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How to use calipers in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word calipers? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
All grasshoppers were measured at the beginning of the experiment to the nearest 0.5 mm using vernier calipers.
The Osteo-Lab is equipped with spreading calipers, craniometers, and a craniophore.
The insertion instruments include calipers, curved hooks, dull hooks, duckbill elevators, chisels, and implant inserters.
There are instruments available, mostly modified dial calipers, that make measuring the groups easy.
They create artificial limbs and calipers for amputees and polio victims, enabling them to live full, normal lives.
We measured length and maximum breadth of eggs laid by all study pairs using vernier calipers.
The scanner reads the barcode into the spreadsheet, and the calipers magically transmit your measurements there as well.
You can't make this sort of measurement with conventional calipers or even a micrometer.
The insertion instruments include calipers, curved hooks, dull hooks, 3-mm and 5-mm duckbill elevators, chisels, and implant inserters.
On the railings of this balcony, scientists have used their great calipers to take the measure of the heavenly bodies.
The total height of each plant was measured using a ruler and the diameter of the first internode was measured at its midpoint using calipers.
At 2000 h every day, chicks were weighed on the precision balance, and their tarsus length measured by using a pair of calipers.
Standard measurements were taken using calipers and a protractor with the median line of the valve mounted horizontally.
Cook recommends taking baseline data with a tape measure instead of fat calipers or scales.
The thickness of the cover at the point of measurement was then obtained with Vernier calipers.
Woody stem diameters were measured with calipers to the nearest millimeter immediately above the root collar.
Elytron length was measured with calipers from the apex to humeral edge of the left elytron to the nearest 0.05 mm.
The calipers are worked with a machine tool starting from a block of cast aluminum.
For initial assessment and serial examination, the size of the mass may be measured using calipers or a tape measure.
Height, weight, ulna, forearm, tibia, and lower leg lengths were measured using a Harpenden stadiometer and calipers, and electronic scales.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The outer diameter must be checked with a pair of calipers during this operation to make sure that the surfaces remain parallel.
The double calipers of the woodturner have by far the most appealing and ingenious design of all such devices.
In almost every kind of turning, a tool called the calipers is necessary for measuring the diameters of the work.
The exterior diameters are measured with the calipers and square, or by the set-gauges used in turning, and a graduated wedge.
Measure frequently with the calipers to see that the dimensions are correct.
The engraving plainly shows how calipers for this purpose are made, and how used.
When the surfaces of work are to be parallel, they can be measured with calipers.
Very accurate measurements can be made with calipers, but to become expert in their use requires experience.
The man stepped to the nearest tree, slipped his calipers on it breast-high, then glanced aloft.
We used calipers to measure plastron length and CW of Sliders captured on 5-6 June.
As a child, he suffered from polio and two club feet, which required him to undergo a number of operations and wear calipers.
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