For a first-time effort on this budgetary scale, I could not have asked for more. |
He realized that audiences want budgetary excess coupled with simplistic romance more than highly personal films of emotional strength. |
Instead, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary should take charge of all judges' budgetary and financial affairs. |
The aftermath of the Cold War produced renewed interservice rivalry over allocation of roles, missions, and budgetary shares. |
Despite its obvious budgetary deficiencies, this version of the Lewis classic is an effort worth seeing. |
Changing world scenarios over the past several years have allowed U.S. leaders to shift budgetary resources away from defense procurement. |
He said there was a plan to increase the budgetary allocation for city corporations. |
After the successive expansion of regional and social funding, the emphasis now is very much on budgetary consolidation. |
Yet, put simply, movie-makers have budgetary reasons for imagining that the worst will happen. |
It is clearly the bosses, the bankers, the stockbrokers and the generals who are driving the budgetary process. |
Animation, a by-necessity wasteless industry, typically tells its story as spartanly as possible due to budgetary constraints. |
Government meetings, budgetary matters, legislation aren't the stuff that gets their creative juices flowing. |
The imposition of such budgetary measures often constitutes a departure from existing college budget policies. |
The question of a net limiter is likely to reappear on the agenda when the budgetary consequences of enlargement are felt. |
I'm already formulating job search plans, and working out various budgetary considerations. |
Managements took steps to decentralise budgetary control and devolve the management of the labour process to establishment level. |
Such concepts apply to architecture across the budgetary spectrum, from the low end to the highbrow. |
It will sharply boost military spending, reorder budgetary priorities, and put constraints on discretionary spending for other programs. |
Still the degree of solidarity expressed by our US friends since last Monday's EU reprimand over Irish budgetary policy was impressive. |
In a zero-sum budgetary game, welfare can hardly yield its share, while defense can do some. |
Cohesion funding assumed a central role in budgetary politics in the late 1980s with the arrival of the Iberian states. |
In addition, the budgetary mathematics he weaves into his basic stump speech have been challenged on network television. |
Some projects which were funded simply achieved budgetary efficiencies, he said, and did not require as much money as had been first thought. |
Review frequency depends on project time constraints, scale, and allocated budgetary contingencies. |
India is rather unique in the amount of tamasha surrounding the government's budgetary announcements. |
Besides all that deficit spending, monarchy still has powers, despite all the efforts of the axemen, budgetary and otherwise, down the centuries. |
The United Kingdom budgetary cuts will serve to reduce the purse available to the incumbent ministers. |
The Commission also has the budgetary initiative, and therefore originates the preliminary draft budget which is put before the Council. |
Too often in the past, the stop-go nature of budgetary arithmetic has postponed necessary public investment. |
Any self-respecting artistic director will demand the right to rethink budgetary priorities. |
However, many real impacts go undetected and undemonstrated simply because of budgetary constraints. |
That meant tight budgetary discipline to control inflation, reduce the deficit and moderate the volume of public debt. |
This role, by necessity, has a spillover effect into budgetary and evaluation concerns. |
I'm certain the budgetary restraints forced the use of such footage instead of shooting all the flight scenes themselves. |
This number prompts certain questions: in budgetary terms, is it advantageous to externalize information systems? |
Charles XI and his absolutist advisers knew the commoner Estates would recommend a full resumption of crown lands as the basis for budgetary reform. |
The shortage of budgetary and human resources resulted in what the evaluators consider to be suboptimal quality of certain outputs. |
In view of the favourable budgetary starting position and the very low level of the public debt, these measures are appropriate and welcome. |
This comes after the Opposition was mauled yesterday in Question Time when Labor backbenchers were really looking to make budgetary inroads on the equity angle. |
If it has not been respected, the budgetary authority may take such corrective safeguard measures as are appropriate to re-establish equivalence. |
The basic problem our resolution addresses is going to remain with us throughout the budgetary procedure and beyond. |
That is the way in which Moker can make objects and create forms that were up till then unpractical, for technical or budgetary reasons. |
Declining budgetary support is forcing these companies to increase productivity and to align prices with the real cost situation. |
We in this Parliament well know how monetary delights and budgetary frugality end: like days of wine and roses. |
One message that will undoubtedly be pushed is the need for budgetary strictness during the crisis. |
This process began by translating user needs into the budgetary framework. |
For strategic and budgetary reasons, they need to further reduce the number of deployed weapons and the number kept in reserve. |
That is why I am going to vote against the budgetary discharge in certain cases, but in favour of a number of the very sensible amendments. |
If such a ban were enforced, it would strangle any attempt to pursue a budgetary policy. |
Other functions include advising on the Financial Regulations and Rules and preparing draft resolutions on financial and budgetary needs. |
It was also decided at that time that the budgetary implications would have to be absorbed within the budget. |
The budget estimates also ensure that the City is enhancing public health and safety while holding the line on budgetary increases. |
They intermesh with the budgetary arrangements and reinforce the national public finance control systems. |
We have little experience to help us define a typology and lay down a single formula for resolving these difficulties by budgetary means. |
It was unhelpful for the Council not to be kept informed of the wider budgetary situation. |
Despite a sharp deterioration in the budgetary position in the final months of 2008, the full-year outturn is expected to show a modest surplus. |
Existing networks have been all targeted by budgetary disposition and redeem a discontinuous attention process. |
Family budgetary difficulties were commonplace in depression days, but surely, we think, with wages so high we should be living on easy street. |
Each institution shall inform the budgetary authority of the appointment or termination of duties of its accounting officer. |
To conclude, the 2008 budgetary plan fortifies the aggressiveness of capitalism against the peoples. |
In addition, approval of the budget of the regulator by the national legislator does not constitute an obstacle to budgetary autonomy. |
She has set out budgetary discipline as being, for her, one of the cardinal virtues. |
This down-payment is treated as an advance on the assistance to be granted once the assessment and budgetary procedure are completed. |
They have eschewed the normal pretence of paying homage to the budgetary rules, as other countries have ritually done when found in persistent breach. |
It makes it possible to implement the most appropriate budgetary policy for each set of circumstances. |
The reasons are budgetary and the objective is partly to dismantle or reduce the few common policies. |
To put it bluntly, a country can have perfect budgetary stability and hardly any debt yet become poorer. |
Being one arm of the budgetary authority, we will continue to keep tabs on this. |
As regards the budgetary funds indicated as employment restructuring and awarded after 2004, the Commission's doubts have been allayed. |
If the budgetary shortage is not met by that time, it may become necessary to seek funding from assessed contributions. |
It is in this situation that both budgetary authorities need to be firm and decisive. |
Through timely budgetary support from major donors, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has staved off the impending crisis for now. |
A fact that comes through strongly from our audits is that the budgetary process in departments seems often to be largely incremental. |
Foreign aid thus accounts for a significant portion of budgetary resources. |
Where budgetary support is given, it has to target specific sectors, in other words, explicitly home in on health care or education. |
Both the LOC and SAFA adhered to the necessary formalities for the budgetary amendment. |
In doing this, he was also aware of our limited film stock and the budgetary constraints anyone working in Bengali films then had to be careful about. |
This year, around 1,500 physically challenged children would be given special education aids as a separate budgetary allocation has been made for the purpose. |
The aid is purely budgetary, and it is not therefore necessary to highlight a point that we feel should be taken for granted. |
The national budgetary allocation to the Ministry of Health, for example, has been doubled over the past five years. |
The Commission cancels regularly budgetary commitments for which it is unlikely that there will be any movements in the future. |
But, you know, most of showstoppers that prevent us from doing so today are not just budgetary, they're also medical. |
The Centre has a budgetary lapsing authority to fund its operating and contribution expenses. |
The Commission's operating expenditures are funded by a budgetary lapsing authority. |
If this budgetary debate were to make this more difficult, we need to have the courage to postpone it. |
For instance, the budgetary savings could be used to reduce other distorting taxes or to alleviate poverty in a more targeted and efficient way. |
It will have increased borrowing powers, to be agreed with the UK government, to support capital investment and ensure budgetary stability. |
The euro zone, held back by monetary policy and budgetary rigor and by the overvalued euro, will have difficulty in assuming this role. |
The commission was given strict budgetary guidelines for the options it could present in the report. |
Owing to budgetary problems it had been forced to close down for almost a year and a half. |
This shows that both ambitious spending programmes and enlargement on the one hand and budgetary discipline on the other can be accommodated. |
Ladies and gentlemen, there are going to be very many new aspects to the budgetary procedure that lies before us. |
The Stability and Growth Pact also requires as a medium-term objective a budgetary position that is close to balance or in surplus. |
The era of budgetary surpluses has come to a screeching halt with the arrival of the financial crisis that triggered a global recession. |
Despite tight budgetary restrictions over recent years, expenditure on research has increased steadily. |
The political price of such an act would far exceed its cost in budgetary terms. |
This latter subsidy is not reflected in budgetary accounts and due to distorted and cheap domestic pricing of the energy carriers. |
It was set up in 1974 to improve coordination of the economic and budgetary policies of the Member States. |
Achieving sound public finances is an important prong in the strategy to tackle on time the looming budgetary implications of ageing. |
At stake were not only issues about who would hold power, but also budgetary aspects. |
As it is open to a positive discrimination approach, it pleads for the allocation of sufficient budgetary means. |
Their number shall be adopted each year as part of the budgetary procedure. |
We briefly consider helping out by setting up a huge plasma screen outside parliament showing back-to-back episodes of Trisha, but budgetary constraints intervene. |
The news that budgetary considerations meant it would not be returning to the screens in the New Year drew strong protests from the public and the media. |
The system, blocked due to this Parliament's budgetary debate, did the rest and dealt the final blow. |
We may say that budgetary control simply means the systematizing of foresight and the comparing of what is with what ought to be. |
Considering them from a budgetary point of view, however, most of these are not value-adding, i.e. capital assets, but consumable materiel. |
Only the United States chose to dodge entirely the politics of choice by ceding budgetary surpluses in a flash with myriad tax cuts. |
Rather than a budgetary cycle, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have a budgetary big wheel. |
If, in addition, you use budgetary control of income and expenditures you are systematizing foresight. |
If that is not understood and substantiated before the budgetary authorities the reform itself may go off course and finally fail. |
The answers include poor planning, budgetary procedures that defied economic logic, and at least one bone-headed accounting error. |
A builder by profession, he quickly became something of a Forrest Gump of budgetary doom. |
The report on the budgetary impact can be seen here, and the report on the broader impact can be seen here. |
This used to be home to the Princess of Wales regiment though most of the soldiers moved out along ago due to budgetary cutbacks. |
But after two years of budgetary gridlock in Washington, people are sick of hearing about it. |
Emergency service workers struggle to make due under budgetary constraints set by a premier more interested in wetting his whistle than his forests. |
It is not that this limits the budgetary powers of Parliament, but that it turns the whole procedure into a mere Dutch auction. |
To preserve discretionary spending priorities, we must prevent entitlement spending from crowding out all other budgetary options. |
One such coalition in Oxford resulted in them being outflanked on the left by New Labour after the predictable round of compromises made because of budgetary restraints. |
In the past, political confrontations with the state and struggles over budgetary allocations distracted us from attending to the poor management of the public university. |
They have to seek budgetary sanction of fund according to the requirement of this class I institution of the country contracting the higher ups in power. |
Despite Morris's decision to make a budgetary commitment to the plastic arts concept, implementation of the concept remained undefined and unaccomplished for many more months. |
As Stanford provost, Rice dismissed, on budgetary grounds, a popular Latina administrator. |
But especially in the last decade, Daley, for all his cronyism and budgetary denial, put a shine on a great but gray town. |
This includes a possible budgetary support conditioned to the resumption of cooperation with the international financial institutions. |
The heads of state and government called for coordination of policies, budgetary discipline and redressing the balance of payments. |
Fiscal policy coordination should better guide national budgetary behaviour over the whole cycle, i.e. in both good and bad times. |
It is in the nature of budgetary control that there always has to be somebody who feels their toes have been trodden on. |
Moreover the targets frequently look unambitious in light of to prepare for the budgetary consequences of ageing populations. |
The New Democrats are peddling paradise while they are flouting the open and transparent budgetary processes of the House. |
Therefore small errors in forecasting either or both can lead to seemingly large forecast errors of the budgetary balance. |
Spain's 17 regions were mainly responsible for the budgetary overshoot last year and look certain to contribute to an overrun this year. |
No Member State could accuse the United Nations of budgetary or management failures if it failed in its basic obligation to pay. |
The present financial assistance is also expected to contribute to alleviating budgetary financing needs. |
Therefore, thanks to this budgetary flimflam, that has been going on for some time, one part of the government can't even certify what the right numbers are. |
States parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on all matters of substance and budgetary issues by consensus. |
When referring to budgetary imbalances, the Commission, for presentational purposes, will base itself on operational expenditure. |
That is the question. We ought to do that calmly and unhurriedly, in order to get everything right in budgetary and legal terms. |
But what's remarkable is that even government officials are uninterested in developing this kind of monitoring tool for budgetary expenditures. |
Decisions were made based on budgetary concern or expediency. |
After all, together with Council, you are the budgetary authority and have the final word on future budget allocations. |
By fulfilling the right and obligation to create a free information space with budgetary funds that have already been voted this year. |
These country-specific medium-term budgetary objectives may diverge from the requirement of a close to balance or in surplus position. |
Furthermore, budgetary planning needs to proceed apace with the practice followed in the Council of Europe as a whole. |
This debate takes place without prejudice to the outcome of the parallel ongoing Commission reflection on the budgetary review. |
Given the time frame, to say nothing of budgetary considerations, I don't expect blastoff any time soon. |
One expense is budgetary, the price of an expansive foreign policy. |
The role of the budgetary authority in the operation of ABM will, therefore, be vital. |
The sales force went through major change in 1992 when regional business managers were appointed with budgetary responsibility for their territory. |
As a component part of the budgetary authority, it has the task of supporting a Budget with real commitment and in a politically explicable way. |
However, largely for budgetary reasons, the project collapsed. |
These items are costly and are replaceable but only within allowable budgetary funding. |
This momentum should be used to press ahead with vigour the implementation of the reform and budgetary consolidation strategies. |
We appealed to keep, or if necessary reinstate, all the budgetary lines from the preliminary draft budget. |
In view of the limited budgetary means, it is essential to reinstate the role of cooperation as a learning tool. |
Government's role in funding innovative research also makes Canadian endeavours highly subject to budgetary largess. |
The Commission shall provide the budgetary authority with itemized information on the costs of this technical and legal assistance. |
The Director General may terminate the service of an official appointed for an undetermined period where the duties the official performs cease or are substantially changed, with or without deletion of the budgetary post. |
As far as the budget is concerned, I am pleased with the compromises reached on the amendments and I hope that they can also be accepted tomorrow in order to give the budgetary authority the last word. |
Compared to today, it was prehistory in budgetary terms. |
Due to federal government budgetary cutbacks and shifting priorities, the public art purchase program and the visual arts advisory committee ceased to exist more than 20 years ago. |
Sadly, he had to drop the novel's lunar crops on budgetary grounds. |
Because each case is examined individually, there is no individual budgetary restriction for the provision of services to students with disabilities. |
The European semester is a six-month period every year during which the member states' budgetary and structural policies will be reviewed to detect any inconsistencies and emerging imbalances. |
All modifications have been preceded by a detailed analysis in order to make sure that the results would be worth it and would fit into our budgetary range. |
Also during the two-day meeting, members discussed financial and budgetary issues as well as matters related to fund-raising and voluntary contributions. |
In general, the rules on budgetary statistics have so far functioned quite well and reported data on government deficit and debt have mostly been of satisfactory quality. |
Quite simply because there are other IMF macroeconomic and budgetary targets that prevent governments from increasing the wage bill, even when there is no externally imposed ceiling. |
Mr Peyrony indicated that the budgetary discussions of the new Commission, which would take place between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, would give rise to concrete proposals on territorial cohesion. |
The Administrative Council also dealt with budgetary matters. |
But budgetary policies also had to be linked to this vision. |
Mary's government took a number of steps towards reversing the inflation, budgetary deficits, poverty, and trade crisis of her kingdom. |
In these various forms they share some legislative and budgetary power of the Parliament. |
Apart from approval of budgetary matters, resolutions are not binding on the members. |
They sometimes receive federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have independent sources of revenue. |
In 2016, the Chamber of Deputies initiated an impeachment case against President Dilma Rousseff on allegations of budgetary mismanagement. |
A defeat on a budgetary vote is one such way by which supply can be denied. |
By this time, the government had largely relinquished direct control of the modernization process, primarily for budgetary reasons. |
The Court should also develop scenarios showing the possible budgetary impact for the full cycle of the proceedings through to the final reparations stage. |
If this were the case, the countries known for their financial and budgetary slackness would have long since been held up as the example to follow. |
In these times of severe budgetary restrictions, the states are happy to deceive themselves that the top of a molehill is a lofty summit with a view far into the distance. |
The One Budget is the budgetary framework in support of the One Plan. |
In a letter to Governor Martin O'Malley, TCM endorsed the measure as a reasonable compromise in a difficult budgetary climate. |
The table shows the areas and degree of autonomy and budgetary independence. |
The purpose of FNHIS is to centralize and manage budgetary resources for programs under the SNHIS, and its main task is to urbanize slums, build houses, and improve the housing conditions of low-income populations. |
The invitations to Italy concern the c budgetary strategy to correct the excessive deficit and reduce debt, and the implementation of the budgetary reform and rules governing fiscal federalism. |
The prospects for attaining sound budgetary positions improve when consolidation plans are based on credible commitments to reduce expenditure ratios and better expenditure control mechanisms. |
Education rarely attains the priority in budgetary allocation which international human rights law requires, and where it does, allocations are slanted towards higher education at the expense of primary education. |
That is the hard, cold fact directly from its budgetary documents. |
The Supervisory Committee remarked in its two previous reports that this practice appears to be consonant with the principle of OLAF's budgetary autonomy. |
The representative of Japan stated that his Government found the language in operative paragraph 19 to be in accordance with budgetary procedures. |
It is actually a new attempt to adapt to the inescapable budgetary shackles of the financial perspectives through 2006, particularly heading V of the operating budget. |
This can only be done by means of a parallel process involving a transfer of funds from other budget items, something which requires a decision on the part of the budgetary authority. |
The Court suggests that this latter stage in the process should use the term 'legal obligation', thereby avoiding the use of the word 'commitment' to mean something other than the decision in the budgetary context. |
While budgetary costs have continued to decrease, the consumer continues to pay high prices for dairy products, notably as a result of price support measures. |
The total appropriations for commitment are not balanced by the budgetary revenue of 2003 as the commitment appropriations also include amounts to be financed by budgetary revenue from subsequent years. |
Once a quarter the Commission will inform the budgetary authority about the implementation of CFSP actions and the financial forecasts for the remaining period of the year. |
At the last but one meeting the Italian Presidency took the appropriate steps to safeguard our budgetary rights, and I hope that position will survive through to the end. |
Unless such changes take place, and in light of its budgetary and legal limitations, as the rapporteur rightly points out, one is entitled to raise doubts as to its ability to accomplish that task. |
In particular, France is unlikely to achieve its medium-term budgetary objective by 2010 and the size of the government debt ratio remains unsatisfactorily high. |
From a budgetary point of view, your draftswoman recommends to object to the settingup of the new Electronic Communications Market Authority on grounds of uncertainties regarding its financing. |
However, the Bank and Finance independently project several of the larger budgetary expenditures and all the direct and indirect tax receipts that make up budgetary revenues. |
Currently, Germany's budgetary and economic policy decisions raise the stakes for other governments who may diverge in their assessments of suitable policies. |
It became apparent that the budgetary allocation to the Department of Civil Protection needs to be boosted in line with the diverse emergencies befalling the country. |
Respecting the principle of subsidiarity, the Commission cannot ultimately weigh on the decisions Member States make regarding how they divide their budgetary envelope between their regions. |
Such considerations are also important in the case of France since additional room for manoeuvre will be necessary in order to be able to address future budgetary challenges. |
Many road authorities are in a dilemma because they have to provide an infrastructure corresponding to the latest state of safety under budgetary constraints. |
The objective of the impact analysis was above all to get a picture of the direction in which market balances could be expected to develop and of the orders of magnitude involved, including the budgetary implications. |
In the case of the oversight of finance and the budgetary process, the crucial question is in which organ of the state should the oversight role be vested? |
If it were decided to introduce on-screen work in English and French in all the commissions of the Conference, this additional cost would have to be absorbed in current budgetary provisions. |
The resulting slightly higher volatility of the provisioning needs, which is the price for the improved mechanism, will have to be absorbed in budgetary terms. |
Nor can it involve absolving all those, including leaders of states, who have scandalously feathered their own nests out of disregard for their people and for sound budgetary management at even the most basic level. |
Government budgetary positions improved further in 1998, albeit at a rather slow pace, leaving budgets highly imbalanced on average in the euro area. |
It is also responsible for budgetary and financial matters and approving funds for such matters as sites in need of repair, emergency action, technical assistance and training. |
In view of the Organization's budgetary and human resources constraints, Option 2 is recommended as it has less onerous financial implications and could be more easily managed within the existing Programme and Budget. |
At the same time, however, the Council is pushing for the treaties to be signed in a hurry, and snubbing Parliament by nullifying its budgetary rights. |
Close-to-balance or in-surplus budgetary positions create room for the free play of automatic stabilisers, which facilitates the smoothing of economic business cycles. |
Worse still, the rollback of customs duties will cause customs revenues, often the largest line item of budgetary funds, to decrease by 70 to 80 percent. |
In February 2001, under unprecedented political and budgetary pressure, the Commission again tried to railroad through, without negotiating, another unacceptable reform. |
It turns out that, the day before yesterday, we discussed the pact on budgetary stability, and that ultimately, many speakers found, like Romano Prodi, that it is stupid because it is too inflexible. |
The Dutch Finance Minister, your colleague, recently claimed in public that the European Parliament is the big spender of the two arms of the budgetary authority. |
I appreciate your allowing me to dwell on these figures a little because Greece's espousal of the culture of price stability and budgetary stability was perhaps the jewel in the crown of this policy throughout Europe. |
As is the custom at this period of the year, the Federal government is taking stock of its budgetary situation midway through its term, tabling its 2006 Economic and Fiscal Update Thursday. |
Changing one of the components could well put the entire package at risk, without any guarantee either that the necessary budgetary resources would be available. |
Given the budgetary pressure mounting in most Member States, and among traditional donors in particular, it will be necessary to reach out to private investors willing to take a risk with Burundi. |
The carryover decision shall be taken, at the latest on 15 February of the year to which the carryover is being made, by the Commission, which shall inform the budgetary authority. |
The budgetary authority must be in possession of all the requisite information enabling it to monitor closely the implementation of this principle both currently and in the future. |
It is increasingly acknowledged that debt swap arrangements may crowd out other potentially more effective aid interventions such as budget support as well as domestic budgetary resources for the education sector. |
The McCarthy Tétrault 2008 Federal Budget Commentary, together with the Minister of Finance's tax-related budgetary proposals, is available from Thomson Carswell online at TaxnetPRO and in softcover print. |
During the hearings, which also took place on Tuesday, numerous MEPs raised doubts regarding the ability of the supervisory authorities to hit the ground running due to the lack of human and budgetary resources. |
This would mean us having to reallocate and redistribute from left to right again something in the order of hundreds of millions, and a budgetary procedure cannot be used to this end! |
Of course there should be budgetary discipline and rigour, but what you have been doing over the last five years is not an example of rigour but rather of shoddiness. |
However, recent events in the ongoing economic crisis point to the inadequacy of the present method used for coordinating budgetary policy under the Stability and Growth Pact. |
Parliament is one of the branches of the budgetary authority, and we do not wish to be dispossessed of our power as a result of abandoning all authority regarding the way in which our votes are brought into play. |
The European Court of Auditors' Report clearly shows that the Commission and the Member States proceed negligently and are not thoroughly familiar with the rules of budgetary expenditure. |
These scenarios can be viewed as different ways of dealing with annual budgetary balances over the next decade or so, before the looming demographic pressures bear down on our public finances. |
When it was mooted to the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon last month that Scotland win full budgetary independence – with no London subvention – she understandably blanched. |
As Mr Colom i Naval rightly commented, using the flexibility instrument in this way misses the whole point, i.e. the assuaging of unforeseen budgetary need. |
Important events transpired in 2006 having to do with budgetary services. |
For the second year in a row, the UN budgetary situation appeared to be in better health, although it remained on shaky grounds because of nonpayment and slow payment of dues. |
We have not explained the need for this programme at all, because if we had we would set all the budgetary concerns on one side and give it far more resources. |
This undertaking is new, consistent with direct budgetary support, and should enable many countries to strengthen the tenability of the reforms they wish to undertake in the management of their education systems. |
The final outcome for these years will, of course, depend on many factors, primarily the rate of growth in the economy and future budgetary decisions taken by the Government. |
The Commission has persevered in its efforts to continue the improvement of activity statements in order to make them more useful in the budgetary procedure. |
Such measures have favourable effects in one year only, improve the budgetary situation at the expense of future budgets or have mere presentational effects. |
The Committee was of the view that while the proposal is commendable, it would not be prudent to move to a biennial budgetary cycle at this stage of the development of the Court. |
If the budgetary authority decides to earmark all the commitment credits dedicated to the specific action in the budgetary year 2002, the wording of that article should remain unchanged. |
There are reports of difficulties in bringing the change about, such as a lingering inclination towards guardianship or patronage, budgetary obstacles and resistance within the judiciary itself. |
As has been mentioned, the present Financial Regulation dates back to 1977 and we have at present actually more of a patchwork quilt than a coherent plan of financial and budgetary provisions. |
Like the previous three years, this financial year was closed with a positive balance, owing to, on the one hand a budgetary management and, to the expanding project financing and the patrimonial income on the other. |
Cancellation of unliquidated obligations is recorded as a reduction of expenditure if the budgetary account is valid, or as savings on or cancellation of prior-period obligations if the budgetary account has expired. |
It is indeed true that no one expects consensus to have been reached at this point in the year, but it cannot be denied that the standpoints of the EU's two budgetary authorities on the 2006 budget are poles apart. |
The cost study would also outline drivers, line items and cost controls measures, and will include full elaboration of the budgetary requirements for the remaining of the current and next bienniums. |
But, on the one hand, this relatively encouraging review cannot push into oblivion the present context of strict budgetary discipline imposed on UNESCO, which has given rise to operational difficulties in the reform process. |
While the budgetary reporting was unaffected by the move to accrual accounting, the new financial statements include much more information than before. |
Firstly, the financial year 2000 has been characterised by an exceptional level of overspending with regard to the budget, which shows that the budgetary forecasts were severely short of the mark. |
Taking this guidance into account, the member states will present their medium-term budgetary strategies in their stability and convergence programmes. |
Add to this equation the fiscal and budgetary problems facing all western governments and the result has been what might be described as a double whammy of radically different requirements and a rapidly shrinking market. |
Under the pretext of budgetary rigour, the MEPs were thus asked to vote on an ill-assorted series of proposals whose sole aim is to discredit fellow Members elected by the House to manage Parliament's budget. |
In respect of any measure which may give rise to expenditure chargeable to the budget, the authorising officer responsible must first make a budgetary commitment before entering into a legal obligation with third parties. |
The Department was also able to maintain a 95 per cent incumbency rate for 2006-2007 and continued to strive for a high rate of budgetary utilization, which stood at 92.5 per cent in the reporting period. |
On the structural side, the recourse to budgetary amendments to finance additional expenditure raises concerns about the strictness of budget implementation. |
It is also very much a question of budgetary discipline, of being able to observe budgetary discipline consistently in the years to come, as appropriations for exports grow scarcer. |
If the Council decides to abrogate the excessive deficit procedure for Slovakia, Slovakia will fulfil the criterion on the government budgetary position. |
It should, in parallel, attest to determined efforts towards budgetary discipline in all policy areas within a general context of budgetary consolidation in the M ember States. |
Although redeployment appears necessary to finance this new priority, one must take account of the fact that too great a redeployment risks destabilizing the budgetary and political balance in external relations. |
It may, in the interval between the ordinary sessions of the Summit, make such budgetary, administrative and operational adjustments as the Summit may delegate. |
We are aware that the budgetary allocations are heavily freighted on the military side and not as much on the side of investment in women's health and women's education, which both sides of the House support. |
Additional equipment, support services and budgetary allocations for the running costs have to be provided before the building could become fully operational. |
Hidden liabilities are those that do not appear in the countable, financial or budgetary registries, and at a given time they become indispensable as national debt. |
That was the objective of the Paris Conference last December, whose first fruits are beginning to be seen, in particular with regard to budgetary stabilization. |
Mr Poettering, people are labouring under a misapprehension as far as budgetary control is concerned, not just in the Commission but also in this House. |
It was important to carry out the Committee's activities, even under the current extraordinary budgetary circumstances and despite the bureaucratic hesitancy in moving forward. |
Challenges ahead: Given the existing budgetary constraints at both national and local level, the regions lagging behind may find it difficult to cope with the fast pace of the process of decentralisation. |
Mr. Pierre Allard: If we look at what was identified as budgetary requirements for Agent Orange compensation, we will find that the moneys were not spent. |
I would also like to remind delegations that the Centre has been revitalized and that the draft resolution entails no budgetary implications this year. |
Bulgaria needs to prepare a coherent development plan as required by the Structural Funds regulations and integrate it into the national budgetary and policymaking framework. |
One significant example is the protection of the right to land enshrined in the 1993 Indigenous Peoples Act, and the annual budgetary allocation for expansion of indigenous landholdings. |
A process whereby the legislature allocates an annual budget to the competition authority, giving it the discretion to apportion it to various uses, is perceived to grant a high degree of budgetary autonomy to the authority. |
The evaluations used for this are not linked to the budgetary transactions from which they stem and the central accounting departments are not always able to guarantee their accuracy or their comprehensiveness. |
The Council stresses once again the importance of keeping a tight grip on payment appropriations for 2004, which should reflect a level of budgetary rigour similar to that being applied at national level. |
At the end of the programme period any remaining uncommitted resources shall be subject to a budgetary decision to determine the appropriate action to be taken. |
Each Member State's stability programme should present the medium-term objective of its budgetary policy, which should be close to balance or in surplus, and the adjustment path towards this objective. |
Drawing on its expertise, the IMF provided advice and technical assistance to assess the macroeconomic impact and budgetary and balance of payments needs related to the disaster. |
Despite the rapid economic growth of recent years, the government has not achieved a balanced budget, budgetary targets have been unambitious and windfall revenues mainly spent. |
However, considering the very modest budgetary allocations to TES, its assessment of the quality and efficiency of its services appears somewhat overdrawn. |
It presents, in the form of synoptic sheets, a description of the projects adopted, highlighting their main features, their objectives and the human and budgetary resources allocated to them. |
These initiatives may form the first stages in an overall government strategy or be piecemeal developments dictated by budgetary limitations, political interest and serendipity. |
However, beyond this discretionary fiscal relaxation, the budgetary outcomes in 2001 were also affected by the functioning of automatic stabilisers. |
We can dance the most brilliant spirited dance through the field of budgetary control at European level, but as long as the Member States do not dance along it will never be a prize-winning performance. |
It is the first European budgetary discussion in which I am involved, and I must say that in my inexperience, I have grossly overrated the rationality employed to spend taxpayers' money. |
As Parliament is the Community's main budgetary control authority, it cannot perform its monitoring duties and, at the same time, sit even as a simple observer on a Board that it is charged with monitoring. |
We have a basis that is good enough to inject money through budgetary support relating to the more detailed work carried out by Member States or other donors working very directly at a technical level in that country. |
However, as far as my group is concerned, our support is not really heart-felt, and this has everything to do with the tragic rituals and traditions which typify the budgetary procedure. |
From my own point of view, I can only stress what Mrs Haug said, that the real issue is: will the European Parliament continue to have these reduced budgetary powers on the revenue side as it does on the expenditure side? |
The implementation of the Framework for Action will depend on the mobilization of additional resources and the rationalization of budgetary allocations to education. |
I therefore strongly urge the San Marinese chairmanship to foster a constructive atmosphere for budgetary negotiations, especially amongst those member States whose narrow, penny-pinching attitude is frankly embarrassing. |
It aims to achieve budgetary rectitude, which in principle is healthy. |
It must be reconciled with the need for budgetary rectitude. |