As the crisis deepened, some government projects were scaled back or cancelled. |
These orders were invariably cancelled, after a decent interval, due to the whims of our fictitious clients. |
She claimed that Proctors had cancelled lectures on the pretence of security fears in a deliberate attempt to divide student opinion. |
However, that presser may be cancelled if ongoing player-owner meetings, which began this morning, continue unabated. |
If the gala is cancelled because of bad weather the committee now stands to lose money, and it's not recoverable. |
Football was cancelled last night, which was a good thing as my body was still recuperating from the previous night's game. |
Morecambe Bay Hospitals have been put on red alert and operations have been cancelled for the second time this month. |
A MAN whose vital heart surgery has been cancelled TEN times due to bed shortages at York Hospital was today due to go under the knife. |
If someone then bids higher, any previous doubles and redoubles are cancelled. |
My wife received a phone call in mid-January from a hotel employee advising her that both room reservations had been cancelled. |
The bags also contained cheques, which have now been cancelled and rendered worthless. |
However, airlines can still wriggle out of paying up if the flights were cancelled due to circumstances outside their control. |
By increasing 2, as compared to the anastigmatic design, the coma can be cancelled completely. |
Filming has been cancelled but the show is pre-recorded and will continue its current run until July. |
So, yeah, the Manics gig was cancelled at the last minute because JDB has the flu. |
When a reporter from the local newspaper asked Mara why the dancing had been cancelled, the PR guru saw red. |
A cricket match had to be cancelled at the last minute after someone dug up part of the cricket square. |
That press conference has now been cancelled and there are no plans for an alternative date for the event. |
The opening ceremony was precipitously cancelled just 24 hours before the event. |
These were samples that showed either a positive dipstick or a negative dipstick and were reordered on physician request, or not cancelled. |
The match was cancelled after both umpires and captains agreed it would be dangerous to play on a dry pitch. |
The DVDs foster the cult of the cruelly cancelled show way too much for my taste. |
Hence, contracts for new Air Corps helicopters have been cancelled and plans to grow the overseas aid budget have been crimped. |
The soccer and football games that were scheduled were cancelled after consultation with the visiting American teams. |
The Government is so flush with cash that it cancelled the 2005 January bond tender. |
The Seychelles Government was not amused and cancelled the complete note issue. |
In this vacuum of uncertainty and irresolution, business and investment decisions have been delayed, put on ice or cancelled altogether. |
Vertical polarization in one component of a beam of light is cancelled if another component is polarized at right angles to it. |
As there are no contraventions of the legislation covering fire precautions, the certificate cannot be cancelled. |
He might have seized power in a military coup and immediately cancelled elections, but hey, he's a first-name kind of guy. |
He's truly a special find, but all of his advantages are cancelled out by his over-caring nature. |
News filtered through that the march had been cancelled after the skirmishes in Stirling. |
Some students chose to continue with their placement despite the fact that CECS cancelled the credit for it. |
But Langton's return from Rome resulted in Pandulf's legatine authority being cancelled in 1221 and his installation as bishop followed. |
A special meeting of the full council scheduled for Monday to confirm the new appointment has subsequently been cancelled. |
The whistleblower who revealed that a hospital was fiddling figures about cancelled operations has won the right to appeal against his sacking. |
The company employing him went bankrupt, his indentures were cancelled and he was now totally without any future. |
The Liverpool comic and impressionist cancelled his Grand Opera House show only 90 minutes before it was due to start. |
One inbound and return flight to Heathrow was cancelled but other delays were kept to a minimum. |
In an effort to control the spread of the bug all non-emergency surgery at the hospital has been cancelled until further notice. |
It was an inauspicious beginning and there were many complaints about cancelled shows and misleading publicity. |
Fairly obviously, that train was cancelled, so I impetuously jumped on the next train out, which stopped at Wokingham. |
She was due to play Cinderella in a school rendition of the classic fairy tale, but shocked staff cancelled the production. |
It also only worked, he noted, when certain imaginary parts of two complex numbers cancelled out. |
It was cancelled at the last minute last year to avoid a clash with another cycling event. |
A previously advertised shoot at Ballyhaunis, for Sun. 27th June, has been cancelled due to a clash of dates with another event. |
While my case is pretty mild, I cancelled all the day's appointments and huddled up in bed. |
Once that talentless show was cancelled, Barris saw his life spin hopelessly out of control. |
He made national headlines in 1999 when he padlocked the gym and cancelled practices and games until his players improved their grades. |
Sources say Carter just cancelled those long-held reservations and instead will be summering at a friend's home in Tuscany. |
Outgoing flights were cancelled and incoming flights put on a holding pattern. |
This was followed in rapid succession by a letter informing me that the card had been cancelled due to non-payment. |
Police however keep hinting that the fireworks could be cancelled if they don't get more resources to keep people in line. |
Egg collection should be cancelled if there is a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. |
He immediately cancelled his Siberian vacation upon hearing news of the hijack, and set to deal with the incident. |
After subleasing their apartment, the Ricardos find themselves living with the Mertzes when Ricky's gig out of town is suddenly cancelled. |
The incident caused a number of inbound and outbound flights to be cancelled, diverted or delayed. |
The runway was closed for an hour from about 7pm and several outbound flights were cancelled and inbound planes were diverted to Luton. |
Classes were cancelled after the school shut for a day and a half at the height of the crisis in order for security to be increased. |
As the region shivered in Artic conditions hundreds of passengers at Manchester airport were left stranded after flight were cancelled. |
It will separate planned surgery from emergency care so patients do not face cancelled ops at the 11 th hour. |
Harassed operators patiently listen to complaints about cancelled reservations or travel plans gone haywire. |
The Meadowlands cancelled the last five races on its nine-race card due to deteriorating track conditions brought on by heavy rains. |
His carcade was ready at his residence to leave for the airport to fly to Munger when the visit was cancelled, sources said. |
In diamagnetic materials, all intrinsic magnetic moments are cancelled out by the pairing of electrons. |
Conor Duffy opened the scoring for the home side but this score was cancelled out by a fine strike by Fran Feane. |
Brendan Maher opened the scoring for Portarlington but his point was cancelled out by P.J. Harding. |
There will come a point around 2011 when the extra spending power of this group is cancelled out by the extra unemployment problems. |
The students are believed to have taken advantage of a loophole in legislation, allowing loan debts to be cancelled by bankruptcy. |
All the debt should be cancelled now, and a massive aid package sent to the affected countries. |
There should be no conditions, no timetables, no waiting before debt is cancelled. |
Unfortunately we have been informed by your bank that they have cancelled your Direct Debit instruction. |
But a lack of volunteers, rising insurance costs and increasing red tape has meant the organisers have cancelled the event. |
Also, while all indoor concerts and performance events are cancelled, outdoor activities are still held. |
Earlier this week the event was cancelled after a dispute with police about on-street drinking. |
Will I get a refund, including additional fees, if the event is cancelled, changed or I cannot go? |
One song event was abruptly cancelled after the audio system apparently malfunctioned. |
You can usually choose the date for your operation, which is very rarely cancelled. |
Around noon, the school declared a half-day and cancelled all extracurricular activities. |
Visits were sometimes cancelled at a moment's notice when this happened, and her friends came to accept this. |
Some carriers have already cancelled a series of flights from London airports. |
We heard the negative buzz, and cancelled any immediate plans to do any more on the movie. |
The return leg was cancelled and 156 exhausted passengers given meal vouchers and offered accommodation in Rome. |
Perhaps I shouldn't have cancelled the air-conditioning to cut our use of non-renewables. |
A funfair has cancelled a visit to London after being told that its bumper cars would have to pay the congestion charge. |
Non-emergency surgery planned over the next few days had to be cancelled because of the blood donor crisis. |
Three non-emergencies were cancelled and a fourth operation was cancelled because the consultant was not available. |
The RAF team cancelled their display due to safety fears, leaving thousands of spectators angry and disappointed. |
Visitation centre workers' complaints about cancelled visits or non-appearance were conveyed to Mr. Lee. |
Under the plan, breakfast and lunch will be cancelled, replaced with a mid-morning brunch instead. |
It's brain candy for me and therefore, I am certain the show will end up cancelled. |
We then went airside, only to hear that staff had gone back on strike and our flight was cancelled. |
Before people had set off for Auchterarder, a police source had untruthfully informed the media that the organisers had cancelled the march. |
People cancelled leave or returned from holidays, arriving unbidden and, for a few days, unthanked. |
Flights have either been cancelled, rescheduled or simply delayed for unspecified periods. |
Three were cancelled due to aircraft unserviceability, and two due to the early exercise finish. |
All the cheques bounced because the burglary victim had cancelled the chequebooks. |
It purportedly sends nastygrams to its customers warning them that continued naughtiness will result in their accounts being cancelled. |
Last week, the Terriers had travelled to Spotland with only 12 fit players, though that game was cancelled as the pitch was unplayable. |
The day is quite unplanned as usual, the only thing that was planned got cancelled a while back. |
In practice, very few loans are cancelled by a borrower against the bank's will. |
The Clairvoyant Society has cancelled today's meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. |
Due to unforeseen circumstances the day trip to Birr Castle has been cancelled. |
In 1996 the Air Force's 75th anniversary show was cancelled because cyclonic rains turned parking areas into bogs. |
As a mark of respect to her memory the weekly LOTTO was postponed while senior and under-age training was cancelled. |
Pity the display was directly under the departures board which had a long list of delayed and cancelled trains. |
Henning said the huge crowds meant that the donut competition on the skidpan had to be cancelled for safety reasons. |
As a result, Mr. Tsang will be declared the uncontested winner, and a planned July election will be cancelled. |
It was cancelled owing to the lack of a full panel, again probably because of the unavailability of a medical member. |
Some lectures and tutorials at Auckland University were cancelled this week when about half of the academic staff went on strike. |
But she then started to experience funny turns and we cancelled the holiday. |
Organisers behind a cancelled charity walk on Bingley's relief road are planning an alternative money-spinner. |
Most were cancelled in mid-season and replaced with reality shows, which are guaranteed money-spinners for advertisers. |
Two senior members of the bishop's staff quit when the service was cancelled amid claims by the Church that the timing was not appropriate. |
Because our Honeymoon to Egypt was cancelled, we decided it would be best to take a spa minimoon at one of our favorite resorts. |
In Pickering, a classic car show on June 10 is cancelled but a traction engine rally in early August is still on. |
Odum cancelled his scheduled demonstration after the steel shank of the propeller bent during an engine test. |
On October 6, it cancelled its 11-race card because of an electrical problem that rendered its infield tote board useless. |
A few days before that concert, the faculty member slated to sing the mezzo role had cancelled, and Hanslowe was called to substitute. |
Functions such as wedding receptions and birthday parties were in danger of being cancelled all over the city. |
Almost 1,000 farms around the Dales beauty spot have been placed under restrictions and livestock movements cancelled. |
If the money is not forthcoming within the relevant time frame, the visa is cancelled. |
Any microscopic reduction, certainly invisible to the naked eye, is cancelled out by bulges wherever elastane cuts into flesh. |
All of the New Orleans universities' semesters are cancelled, so those students are trying to enroll in colleges up here as well. |
She saw that he had written the word Love before his name, but cancelled it out messily. |
In fact, I should probably have just cancelled the interview there and then. |
My scuba trips to the nearby islands of Angra dos Reis were cancelled daily. |
As a mark of respect and in order to allow students to attend the service, all lectures and classes in Italian were cancelled. |
Scores of scheduled flights were cancelled and charter services were delayed up to 18 hours, as reported last night. |
Earlier this month the Ryedale Show was axed and others cancelled include shows at Thornton-le-Dale, Huby and Sutton, and Rosedale. |
It was announced earlier this week that due to illness his Australian tour has been cancelled. |
Ferry sailings in and out of Orkney were cancelled on Thursday, due to adverse weather conditions. |
All soccer fixtures were cancelled at the weekend due to the atrocious weather conditions. |
If the tour were cancelled, a valuable opportunity to raise public awareness of the atrocious regime would be lost. |
But because the bowlers' run-ups and the close-fielding positions were dangerously soft, both agreed play should be cancelled. |
The Keep Fit classes which were arranged last month were cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. |
After all, the tour proceeded, no matches were cancelled, and the Springboks won every single game they played. |
The council experimented with this idea in 1986 and cancelled it six months later as patently it did not work. |
If the match is cancelled it could spark a mass exodus to the many stillwater fisheries in the region. |
The pub has been associated with the regatta for many years, and became involved in organising it after it was cancelled a couple of years ago. |
In his role as archon, Solon cancelled all agricultural debts and announced that all slaves were free. |
In the late 1980's and early 90's, homebuyers routinely cancelled escrows at the mere mention of asbestos or radon gas. |
It too was cancelled, this time on the previous day, due to the lack of a full panel. |
Sailings next Sunday, April 6, have been cancelled to allow the installation of an adjustable platform at the end of the existing linkspan. |
He was due for an appointment with the police on Tuesday at 9pm but cancelled it at 6.35 pm and warned he would take his own life. |
They do not keep us informed or respond to enquiries and appointments are frequently cancelled and work not completed. |
Also we have to sign contracts costing R150, and we never see a copy with the revenue stamps that are supposed to be attached and cancelled. |
The only thing that was a washout was the Torchlight Procession planned for Sunday evening, which had to be cancelled because of the weather. |
In 2003, the legislative elections were cancelled due to this intransigence. |
They cancelled their credit cards when told accountants were to look through the books, it is claimed. |
Shows were cancelled and accusations flew between members of the band as to who was to blame. |
The final two races at Hawthorne Race Course on Wednesday were cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. |
The association fears the races will either have to be scaled down to an invitation race in September or cancelled completely for lack of funds. |
During the web chat, a fan asked why the group's tour of Singapore had been cancelled. |
The outdoor concert was cancelled and the various acts performed in local pubs instead. |
The Princess Royal has also cancelled all official engagements so she can be at Windsor to comfort the Queen. |
He said sea angling was a major sport and recreational activity and if the competitions had to be cancelled irreparable damage would be done. |
The weekly market dance was cancelled because of rain, so I didn't have to go to that. |
He was due to play in a friendly game this weekend, but it was cancelled in his memory. |
Meanwhile a friendly game between Bucks and Danish side FC Copenhagen has been cancelled. |
Cinemas and pubs would be left empty while sports events would be cancelled. |
Forget jostling for space on the platform with hundreds of other passengers only to find that your train has been delayed or cancelled. |
It had to be cancelled, however, due to a groundswell of public opposition. |
Thousands also attended a protest rally in Castlebar after the opening of the new orthopaedic unit at Mayo General was cancelled. |
The band were ejected from the studio, their appearance on the programme cancelled. |
The trials had been cancelled after the drug was found to cause an adverse reaction. |
The go-slow is causing serious delays to air traffic with several flights cancelled on Monday. |
I arrived at the Exam Schools this morning to find that all lectures had been cancelled because of a derisible sit-in protest. |
Then the administration cancelled an agreement requiring automobile companies to make the leap to more fuel-efficient vehicles. |
At work, everyone who'd made an effort to be home was totally understanding when their viewings were cancelled. |
The road gang's contract was abruptly cancelled as Arthur's Pass became the preferred route through to the coast. |
Thousands of jobs went at aerospace company Rolls Royce as airlines cancelled orders for new planes. |
The titles were decimated due to the wild weather conditions with many events cancelled. |
In some cases contracts have had to be respecified, in other instances certain types of operation have been cancelled. |
Passengers still waiting for cancelled flights were told to leave the airport and rebook or arrange a refund via a dedicated helpline. |
Many pupils struggled to get to school after buses were cancelled and huge traffic jams developed as police set up dragnets to try to catch the sniper. |
Australia earlier cancelled Blanc's visa over claims his tactics promote sexual assault. |
The result will likely be a bonanza of lawsuits, divestment campaigns and cancelled business deals. |
The dinner with burg was not cancelled and burg was a welcome guest at the Hillel. |
Benny Gantz announced that training and call-up orders for reservists would be cancelled for the remainder of the year. |
The series was cancelled after one season, but Leto had already proven his considerable talent. |
Cosby cancelled an appearance scheduled for the following week on Late Show with David Letterman. |
Cosby is still scheduling performances for early 2015, and not all of his December performances have been cancelled. |
Nineteen services were axed last night and seven cancelled during this morning's dash to work as efforts continued to restore power after the weekend's blaze. |
In a game where two well-matched teams cancelled each other out, both defences were able to snuff out the few genuine attacks made by either side. |
Last Friday a junior tennis tournament was cancelled as a result. |
The rain had caused some of the sporting events to be cancelled on the Saturday but yesterday thousands flocked to watch the traditional Asian game of kabaddi. |
Bonfire night celebrations in Middleton, near Pickering, may go off with a whimper rather than a bang this year after the village bonfire party was cancelled. |
Travellers who booked a package holiday through a tour operator or a travel agent can expect either a full refund or the right to rebook, but only if the flight was cancelled. |
The esteemed fashion school has cancelled the course due to curricular disagreements with the disgraced designer. |
One flight was cancelled at Leeds Bradford Airport with delays ranging from 10 to 45 minutes, while 100 flights were held up by up to more than an hour at Manchester Airport. |
There was, of course, no honeymoon, and to crown it all a telegram arrived at the end of the week recalling my new husband to his unit because the posting had been cancelled. |
The Fiddler's Green Festival Committee has regretfully announced that the Tommy Fleming concert scheduled for Wednesday July 23 has been cancelled. |
Filled with a new sense of belonging we returned to our apartment, which felt like a small pair of shoes, cancelled our picnic and rescheduled the removalists. |
In addition, all cancelled urine culture samples would be held in Microbiology for 24-hours post cancellation and reordered immediately upon physician request. |
At the Buccleuch estate in Nithsdale a dearth of grouse forced yesterday's traditional start of the season shoot to be cancelled and rearranged for later this month. |
George was set upon as heretic, denounced as a traitor and his government contract for a school history book mysteriously cancelled without explanation. |
The new ro-ro ferry service from St Margaret's Hope to Gills Bay in Caithness fell foul of the weather at the weekend, with all sailings on Saturday cancelled. |
When the Seattle-based e-tailer, which sells IT kit including software, printers and computer components, realised what had happened it cancelled the orders. |
With a careful and timely matching of withdrawals with tax-deductible expenditure like livestock purchases, the tax incidence can be cancelled out. |
We've become so disappointed with, and repulsed by, the agenda-driven reporting of most of the paper's sciolist columnists that we've cancelled our subscription. |
As a mark of respect all club activities have been cancelled this weekend. |
The Dead Kennedys should have been playing Salisbury City Hall on May 29, but the event was cancelled due to their guitarists East Bay Ray injuring his hand. |
I sincerely hope that I am not being Tippexed out of address books when I am told that the night out with my best friend has been cancelled until further notice. |
After I had readied myself to get down to the bus stand, Vaseem messaged me that the one class that was scheduled for today had also been cancelled. |
Fenagh kept in touch when adding their fourth point but this was cancelled out when Conor Redmond sent over their seventh point midway through the half. |
He was finally told that the holiday had been cancelled because airlines were too worried about flying because of the threat of the millennium bug. |
The Ireland voyage was arranged in place of a transatlantic crossing which was cancelled due to ongoing discussions over the vessel's financial problems. |
Tournament officials conceded that the event could be cancelled entirely in the aftermath of the shocking atrocities that have sent shock waves across the world. |
Several cities, including Washington D.C. and Milwaukee, cancelled planned performances by the group. |
The uproar denouncing Alice was so swift that ABC Family cancelled it before even shooting the pilot. |
Alternative transport will be provided for Harwich International boat train passengers, but there will be no bus replacements for other cancelled services. |
In the Eurobond markets there is a growing list of potential issuers who have postponed or cancelled issues because of unfavourable or poor market conditions. |
Each time a council meeting is cancelled or postponed because of political manoeuvring and one-upmanship, the real business of the municipality suffers. |
I urged everybody not to aim for the quick buck because any money you get will be slowly cancelled out by increased insurance premiums for almost everything! |
In either case, more capital backing would be required and there would be a cost to shareholders if either a share issue is required or a planned buy-back has to be cancelled. |
For many years he was the most popular caller at Mount Sion Bingo and as a mark of respect, Bingo was cancelled at venues throughout the South East. |
We nearly cancelled the whole dinner party plan for tonight. |
Early morning fog forced the organisers to delay the start, near Ripon, for half an hour, and when there was no improvement the event was cancelled. |
Two hours before the party, they showed up and cancelled the event. |
If it is settled in his or her favour, the debt will be cancelled. |
Any benefits have been cancelled out by the demand of debt repayment. |
While Western governments appear to be giving large sums of money in aid to developing countries, the aid is cancelled out by the massive debts these countries owe. |
I popped my head on the pillow early last night, feeling tired and jaded, and hoping that the negatives of the day would be cancelled out by a good night's sleep. |
Hundreds of flights to and from the midwestern and northeastern United States were cancelled on Saturday and road traffic slowed to a crawl as the storm gathered steam. |
And then, to cap it all, I set the video for the Billy Wilder double bill on BBC2, only to see that it's been cancelled on account of the golf from Augusta. |
Ben has just found out school is cancelled and is a very happy bunny. |
Track officials ordered the evacuation of a crowd of about 1,500 in the grandstand and, with two minutes to post time, the stewards ordered the third race cancelled. |
It has been absolutely heartbreaking to have it cancelled each time. |
The government has also cancelled all leave in the health sector and announced that 700 casual employees have been recruited to replace the striking workers. |
An entire show had been cancelled and the theatre hall spruced up with translucent blue illumination and coloured-halogen lights that danced to the music on smoke screens. |
Some 173 flights have been cancelled and more than 290 have been delayed since the union started its action, despite the company chartering aircraft. |
Mashaba also claimed the Swazis cancelled their scheduled friendly against Lesotho in Maseru on Sunday because they feared that Mashaba would send his spies to watch the game. |
The showpiece agricultural event was cancelled two years ago because of the outbreak, and continued restrictions last year led to the absence of cloven-hoofed animals. |
All traffic was stopped between 5.30 am and 7.15 pm and refuse collections were cancelled so that police search teams could search through the rubbish. |
They have obfuscated, delayed, lied, backtracked, pettifogged, and cancelled all sorts of commitments under the informal and formal rubrics of the Oslo process. |
It was cancelled two weeks ago because of the inclement weather. |
After a wait, then squeezing onto a crowded train I found myself at Liverpool Street, where the indicator board showed delayed or cancelled notices on every train. |
They claimed that Hanania's inexperience was the reason he was cancelled. |
Anyone with pre-booked tickets for the cancelled concert will be contacted by the Royal Marines School of Music concert secretary and a full refund made as soon as possible. |
Even the injunctions of destiny are cancelled if one takes refuge in God. |
Almost all outbreaks occurred in hospitals, residential care institutions and nursing homes and resulted in elective surgery being cancelled in several instances. |
Production was cancelled abruptly in 1944 when it became apparent that Germany needed fewer hulking anti-tank aircraft and more nimble interceptors. |
That might not seem like a lofty goal, but after the plans last year fizzled out and the hoped-for inaugural festival was cancelled, it's a realistic one. |
It would be the final irony of this extraordinary affair if the fight were to be cancelled on the grounds that it could be a threat to public order. |
On hearing that Smith was engaged, she cancelled her visit, wrote him a scathing letter and returned the box of books his firm customarily sent her. |
All garnishment and enforcement proceedings undertaken in accordance with the enforcement of the order of January 18th, 2002, shall forthwith be rescinded and cancelled. |
The flight was cancelled and the aircraft returned to the gate. |
The election's anti-constitutional logic cancelled in principle any possibility of the country's peoples having equal status in the pretendedly common state. |
Flights have been delayed, then cancelled, and those who do board are sitting on the runway for up to two hours, waiting in line for the plane to be de-iced. |
They were kept waiting on the tarmac in Manchester for nearly three hours, before spending five hours in a departure lounge, only to be told their flight had been cancelled. |
He has cancelled all his civic engagements for the remainder of the week. |
As Oasis cancelled their headlining slot, Madness, even though having played earlier in the evening, were asked to replace them. |
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe cancelled Capital Bank's banking licence, the main reason given being undercapitalisation. |
In 2007, the festival, despite its popularity, was nearly cancelled due to a lack of support organising the day. |
In late 1185 the crown was ready, but John's visit had by then proved a complete failure, so Henry cancelled the coronation. |
This attracted fierce opposition from road protesters opposing the Newbury Bypass and other schemes and it was cancelled shortly afterwards. |
The Who were not told until after the show because civic authorities feared crowd problems if the concert were cancelled. |
This project was pursued with Roskosmos instead of the cancelled Kliper proposal. |
Waugh's physical and mental deterioration prevented any work on these projects, and the contracts were cancelled. |
Thus the Hermes programme was cancelled in 1995 after about 3 billion dollars had been spent. |
The limited fleet size has led to services being cancelled due to failures or delays. |
At first sales were very difficult to come by, and the project was due to be cancelled. |
In 2009, South Africa cancelled all eight aircraft, citing increasing costs. |
The freighter development was put on hold as Airbus prioritised the passenger version and all cargo orders were cancelled. |
The special relationship was tested most severely by the Skybolt crisis of 1962, when Kennedy cancelled a joint project without consultation. |
The cuts were cancelled when the ships destined for cuts proved essential in the Falklands War. |
In winter 2017 cancer operations are being cancelled, sometimes at short notice due to insufficient beds. |
Malaysia and Oman cancelled their arranged Tornado orders in the early 1990s, both choosing to procure the Hawk, instead. |
The Navy now cancelled all further convoys through the Channel and sent the cargo by rail. |
In 1948, this provision was cancelled for the Hungarians, but only partially for the Germans. |
Schuschnigg scheduled a plebiscite regarding Austrian independence for 13 March, but Hitler demanded that it be cancelled. |
With the rise of Adolf Hitler, all bonds and loans that had been issued and taken out during the 1920s and early 1930s were cancelled. |
On 19 October 2010 the British government cancelled the Nimrod project as part of its Strategic Defence and Security Review. |
Charles was officially informed on 28 February that the invasion had been cancelled. |
David Cameron cancelled a planned rally in Gibraltar supporting British EU membership. |
The competition was cancelled shortly after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September. |
But the Revitalise charity cancelled the visit because of Louise's worsening condition. |
The show was cancelled because the singer is continuing to suffer from a bout of laryngitis. |
Everything that came before has been cancelled, as he re-forms the UN-Arab League team that will assist him. |
He asserted that the company would increase LNG production to redeliver as much of the cancelled cargoes as possible before year end. |
Customers were outraged after news broke the Endurance Junkie events had been cancelled. |
Dens hitman Loy cancelled out Arnaud Djoum's first-half strike and both sides had to settle for a point. |
Ferry services in Plymouth, Penzance and the Scilly Isles were cancelled for both days with gusts of wind expected to reach 80mph. |
The compassionate release was cancelled and he was sent back to his cell. |
Birkdale was chosen as the venue for 1940, although the event was cancelled because of the Second World War. |
On that day though, the ground was frosty and the match was cancelled and it was rescheduled for April. |
Additionally, all writs of execution and garnishments of accounts presently outstanding in favor of NTOG against the Company were cancelled. |
Too bad he wasn't as handy when it came to whupping the US TV execs who cancelled the show after just one series. |
Some undergraduates will advance while some graduates will retreat, so that in the end their worthliness may be cancelled in parallel lines. |
They cancelled the entire project because the new management didn't like the prototype, but I think they threw the baby out with the bathwater. |
Which big budget BBC 'supersoap' was launched amid a blaze of publicity in 1992 only to be cancelled after a mere eight months on screen? |
Due to the hard weather conditions, ystanbul Sea Buses and Bursa Sea Buses explained that some of expeditions were cancelled. |
In pursuance of PM directives, MHW has forthwith cancelled the plots allotted to its officers as per stipulated quota. |
Organisers said that if the weather had come a day earlier then the event would have been cancelled. |
Ten Tors was cancelled in 2001 due to the foot and mouth epidemic, but went ahead the next year. |
On 20 July 2017, it was announced that electrification of the Windermere branch was cancelled. |
This event benefits from not being hindered by the large waves, caused by gales, that often lead to sea racing being cancelled. |
Slovenia has cancelled all rail traffic with Croatia so that migrants are not able to enter the country by train. |
The 1999 storm was even worse, with 10,000 trees damaged or uprooted, and the tercentennial celebration had to be cancelled. |