On Monday, for its first weekday bulletins, the Five News team could call upon a dozen reporters in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. |
He has also made sure that the club has a far wider range of players to call upon. |
Its purpose was to call upon Bulgaria's intellectual community to aid the country in the process of accession into the European Union. |
Often, inexpert boatsmen call upon his experience to help them through the lock. |
In different times and conditions, we might call upon experts to help us, and not just with the bowling. |
We now call upon our loyal readers to pitch in here and assist with the composing of this work. |
The town council has acted undemocratically and I call upon them to address this issue when planning public meetings in the future. |
We call upon the world to acknowledge that you cannot talk about prevention without treatment. |
It was fortunate that, in its hour of need, the country was able to call upon so capable a man. |
The sun king was, however, reluctant to call upon the services of the princes of the blood. |
No longer, then, do we call upon the great books or teachings of western culture to measure our words or gauge our actions. |
But I call upon any antepost dog experts in the audience to correct me if I'm mistaken. |
Who dare call upon an ogreish super, even if the soaked bathroom floor threatens to collapse? |
I call upon all secularist forces and freedom-lovers to stand up and protest against the setting up of these tribunals in Canada. |
I call upon the eight New Zealand vice-chancellors to stand firm and not give in to these bully-boy tactics. |
We now march inexorably toward war with Iraq, and to fight that war, we will have to call upon many soldiers. |
We call upon one to bless our gardens before planting and another to guide our world leaders when faced with war. |
This power of legal language is that to which we refer when we call upon the state to effect the regulation of offensive speech. |
The English ruling class had men of high calibre to call upon. |
We therefore call upon all troublesome nurses to quit being callow in our hospitals, carry the cross and emulate Nightingale, the mother of nursing. |
The staff members of the supplier are also able to call upon this limitation or voidance of liability. |
We call upon the parties to show the necessary political will and strictly follow the course of action outlined in the resolution. |
They call upon Parliament not to approve the use of the abortion drug RU-486 in Canada. |
Here, I call upon the delegations to think hard and make a serious effort to discuss a treaty prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons. |
I call upon the opposition members to join with those members of the House who will vote yea in passage of these two important bills. |
I call upon the Member States to support systems for taking time off work which will also provide a solution in such cases. |
I call upon world community to work unitedly to face the challenges of global warming and make the planet a place of better living. |
For whosoever shall call upon The Name of the Lord shall be saved. |
To emerge triumphant from this conflict, humanity will need to call upon all the spiritual resources available to us at crisis point. |
We therefore call upon the Member States to remain faithful to the spirit of Tampere in order to respond to these challenges. |
Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance. |
That's where we also call upon the creativeness of our suppliers for them to gear their products to our specific needs. |
I call upon the new Commission to cease to vilify the Greek Cypriot people post-referendum. |
For hazardous operations in Africa, we are forced to call upon badly equipped and unmotivated troops from Bangladesh, Pakistan or India. |
We call upon all countries at least to take a break from the ratification procedure and to reflect upon the reasons for the no' vote. |
The project backer can call upon the same auditor for validation and verification. |
I would like to call upon all responsible politicians in Macedonia to summon up sufficient courage to implement the necessary reforms. |
In January, we will call upon countries to begin negotiations on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons. |
Children need to be familiarised with risks and methods of self-protection, and know who to call upon for support. |
May the innkeeper call upon the good people to gather for the hullabaloo as required by the tradition. |
Simona young girl full of life, young woman who after engagement wanted to be a mother, today is the mother to young people who call upon her. |
We therefore call upon States that are not party to these Conventions to sign and ratify them without delay. |
We must call upon the Member States to stiffen penalties and to implement complete legislation to respond to this reality. |
It was never enough to read and fill my mind with rich thoughts, to call upon at my pleasure, for I wished to summon them all at once in a moment of supreme consciousness. |
Germany must call upon the beneficiaries concerned to pay back the aid within two months following publication of this decision. |
Oftentimes, specialized service providers call upon project sponsors directly to take charge of developing an emissions reduction project. |
Even when no oral proceedings take place, the chamber may call upon the parties to supply information or furnish explanations orally. |
The fishers call upon the government to now undo this damage and treat them fairly. |
Following the trial, New Democrats joined with the families to call upon the Liberal government to pursue a public inquiry. |
We can call upon our broad spectrum of interdisciplinary know-how in this scientific field which lies between physics, chemistry and biology. |
We therefore call upon all our political leaders to respond to the desire for peace which the people of this Holy Land have deep in their hearts. |
In addition, in order to gather necessary information, the Ministry of the Interior may call upon individual citizens by sending written summons. |
We call upon all delegations to show the political will and flexibility in their positions necessary to make a good outcome possible. |
We call upon others also to demonstrate such flexibility, above all the political will needed, for the time to act is now. |
Today, the Republicans can call upon an array of minority senators, governors, and congressmen. |
There were no accurate measurements of the weather to call upon during this time but the discovery and colonization of Greenland by Eric the Red supports this hypothesis. |
Jesus did not call upon people to repent, or fast, or observe the sabbath. |
It was fine if he had a sword in his hand, but barehanded he was at a disadvantage, his instincts trying to call upon natural weapons he didn't have. |
At one point, these huge behemoths were filled to the brim with foodstuffs, but now considered a safe haven for those unfortunate not to have a home to call upon. |
Asylum seekers cannot call upon their homelands for protection. |
We call upon military chaplains who are morally questioning this war to speak boldly and pastorally, conveying the concerns of this appeal to those who seek their guidance. |
The ethics of practice call upon the practitioner to take her or his place in the phenomenal world in full cognisance of the truths of love, oneness and interdependency. |
I therefore call upon its leaders to radically change their attitude, because the faith of the faithful is threatened and lead astray, for the profit of a cause which deviates from the spiritual heritage of the Church. |
I call upon all Torontonians and indeed on all Canadians to show their support for our health care workers by proudly wearing a blue ribbon during this crisis situation. |
We continue to call upon the countries that produce this nuclear and toxic waste to implement urgently the relevant measures that would put an end to this activity. |
The information received and collated by the Committee shall be made available to the Commission and the Commission may call upon the States Parties concerned to supply any other relevant information. |
I call upon Europe to stop vacillating and suspend the embargo, with the exception of the arms embargo, unilaterally, reinstating civilian aircraft flights. |
This House should therefore call upon the Commission to take issue with the incredibly obdurate attitude of the new Director-General, Mr Lamoureux, and ensure that an amicable agreement is reached. |
We call upon the guerilla groups to release the other hostages. |
As communities of faith in Canada, linked with brothers and sisters of faith throughout the Americas, we call upon you to create not simply a trade agreement, but a framework for a more neighbourly economy. |
We wish to call upon all the parties concerned to adopt a highly responsible and constructive attitude, keep calm, practice restraint and refrain from any actions that may lead to deterioration or the escalation of tensions. |
We call upon all other states, in particular those possessing nuclear weapons, to join these disarmament efforts, in order to promote international stability and undiminished security for all. |
We also believe it to be strategically desirable to call upon all Government bodies to work cooperatively with international organizations and civil society. |
The petitioners call upon Parliament to enshrine in legislation a permanent ban on genetic use restriction technologies to ensure that these are never planted, field tested, patented or commercialized in Canada. |
I call upon all concerned to cooperate in upholding their humanitarian obligations towards migrants identified within their respective territories. |
We call upon all parties in Zimbabwe to take to heart the overall interests of the nation, keep calm and exercise restraint, and settle their differences in accordance with the law and through dialogue and consultation. |
As tourism is an important purveyor of counterfeit goods, we are going to use the Vorort framework to call upon Parliament to correct this oversight. |
Thanks to this investment, Air Tahiti Nui can now call upon the services of a homogenous fleet of four aircraft in its quest for continued commercial development. |
Certain elements of the aforesaid business community' will probably enjoy financial spin-offs from this matter, for the agency will call upon their services to deliver information security. |
We therefore call upon Minister Axworthy to do everything in his power, using Canada's good name and standing on the Security Council, to help stop the genocide in Sudan. |
It is then that we call upon the talents and skills of Canadians like you to wade through the hardships and uncover the better quality of life that we know should and can exist. |
We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. |
The decision as to whether or not to adopt the euro is one requiring strength, and on this point I would call upon my own country, Sweden, to try to summon up the strength to take this decision as quickly as possible. |
The Administration can call upon its own legal advisers to defend its case whereas colleagues are left to fend for themselves, without recourse to appropriate legal council. |
I would therefore call upon the European Council, headed by the Presidency, to show flexibility, provide maximum support and make time for finding a solution that is satisfactory to the Irish population. |
Furthermore, we note that the advertising people are not misguided when they call upon champions to extol the virtues of spring water, seawater or mountain water. |
In conclusion, I should like to call upon States to focus on the alleviation of poverty and to invest in the human person and reduce expenditure on armaments, as that is the right path to security, stability and peace. |
We also call upon Iran to cooperate with IAEA and the Security Council in this regard, for the maintenance of the security and stability of the peoples of the region. |
In this regard we remain committed to implementing the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation and call upon other subscribing States to follow suit. |
We must avoid any knee-jerk reaction. But events call upon us to take a fresh look at some of our strategies and modalities of action, which may lead to some readjustments. |
I call upon the Commission to offer a solution to the serious financing problems of the foreign relations chapter in the context of a true midterm review, and to ensure greater budgetary flexibility. |
We call upon Eritrea to comply with its obligations, as spelled out in Security Council resolutions, to promote peace and stability in the region. |
There is a call upon the legal profession to do a great work for this country. |
I congratulate the Irish people on a courageous no' vote and call upon the Gothenburg Summit to respect the people's choice instead of ignoring a referendum. |
Enterprising companies should call upon them now. |
I need to call upon a higher power for help. |
Once again, we call upon the immediate release of David. |
Hitchcock's choice to call upon Salvador Dali was inspired. |
Drhellzerker As a final resort, the Enutrof can call upon animal brutality: summoning the power of a Drheller, he becomes a Drhellzerker and transforms into a real fighting machine. |
We call upon all States to refrain from any action contrary to the Treaty and to further demonstrate their firm determination to observe the CTBT norms and keep to their commitments once the Treaty enters into force. |
The project is the latest in a long line of initiatives in which TPS has been able to call upon the support of Tyne and Wear Development Company. |
Whenever one of the parties does not appear before the Court, or fails to defend its case, the other party may call upon the Court to decide in favour of its claim. |
Residents should be able to call upon emergency help if required. |
However, third countries can always call upon equivalence. |
In view of the technical expertise necessary to take such a decision, the authorities should have the right to call upon a recognised organisation to inspect the damage and to advise them on any need for repairs. |
The working groups may call upon experts to assist them. |
He took again the opportunity to call upon European governments and national parliamentarians to ensure they keep their commitments on development aid. |
I will call upon the international community to work together to assist the government and people of Afghanistan as they endeavour to bring peace and stability to their country. |
We call upon both parties to focus on the political process. |
I call upon the Assembly to complete this task during the sixty-fourth session and come to agreement on increases in both the permanent and non-permanent membership of the Council. |
We call upon all stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society organizations, to strengthen the work in partnership to deliver further progress. |
Be it known that, waiving all argument, I take the good old fashioned ground that the whale is a fish, and call upon holy Jonah to back me. |
New Zealand continues to call upon those states that have not yet concluded any safeguards agreement with the IAEA to do so at the earliest possible date. |
Unsportingly, Trevor-Roper himself had thin skin and was quick to call upon the libel courts. |
We call upon all parties to comply with Security Council resolutions, show respect for human lives and pursue efforts so that peace and stability can finally come to the region. |
We call upon those Governments to undertake every necessary measure to bring to justice all those responsible for crimes, so as to put an end to impunity and establish the rule of law. |
We call upon the Secretary General of the United Nations and the European Union to impel Switzerland to rethink its satirizing decision which goes against the world human rights references. |
Yet such is Mexico's current embarrassment of riches that Aguirre can also call upon several lesser-known but equally talented youngsters, among them Hector Moreno, Efrain Juarez, Pablo Barrera and Javier Hernandez. |
We therefore call upon the countries of this area and the international community to do all they can to strengthen and accelerate the development of basic education in the years ahead. |
So, arms and legs wave entrancingly from a high chest of drawers made of maple and exotic woods: between sculpture and furniture, En confiance! or Take this moment and make it still! call upon the viewers imagination. |
The National Directorate of Industrial Property may at any stage in the processing call upon the applicant to make alterations to his application. |
Cameco noted that it could handle any credible accident at its facility but would, as per its emergency plan, call upon external support as necessary. |
I call upon those who are still able to express themselves within the Liberal Party and have not fallen victims to the gag order their party leader or their House leader imposes on them. |
We therefore call upon all Lebanese political players to act responsibly by making it possible for State institutions to function normally with a view to buttressing that sovereignty. |
We call upon G-8 Leaders to provide funding for educational training teams to present developing countries with the tools and education necessary in creating a long term maternal and child health plan. |
The petitioners also call upon the Canadian government to engage with the international community in whatever way is necessary to end these atrocities. |
We note the involvement of transnational organized crime in human smuggling and trafficking and call upon all States to enact measures to combat these crimes and to cooperate fully at all levels. |
The applicant submits that the provisions enabling the Security Council of the United Nations to call upon its Members to apply certain measures do not impose upon Members of the United Nations a duty to apply those measures. |
Any State Party to this Convention whose cultural patrimony is in jeopardy from pillage of archaeological or ethnological materials may call upon other States Parties who are affected. |
We call upon all citizens, policymakers, and business leaders to implement the inexcusably neglected knowledge of solutions already in place for a renewed and equitable relationship with the planet. |
Each plaque is carved meticulously in the rich languages of the first peoples of our land, in order to call upon the Indigenous values that breathe life into the concepts of equality, dignity and rights. |
Today, we would like to call upon the Council to take a close look at the problems of resources and logistics, which were referred to a moment ago by Mr. Guéhenno. |
I call upon all of you to be calm, to work hard and to be vigilant. |
We call upon all parties, first of all the regional players, and in particular Syria, to fully implement UNSCRs 1559, 1636, 1680 and 1701 and to refrain from interfering in the domestic affairs of Lebanon. |
We call upon Member States that have not yet done so to consider ratifying or acceding to the international instruments against terrorism, including its financing. |
Finally, I call upon all members of this House to take a moment to remember Major Hess-von Kruedener who died on July 25, 2006, while serving at the United Nations observation post in Lebanon. |
Called Temenos, the 110m long and 50m high steel mesh work will call upon the town's traditional engineering skills to construct. |
I call upon the Canadian society to prevail upon the Canadian government to support our struggle to transform Africa's centuries of dehumanisation into respectable and sustainable international standards of human worth. |
I therefore call upon all Kazakhs to get started on implementing the abovementioned measures, to demonstrate hard work and perseverance, to be frugal, and to support and care for your kith and kin and all those who need help. |
For endorsing diversity and open-mindedness, texts alternate languages, passing from Dutch to Gaul making an indirection by English and French, primitive and warlike odes which call upon the black strengths of reason. |
It is not just the Serbs that we must demand civilised behaviour from, we must now call upon those to whose aid we went to refrain from avenging terror with terror. |
Master of the Seasons of the Year, I call upon you and ask you to be here with me in this, my ritual. |
We prayerfully call upon the Lord to receive his faithful servant into his kingdom of life, happiness and peace, so that from heaven he might intercede for the success of this synodal assembly. |
As people call upon the dead war leader as they go to battle, or the dead king as they face tribal hardship, they begin to venerate the figure. |
Yet the primary colors and graphic, linear aesthetic of the loopy rope forms also call upon such diverse precedents as Surrealist automatic writing and Pop art. |
Similarly, ongoing debates regarding civic education call upon the Deweyan assertion that schools, as community fixtures, must teach students 'how to live. |
Most solicitors have a list of private investigators they call upon. |
As well as Danny Ings and Joe Gomez doing their cruciate ligaments, Klopp hasn't even been able to call upon Jordan Henderson or Daniel Sturridge so far. |