Gases flow countercurrent to mass flow in the cement manufacturing process. |
It looks like wood but is actually a fiber cement material that can withstand the summer heat without cracking, warping, or peeling. |
The walls made without cement are permeable and thus need no separate provision for drainage. |
He eventually was inducted into the army and served admirably, unloading cement ships and doing other odd jobs. |
During the night when concrete was needed, workers added the Portland cement and admixtures and placed the concrete. |
Substituting adobe clay for cement is one option for a more sustainable approach. |
A large crowd, various ages and nationalities, circled a cement stage, writing messages with chalk provided. |
The dogs were kept in the cement kennels, the cats were kept in rooms attached to the main building. |
The medium is the enamel airbrushed on a prepared surface of cement and other materials. |
Where the wider skis like the Chubbs stand out is in the windslab, breakable crust, Sierra cement type conditions. |
At recess one day her teacher taught the class how to play hopscotch on the cement basketball court outside. |
The kilns that calcine the lime used in cement are often natural gas fired. |
The lightweight, cellulose-reinforced cement board withstands high winds and corrosion. |
It mixes manure with recycled materials like cement or lime kiln dust, coal ash from electric power plants, and gypsum. |
Volunteers there find a use for everything from used chip fat to damaged CD cases, old canal lock gates and worn-out cement mixers. |
At the AWU, we represent the cement workers who unload ships such as the recently reflagged CSL Yarra. |
Then she mixed up a batch of cement in a bucket, poured it into the pie tins and leveled it off. |
Once the cement was mixed up, she scooped it into the trench and leveled it off at ground level. |
Vertebroplasty is a percutaneous technique similar to kyphoplasty in that bone cement is injected into the vertebral body. |
In April, Russia's atomic energy minister said the cement encasing is collapsing and urgently needs reinforcement. |
When I wanted to, I could sit nude, as the entire yard was enclosed by a tall cement block fence that had been painted pink. |
None of the ICU successor groups was able to cement a lasting organizational framework. |
On the other hand, laterite stone take very little, sometimes no cement and sand to build and last almost forever. |
Pour the liquid latex into the sand and cement mixture and mix it completely with a trowel or other tool. |
Cementation is dominantly by chlorite, with epidote and zeolites also present as cement phases. |
Modern materials are now often incorporated into building techniques, especially zinc sheets for roofs and cement to cover floors and walls. |
The older areas in the center of the city are often made up of mud and cement houses with corrugated zinc roofs. |
In this work, Geers has plastered a wall with broken green glass bottles stuck in cement in an aggressive statement of repulsion. |
She got a good running start, and then jumped over the cement wall that was close to the warehouse. |
He or she holds the patient's leg and hip in correct anatomical position while the cement hardens. |
If there are any leaks, fill the hole or crack with plastic solvent cement and wrap it with plastic electrical tape. |
Weigh shovelsful of lime and cement separately so you can calculate approximate water needs for your mix. |
General purpose cement and lime are commonly used in subgrade stabilisation by Australian councils. |
Haley reverts her eyes to the cement edge of the pool, as her friend focuses on the swimmer approaching them. |
It would help cement a close working relationship with the federal government in the future, she said. |
A pinafore of wire mesh and cement hangs by metal straps from its shoulders. |
The liquid solution works by binding to anything it is attracted to, such as cement or lime. |
The access point should be positioned in a central location far away from metal obstacles, walls or cement columns. |
Recent research has shown that cement really just seals moisture in, and thus, promotes a faster rate of internal rot. |
The heights and widths of all cement railcars and locomotives were determined. |
Apply rubber cement lightly to the backside of the trimmed die as well as to the cushion. |
While adhesives such as silicone glue and rubber cement may have their place, they should never be used to mount large or heavy objects. |
Painters, drawers, and printmakers develop n-hexane-induced peripheral nerve damage from using rubber cement and spray adhesives. |
She was built in 1966 and ran aground on 24 April 1978 while carrying bags of cement to Port Sudan. |
Hygroma is caused by repeated contact with hard surfaces such as cement runs or hardwood floors. |
We cruised through a town of cement low-rise hotels, with glimpses of deep rocky valleys behind. |
Trying to cement her position she pushes the team into attempting an exceptionally difficult human pyramid move. |
The white cement walls are spray-painted with images of red and blue bicycles, like miniature graffiti tags. |
These terra-cotta-colored walls are made of quarry tailings with cement and a little water added. |
The compound loomed in front of him, the cement walls austere and forbidding. |
His feet were shuffling along with the rest of him, tapping out the beat on the cement floor. |
Although usually of lead, in Deptford the cooler was made of tarras, a cement which, like lead, did not dissolve in the acidic solution. |
Along the road was a steady stream of trucks and lorries, piled high with belongings, from bedding and clothing to cement mixers and furniture. |
The orange ball rebounded off the backboard and gave a few half-hearted bounces on the cement floor before rolling away. |
All implants are quickly inserted while the cement is malleable to allow proper positioning. |
The finished epoxy floors are harder, tolerate more abrasive wear than terrazzo cement surfaces, and are less labor-intensive to install. |
Traditional building materials of mud and thatch are being replaced by cement and tiles. |
The walls in these villages are plastered with cement or mud and most of the houses have thatched roofs. |
If you are using mastic cement as an adhesive, fill the joints with thin-set adhesive to avoid water damage. |
The officer saw an open-backed truck at the site containing a large amount of asbestos cement roofing material. |
In most of the temples, the elephants are kept in a secluded room, which has a cement floor. |
It was a great barn of a place with a cement floor, fibreboard partitions and windows only at the extreme river end. |
Wheeling barrow loads of cement certainly tickles the old palate as I discovered in one previous existence. |
Religion in the former sense is a cement for communal harmony, and not otherwise as some modernists and secularists believe. |
Whereas the aggregate is the filler, the combination of water and cement provide the binder that keeps the material together. |
How I missed those days climbing up the scorching hot cement slide and playing tic-tac-toe on the sand. |
He lies on a bed of nails buried under a stack of cement blocks and walks on broken glass and machetes in his bare feet. |
Symptomatic clinical problems usually are a result of an exothermic reaction that occurs as the bone cement sets. |
In liquid form, the quantity of retarding admixture is measured as liquid ounces per hundred-weight of cement in the mix. |
Why would any rational cement mixer driver stop for someone flagging them down? |
But cement is exceptionally tough and not very porous and its use at Fountains has essentially reversed this process. |
Campaigners looking to stop a Westbury cement works burning waste products are urging residents to have their blood tested for toxic chemicals. |
On the same occasion the cornice and the trabeation were repaired by means of cement mortar. |
The dental cement is a shapeable material filling the space between two surfaces. |
We will not be attempting to target the trade, so we're not going to be selling things like cement mixers. |
But there is another element which links the two countries and which will help to cement the transatlantic relationship. |
With the masonry bit, drill through the tile, cement board and Sheetrock to the wood. |
Transportation equipment, machinery, cement and other building materials, iron, and steel are major imports of Somalia. |
He wasn't creating any mischief, and he stayed on the cement next to his car. |
I mixed one shovel of Portland cement to five shovels of sand, filled the whole area with this mix, tamped it, and then sprinkled it with water. |
The cement becomes sticky, and troweling often causes damage by pulling the cement loose from the concrete, causing bubbles. |
She then troweled a thin layer of overlay cement into the unmasked areas, coloring it afterwards. |
Records that had expanded, melted, contracted, and been squished by liquefying shrink-wrap were for sale and lined up on the cement floor. |
I was lying on my side on two sheets of newspaper spread on the cement floor. |
Troops found the church with large holes blasted out of its cement walls and its tin roof collapsed. |
More importantly, villages invested money in re-doing grave sites, covering the dead with multi-tiered cement monuments. |
In January 1929, for instance, only two loaded vessels arrived, one with petroleum spirit from Liverpool and the other with cement from London. |
In addition to using the same granite, the original mortar was matched with Portland cement lime mortar. |
This summer the National Trust asked St Blaise Conservation, directed by Keith Garner, RIBA, to replace the cement with lime mortar. |
By volume the mix is approximately half glass fiber and half cement mortar. |
The wayward child is at the back of the dim cement room, crouched in a corner near the hand basins. |
My body was slammed violently onto the cement floor, forcing the air from my lungs. |
Patching cements look darker than the color of the cement because the polymer bonding agents in them make the concrete denser. |
But the founders of the Turkish Republic aimed at a unitarist state and sought a cement for this unity. |
The unset cement is very permeable until it develops sufficient. strength to prevent fluid influx. |
These have included a wide assortment of items, including friction pads, brake linings, gas masks, cement water pipe, insulation, and textiles. |
There are still millions of tonnes of it in cement sheets, lagging for pipes and boilers, brake linings and other products. |
General features of housing are wood or breeze-block walls, corrugated iron roofs, and uncovered wooden or cement floors. |
It was considered unsightly, and always covered with either a cement render or a skin of brickwork. |
The object is then heated at a low temperature causing the niello to fuse, become viscous, and finally cement itself permanently to the metal. |
Today one increasingly finds modern block and cement houses in both provincial villages and urban areas. |
When I approached, it flew into a tiny slot in one of the large cement fuel bunkers that we have on base. |
He led Jessica around trees, bushes, shrubs, and an empty cement pool that was at least twelve feet deep. |
I filled the children's miniature squirt guns with water, took a can of shaving cream, and drew targets all over the side of our cement garage. |
More to the point, it involves copious amounts of rubber cement and other noxious solvents. |
When you make cement you make calcium oxide which can react with carbon dioxide and make calcium carbonate. |
As hydration occurs, the silicates are transformed into silicate hydrates and calcium hydroxide, and the cement slowly forms a hardened paste. |
It will cement your hairstyle for many hours, even in the course of heavy winds. |
The surgeon then packs cement along the distal femur and hammers the femoral implant into place. |
The cannula was fixed to the skull with dental cement and capped with silicon without an obtruder. |
Galena is also found as larger isolated octahedral crystals within the coarse calcite cement in breccias in the upper parts of the core. |
The steam-tight joints had to be made with a cement which normally took a week to harden. |
That allows atmospheric carbon dioxide to infiltrate the weak paste and deeply carbonate the calcium hydroxide and other cement hydrates present. |
We would give away oil changes to cement the bond between the dealership and customer. |
In the past, builders usually stuck them on with a little patio cement and that was it. |
I catch the motion with which a man tosses water from a brush onto a setting cement curb, while another trowels the cement to an olive shine. |
Earth strengthened with cement was used to form sundried bricks, which were laid in walls two bricks wide to enhance stiffness. |
Because cement is such a dense, hard material it puts stone under pressure, cracks it and allows water to seep into the interior. |
Her face sets like quick-drying cement and she imparts information strictly on a need-to-know basis. |
The mortar mix used for the vintage building consisted of a Portland cement-slacked lime putty created by mixing cement and lime. |
On all these levels, I invite you to celebrate the richness of gravel, sand and cement mixed together with water and allowed to cure. |
This figure is the ratio of sand to the sum of the Portland cement, lime, and mortar cement or masonry cement in the mortar. |
They're as mundane as the flour, cocoa, and sugar in brownie mix or the sand, gravel, and cement used to make concrete. |
Yesterday we went to Jewsons and ordered some fence panels, posts, sand, gravel, cement etc. |
Cementitious grout of two parts sand to one part cement can be injected below the curled slab edges. |
On the other hand, you still need to have sand, cement and crushed stone trucked in, and then you have to shovel it into the mixer. |
Many people find a place without carpeting is best from a maintenance point of view as tile or cement is a lot easier to clean. |
West Wiltshire MP Andrew Murrison has challenged the Environment Agency's plans to allow the burning of toxic waste in cement and lime kilns. |
The exuberant, deadly light embraced the dank alley as it sped toward Zarl, uprooting the earth once trapped by cement and gravel. |
With the availability of cement cobble stones and tiles, the paths could be properly laid for the use of those who want to take a walk or jog. |
Suddenly Ryeda could hear the small screeches of rubber meeting cement at such a high speed as the place came to run on the runaway. |
Traditional terrazzo is made of cement and marble with extra marble chips on the surface. |
The cool cement was smooth beneath my feet, and a soft breeze wound its way through our hair. |
I placed the front panel of California face down on the floor and used Dap Weldwood contact cement to glue side-pieces along the edges. |
The ideological cement binding the nation was the White Australia Policy, championed by the Australian Labor Party. |
Without effective state support for disciplinary sanctions, voluntary consensus was the only real cement for community. |
We may regard the DANCE ANNUAL DIRECTORY as a bunch of names and numbers, but it truly is the cement of our community. |
What held this strange alliance of East Belfast back street preacher and born again estate agent together was the cement of sectarianism. |
In all cases, nationalism and patriotism proved powerful cement for bonding the state with society. |
But in the last analysis discipline is a crucial part of the cement which binds armed forces together. |
As we will see in the next chapter, these emotions may be the cement that binds human society together. |
Politics was the cement which bound the late John Healy and myself, as Editor, to the young team that launched a pioneering regional newspaper. |
In today's less hierarchical business world, trust is the cement that holds organisations together. |
The cement that holds together the various strands of the Bush administration is their pocketbooks and stock market portfolios. |
Bonding between the cement and dental hard tissues is achieved through an ionic exchange at the interface. |
Deformation bands and early calcite cement develop upon wall-rock contraction after fluidization ceased and fluid pressures dropped. |
These hard, round spheres of sedimentary rock cement are carried into place by ground water. |
Finally, elitist condescension, however merited, helps cement Bush's bond to the masses. |
Apart from creating employment is also serves to enhance the area and cement community and social bonds. |
They are well-matched and mutually dependent with the barest hint of latent sexual attraction to cement their bond as reckless partners in crime. |
The interior walls have three coats of cementitious Portland cement plasters. |
Big natural products syntheses never finish with more than that, because the earlier stages would have to be performed in a cement mixer. |
A 52-year-old shopkeeper who claimed a back injury hindered him in lifting heavy objects was photographed carrying a cement mixer. |
The RAMAC drive was housed in a cabinet the size of a refrigerator and powered by a motor that could have run a small cement mixer. |
They broke the lock on the well guarded old mill and took all the tools, cement mixer, levels and other equipment. |
According to Mr. Naik, hearing damage begins when a person is exposed to a sound level of 80 db produced by cement mixers or an alarm clock. |
A character walking on concrete makes the sound of a pencil tapping a tabletop, and footsteps on a lawn sound like gravel in a cement mixer. |
The plaintiff also supplied some equipment, such as a forklift and a cement mixer, and consumables, such as fuel. |
The military, armed with cement mixers and bricks, invades shanty towns to build houses, not to destroy them. |
The specially constructed site contained scaffolding towers, cement mixers, cherry pickers and bottles of unidentified dangerous liquids. |
Coverslips were then coated with gold and attached to an SEM stub with tape or rubber cement before SEM scanning. |
So I sat by him in this rather depressing scene, as we played poker on the wet, cement floor, in the alley of cheap restaurants and pizza places. |
Quick-setting cement compounds are a mixture of cement, sand and other ingredients, and are designed to mix with water. |
Traditional cement removal tools include chisels, mallets, osteotomes, curettes, rongeurs, and high speed drills and burrs. |
He shows how the fragmentation and intensification of territorial communities continued to cement horizontal values of communal identity. |
Betrand added that the fear of shortage prompted panic as some buyers purchased more cement than they usually purchased. |
It will cement O'Brien's commitment to the host nation of the 2010 World Cup, and the country of his birth. |
She heard a swish of wings and a creature landed on the edge of the cement roof. |
He then parged the masonry with cement prepared from a packaged mix, before affixing precast concrete medallions to the wall. |
The cement board is cut to fit the plywood, using a circular saw equipped with the appropriate blade. |
Her heels clacked on the cement in an almost professional manner as the doctor stepped towards the doors. |
If you see cracks in the walls leaking, some of these can be repaired with hydraulic cement or crack injection. |
I notice that my metal cleats can make a really interesting rhythm when I clack them on the cold smooth cement floor. |
With additional analysis of shipping market development, the study also includes detailed appraisals of cement and clinker imports and exports. |
The company imported 33,000 tonnes of clinker to support the company's own production in order to maximise cement production. |
The expected decrease of duty on cement and clinker from Rs 400 per tonne to Rs 350 per tonne didn't happen. |
Standing at Xiangjiaba village, 370m below one sees coalers and cement carriers stream up and down a narrow channel off the far bank. |
There's an empty fish tank built into the cement block wall on your immediate right, a coatrack and umbrella stand on the left. |
This water is highly contaminated with dolomite from the cement manufacturing factories. |
He designed a series of lavish public celebrations to cement this image in the public imagination. |
I like the contrast between the warm sun on the cement walls and the coldness of the blues in the icy water. |
Supporters backing the bid are petitioning MPs to create a law to cement the future of the nation's post offices, pubs, and corner shops. |
A collective groan echoes off the cold cement floor, unforgiving to body parts not usually accustomed to communing with the urban landscape. |
The company has begun with the ready-mix concrete business, equipping cement mixers with GPS sensors and cell-phone data communicators. |
We had to use grenades to get at the Germans in the cement pillboxes, throwing them through the holes to knock their guns out. |
If there are any areas covered with black flashing cement, examine the cement carefully for pinholes or cracks. |
We've discussed in earlier articles some of the considerations required when working with Portland cement concrete. |
You will need to buy a bag of sand mix cement to re-cement the floor area around the sump well and the broken concrete. |
The ambassador has also pledged to bear the costs of repairing insulation under the heat conducting tin roofs and the cement floors. |
Asbestos cement is strong but lightweight, durable, waterproof, fireproof and a good insulator. |
I later applied a paint for cement floors, but it came off in fine particles. |
Because cement stuccos are widely used in North America, finding an experienced plasterer is easier than for most other plaster wall finishes. |
On the interior of the church, all areas of defective plasterwork and cement based plaster have been hacked off. |
Not many responders had a history of dusty work, such as experience in road and building construction and the cement industry. |
Secondly, eBay wants to cement Skype's premier position in the Voice over Internet Protocol market. |
Found a nice spot on the cement embankment, away from the spray, and sat down to contemplate on life. |
Cemented fixation relies on a stable interface between the prosthesis and the cement and a solid mechanical bond between the cement and the bone. |
In most cases, they are kept behind rusty black bars in cement blocks where the drab paint is flaking off. |
The architect later wrote to say that yes, the cement would probably outlast all of them, but that was not quite the point. |
At the second appointment, your dentist will take off the temporary crown and cement the gold or porcelain one in place. |
Today, the most commonly used bone cement is an acrylic polymer polymethyl methacrylate. |
But he used melted polythene plastics as binding material instead of cement in preparing slabs. |
Some rural people have adapted their houses to modern building materials, using bricks or cement blocks and corrugated iron or tin for roofs. |
The concrete contains 50 percent fly ash in the cement to reduce the use of carbon-dioxide-producing Portland cement. |
Generally you can use a time-tested Portland cement plaster for a base coat. |
Portland cement consumption improved 3.3 percent in June, although year-to-date consumption is down 1.0 percent. |
For rigid pavement construction in a large scale, part replacement of cement by dry fly ash is found acceptable. |
For instance, fly ash has replaced cement in a huge way in the rest of the globe. |
As part of the energy recovery process to conserve diminishing fossil fuels, hazardous wastes are being disposed of in cement kilns, another type of incineration process. |
The men in the camp used cement bags filled with gravel to build a swimming hole in the stream and the children spent many hours there in the summer. |
The cement mixer remains, but the Dillon tools were gone, replaced by commercial loading equipment as well as machines designed and built for Black Hills. |
That would surely cement her star status as the toast of the Macon County church missionary club for years to come. |
The excitement in the household reached fever pitch as Amir went 15 points ahead of Stilianov with a flurry of blows to cement his win in the fourth and final round. |
The import tariffs on almost all goods traded among the six founding members including cement and float glass products have been cut to between zero and five percent. |
The sickbay floor was spotted with flooring cement and there is a nice brown track where the construction people were tracking dirt in from outside. |
Surrounding him on all sides, was a jungle of cement and wires. |
To the extent possible, the concrete mixture should incorporate Portland cement of one type, made with clinker from a single source, and manufactured at the same plant. |
Sandstone is indurated sand, composed of silicilastic grains bound together by chemically precipitated cement or a recrystallized matrix of fine sediment. |
Here it seems like the politicians were trying to cement their power rather than to fill their coffers. |
He looked around at the packed, distressed cement floors and frontier-style wooden booths as we chugged our last drink. |
The impression of a child's hand or foot can be pressed into modeling clay to make a wall hanging or quick drying cement to make a garden stepping stone. |
Death waits for these things as a cement floor waits for a dropping light bulb. |
He was pinned to the cement for his refusal to go along with an arrest for selling loose cigarettes. |
His hands are smeared with cement as he practices his bricklaying skills in preparation for constructing the homes that will bring families into the village. |
No more than six gallons of water per bag of cement should be used. |
However, the Spanish government says the cement blocks impaired Spanish fishermen from trolling the same waters for shellfish. |
Wealthier people such as civil servants and merchants live in dwellings constructed of cement blocks, laid with a cement floor, and roofed with metal sheets. |
The small hire shop loans items such as cement mixers and paint strippers. |
All footpaths will have proper, cement concrete block curb stones. |
Ferro cement tanks are being used in some cases while most of the units have used high density plastic tanks for storing the rain water tapped through the method. |
We went down yonder to the cement pond and I fell on a pretzel, tarnation! |
As my bare feet hit the cool cement of pavement I grinned in triumph. |
There he tipped the lot onto a cement slab and stepped back smartly. |
Portland cement is made by crushing, heating, and crushing again a mixture of rocks and soil-like substances, the main ones being types of limestone, chalk and clay. |
I changed the cement for polyester cement in several places. |
She reached for a jar of rubber cement and twisted off the top. |
The garage is underlit, with a low-slung ceiling and construction that evinces the massive weight first of the cement slabwork and then of the floors and earth above. |
She curled up against the cement wall, pulling the robe closer around her. |
To cure the problem conservationists have tapped the wisdom of the abbey's ancient builders and are planning to replace the cement with a medieval hydrolic lime mortar mix. |
While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer. |
Here Spoornet has raised the ground level on the outside of the up and down main line as well as in between the two main lines with cement sleepers and ballast. |
From these, the water was piped to a ballcock regulated cistern, and from there to a small pond constructed of cement and limestone rocks to blend in with the surroundings. |
This latest information would appear to cement the belief that there should be a greater emphasis on control on angling and anglers in particular. |
An identifying phrase that probably Goss himself inscribed on the photograph identifies the white substance as gunite, a solution of cement and water used as a finisher. |
Since then, other building trades, such as the cement masons and bricklayers, have conceded similar changes in their labor contracts with the city. |
Her high heels clacked on the cement floor as she hurried to her car. |
We've also put epoxy sealers on the cement floors, which keeps dust down. |
Fraternal brotherhood may be good for sloganeers at conferences, but it doesn't cement a proper relationship where both sides bring something unique to the table. |
Why must we mix Portland cement with other cementitious materials? |
They also created fascinating projects that showed how to save cement and other construction materials, without losing out on quality or strength of the structure. |
Like many rulers, she used marriage as a means to create and cement alliances, uniting her daughter Henrietta Maria and Charles I of England, for example. |
Temporary bunds on nullahs, rivulets or small rivers erected by using empty cement bags, popularly known as Vanarai Bunds, have proved most effective. |
We were in a large room with rusty metal walls and a cracked cement floor. |
This excess floatation capacity may allow the insects to bounce on water surfaces, much like a rubber ball on a cement sidewalk, to avoid drowning during a downpour. |
This major emotional downer is as raw as it gets, and while it doesn't quite chime with the flip ending, it helps cement this as a powerful and evocative piece of work. |
In the morning, Michael and I dumped five-gallon buckets full of compost, forest loam, sand, and leaf mold onto the root cellar's cold cement floor. |
Alternatively, a cement and perlite slurry can be pumped into the flue. |
Erected within the existing parapet walls, externally it is a simple box of fibre cement sheet with black-painted cover battens and projecting hardwood window frames. |
We cement our relationships with our barren love and hollow dialogues. |
And it has served as the cement that has bound Europe together. |
Motioning with their flashlights on either side of the trailer, Anthony and his new employer got the semi backed up to the crumbling cement dock of Fourteen building. |
Jindal's extraordinary energy in those days helped cement an impression of him as something more than a whiz-kid wonk. |
As a boy he was always the first to leave his handprint in wet cement or to carve his initials onto an attic beam. |
Sometimes the entire face of the stone can be lost leaving a honeycomb of cement mortar standing proud, forming a water trap and increasing the risk of frost damage. |
A large truck loaded with tons of trinitrotoluene and masked with sacks of cement approached a group of administrative buildings in the regional center of Znamenskoie. |
This will contain sworn affidavits from a number of the country's largest cement wholesalers claiming that a small group of cement groups monopolises the Mexican market. |
Buy a cement mixer, because you never know when you might need one. |
More recently, the rows of red and gray cement housing project blocks that sprouted up in the 1980s dominate the view. |
There is a summer mews in need of some tender loving care, and a large cement sunken area which could accommodate a fantastic water feature or even a swimming pool. |
He has watched presidents come and go while busying himself for endless hours creating desserts designed to delight and soothe, mend fences and cement alliances. |
As I arrive, I notice a string of cement flowerpots blocking the road right outside the tavern. |
Anything from boiler and pipe lagging, to roofing materials and ceiling tiles, water pipes, or cement products could have been made with the mineral. |
Built of reinforced cement concrete, the house is fireproof. |
The conservative traditions that have been the cement of the social capital of rural communities have underpinned the political conservatism of rural Australia. |
Time and again we seek in our sport the consolation of the old values and virtues that were once the only social cement that held Ireland together in the worst of times. |
Annually the plant will produce 160 000 cement sleepers mostly for export. |
The company has admitted staff misreported the contents of batches of Portland cement between September 2002 and December 2004, but vowed the irregularities would not reoccur. |
While Butler includes race as performative, other scholars have extended the discussion to include the mundane actions that cement one's racial identity. |
This cement is used for very large concrete structures, such as dams, which have a low surface to volume ratio. |
The humeral diaphysis is prepared with flexible reamers to allow for a 1 mm to 2 mm cement mantle around the humeral stem. |
HeidelbergCement used to have business operations in Bulgaria when it was owner of the cement plants Zlatna Panega and Granitoid. |
The I-Cal 2000 High Precision Calorimeter HPC is a two-channel isothermal model for testing cement paste, mortar or concrete. |
Those that paint the night transformed the oppressive grey, cement blocks just hours after it was built into a cheerful, mocking smiley face. |
Comparative efficacy of two poeciliid fish in indoor cement tanks against chikungunya vector Aedes aegypti in villages in Karnataka, India. |
It would help cement the city's image as a genuine, rather than a hypocritical advocate for local tokers. |
After the initial test the beams were retrofitted using Ferro cement with chicken wire mesh. |
This is called vertebroplasty, and the cement used is polymethylmethacrylate. |
The assistant passes the tip of an explorer under bridge pontics to remove excess cement from underneath the pontics. |
The V0 certified product has a built-in fundament that is activated during the opening of the cement ports. |
Cinder blocks crack more easily than cement does, and without any kind of sealer, those cracks are more likely to fill up with water. |
Fly ash is used as a substitute for Portland cement in concrete as it has pozzolanic properties. |
Interestingly, the biggest jolt comes late in the game, when Theo clobbers an opponent in the head with a cement block. |
The timer ran out, and Wood's cowboy boots clomped along the cement floor as he moved on to test another area. |
Contractor will be performing full-depth reclamation work by rototilling cement slurry into the existing road. |
Pooley's eyes suddenly alighted upon a half empty bag of cement which lay among a few unused red flettons in the corner of the patio. |
Portland cement was used by the famous English engineer Marc Isambard Brunel several years later when constructing the Thames Tunnel. |
Portland cement was developed in Northfleet, Kent, by William Aspdin, son of Joseph Aspdin. |
The first ever cement kiln is still in Northfleet today in a cardboard factory. |
Many small railways were built to serve sand and gravel pits, cement works and the peat and timber extraction industries. |
Pakistan's cement industry is also fast growing mainly because of demand from Afghanistan and from the domestic real estate sector. |