Looking for sentences with "by degrees"? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
In the water, the same process takes place as the child gains gradual control of balance and, by degrees, increases movement ability.
As time went by, a subtle change began to overtake her, transforming her by degrees into another person hardly recognizable to her children.
By the end of the act, he is lurking perpetually onstage, moaning and berating by degrees.
It was only by degrees that I started to feel some kind of artistic calling.
While that may happen by degrees over time, he feels the town is not ready for more restrictions yet.
His search for such connections between forms and names has led him, by degrees, to the sculpture-installation.
The women look friendly enough, but life is wearing them down by degrees.
The erosion of homophobia by degrees will take many decades more.
This song starts funkily and builds up by degrees into a most insane song.
Then leave Me alone with such as reject this Message: by degrees shall We draw them on little by little from directions they perceive not.
It certainly feels as if I am relinquishing this city by degrees.
Should that situation change, the response must change accordingly by degrees.
They are scheduled to end in 2015, in order to effect the appropriate adjustments by degrees.
We have arrived by degrees at a conception of space as a singular three-dimensional entity which is, ontologically speaking, a simple and indivisible whole.
Corrodant, adj. corrodant, having the power of corroding or wasting by degrees, corrosive.
Psychopathy occurs by degrees, he explains.
The fashion and advertising industries have a definite responsibility here, since they have chosen to put over, by degrees, a stereotyped image of women, based on their own aesthetic criteria.
He is also signalling that he intends to govern pragmatically changing America's foreign policy by degrees, not precipitously, and focusing his energies on America's miserable economy.
In this way the countries and areas of the world have been classified on the basis of a quantitative indicator-a sharp break with the earlier classification by degrees or stages of civilization.
He was ever the compromiser, trying to persuade people by degrees rather than simply hammering them with his arguments.
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Only by degrees did it become clear to them, and him, that this was an organic malady, an all-too-familiar one, the bodig.
The oil, by degrees, gets covered with a curdy mass, which after some time settles to the bottom, while itself becomes limpid and colorless.
Malts can be treated in a number of ways, particularly by degrees of roasting, to obtain different colours and flavours.
It also proceeded by degrees to expand its dominions around Bombay and Madras.
Accustomed by degrees to be overmatched and worsted in many engagements, they do not now even compare themselves to the Germans in prowess.
Thus, by degrees, this court has drawn over to itself actions which really belong to.
Thus, by degrees, the beach acquired in the popular mind the typically doubled and oxymoronic meaning of the pharmacon, a drug that can both heal and kill.
Persons, therefore, starting with this natural gift developed by degrees their special aptitudes, till their rude improvisations gave birth to Poetry.
But negligence and sloth having by degrees introduced a total relaxation of discipline, the soldiers began to think their armor too heavy, as they seldom put it on.
The pain and heat, by degrees derive a vast flux of blood and humors which distend all the circumadjacent vessels, in order to quench the incendium.
For since the intellect passes from potentiality to act, it has a likeness to generable things, which do not attain to perfection all at once but acquire it by degrees.
Examples from Classical Literature
He can begin with steady work, to redevelop his muscles, and to reduce his bulk by degrees.
After the articulation of the conidia, their bearers sink together by degrees, and are quite destroyed.
The cirri disappeared by degrees, and the cumuli towered up on the horizon in colossal masses.
Sometimes, in cases of capital punishment, decapitation was performed by degrees!
And my father, opening up by degrees, showed an unmistakable relish for Joe.
The quality of Mantchou has thus by degrees become a very costly affair, and many, of consequence, seek altogether to abnegate it.
He gazed at her vacantly, and, becoming reassured by degrees, burst into a wild laugh.
Then by degrees he built up quite a large general practice of the kind known as deviling.
He went to Kilmarnock, thinking it better to make his approaches by degrees.
The water was so warm as at first to disincline one to enter it, but by degrees the sensation became far from unpleasant.
But by degrees the evil spirits in some of the party began to reassert their power.
Amos has had to come to draggin' me round by degrees, an' I don't go off the lower floor.
I got rather intimate with the Youson family by degrees, although our acquaintance had begun so inauspiciously.
The almsgiving of the church by degrees took the place of annona and sportula, and it may have created pauperism.
The wheat bread became scarce by degrees, and in its place we had a sort of cakes made of Indian corn.
Oh, there are a lot of school-girls, and a woman who dies by degrees of general paralysis.
But as he saw how eager I was to feel his view and become enthused, by degrees he humanized it all.
I no longer indulged the ungracious idea of spiting her against me, and, by degrees, all my other fears were allayed.
They show by degrees the gradual, and then the rapid, staling of Rosalie's fond sympathies.
All these troops arrived by degrees in Tepeaca, and respectively obtained some by-name or other from our men.
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But by degrees he got one hand at liberty, and with that he pulled a clasp knife out of his pocket and opened it.
Then the thunder of its roaring subsided by degrees and by sundown the cloudburst was past.
The common noun was made a proper name, and a legend by degrees attached to it.
Individual houses were distinguishable, growing larger by degrees.
It was only by degrees that it moved towards its monistic goal.
As he could not lift the whole pailful of water at once, he fetched a milk jug, and ladled quarts of water into the pail by degrees.
Swelling by degrees, the melody ascended to the roof, and filled the choir and nave.
The magical colours disappeared by degrees, and the shades of emerald and sapphire were effaced.
As a consequence the workers in the field were increasing by degrees, and the reform was steadily spreading.
Happily, with the Captain's and Conseil's sharp friction, I saw consciousness return by degrees.
The absolute magnitude of my misfortune only loomed upon me by degrees.
Pound the veal also in a mortar, adding butter to it by degrees.
We approached it by degrees, and got, in due time, to the inn in the Whitechapel district, for which we were bound.
The crew, perched in the ratlines, examined the horizon which contracted and darkened by degrees.
But the Nautilus was rising slowly to the surface of the sea, and the form of the Avenger disappeared by degrees from my sight.
The royalty of his powers he saw by degrees torn from his decaying form.
Happily, the disillusioning fog had come upon us by degrees.
But by degrees he was once more ensnared by the lure of the gaming table.
A sea fog was scudding overhead, and by degrees descending lower.
And by degrees I made for myself a new god, and its name was efficiency.
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Inquiry was made into the origin of the scourge, and by degrees various facts came out which excited public indignation in a high degree.
So, by degrees he calmed into the better state, when he could raise his thoughts much higher, and draw comfort down.
His larder, his cellar, and his barns, were by degrees exhausted.
The humming ceased by degrees, and the hive eventually yielded several pounds of the sweetest honey, with which Ned Land filled his haversack.
That it makes the senses dull, and by degrees impairs the bodily faculties, I am quite sure.
However, seeing it motionless, by degrees they took courage, and sought to familiarise themselves with it.
Profiting by the different movements in the crowd, he had managed by degrees to gain the front row of spectators.
It was a reddish incandescence which increased by degrees, a decided proof that the projectile was shifting toward it and not falling normally on the surface of the moon.
His eyes rested on the closed door for some seconds unwaveringly, but, by degrees, the look of expectation died out of them, and, with a sigh, he listened to the music.
And thus all the resources of taxation might by degrees become the subjects of federal monopoly, to the entire exclusion and destruction of the State governments.
It was describing a spiral, the circumference of which was lessening by degrees, and the boat, which was still fastened to its side, was carried along with giddy speed.
The indentures of the old members expiring by degrees, they changed their name, it seems, though they still have 'prentices among them, as well as workmen.
This was my bed all the time I staid with those people, though made more convenient by degrees, as I began to learn their language and make my wants known.
I rang for the tea, and the waiter, reappearing with his magic clue, brought in by degrees some fifty adjuncts to that refreshment but of tea not a glimpse.
A series of gulping sobs followed, diminishing by degrees into silence.