Sudden falls, along with injuries caused by animals and fires are also counted among the main causes of children's deaths. |
Overall tolerability was similar between the two classes of drugs, but atypical agents caused fewer extrapyramidal side effects. |
All borehole waters caused toxic effects on the strawberry plants consistent with chloride injury. |
The difference among species may be caused by different tolerances for harsh conditions. |
Sinus node dysfunction can occur perioperatively because of increased vagal tone caused by anesthesia or surgical intervention. |
When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. |
He said there is a window of opportunity to reverse the environmental setback caused by many years of neglect. |
It is caused by diesel fumes belching from the packed vehicles and halfway-wrecked lorries that clog the roads. |
Owing to the increased flow of the water carried by the new drain which drained a larger area, damage was caused to the plaintiff's land. |
Both programs allow you to see what it was that caused them to flag a particular piece of email as spam. |
Seiji struggled to reclaim his arm, but in doing so, caused all packages to topple over and fall to the ground. |
Up on deck, she once again caused a work stoppage as the men topside took her in. |
Each year, several serious car accidents are caused by high winds blowing topsoil across highways. |
At least five rifle shots were fired at close range, none of which caused any injuries or damage to the Mi'kmaq boats. |
Pasteur was convinced that microbes caused diseases in humans but his work on cholera had failed. |
Then there was the popular microbe theory, wherein a living microbe or bacillus caused baldness. |
Whatever was done to her, it drained her of all memories and caused much mental torment. |
Changes in wind direction associated with turbulence, caused by weather fronts, thunderstorms, microbursts, etc. |
The most dangerous kind, a microburst, is caused by air descending from a thunderstorm. |
The collision of North America with the Avalon microcontinent during the Devonian Period caused the Acadian orogeny. |
I'm not sure how it happened and what caused the branch to be severed from the tree there. |
Belyando spew is a shearer's illness thought to be caused by bad cooking and conditions. |
However, another aspect of total war, unrestricted submarine warfare, caused the USA to enter the war and to a degree negate success in the east. |
They, in turn, caused the trees to bend over the river and form a bridge to a land of peace and safety. |
Watson nearly caused a touchback, as the ball narrowly missed the endzone on its way out of bounds. |
Many cases of food poisoning are caused by micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses and moulds. |
Over eons these sediments became buried beneath layers of mud and ash caused by forest fires, more volcanic eruptions, rains and upheavals. |
The warming of the oceans from beneath has caused the depths of the ice caps to decrease, allowing more sunlight to reach the ocean beneath. |
Thus we can expect economic down cycles caused by oil shortages and higher prices to happen very fast. |
This is color that is caused by microstructures such as diffraction gratings, and thin films rather than pigment. |
This caused a huge headache and expense including a tow across the country by the RAC and the cost of a replacement car. |
Our previous results indicated that cytochrome P450 destruction by benzene metabolites was caused mainly by benzoquinone. |
The flight of many Congolese to cities and mining towns outside linguistic boundaries has caused new varieties of language to arise. |
The destruction of homes caused by incessant rains in many of the squatter townships that litter our cities has now become an annual event. |
This really shook Mel up and caused him to ask himself if his life was going in the right direction. |
He gave the medical cause of death as toxic injury caused by an unknown substance. |
A related infection, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, or STSS, is caused by streptococcus bacteria. |
A post-mortem report showed heart disease was likely to have caused Mr Turner to collapse and fall downstairs. |
Congenital toxoplasmosis can mimic disease caused by organisms such as herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and rubella virus. |
In the past, businesses criticised holding the show midweek because it caused major traffic congestion. |
The accident caused traffic chaos for motorists along Featherstall Road until the seven-tonne truck was removed at around 8am. |
And the worst traffic jam in the region had been caused by roadworks on the M1 in South Yorkshire. |
It was thought the standstill had been caused by a traffic sign that had fallen over further along the northbound carriageway. |
The tragedies caused by accident, human error and carelessness have become the most significant in the early history of the region. |
Authorities say excessive speed caused a train wreck that killed 36 people, and injured 81 others. |
He crashed head-on into a freight train and likely caused the nation's deadliest commuter train wreck in nearly four decades. |
A train wreck disrupted Internet connections and caused a one-day delay in pre-trial hearings for five prisoners. |
When this tramp steamer went down all 42 on board were drowned, making this one of the worst WW2 shipping losses not caused by enemy action. |
Their fervent hope is that anger at chaos caused by the millennium bug could lead to revulsion powerful enough to prevent the digital ascendancy. |
Use proper positioning, transferring, and turning techniques to minimize skin injury caused by friction and shear forces. |
The error caused the bank's core account transaction processing software to issue error messages. |
Death caused by stabbing is usually caused by drunken arguments at certain bars, shebeens or night-clubs. |
This can be caused by anything such as acid rain, pollution, sheep dip getting in, anything. |
The intensity caused him to rip at the fabric which tore, splitting at the seam. |
The blast caused a seismic rupture that split off a sizable part of Canada and created what we now know as Vancouver Island. |
Regardless of who is at fault, it is clear that never before in jazz has a movie caused the actual erasure of important music. |
The quake caused 15 buildings and the minarets of four mosques to collapse in Bolvadin, located about a three-hour drive from the capital Ankara. |
There were numerous occasions when the threat of gunfire caused a raider to sheer off at speed. |
Most were good friends of mine, which caused me to wonder if there might be a middle ground between no screeners and mass distribution. |
It has been assumed that damage caused by these miners inhibits the plants overall ability to photosynthesize. |
Provocatively mingy tax cuts seem to have caused black affront on a scale to surprise even the Nats. |
As a result, the council has decided to shelve plans for the e-voting trial in case it caused any disruption. |
Utility officials said the outage was caused by a faulty transmission line separating the two countries. |
It transpired that inflammation in his right ankle had been caused by a bone spur. |
There is also large-scale downstream pollution caused by long-distance transport of industrial food. |
The sequence alterations caused by RIP and gene conversion can obscure the evolutionary history of transposable elements. |
In the same year he proposed the idea that the collapse of Minoan civilization in the Aegean was caused by the eruption of Thera in c. 1500 bc. |
It was the custody that caused the mother and son to suffer the severe emotional trauma that led to the suicide, she added. |
The prospect of a minority government and especially of a hung parliament has caused consternation in business circles. |
But it caused her a major headache at an already difficult time, and to be greeted by a damp, cold flat took the shine off her move. |
Worked hard and his skill shone through but caused few problems for their defence. |
Herpes is caused by herpes simplex viruses, which are similar to the viruses that cause chickenpox and shingles. |
Each year, 600,000 or more Americans are diagnosed with shingles, a painful skin disease caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus. |
Chickenpox and shingles are caused by a virus called the Herpes Zoster virus. |
Remember, most punctures are caused by something sticking to the tread and working through during numerous wheel revolutions. |
Coming in we shipped a sea on the quarter bow, which caused the boat to fill and turn on her broadside. |
But he said it was unclear whether the bulge indicated a jagged break in the wing or a mirage caused by atmospheric distortion. |
Dark Matter, Big Bangs, Big Crunches, Big Rips and Singularities have all contributed to the intellectual vertigo caused by Compulsive Cosmology. |
However, they also believe that many health problems can be caused by poor posture and misalignment of muscles and joints. |
He came to regret this openness, however, believing it had caused his aims to be misapprehended. |
Bacterial infections such as those caused by listeria or Group B Strep are a recognised cause of some stillbirths and late miscarriages. |
There's also an entity known as trench foot, which actually is caused by submersing your feet, literally, in cold water for long periods of time. |
So this division has caused a great deal of mischief, a great deal of harm, a great deal of sorrow. |
However, due to the shock of the experience and the upset caused to the young boy, the pair cut their holiday short and returned home. |
The economic shocks in late 2000 caused an unexpectedly sharp drop in demand, and inventory began to build up. |
The condition may be caused by hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, infection, severe fright, shock and injury. |
Hypovolaemic shock follows major blood loss which may be caused by trauma or during surgery. |
Whether this was caused by a misconfiguration on our part, a software incompatibility or something else, we don't know. |
The explosion caused a shock wave of flames like ripples in the water when a stone is cast in. |
Clearing twisted a shoe on his way to the post and caused a 15-minute delay while a farrier made the repair. |
The AP reported how doctors in training misdiagnosed diseases caused by bioterrorism more than half the time on multiple-choice tests. |
I have to admit that I had thought the Bush Administration has been much too soft on corporate misdoings and the harm it has caused America. |
She caused untold hardship and misery to millions of families who suffered needless unemployment. |
This is the only way, he said, to reduce the pain and misery caused by farm accidents. |
The paper then turns to possible legal consequences for the harms caused to patients by the misestimations. |
Boland's Subaru lost time with a puncture while a heavy landing caused the car to misfire. |
Giancarlo had a small problem in the fuel cell that caused fuel pressure drops and an engine misfire towards the end of each run. |
Unfortunately it then ignited a bin bag full of used envelopes and rubbish which caused most of the fire damage. |
It can also reduce the labor associated with manually keying in the information and the time spent on errors caused by miskeying the data. |
He said that regular cleaning had been carried out, but that it had a down side in that damage could be caused to fragile books and bindings. |
Thus, the change in conformation was caused by binding of the peptide to the Teflon surface. |
So I think it's probably a bit of silliness caused by a trick of the light. |
The kind of deflation that economists worry about is the kind that is caused by a mismatch between the supply of money and the demand for it. |
Part two of my contingency plan addresses the food shortage caused by panic buying. |
The hardware has been redesigned to prevent damage caused by short circuits or power surges. |
The moisture, it was judged, caused a short circuit between the aircraft's main electrical power line and the missile firing circuit. |
Investigators believe that a spark from a short circuit dropped into a paint-mixing container and caused the explosion. |
An often painful condition, trigger finger is caused by a narrowing of the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. |
The syndrome, which leads to a deformed or misshapen head, is caused when a baby's head is in contact with a firm surface for lengthy periods. |
Some cases of cerebral palsy are caused by brain damage during the last trimester of pregnancy or around the time of birth. |
The researchers also found that cold temperatures in the third trimester of pregnancy caused birthweight to drop. |
She put too many vague sentences in the story, which eventually caused our mistranslation. |
He had never tripped on acid before but he imagined that the drug's effects caused the user's imagination to run amok. |
However, the number of accidents caused by livestock, trips and falls in the farmyard increased. |
Asbestosis, silicosis and bird fancier's lung are examples of interstitial lung disease caused by inhalation of foreign material. |
It was caused by a pathogen that invaded the wheat grain, and also affected durum wheats and triticale. |
A pump blockage in the existing system had caused the problem after clogged up waste poured out of an emergency outflow pipe. |
The particulate matter in the rain water that ran off the roof clogged up my water filter, but otherwise this scare caused no damage. |
The suspected burglar fled the farm but was later discovered nearby with a minor wound in his leg caused by shotgun pellets. |
Just reading the names together in one sentence made my head start banging furiously and caused me to shotgun a beer. |
An inspection revealed that the fuel-air mixture in the F2 fuel tank had ignited and caused moderate damage to the airframe. |
With breeding time for pelicans due in October, the sighting of the birds has caused a flutter among bird-watchers. |
Shia and Sunni Muslims have been inimical to each other from their inception, indeed their birth was caused by a war between two groups. |
Hemangiomas, or raised red birthmarks caused by blood vessel changes, may also be present. |
Waxy, painless, skin-colored bumps called molluscum contagiosum, are also caused by a virus. |
In many ways, he was the right person to take the troubled city through a difficult time caused by a major economic downturn. |
A key turning point in church history was caused by a meteorite shower, Swedish geologists have claimed. |
But the main attraction will be a spectacular shower of shooting stars, caused by the asteroid Phaethon passing close to the sun. |
Moisturizers also fill in and fortify gaps between skin cells caused by overzealous washing or hot showers. |
Again, mathematical modeling has shown that disease progression may be caused by viral evolution. |
The sound a piercing slap caused her to jump back, eyes scanning for the two brawling individuals. |
If the wound was caused by an animal bite, you should report it to the county public health department. |
This way you can fish the lift method, but minimise false bites caused by fish bumping against too vertical a line. |
So here's the mega-post that caused yesterday's problems reduced to bite-sized pieces for blogger to consume. |
We don't know for sure what caused this problem, but updating and modernizing the national grid is important. |
Doctors say Hindley, 57, is suffering from a cerebral aneurysm caused by an artery swelling up at the base of the brain. |
It was caused by a combination of unusually warm, moist weather and a down rush of cold air. |
Indeed, the only food he could find, and which starvation caused him to digest, was mouldy crusts of bread covered in mouse droppings. |
The breakdown was caused by the automatic shutdown of an overheated transformer. |
Cool and rainy weather in late spring induced moldy conditions in the cells that caused much larval mortality. |
The tsunami was caused by an earthquake and was unrelated to climate change. |
Indiscreet and precarious tonsures have both dishonored the monachal habit and caused the name of Christ to be blasphemed. |
The yellow street lights caused the world to glow sickly as he moved through the downtown South District. |
During the conflict, frostbite, sun-burn, and other high-altitude sicknesses caused large numbers of casualties. |
The fact that father's sickness was exacerbated if not caused by over-indulgence in Mekhong is neither here nor there. |
There are also more immediate benefits such as prevention of nausea and sickness caused by iron overload. |
Although they prefer clear, fresh running water, they seasonally adapt to turbid water caused by runoff and flooding during the rainy season. |
Because mono is caused by a virus, antibiotics such as penicillin won't help unless the child has a secondary infection like strep bacteria. |
Illegitimate children caused a problem for a society that made heterosexual monogamous marriage the only respectable family formation. |
The market is slowing, mainly due to the inflated prices that are caused by real estate agency monopolies and high commissions. |
An electrical fault is believed to be to blame for the small fire which caused the meltdown. |
His father thought rats chewing through electrical wires may have caused a fault which was to blame for the fire. |
We had caps that had to be blancoed, I remember that clearly because when it rained on parade it caused problems. |
The oxidative stress caused by ozone may serve as the initial signal for programmed cell death and a hypersensitive response. |
The blast caused a shock wave across the town, smashing windows and shaking houses. |
Two bomb blasts and a bomb threat last week have caused tension and disturbance in the region. |
A sharp twinge of pain caused him to take in a hissing breath in an effort to resist temptation of crying out as she found the spot. |
Lee laughed aloud, and then held his side, as the laughter caused his side to flare in a sharp twinge of pain. |
He woke to a rap on the door and a flood of sunlight that caused his forehead to twinge in pain. |
The smell in the wards and the moody patients made him keep his distance and caused him to lose his appetite for lunch. |
His explosive temper not only caused an opposing player's arm to be broken, it sullied the reputation of one of his players. |
Unlocking the main door, I step in, taking off my shoes, despite the eerie silence, despite the fear caused by the absence of lights in the hall. |
Our opinion is that the elongated voids and channels were caused by trapped bleed water. |
Silicosis is caused when silicon, fine particles of rock, enters the lungs and cuts lung tissue. |
In the Northeast, a single species of parasitic fly has caused declines in the populations of two native silk moth species. |
He found that his manufacturing teams were so siloed that they caused expensive production breaks. |
Measles is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the morbillivirus. |
No trams were running at the time, but it caused chaos in the morning rush hour. |
A mirage is caused by a small refraction of light near a hot surface. |
I can only assume, based on our limited understanding of space and time, that the intense gravity of the black hole caused the spacecraft to be thrust back in time. |
Illnesses caused by salmonella, shigella, E. coli, and vibrio bacteria can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting, both of which would lead to further dehydration. |
Itchiness caused by a nettle rash, heat rash, allergy rash, or a rash that results from a viral infection may be relieved by a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water. |
He than tripped me and caused me to fall forward, right on top of him. |
The microbrews caused a growth in tap handles, which favored on-premise. |
On returning home to write up my research, I fell victim to a throat infection which caused one of the glands in my throat to swell to massive size. |
Drink and drug binges at a graveyard in the town and vandalism at a play park on the Forest estate have caused residents a lot of misery over the last few months. |
In addition to damaging buildings and blowing down trees, microbursts blasting down to the ground are a major aviation hazard and have caused several crashes. |
The purpose of this tool is to reduce local high spots caused by any imperfections in form setting and from the power floating and troweling operations. |
The emergency team anaesthetist noticed that the airway heater had caused the breathing circuit's plastic tubing to melt and turned the heater off. |
Due to a press blackout imposed by both sides in the dispute, no details have been released as to what contractual disagreements caused the breakdown in the negotiations. |
The enhancement caused by shape change is equivalent to 0.6 milliseconds. |
It represents a fundamental attack upon the principle of tortious liability for negligent conduct which has caused foreseeable personal injury to others. |
The defoliation caused by the large aspen tortrix does not affect tree survival since it occurs early enough in the summer season to allow the trees to produce new foliage. |
A small trickle of blood wound its way along his palm, emanating from a fine slice in his skin that was deep enough to have been caused by a razor. |
Underground drains and sewers can suffer from structural defects caused by ground movement, leakage, subsidence, tree-root infiltration or corrosion. |
Your modern political accountants, as they scavenge through history to make the case for the prosecution, have they totted up the deaths caused by colonialism, and capitalism? |
The smoking ban has caused little trouble in our local public houses. |
Under the right conditions, these charged particles in the vicinity of the spacecraft have caused massive electrical short circuits in spacecraft hardware. |
It's caused by the lining of the womb appearing in places where it shouldn't outside of the womb but still responding to hormones, growing and bleeding monthly. |
He makes each character jump out at his audience, breathing into each an authenticity which is palpable, even down to the sibilations caused by missing teeth! |
The bipolar climate asynchrony in our scenarios is caused by the toggle between North Atlantic heat piracy and South Atlantic counter heat piracy. |
Japanese spies and traitors gathered there and caused a lot of trouble. |
The noise caused Ally to look up and when she saw all the crisps, chocolate, marshmallows, sherbet and other such things she pounced on Luke to get them. |
Almost all Egyptian mummies contained parasites which caused amoebic dysentery and bilharzia, and mummies in the New World had whipworm and roundworm eggs. |
Investigators believe the explosion was caused by an electrical short circuit and claim that the plant was illegally manufacturing ammunition and explosives. |
Both the question and the response caused a momentary hush in the crowd. |
The initiation of the neoplastic process could be caused by some biochemical substances produced during metabolism in chronically inflamed tissues. |
The clinical signs of botulism in cattle are caused by the toxin produced by a bacteria, which is in the same group that causes such familiar diseases as tetanus and blackleg. |
There was a remedy if the mischief caused by the breach could be removed. |
It originally referred to someone who deliberately caused shipwrecks by using false beacons to lure ships onto rocks, or someone who plundered goods from wrecked ships. |
And as waves, they will produce characteristic interference patterns caused by waves arriving out of step or in lockstep. |
I spotted trails of blood the glass had caused, but ignored them. |
Irritated summer skin is usually caused by clogged sweat ducts, a condition called prickly heat or miliaria, or by exposure to poison ivy, oak or sumac. |
The mindless vandals then caused extensive damage to the playing surface. |
The massive heart attack he suffered caused The King to fall face first from his toilet on to the shagpile carpet below with his pants around his ankles. |
It is not caused by trade unions, Arab oil sheikhs or even the weather. |
Urinary urgency occurs as a result of trigonal or posterior urethral irritation caused by inflammation, stones, or tumor and is common with cystitis. |
Dramatic seasonal variations coupled with movements, conflicts, and alliances of Turkic and Mongol tribes caused the people of Central Asia often to be on the move. |
The fire was caused by an electrical fault in a tumble dryer. |
Parital obstruction can also be caused by Ladd's bands, abnormal fibrous bands obstructing the duodenum, which can cause bilious vomiting and abdominal distension. |
But how many of them remember the CNN host who asked whether the Russian meteorite had been caused by global warming? |
Dum-dum bullets, chemical and biological weapons are banned outright on the basis that the military benefits of their use can never be proportionate to the suffering caused. |
The rate of moonquakes seemed to ebb and flow every 27 days, the time it takes the Moon to circle the Earth, suggesting that they were caused by the pull of tidal forces. |
Overgrazing in the surrounding lowlands and logging in the highlands are causing severe soil erosion, which in turn has caused heavy siltation in the lake. |
To exclude the possibility that the biphasic binding is caused by decelerated binding due to complete charge neutralization, we measured binding directly. |
Unfortunately, Americans don't seem to get mad about the possibility that votes were lost or miscounted unless they think it caused their side to lose an election. |
Four times more depleted uranium shells than previously admitted have misfired and caused radioactive contamination at a military range in south-west Scotland. |
With high tides and gale force winds the drains alongside the road were unable to take the flow of water which caused severe flooding on the road. |
While the operations had been in progress much discomfort had been caused to pedestrians, and tradespeople generally reported a depression in trade. |
Hospitals can computerize their drug ordering, reducing errors caused by physicians' bad handwriting and providing a system of checks to avoid mix-ups. |
These uplift-subsidence cycles may have been caused by episodic plume-related magmatic injection near the Moho and associated fluctuations in dynamic support. |
He overlooks the damage caused by the relatively small amounts of oil discharged when ships empty their bilges at sea, particularly in the North-West Atlantic. |
I realise there can be no excuse for the misdelivery of mail which is clearly and correctly addressed and I would like to apologise for the concern you have been caused. |
She was the mistress of a king and caused him to lose his kingdom. |
It must also be remembered that billhooks, slashers, chains, pick-handles and many other kind of weapons were used and often caused serious injury. |
Nader acknowledges that the effective pressure has nonetheless not caused Iran to change course on nuclear issues. |
Most critics of the tolling scheme highlighted the existing delays caused by the toll bridge at the West Link bridge in Dublin as a reason for keeping the M4 free of charge. |
An inquest recorded a verdict of death by misadventure after hearing she died of acute peritonitis, caused by the perforation of her bowel during the operation. |
But the laxity of the white church collectively has caused me to weep tears of love. |
One of the students whispered to his friends, and a burst of laughter from them caused the teachers to glare at them, accompanied by a few shushes. |
It is broken and caused my wheelchair to topple over backwards. |
Only 101 lives were lost by the two air forces and most of those were not caused by crashes but by accidents on the Tarmac. |
Antony emerged triumphant and the dominant partner of the triumvirate, while Octavian's seeming cowardice caused a severe if temporary setback to his ambitions. |
It was the beggarliness of his companion that caused him the most pain. |
The inconstancy is caused by the fact that Algol is a binary system in which the brighter star is regularly eclipsed by its partner for a period of around 8 hours. |
This topspin caused the mallet to drive the ball downward into the ground, thus significantly increasing the force generated by the forearm flexors. |
In this case, the death of one white woman is a synecdoche of the multitudinous African deaths caused by genocide. |
They obliviously went to sleep, most unaware of or unconcerned about the havoc they caused. |
The youngster needed the op to relieve pressure on his brain caused by cranial synostosis. |
Crowdedness in prison cells has also caused adverse health conditions among prisoners and resulted in the death of dozens. |
The head of the Gamalama observation post said a second eruption in a week caused the ash to spew more than 1,000m into the air. |
Neuropathologically speaking, syphilis is a sexually transmitted acute or chronic infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. |
The dry-out of Lake Urmia has caused waves of protest by locals and numerous officials have warned against its aftermaths. |
The typical yellow-amber color is caused by urochrome and, to a lesser extent, uroerythrin or urobilin. |
In this case report, we present a case of a 55-year-old man with urogenital myiasis caused by Psychoda albipennis. |
Vineland denied coverage stating that the loss was not caused by a peril specifically covered by the policy. |
And Friedman presents herself as undoing any destruction she's caused. |
Occupational therapists help people overcome difficulties caused by physical or mental illness, an accident or the ageing process. |
The Order of Friars Minor claim Lothian Heating Services unleashed a cloud of asbestos and caused structural damage by knocking holes in a wall. |
The reticence has caused some to question whether years of corruption and pilfering might mean the strongroom contains less that it ought to. |
Dost P, Armbruster W Nasal turbinate dislocation caused by nasotracheal intubation. |
A TEAM of Merseyside police officers caused chaos by exploding a stun grenade at an army base. |
Nociceptive pain is caused by stimulation of nociceptors through chronic inflammation. |
The SOA notice said that the red tide was caused by a bloom of Noctiluca scintillan, a species of algae. |
Patients with nOH experience a drop in blood pressure upon standing caused by a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system. |
Doctors call it a subarachnoid haemorrhage, and it is usually caused by a weak point in a blood vessel bulging and then bursting. |
It is caused by the spread of malignant cells throughout the subarachnoid space, which produces signs and symptoms due to multifocal involvement. |
Lacking of root hairs, slightly suberization and mount of vascular bundles were caused of both buds extracts. |
Absolute negligence and outsight indifference has caused extensive damage to the lake, which is often known as the ecological lungs of Srinagar. |
Cryptosporidiosis is caused by a cryptosporidia protozoan that infects the intestinal tract of its host. |
Holland and colleagues noted that partial stone fragmentation caused the embedding of stone fragments submucosally. |
Food Net estimate of the burden of illness caused by non typhoidal Salmonella infections in the United States. |
The tyrosinemia had caused the cirrhosis and the development of cancerous cells in Genghis' liver. |
In 1953, Soloff felt that mitral commissurotomy caused rheumatic fever to be reactivated. |
The splitting of a U-235 atom is caused by the addition of an extra neutron. |
The ensuing violence caused further refugee movement across the Ubangi River into Republic of the Congo. |
There are other reasons too, like systematic disorder which is caused by these activities and also subreption is another reason. |
The slow decline in nonperforming loans has caused noncurrent loan rates to remain persistently high. |
Distal motor axonopathy and central nervous system myelin vacuolation caused by cycloleucine, an inhibitor of methionine adenosyltransferase. |
He said selling substandard steel was caused by greed and a matter of corruption. |
Derwentside ac is determined to put right the problems which caused athletes to go off course in the inaugural Beamish Tram Challenge on Sunday. |
A real life bug that has caused misery to millions is still outsmarting the lot of us. |
Cysticercosis is a parasitic infestation caused by Cysticercus cellulosae, which is the larval form of Taenia solium. |
Medial elbow pain caused by excessive valgus forces and high pitching velocities can occur in overhead throwing athletes of all ages. |
Changes caused by succussion on NMR patterns and bioassay of Bradykinin triacetate succussions and dilutions. |
But they were unable to reach a verdict on whether the Redditch mum had caused or allowed the death of 12-week-old Isabella Vallance. |
That earlier study discussed a very few cases of pneumonitis caused by the antibiotic sulfasalazine, which had been prescribed for this patient. |
Morquio A syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency in N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase. |
Breathing problems caused by the sulfurous haze that wafted from Laki to Europe may have contributed to the early deaths of tens of thousands. |
And follow the nonnormative usage of groundwater is caused about 230 Plain from 609 plain of country have been facing with ground water crisis. |
Something like a rare six-eyed crab spider might have caused this kind of damage. |
Nephropathic cystinosis is a rare, inherited condition caused by a build up of cystine that affects every cell in the body. |
A Sun Dog is a rainbow around the sun caused by the rays refracting through snow crystals in the air. |
Spina bifida is a developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. |
Newcastle University graduate Guy Joseph died in the Spanish Pyrenees after turbulent winds caused him to crash-dive. |
Hancock dropped just a single point while Hamill reeled off four straight wins after over-exuberance caused him to crash out in his first outing. |
How many car crashes have been indirectly caused by overactive children eating sweets in cars? |
There is a severe shortage of summer holidays this year, caused by tour operators who underbooked holiday accommodation. |
It is often caused by wearing constrictive shoes or repetitive straining of the foot with strenuous activity. |
Anemia is sometimes caused by patients taking cytostatic drugs, which also kill healthy cells including red blood cells. |
Neck exploration revealed that the edema had been caused by nonsuppurative fluid. |
From those we removed nonsymmetric outliers that were caused by broken or heavily bent struts, leaving 7058 struts for the analysis. |
Timor is overjoyed at the malign trouble he and his friends have caused. |
The researchers said they think the departure of stem cells is caused by the disturbance of a group of bone-forming cells called osteoblasts. |
At that stage, it was presumed that SPS was caused by noradrenalin over-activity. |
Varicella is a common contagious disease caused by primary varicella-zoster virus infection. |
The infection is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which also causes shingles. |
Gold and silver nanoparticles have high adsorption coefficient, which is caused by the surface plasmon resonance in their electrons. |
Northern pintails and scaup, species that have caused concerns because of recently declining populations, rebounded dramatically this spring. |
Smallpox is caused by the variola virus, an ancient pathogen that naturally infects humans and no other species. |