offered religious services, sang Bhajan and prayed for the development and prosperity of the homeland in the ceremonies. |
There are also many temples dedicated to him, which have been used for Confucian ceremonies. |
In some cases, especially in America, members typically paid a regular membership fee and went to lodge meetings to take part in ceremonies. |
Monks are a constant source of fascination for visitors to Luang Prabang, especially during the early morning almsgiving ceremonies. |
Well dressing ceremonies are held in most of the villages during the spring and summer months, in a tradition said to date from pagan times. |
In Nova Scotia, Kirking of the Tartan ceremonies have become an integral part of most Scottish Festivals and Highland Games. |
This oath to the Queen, her heirs, and successors is now administered in citizen ceremonies to immigrants becoming naturalized British subjects. |
Nowadays, the Earl Marshal's role has mainly to do with the organisation of major state ceremonies such as coronations and state funerals. |
Incense usage reached its peak during the Song Dynasty with numerous buildings erected specifically for incense ceremonies. |
Kente cloth is usually worn for festivals, graduations, ceremonies, religious and other sacred occassions. |
Public religious ceremonies of the official Roman religion took place outdoors, and not within the temple building. |
Zimbabwe has many different cultures which may include beliefs and ceremonies, one of them being Shona, Zimbabwe's largest ethnic group. |
For these audiences and for major ceremonies in Saint Peter's Basilica and Square, tickets free of charge must be obtained beforehand. |
Public art and religious ceremonies were ways to communicate imperial ideology regardless of ability to read. |
These are sites of ancient religious ceremonies, sometimes containing burial chambers. |
The personal laws involved inheritance, succession, marriage and religious ceremonies. |
The Lord Speaker has been appointed a Lord Commissioner and does take part in the ceremonies. |
For example, Hindu marriage ceremonies are recognized by the Hindu Marriage Act. |
Local customs in the past included marriage ceremonies at the Odin Stone that forms part of the Stones of Stenness. |
Isn't it possible that some of these ceremonies are more feel-good exercises than intercommunion between the people and God? |
Randai is a folk theatre tradition of the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, usually performed for traditional ceremonies and festivals. |
The University Church of St Mary the Virgin was used for university ceremonies before the construction of the Sheldonian. |
Normally civil and religious officials took no part in marriage ceremonies, nor did they keep registries. |
Program activities will include information sessions, cultural teachings, traditional craft projects and sweat lodge ceremonies. |
Mushrooms found on other trees are used for smudging and in sweat lodge ceremonies. |
First, they asserted that the ordination ceremonies in question were biblically valid. |
It is the site of most state banquets, investitures, royal christenings and other ceremonies. |
Later books of ceremonies describe the pope as wearing a red mantle, mozzetta, camauro and shoes, and a white cassock and stockings. |
However, this is not always the case in some areas where every household often carries out ceremonies in at least some of its bigger swiddens. |
This utility led to the use of incense in funerary ceremonies because the incense could smother the scent of decay. |
Her Mexican origin leads us to think of pre-hispanic cosmogonies and pantheistic ceremonies where human beings merge with geography. |
National costumes are worn during official occasions as well as traditional ceremonies. |
The khene was once used to call warriors to fight. Now it is used for ceremonies. |
However, the majority of Lutherans attend church only for special occasions like Christmas ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. |
The main Lutheran and Orthodox churches are national churches of Finland with special roles such as in state ceremonies and schools. |
It primarily serves religious purposes, and finds use in both Tengriist and Buddhist ceremonies. |
Each clan has its own shaman in charge of all the important ceremonies in the lives of the Daur. |
There was something dramatic and theatrical in the very funeral ceremonies with which Demetrius was honored. |
Stockton Register Office is just one of the places on Teesside which is organising civil partnership ceremonies. |
It is performed mainly for official civic ceremonies, by bands of musicians. |
Throughout the battles with the Spanish, the Aztecs still practiced the traditional ceremonies and customs. |
The Freemasons displayed a passion for secrecy and created new degrees and ceremonies. |
Some alphabetisms are written as if they weren't alphabetisms at all, like deejay for DJ, disc jockey, or emcee for MC, master of ceremonies. |
Lur horns are also depicted in several rock carvings and are believed to have been used in ceremonies. |
All of these ceremonies are accompanied by singing, dancing and offering to ancestral spirits. |
While heredity had some weight, leadership status was more subdued over time, than allocated in succession ceremonies and conventions. |
What she meant, of course, was young initiated men, and any such would be in short supply until after the foreskinning ceremonies at Christmas. |
Bamboo tea trays for tea ceremonies have always been held in high esteem by the Chinese literati. |
The Wor is in all aspect of their life and some of their traditional ceremonies are still being held now. |
The original function of these sculptures are related to the ceremonies and beliefs of the tribes who created them. |
Normally held in conjunction with the opening and closing ceremonies of the games, as many as 20 or more pipe bands will march and play together. |
Ritual music is performed at regular ceremonies to celebrate marriages and other important life events. |
Present at the ceremonies were Catherine, Edward Calvert, George Richmond, Frederick Tatham and John Linnell. |
The former Protector tendered him the oaths, and presented him with the insignia of office, performing the ceremonies of instalation. |
Nevertheless, the language is taught in about twelve primary schools, and occasionally used in religious and civic ceremonies. |
The tradition of wearing silk sarees for marriages and other auspicious ceremonies is a custom in Assam and southern parts of India. |
The temples were in the name of Isis or Sarapis, but an Osirian element was present in all the ceremonies. |
However, most of the notes are dedicated to India, its political structure, trade, agriculture, customs and ceremonies. |
Some music historians believe that music was used at almost all public ceremonies. |
Most Druids perform ceremonies within a circle around an altar or central fire. |
Sperry Junior Navigator of the Year Award for 2014 to Midshipman Robert Francisco Yerkes-Medina in ceremonies at the US Naval Academy. |
Popular with visitors to Indonesia, today the gamelan is used almost exclusively at puppet shows, traditional dance and marriage ceremonies. |
We grew up on a staple diet of pujas, religious ceremonies that celebrated everything from Ganapati Puja to Janmasthami and Ramnavami. |
Sloane highly recommended the book The Gnostic Religion, and sections of it were sometimes read at ceremonies. |
From 2000 to 2007, the ceremonies took place at the flagship Odeon cinema in Leicester Square. |