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How to use call upon in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "call upon"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
On Monday, for its first weekday bulletins, the Five News team could call upon a dozen reporters in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
He has also made sure that the club has a far wider range of players to call upon.
Its purpose was to call upon Bulgaria's intellectual community to aid the country in the process of accession into the European Union.
Often, inexpert boatsmen call upon his experience to help them through the lock.
In different times and conditions, we might call upon experts to help us, and not just with the bowling.
We now call upon our loyal readers to pitch in here and assist with the composing of this work.
The town council has acted undemocratically and I call upon them to address this issue when planning public meetings in the future.
We call upon the world to acknowledge that you cannot talk about prevention without treatment.
It was fortunate that, in its hour of need, the country was able to call upon so capable a man.
The sun king was, however, reluctant to call upon the services of the princes of the blood.
No longer, then, do we call upon the great books or teachings of western culture to measure our words or gauge our actions.
But I call upon any antepost dog experts in the audience to correct me if I'm mistaken.
Who dare call upon an ogreish super, even if the soaked bathroom floor threatens to collapse?
I call upon all secularist forces and freedom-lovers to stand up and protest against the setting up of these tribunals in Canada.
I call upon the eight New Zealand vice-chancellors to stand firm and not give in to these bully-boy tactics.
We now march inexorably toward war with Iraq, and to fight that war, we will have to call upon many soldiers.
We call upon one to bless our gardens before planting and another to guide our world leaders when faced with war.
This power of legal language is that to which we refer when we call upon the state to effect the regulation of offensive speech.
The English ruling class had men of high calibre to call upon.
We therefore call upon all troublesome nurses to quit being callow in our hospitals, carry the cross and emulate Nightingale, the mother of nursing.
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Examples from Classical Literature
If you will leave the matter in my hands, I will call upon him to-night, and see what I can do.
An eorl could call upon the ceorl farmers for about forty days to fight off an invading group.
You ask for what you do not need when you call upon me for a word of commendation.
Which hint neper taking, he desired him at his return to call upon him again.
What a fool I am, said he, not to have thought to call upon Zadok before this!
Vallington, as the ringleader in this conspiracy, I call upon you for an answer.
He had eventually informed him of his journey, and promised to call upon him.
I sha'n't consider that you accept my friendship at its par value unless you call upon me in any way I can be of service to you.
The information was corroborated by a call upon the liveryman, and they acted upon it.
So the captain of this tempest-tost ship desired Jonah to call upon his god.
The call upon the contessa left them both with an intangibly unpleasant sensation.
On your way back with the bird call upon me, my dear son, and I will give you a good present for your trouble.
So I call upon Boffin, before I say another word, to fetch him in and send him packing to the right-about.
Kipling had just returned to America, and I went at once to call upon him.
Pontellier should call upon you, play for her that Impromptu of Chopin's, my favorite.
Now for a call upon my guest, to electrify him with my news.
A trip to the Forbidden City, there to call upon the Chinese Governor?
In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me speedily.
Highcamp invited him to call upon her daughter, who she knew would be charmed to meet him and talk French and sing French songs with him.
This looks like one of those unwelcome social summonses which call upon a man either to be bored or to lie.
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